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Secrets of Our Existence and Universe Unraveled

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:33 AM
I stand up and appaluse. Excellent, brilliant exposition. I wont comment nor debate, it was your experience and I take it as a whole, no leaks or cracks. Thanks for sharing.

edit on 17-2-2011 by AboveTheTrees because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:34 AM
It felt strange for me when I thought of this point of view awhile back, especially when you take it a step further and think about what happens after our physical bodies wear out. We simply become apart of existence and all thoughts and feelings of being will no longer be after death.

Kinda sucks though to believe there's no afterlife for the lives we live, that even the energy that makes us up moves on, it won't know of the life it once lived before and thus why it's a bitter pill to swallow when one believes we are all one with existence.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

That is a very inspirational thread.

I dont know if it has been asked already, but what did start that meditative state of yours ? Have you been on any kind of hallucinogenic drug ? Where you meditating ? Where you sleeping ? Have you been in a kind of shock because of something really bad happening in your life ?
That would be very interesting to me.. Sorry if you already had that question.

Very good and well written..

Have a nice day

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 09:38 AM
This is exactly how I view the Universe and our place in it. Save that the energy, but not the identity that is "us" also goes through the cycles as well. It reminds me of an old Buddhist saying that "In all your past lives, everyone you have ever met has at one point been your mother, so always treat everyone as you would your mother." You could replace "mother" with sister, brother, lover, husband, wife...etc etc.

You're analogy of the inverted donut cycle got me thinking as well. Physicist are just now really accepting the idea that there are likely multiple universe, with different physics then ours out there..and that we sometimes "bump" into each other even.

There are so many stories that support this idea as well.

I think perhaps you were blessed with a vision, and I thank you for sharing. It is nice to know I am not alone in my belief of things.

We should talk more.

Drop me a private line if you like.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Thank you for deciding to share your experience, I found it interesting. What you describe brought to mind an interesting combination of thoughts. Your desciptions sound much like those of Christ in the Gospel of Thomas about the world around us, but also Don Juan's teaching in the books of Carlos Castenada.

An interesting combination that before now I would never have thought of lol

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:29 AM
I've heard of some other oracles. and other shamans saying that "Oh, We are god" "oh we are one".

i guess the truth is starting to leak out

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:32 AM
there has been alot of discussion about '___', I think two good references for further exposure would be Rick Straussman's '___' - The Spirit Molecule'___'-Molecule-Revolutionary-Near-Death-Experiences/dp/0892819278

This goes into his in depth findings upon getting approval to inject '___' into volunteers to study the effects. Fascinating read.

Also the film Enter The Void gives a great depiction of a '___' experience. The visuals are beyond this world.
Check it out!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

That's cool if you disagree, but I did a follow up reply which explains my point a little better than I originally blurted out.

You say you believe the OP because he/she sounded sincere, that's fine face to face or with someone you know. But on a conspiracy forum with some crazy people who sound sincere....well that's your call, but its a little funny your judging my character.

As for opening my mine and visualising. I have read nearly all accounts at and been practising Astral Projection with a little success. Witch I believe puts me in good stance to make a comment on this thread.

"The energy of intention in your own post is disappointing. Its almost like someone has climbed higher than you and selflessly reached back to offer a hand so you jealously try to pull them back down to your level." First of all you have no clue about the energy of my intention, or the level I'm at. Don't mind if your disappointed in me as your not my mom, and your the one who gets sucking into someone's lie and is eating it all up.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

Wow....2manyquestions...Everything that you have described is exactly, to a "T", everything I believe and know. I feel that all my experiences and beliefs have just been confirmed.

I wish ALL of us who know this could be together and start anew. But perhaps we are meant to be here in this exact moment to disseminate ourselves unto others though our lives.

Peace and Respect,


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by AllIsOne

Well I'll counter with myself. I'm no composer, but I can play songs in my head to a quality indifferent to reality. Sometimes I'll forget its playing and the bass from an instrument will make me look in the direction its coming from. The same thing happens with cell phone vibrators that go off very lightly. I'll still hear them and almost "feel" the vibration. Many people have this. I've met maybe 2-4 people with it.

