posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Here's what I wrote on Quake Watch.
Here's my conclusion.
Okay, I figured it out. It's a long story, so hold on.
I won't detail too much of the events in Arkansas for the past year. It should be obvious to all that regularly read this thread. But they are
intregal to the plot. They are the reason for the stress loads on the Colorado and Virginia zones. Notice Arkansas is quiet. Not a fluke.
First we must think about microsiesms. They are small signatures that come from oceans waves and tides. Recently a tropical waves created very
enegetic microsiesms on many siesmos. It's hurricane season and these strong waves preceeded the weather setup that will bring the enegetic
hurricanes. But the Atlantic was not the only place that was experiencing hurricanes. There was coincidentally a hurricane of Mexico at the same time
producing large waves. And the moon was creating high tides.
So that's our opening for the second chapter. The first rare inland quake was Chihauhau Mexico. I would have forgetten it by now, but when looking
back it makes perfect sense. Actually, it was at that time I developed the first part of my hypotesis. I made the claim that the ocean waves triggered
the quake. It wasn't a strong case. But I made it nonetheless.
We know what happened starting with Colorado. Let me explain how it happened. Remember these zones were ready to fault because of the addition loads
from Arkansas/Oklahoma/Texas. You can see them in isolation. They are connected. In many ways.
First, to explain properly, I need you to imagine a tuning fork. Instead of it held upright with the two arms pointing upward, turn it upside so the
arms point to the ground. Now imagine Florida, or look at a map if you must. Now look at Mexico where is narrows as it stretches into Central America.
There. You have a tuning fork. The Florida Pennisula acts as it's one of the arms on the tuning fork. And South Mexico acts as the other arm. Imagine
the handle extending up through the middle of the USA.
The waves where hammering the arms of this geological fork just as you would hit a tuning fork with it's hammer. You get a resonance. And the waves
sent small waves toward the middle of the continent.
First Chihauhau went off. And then Colorado started it's swarm. Virgina then released it's energy. But what was the exact trigger? Wait, let me stop
there. The resonse of the waves from the ocean would have passed through the ground water. These vibrations would shake loose soils and created
erosion. This erosion would weaken faults. It's almost like liquifecation.
But there's something else. The resonance itself, and what cyrstal do when resonsated at the right frequency. They shake. In Windsor Ontario,
they've been hearing strange humming coming from the ground. I thought this was simply as a result of the mining industry in the salt mines. But no.
They ruled out industrial activity. But it was the mines, and the salt. The salt, which is a cyrstal can resonsate. And the mines act as a loud
speaker. Notice that Windsor would be near the top of your tuning fork.
So, we have ocean tropical waves creating microsiesms which resonate through the crust. They encounter salt and cyrstal formation and the mine shafts
amplify the waves. Hence you get the ground moaning. Must have been spooky.
So, how does that relate to Colorado and Virginia. Easy. The both have coalmines near by. To the southwest of Colorado there's a coal mine. And
waster water injection. But I won't go there for the time being. But water is in the mix, but not as the main catalyst. West Viginia is famous for
it's mines. The waves from the ocean resonated, Hell maybe the coal, isn't it a cyrstal, just black, maybe I'm wrong, watching Breaking Bad in
order to improve my chemistry skills. Or there could be quartz mix in and when this quartz vibrated, the waves were amplified. This shaking pushed an
already over stressed fault system beyond it's threshold.
So, that's how it went down. I really don't care if you don't believe it. I complety believe my hypothesis. My story. I've been watching the
siesmos constantly over the last few weeks. That's why I can follow the sequence of events and add them all together. I simple observed the patterns
and noted the activity, then looked around to observe other phenomenon and studying the links. It's a chain of events. It's a chain reaction and it
all started one year ago in Arkansas. It started with a tiny quake.
And you wonder why I obsess on the tiny ones. I'll let Muzzy and Puterman give me an education on the big ones. But those teeny tiny ones, they're
mine. I'm only interested in the big ones in relation to the small ones because that's how the whole thing begins. Earthquakes are the ground
moving. And that movement at first is usually small. Imperceptable almost.
That's why Sherlock had a magnifying glass. So he could see the small stuff. Ironic. Sherlock's fater gave his brother Mycroft his magnifying glass
in his will.
That's my conclusion. That's my story. And I'm sticking to it.