Originally posted by Kali74
Something I've always wondered about, I hope someone can answer...NASA always claims debris or space junk when something odd is on camera, what I'm
wondering is why doesn't said debris disappear in the blink of an eye considering how fast the ISS travels? How do these things (especially objects
that are far from the ISS) stay on camera for several minutes at a time?
The object is going the same speed as the ISS since it came off the ISS. There is no air in space to drag it to a slower speed immediately. Nvm why
the heck am I even explaining this I gotta get out of this thread its almost laughable.
Very interesting -- I wonder if ROC may be involved...
We've seen the video of a stealth camouflaged soldier climbing on the tank -- makes me think of that video when watching that amorphous "thing" on
the ISS: (skip to the 2:55 mark for the stealth camo soldier)
(and the music is sweet, feel free to crank it up!)
If, for a moment, we were to assume that "someone" has a stealth/cloaking space suit -- what are the implications? I would like to think it is one
of our guys, but...
all you people saying it CAN'T be a washer, based on the size or whether or not its spinning, stop and think for a second, this doesn't appear to be
a high def camera and the light reflecting from it could get distorted on the film. This would make determining the size and movements of it
difficult. It's fairly obvious that its a washer, c'mon now.
Folks....let's look at some other examples of loose equipment floating free....here, a compilation of different events....(I'm guessing these are all
from the same EVA event....as it was over 6 hours in length, total. SO, they would be day/night/day/night throughout, as they orbited).
First one occurs in the day-lit side on orbit, so much clearer resolution with these cameras (you will note, two different POV from two different
@1:00, the object, while not a washer (more complex shape) DOES have a roundish component to it. As it floats, it is not yet in direct
sunlight.....just as in the OP video, it is illuminated by reflected light. This case, it's brighter, because the Station is illuminated more, being
on the day side.
@1:09, it drifts out of the shadow of the structure, and into daylight, brightening even more.
NOW!! @2:10, a clip from the OP's video, little bit better quality...shorter, just focused on the washer. It is a fluke, in that
shot...is why it's getting this attention here on ATS....the washer presents itself directly face on, by pure chance....and seems to be
rotating on what seem to be complex combinations of multiple axes.....now that we have a better, sharper image to compare. It is pure chance that its
face is straight on, at the camera, during certain points in its revolution. In irregular patterns. There is enough ambient light to make it glint,
and be seen, each time its angled just right. (**Note...each time the camera catches it, the CCD pixels don't "fade out" immediately, but there's a
short after-image left over...is why it looks so odd. I posted links, several pages back, to websites that discuss this characterisitic of video
@2:31, more small rotating objects....some go flying by...all seem to be unrelated.
@3:17??? Does he toss that diaper bag on purpose??? Only the Russians know for sure!!
(Maybe he saw an "alien", and threw the bag at it!!)
edit on 18 February 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)
If there are aliens out there, why would they be crawling around the space station? Come on, really...and next they will probably start pooping
meteors on to us down here and strange diseases will apear!!
Take it and run! These guys below probably started this idea!
Thanks.....(I think)....even though that video is technically off topic.....it DOES, however, illustrate something I've said earlier about video
camera frame rates, as they record.
Since the dolts used their camera to film off of their CRT screen....they get the synchronization effects and problems.....
Those were the other Justin Bieber CDs that were shredded,then tossed overboard!!
Or....ice particles....some sort of normal Station activity. (Like...a urine dump?) [**]
idk, depends on the layout of the thing, where the camera was pointing, where the lavatories are, etc. Will need more research.....guess you could
call this next investigation "potty training"??
[**] Although, my understanding is they recycle fluids as much as possible. Yes, even urine...gets cleaned, filtered, treated and instead of being
used as potable water, is diverted for washing and stuff....but, I'd expect that re-supply missions would include some FRESH water every now and
then....wold hope so, anyways!! So, the old re-used stuff could be dumped eventually.....
edit on 18 February 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no
reason given)
Something with a definite delta-v, compared to the ISS....relatively looks close, and small.....those Russians seemed to be quite the litterbugs,
Seriously, not to pile on them....everyone loses stuff on EVA, I'd think...once it floats out of reach, and you're tethered....well, there's no
going after it. Too much effort, too dangerous, too technically infeasible and waste of time. ("Infeasible" unless the Astronaut/Cosmonaut is
wearing an MMU...and, they don't do that often).
I believe that John Glenns "fireflies" were explained to be ice crystals that had formed over the capsule while it was on the night side of earth.
When he emerged into the sunlight again the crystals started flaking off the capsule and reflected the sunlight as they flew away into space. Recall
that he saw them just as he came around to the light side of earth and they were gone in a matter of minutes.
edit on 18-2-2011 by karen61057
because: to remove lengthy quote.
ya know, i really wanna say those "humanoids" look like actual men in space suits, but then at times, they look nothing like a space suit. and the
whole washer catching sunlight theory, i dont buy. because if it were moving in such a way to catch sunlight, it would turn and be an oval shape when
the sun hits it and a circle again when its dark. this object never changes shape at all and that is obvious in the slow-mo zoom. great find op.
Originally posted by weedwhacker
Seriously, not to pile on them....everyone loses stuff on EVA, I'd think...once it floats out of reach, and you're tethered....well, there's no going
after it. Too much effort, too dangerous, too technically infeasible and waste of time.
Yeah what the heck... NASA is a cosmic litterbug that needs to be stopped If I was an Alien I would post a quarantine sign post... hazardous
What with NASA bombing the moon and dropping impactors and other space junk onto anything they can hit and calling it 'science' No wonder they have
budget problems
BTW This is only the big stuff... doesn't show the "washers"
The so-called "washer" looks like a ring because it is close to the camera and out of focus. The lens is catadioptric, and the resulting bokeh are
ring-shaped. The pulsations are due to tumbling of the out-of-focus object.