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Day Of Rage Hits America!

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Skippy1138
So my question is if and when the people of America take to the streets to try and change our government , will Obama be behind them like he was for the Egyptian protesters? Doubt it.........

Guess he'll do what Mubarak did - he'll spend 18 days hiding the trail and arranging for all his money to be secured you will know how much he has by how long it takes him and his cronies to cover their tracks of which there are many.

In all seriousness, you make a very good point. Time will tell.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Seekeye2

This is totally different from Cairo. These protesters in Wisconsin are state and local government union member who have gotten used to, and feel they are entitled to, live freely off the teet of the taxpayer. Whereas the Cairo protesters are those who were getting sick of the government living freely off of them.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by agentblue
The fight is not about the unions in my opinion it is about the peoples rights to have their voices heard and regardless if you think union memebers get paid too much, they pay more taxes than the average joe blow. Unions were enacted in the United States because of unfair and exploitive actions of employers and monopolys and trust! I support the unions because of the fact that they are the ones with true red, white and blue balls( no pun intended). I am so tired of people sitting in their chair and whining and not getting up and doing something about it. I wouldn't care if you were union members or not just as long as YOU can stand up and fight for what is right and straighten the crooked. I will do it and have done it. Have you lost your American pride???? I don't even care what country you belong to, Just do something to lift up your fellow man and in turn he will lift you up. Hell even Canadians realize that they have to make their voices heard. It isn't the union's fault the state is going broke. There are a lot of little issues but the main issue is the FEDERAL RESERVE. I have a belief and will stand my ground and I beg you to get up and find your belief and don't waiver, even if it is different than mine. I support your right to speak and be heard and I welcome it, just don't be quiet. Don't tread on me and I won't tread on you.

Well said - People have been devided enough but at the end of the day, we ALL have to eat and you will do what ever has to be done to do that.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
reply to post by Seekeye2

This is totally different from Cairo. These protesters in Wisconsin are state and local government union member who have gotten used to, and feel they are entitled to, live freely off the teet of the taxpayer. Whereas the Cairo protesters are those who were getting sick of the government living freely off of them.

That's what we are hearing on the MSM.

But I hear things like, LEO's hunting down 'missing' democratic party members...

Now maybe the parasites are crawling away from the dying host- but:

That means the "host"- the People- were silently dying- losing their homes, their families, their dreams--

long before the 'former gov't employees' started to scream WE ARE DYING OUT HERE.

When these FGE's go homeless in the Northern States- well, it's -38 F out there.

Cairo is quite warm. Wisconsin is not.

This is Chaos. Recognize it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
reply to post by Seekeye2

This is totally different from Cairo. These protesters in Wisconsin are state and local government union member who have gotten used to, and feel they are entitled to, live freely off the teet of the taxpayer. Whereas the Cairo protesters are those who were getting sick of the government living freely off of them.

Isn't the same happening with the Banks doing the Governing and choosing who will stand. I really think they are living of us.
In case you haven't noticed - there aren't many tax payers left and that is the whole point!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:51 PM
It would be interesting if this whole Algeria, Egypt etc...thing is what will go down in history as the events that started the whole new world order/genocide of America/ Camp Fema ordeal of 2011.

Could it be that the ones in charge are so lunatical, methodical and wondrous in all of their downtrodden and marvelous thought out ways that they were able to set forth a plan into motion (Egypt etc) knowing it would transfer over around the world and into the USA, thus creating a revolution to which they could commence their Camp Fema agenda and global population control regime, without any consent from the public because the public was in such a state of being that it did not allow the public to truly realize what was going on, thus creating a massive catastrophe for which specific measures needed to be initiated swiftly and decisively, without any public consent whatsoever?

nah probably not.

Most likely thats way over the top...Isnt it?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
It would be interesting if this whole Algeria, Egypt etc...thing is what will go down in history as the events that started the whole new world order/genocide of America/ Camp Fema ordeal of 2011.

Could it be that the ones in charge are so lunatical, methodical and wondrous in all of their downtrodden and marvelous thought out ways that they were able to set forth a plan into motion (Egypt etc) knowing it would transfer over around the world and into the USA, thus creating a revolution to which they could commence their Camp Fema agenda and global population control regime, without any consent from the public because the public was in such a state of being that it did not allow the public to truly realize what was going on, thus creating a massive catastrophe for which specific measures needed to be initiated swiftly and decisively, without any public consent whatsoever?

nah probably not.

Most likely thats way over the top...Isnt it?

Problem - Reaction - Solution AGAIN - we should be able to see it coming by now but instead we all argue with eachother and remain devided.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by misfitofscience
Most likely thats way over the top...Isnt it?

Someone asked my ancestor to buy a dinkin' stamp.

Maybe not.


posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Seekeye2

Originally posted by misfitofscience
It would be interesting if this whole Algeria, Egypt etc...thing is what will go down in history as the events that started the whole new world order/genocide of America/ Camp Fema ordeal of 2011.

Could it be that the ones in charge are so lunatical, methodical and wondrous in all of their downtrodden and marvelous thought out ways that they were able to set forth a plan into motion (Egypt etc) knowing it would transfer over around the world and into the USA, thus creating a revolution to which they could commence their Camp Fema agenda and global population control regime, without any consent from the public because the public was in such a state of being that it did not allow the public to truly realize what was going on, thus creating a massive catastrophe for which specific measures needed to be initiated swiftly and decisively, without any public consent whatsoever?

nah probably not.