Basically, what we see and hear virtually is at the same quality of what we see and hear physically. Telling the difference is quite easy though. Though hard to explain how.

reply to post by JunoJive

If you're not on the film you shouldn't be bound by it.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

Just as I thought that here on ATS many people think they have 'woken up' and sign up just to start a thread, that they know everything, you come along and give out a very good description about 'us'. Currently its about 'I' the 'WE' will come afterwards but remain service to others. I am impressed. Star and flag for you and a good choice for a username.


5.) In order to keep our experience as "real" and pure as possible, we CHOOSE to stay "blind" to our origins.

Excellent work my friend, but as I have just fully read your thread, you have given away the some of the main answers, which every individual has to find for them selves otherwise they serve no purpose and you will not feel that you have accomplished a major milestone.
edit on 17/2/2011 by naeem11111 because: Just had to add this

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:32 AM
Good morning (or evening) to everyone. I want to thank you all for participating and taking the time to read this thread. I'm shocked at the amount of response it received, but I'm happy most of you were able to enjoy it for what it is. I've been going through every reply, but I realize I may have missed a question or two. If I have not yet answered your questions, feel free to U2U me and I will try to do so to the best of my abilities. I've already contacted some members with some answers through U2U, but I don't think I covered everyone. Again, thanks for taking the time to read and thank you for contributing some very interesting experiences of your own.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MaryStillToe
Well when I first read it, I thought it sounded like a horrible story that should be in the short stories section. lol


But after thinking for a bit, I am little intrigued because if it is gathering infinite possibilitie, we could still be in a scenario it is testing where supernatural guardian beings are looking after mortal beings on planet. As part of aother sub-scenario, the supernatural guardian beings are divided and they create chaos for the mortal beings. Then sub scenario within a sub-scenario the the mortal beings become divided and create chaos on the planet.

When I think about it even more, it sounds a lot like hell to be honest. Who wants to be locked in a never ending game for eternity?

If what I experienced was really the way things are, then it is you and I who choose to lock ourselves in this "never ending game". Being here as only the particles of a whole, we concentrate only on the current lesson we chose to come here to learn. It's sort of like when you choose to be an engineer, you go to school and concentrate only on becoming an engineer. You can't be an engineer, a doctor, a physicist, a chemist, a social worker, a ship captain, etc. etc. all at once. There's just not enough time to dedicate in one lifetime to all these skills. If you want to be really good at something, you have to choose one or two things to study to become an expert. Know what I mean?

Once we are back and out of this "virtual" or holographic world, what we want is no longer what we the -Human Joe Smidt- would want, but what IT wants as a whole. We have completely different wants and needs once the life of us -Joe Smidt- takes it's full course. That's how I understand it. I could be wrong or delusional, but that's just what I felt.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:02 PM
I think it would benefit you all if you read "Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by multisouls
reply to post by LeoVirgo

You said: "So many questions come into the then the creator conscious of its own self...can it only be aware of itself through us?"

I see it like this: Once upon a time there was absolutely nothing. Then suddenly the impossible happend - something came into being. An enormous consisciense suddenly woke up, found itself totally alone, and soon started wondering what it was ...
To better understand, it cut pieces of itself - released these lifeforms to find out what it really was, and sent them out into itself - the universe. Like detectives, who would one day return home and then share these new acquired experiences & knowledge. Or maybe whenever something was felt or acquired by the detectives, this "god" felt it simultaneously.

Just to share back thoughts...

I dont think there was ever...nothing. I think there is was and always will be, something.

Which is why I use the word 'emanation' instead of 'creation'...or I try to most of the time.

Emanation is all over the design of this universe. all throughout the universe too.

Energy seems to of always been in some form or another. It then takes a different 'state' of being on and those different states take on new states ect ect....a constant flow of emanation.

Not stating any rights or wrongs or facts...just sharing that I dont think there ever could of been nothing.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Dragonfly79

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Where would you suggest a thought would come from...if not your personal own thought? a start for you...if you wish it to be.

