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Why do Minorities get most Govt and State Jobs?

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
reply to post by romanmel

WASP? Are you serious? I am neither unemployed nor a white anglo saxon protestant, why would you label me as such?

If you read this thread you would see that because of my mix of genes, I could be considered a minority as well.

Again I have a job (not the greatest) and I am NO wasp.

Please take the time to read the OP and understand who you post about before making such ignorant assumptions.


My, testy aren't we?

WASP is not a derogatory term. It is a common used venacular for a majority race (IE White Person).

I did not say YOU were enemployed. I used the unemployment situation as an example.

Perhaps I shoud take back my admonition that your intentions are not racist.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by romanmel

You can do whatever you like, Make your own conclusions.

I don't see WASP as a generalization, it is a type of race, of which I am not. If you would like to generalize simply say "white".

I dont think that the unemployment situation will make whites lash out against minorities simply because they have a stable state job. Now if an unemployed person walked into a dmv and got treated like dog crap by the workers, no matter the races on either side, that person would definitely be pissed off.


posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:58 PM
Man has this thread devolved into nonsense. Some of that blame goes to the moderator that was engaging the OP, yay thread derailed, nothing accomplished!

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:04 AM
Wow.. i never thought about this until now but your right it does seem like minorities get the most gov and state bureau jobs...

At the same time, the people at the highest levels of this government, the movers and shakers are almost always Caucasian. The potus is half african but even he's surrounded by Caucasians.

Why are the most important government jobs dominated by Caucasians and the lowest levels dominated by minorities ?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
reply to post by romanmel

You can do whatever you like, Make your own conclusions.

I don't see WASP as a generalization, it is a type of race, of which I am not. If you would like to generalize simply say "white".

I dont think that the unemployment situation will make whites lash out against minorities simply because they have a stable state job. Now if an unemployed person walked into a dmv and got treated like dog crap by the workers, no matter the races on either side, that person would definitely be pissed off.


Well, "pissed off" seems to cover your attitude towards anyone who comments in your thread, if it is not in line with your opinion. Rather a childish response, but not unexpected of a 24 year old who thinks "...working for a living is NOT NATURAL". Have a good evening.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

S & F

I know that you are not being racist, because you are only stating the truth. Not sure why people get bent outta shape when the truth is told...

I am a black woman and coincidentally I thought about myself recently...

Every government agency I go to or call, I will get a black representative.Very peculiar....

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by romanmel

And a good evenin to you as well! Thanks for sharing!


posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by ButterCookie
reply to post by GeminiSky

S & F

I know that you are not being racist, because you are only stating the truth. Not sure why people get bent outta shape when the truth is told...

I am a black woman and coincidentally I thought about myself recently...

Every government agency I go to or call, I will get a black representative.Very peculiar....

Why thank you for your candor. And yes Im definitely not being racist, why indeed are people getting bent out of shape? Here we have minorities coming forward and agreeing with my observations, because like I said this system is affecting ALL OF US!

--Kind Regards,

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:08 AM
I think the most fair and accurate way to look at the situation would be to get statistics on the amount of minority workers in Government and State jobs everywhere, not just where you live.

While state and government jobs may be stable, offer good benefits and a good pension Often time, government and state jobs don't nearly the same pay or promotion opportunities as other jobs.

What the real question could be is, why are minorities more likely to accept a job like a government or state job. Some of the jobs you mentioned were at a toll both or DMV. I understand that these are acceptable and important jobs but where are you going to go with that?

What about higher level government jobs? What are the percentages of minorities there? Could it be possible that the government hires minorities for lower level jobs to get a hire overall percentagel minority employees?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

I dont usually post on here I just like to lurk. So theres a good chance I will not come back to see if anybody commented on my comment or whatever.

I have a B.S. in business operations, 4 good years of military service with honorable discharge, 10 point disability preference, and Im a white guy. Should I be able to at least get a call for an interview for a state or federal job?

I think so. But I havent. I have been all over and (my state job board) Applied for countless positions, some that I was qualified for and some that I was no where near qualified for. For the past 11 months I have not heard a peep.

