posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by dragonlover12
Yes, that's the map I was looking for. But now I got a problem. I also found the map of wells independently. Except the map I found is different.
Well, not exactly. I have the same map, just from an earlier date and there is a difference. The map you provide, which should be current, was from
the Arkansas Geological Survey and it should be correct.
I knew there was a screen shot of the wells on my other thread. I checked both and found that on the old map, there is an injection well south of
Quitman, but not on the current map.
Check the map on here... you'll notice that well 178, I think, or 2874, is labelled as an injection site.
Then on the current map, it's listed as a regular well.
Very curious. I bet there is an injection well near Quitman. There's just nothing to prove it at the moment.