Most likely thats way over the top...Isnt it?

Problem - Reaction - Solution AGAIN - we should be able to see it coming by now but instead we all argue with eachother and remain devided.

PROBLEM (deliberately caused by TPTB)
REACTION (never fails - we want something done about it)
SOLUTION (ln steps TPTB with all the kings men behind them)

'The Perfect Storm' with the same Authors writing the book - just another chapter in History.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:16 AM
Check out this recent thread in relation to Clintons goons roughing up 71 year old Ray McGovern when he turned his back in silent protest to Hillary Clinton at her recent freedom press conference if you would like to add fuel to the rage...
edit on 18-2-2011 by TexasChem because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Hillary Mubarak and her Secret Police doing there job well. WOW! and they say it's not like Cairo. Yep! This is America alright!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

Keep on sucking those salty MSM nuts. A little to the left, a little to the right, now swallow. Scrumptious!

This is plain and simple union busting. The problem is that we have an entire generation of brain-numbed conservative "thinkers" such as yourself who have no conceptualization of labor or the economy, and who regularly vote for and cheer on measures that strip you of any rights in the workplace. You get poorer, and you keep asking for more, because you feel a political vindication in so doing. To you, it's a video game.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Seekeye2

There are those of us who remember the Genesis of "It Takes a Villiage".

There are those of us, who have disappeared in this time (Rick Springer, the 100th Monkey).

There are those of us, who stopped a world nuclear war, who wonder: And do not buy this. Or anything else that is happening to us.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:14 AM
"One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship" (George Orwell)

Those words are sooo coming home to roost!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:24 AM
It is coming. My state of Idaho just had the Elected State Superintendent submit a bill drastically cutting school programs, teacher tenure, and benefits, and will be laying off hundreds of teachers. He said if they did not do it the whole school system would collapse. This along with medicaid etc. is just one of the budget crisis problems here. Similar scenarios are playing out in every state in the US as they are all broke. When the derivative bubble hits critical mass all bets are off.

I hate to see it, and it will be a very dangerous time however part of me thinks we need it. Still what comes of it could be worse then what we have. I doubt Egypt will end up with more freedom either even though they are saying it is a democratic uprising... I hope I am wrong and it is really the people hungering for freedom and equality. But a lot of the protesters are the ones being cut off from government perks.
edit on 18-2-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by MMPI2
nah. i dont think so.

when americans have 'days of rage', many people are killed en masse, hundreds of millions of dollars of property damage happens and, sometimes, thousands of tons of ordnance is expended.

I just saw an instant imagine of millions of fat Americans dying of myocardial infarction getting out of their arm chairs and walking down the street to go and "Get Some"

edit on 18-2-2011 by mazzroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Seekeye2

Now this is something different. Days of the Socialists' rage. Have they gotten over Bush Derangement Syndrome yet?

How many Americans do the Socialists represent? How many Americans constitute the tax payers the socialists are trying to shake down here? That will give you a clue as to how "big" this Soros orchestrated event will be in the US.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by sara123123
reply to post by Seekeye2

Now this is something different. Days of the Socialists' rage. Have they gotten over Bush Derangement Syndrome yet?

How many Americans do the Socialists represent? How many Americans constitute the tax payers the socialists are trying to shake down here? That will give you a clue as to how "big" this Soros orchestrated event will be in the US.

Don't even try to paint this as a Socialism is evil scenario. If you need a boogie-man to make yourself feel better, why not use the unions that are clearly attempting to manipulate a scenario here.

The democrats were not in hiding according to an article I had read either on this thread or on another, it escapes me at the moment. They exercised free right to not appear, which given their opinions on the matter and the options they had I can't say I would do otherwise. Do I agree with their standpoint ... no, no I don't think I do.

Instead of having a forced vote they've essentially managed to add some time in order to continue a debate, and as far as I recall a democracy is represented by open debate, but then again I'm starting to learn more and more that people blindly support one cause more often then not, even if they have to keep changing Boogie-Men.

Democratic Socialism: The best possible form of government. A government wherein everything is within the grasp of the centralized governing body, and that centralized governing body is owned and ruled by the people and for the people.

Don't even try to demonize Socialism without fully researching it's myriad varieties and forms.

Just like our nation was a Republic yet now is a Dual Party Democracy.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Seekeye2
It's Union people who are already paid far more than the private sector workers that pay the taxes to pay their wages. They want more candy and they want it now. Problem their State is flat broke.

We have had far, far worse than this little demonstration by overpaid people demanding more and that the State take more from other people to pay them.

As usual Blaine91555 cuts right to the heart of it.
Poor, poor union workers.....
Who else could take the day off to protest and still have their job?
I'm not anti-union but they can be as excessive and unrealistic as any other group.
I would have been happy to be one of those "underpaid" workers.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

That's just not true. Where are you getting your facts? In Ohio public workers make on an average 4% less than their private sector conterparts. Saying that they make "far more" is a lie. There is no savings in gutting collective bargining either so it's not about money. It's another power grab and retribution by newly elected gop governors.

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