Actually experiences which appear similar to yours started more than a decade ago for me, that's why I'm concerned, hope you don't make the same mistakes as I did. One of my biggest mistakes was pretending I'm multiple people, in retrospect because of low selfesteem, some shame of how I've become maybe even a little powertrip, curiosity. Also it's a known technique that if you want to (mind) control others you first have to get rid of their sense of self first. Divide and conquer. If anything one should make a strong persona for themselves that one likes and keep working on it to establish it firmly and then interact with other beings.

Sure you may not willingly, out of free will, search out the bad entities but guess what, they have free will also and they might seek you out some day, there will be nothing you can do about it unless you start to play their game. Maybe it will not happen at all, but because you meet people on earth in daily life, might be at a moment when you're off guard or you'll have little defenses if you only have your faith, you must have knowledge and understanding, a system if you will. If you make up a system that would help you a lot, you can do that now but not once the bad comes knocking at your door.

But enough with the cautions, I'll return to my lurking state

edit on 17/2/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

I dont think you need to rid of your sense of self at all....for it is the 'self' that is the instrument for the Spirit within to work through.

I dont believe in 'many' entities....I believe in ONE entity that is perfectly infinite and all things are 'of Thee'. Nothing can be, without Thee.

Not saying that this is a fact for all...but through my experiences I have never been more content about purpose, existence, and me being a 'self' amongst many other selves'.

Studying the way the mind works helped me too...learning how the body works with the mind and how our bodies react and respond to what is around us.

But I do feel your genuine concern and I thank you for sharing that with me. You care for others...and that is a middle ground Im glad to meet you on.

My best to you

Edit to further on 'thoughts'....most of our every day thoughts are emanated from something that is going on outside of us and we are simply responding or reacting to it. We may be is a self contemplated mode and thoughts may form through avenues like what we are attracted to through our personality, what we may fear or worry about, what we desire in life, we may 'pull forward' stored events and brith thoughts of them or we may 'look forward' and form thoughts for what we need to do or want to do with the rest of our day or the rest of our life even.

For the Spirit to arise and have a avenue to work through, to offer us 'deeper' things to think about...and for it to not have all the filters to work through like personality, intellect, the 'ego' of what we already 'think' we know....there does need to be some emptying of the cup, some cleansing of 'new working grounds'...which is why things like fasting, meditation, forgiveness, empathy for 'life', and other things help clear a more narrow passage for the Spirit to show itself through us. We may see the Spirit showing itself through another before we feel it rise and show theeself in us. All through life, we all are given many opportunities to look at something deeper with a empty cup...but most of the time when we have that opportunity, our cup is full, so we see with rose colored glasses.

The 'cause' of humans doing 'bad' individuality...which births pride and envy and greed. There is a healthy way to embrace the self and not hold the self above any other self....but we dont have to rid of the self. Embrace yourself and embrace all others...finding the divine within all. Being in the flesh...causes us all to have temptations and sometimes give way to things like embracing power, pride, envy, and greed. There is no reason to blame something outside of the own self for the bad things we do.

The word Namsate that have recently become used alot is a huge stepping stone for mankind.....its a great start to let the divine in you find the divine in all others. Some live more for things of the flesh and there is understanding why they do this and we should forgive them, for what they do not know or have not over came yet.
edit on 17-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ValValient4
While events in this Universe may full well be one of self renewal, I found your story to be somewhat troubling as this theroy of "ONE" is the same belief held by Satan even to elevate oneself to God status... The first example that comes to my mind is of a demon who refered to himself as Tortoise during an actual documented case of Demonic possession... This demon tricked the exorcist during the rite while he was questioning the demon trying to gleen the information needed to complete the rite introduced this very concept as a "thought" into the exorcists mind...

I have no wish to hinder your journey... Just saying look both ways before you cross the street...

I see what you're saying and understand how that might come to mind from your point of view. In my opinion we are both "God" and "Satan" (God representing our capability to be loving and compassionate while Satan representing our capability to be cruel and hurtful). The way I see it is that the "IT" I described is necessarily capable of both these things. In the end IT (and therefore we) strives to become what we understand to be "good". Therefore it is my opinion that no matter what, we are here to learn to be "good". Whether or not we believe ourselves to be Gods (part of IT) or simple people worshiping a great deity in the sky, the goal should always be love, compassion and understanding. The classic version of Satan should have no hold, because despite one's beliefs one still aims to do good, not "evil". I hope that's not too confusing to understand.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions

Originally posted by ValValient4
While events in this Universe may full well be one of self renewal, I found your story to be somewhat troubling as this theroy of "ONE" is the same belief held by Satan even to elevate oneself to God status... The first example that comes to my mind is of a demon who refered to himself as Tortoise during an actual documented case of Demonic possession... This demon tricked the exorcist during the rite while he was questioning the demon trying to gleen the information needed to complete the rite introduced this very concept as a "thought" into the exorcists mind...

I have no wish to hinder your journey... Just saying look both ways before you cross the street...

I see what you're saying and understand how that might come to mind from your point of view. In my opinion we are both "God" and "Satan" (God representing our capability to be loving and compassionate while Satan representing our capability to be cruel and hurtful). The way I see it is that the "IT" I described is necessarily capable of both these things. In the end IT (and therefore we) strives to become what we understand to be "good". Therefore it is my opinion that no matter what, we are here to learn to be "good". Whether or not we believe ourselves to be Gods (part of IT) or simple people worshiping a great deity in the sky, the goal should always be love, compassion and understanding. The classic version of Satan should have no hold, because despite one's beliefs one still aims to do good, not "evil". I hope that's not too confusing to understand.

I think we could sum this up as 'flesh and spirit'...which we are all of them both and each one offers us different natures.

Live more for things of spirit then things of flesh.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by naeem11111
reply to post by 2manyquestions

5.) In order to keep our experience as "real" and pure as possible, we CHOOSE to stay "blind" to our origins.

Excellent work my friend, but as I have just fully read your thread, you have given away the some of the main answers, which every individual has to find for them selves otherwise they serve no purpose and you will not feel that you have accomplished a major milestone.
edit on 17/2/2011 by naeem11111 because: Just had to add this

Precisely. People have been endowed with doubt, which will ultimately keep them searching for their own "evidence" in life. Whether or not I have gained the true answers to the Universe through my experience, people will continue to search for their own truths. Some will listen, some will agree, some will have already figured it out, but doubt will keep them searching for their own answers. It's a lot like older folks with experience trying to give advice to teenagers or young adults. You can tell the 16 year old all you want that it's not a good idea to listen to music at full volume. If Johnny chooses to ignore your advice, he will increase the chance of damaging his hearing. Of course he won't realize you were right all along until he has experienced that loss of hearing on his own. There's also the chance that his hearing might be fine after all! Everybody is different, and small factors can make the difference between one result or another. Some people will remarry five times before they find the right mate. Some people will find their mate at the age of 16. Even if you take the same road that I have, you may encounter completely different problems along the way. We can simply never know until we 'know'..... if that makes any sense.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
reply to post by 2manyquestions

Normally from reading the intro, I would have expected this to be some psychadelic babble......and it is in a sense...but It also rings quite true. Interestingly enough many of the symbols that you saw, I saw as well in an experience brought on by taking a bit too much '___'. I don't think that the fact that mine was brought on artificially makes it any less only meant that mine was under less control, and much more frightening. None the less I am a bit shocked to read some of the exact same imagery, the circular room with various screens, the Universe imploding and exploding in an endless cycle, God literally being everything, The universe just being a game....Etc, Etc.
For me I also had a lot of 'opposites' in the representation...for instance the Exploding, Imploding universe became the Yin Yang...One symbol I saw was existence as a large chess set being played by white and black pieces, and how this game had to be played in balance, else existence would cease to be, since everything that does exist, does so only by being compared to its opposite. Interesting read.....Struck a real chord with me!

Thank you for sharing that.
Those are some amazing and insightful similarities.

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