!!!Specific examples!!!
A couple months ago I go into the DMV to renew my plates and I notice that the staff is all women. They even have motivational posters on the walls with pictures of other female DMV employees helping customers with quotes from customers saying " blah blah april helped me soooo much, I love the dmv blah blah blah " type of garbage. When completing my transaction I asked if they had any openings, and they said "maybe, one of our new girls quit." Sooooooo, I go home and start checking the state job board every day and after about 3 days I see the position for that DMV branch, I apply, upload all my documents, and eagerly check my inbox every day for 2 weeks. I only received a confirmation email. I check the posting and see that the position has been filled. So a week goes by and I swing by the DMV and check in and say I need to get a printout for my insurance company, and tell the check in lady that my cousin just got hired and would like to go to her booth. She gives me a wierd look and yells "Keisha! you gotta customer!" Its a black girl, about 20 yrs old, tattoo on her neck. She has her new iphone on the table and sent a text while I was making up some form that i needed her to print off. When she texted I asked if her phone came with any preloaded song ringtones. Yeah, it did, she played one for me. I smiled, knowing that the rest of her coworkers were now alerted to her professionalism. Then I walked out. I couldnt even get an interview, and they hire a black snooky?

Another example

State job, Downtown indianapolis, parking garage attendent, $10/hr. I was a military cop for 4 years, I protected nuclear weapons and even did a close security for VP Cheney, could I handle a parking lot next to the State house? Yes, could I get an interview? No! Who did they hire? I dont know yet, but I do have to go to that part of town next week.

Anyways, yes something is wrong with the federal and state job hiring process.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:50 AM
"It seems that every DMV center I go to, at least 80% of the employees are of a minority class. Every toll booth I go to, is at least 80% operated by minorities. Every post office? same thing. "

Vets are able to maintain their military pay grade and length of service by taking a civil service exam and are given preference in hiring of govt. jobs. Many former military take these jobs because of this.

My mailman who's White went to Nam when he was 19 years old. His time in the service counts toward his retirement.

But overall the jobs in which you are describing aren't exactly dream jobs either.

The Govt. can provide stats that they're meeting EEO requirements but what isn't being told is that they are primarily fulfilled by giving the lower paying jobs to minorities.

So what else is new here ?

I mean, when was the last time anyone really aspired to becoming a toll booth collector or working at the DMV anyway ?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:57 AM
I just realized what a stupid word "minorities" is. Are they United States citizens? If they are, in what way are the minorities? Are they minor then other people because of what? You mean their race? That just sounds stupid. A person is a person is a person, who cares what color their skin is. No one is a minority, we are all equal.

Of course I'm talking from a different country, where the word "minority" is never used. You'd probably be the "minority" here.

Get it out of your head. People can have jobs, it doesn't matter the color of their skin. Who cares if they are brown, or yellow, or red, or blue, or green? I don't. If you do, you need to have some love, and show some love. People are worth a lot more than that.

Remember this, perhaps it will help: Every individual on earth is worth more than all of the gold in the world. Every single one. Which one of you would be willing to give his life for a price? Let's say, someone gives you $10,000 in gold will you let them kill you? How about $100,000? How much is it worth? How about $1,000,000?

Let's turn this question around. If you have a loved one, a child, a spouse, how much money would you be willing to accept to let someone murder them? Would $100,000,000 be sufficient to murder your child? No? How about $100,000,000,000? Now ask yourself how much less is that person worth than the "minority" working somewhere. Or how much less is that person who lives in a third world country that barely eats, and lives in a cardboard box worth? Do you know how much. We are all priceless.

You have all been brought up to believe that human life is worth garbage and expendable. I want to inform you that you have all been mislead. Please now adjust your hearts to the truth. Then maybe their will be a little more love and a little less hatred.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Calender because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:02 AM
i read the first page, just wanted to point out how a minority having a job and you dont a problem?

or are you just stating statistics from somewhere?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

It seems that every DMV center I go to, at least 80% of the employees are of a minority class. Every toll booth I go to, is at least 80% operated by minorities.

I can assure you that there are allot and I mean allot of caucasian government employees. Using individual toll boths or DMVs is an extremely unscientific measurement of the ethnic makeup of the government workforce. I have a better question: Why is it that high level government employees are predominantly caucasian?

Take a look at a video of a typical NASA mission control room:

How many minorities do you see working there?

edit on 17-2-2011 by slopeofyourmind because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2011 by slopeofyourmind because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2011 by slopeofyourmind because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2011 by slopeofyourmind because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2011 by slopeofyourmind because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
First off,

before anyone starts screaming racist, I'd like everyone to understand that I have nothing against any nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc....

This is simply a thread detailing my observations living here in the NE United States.

We all know that some of the most stable jobs in America, are state and govt jobs. For the most part they are recession proof, offer great benefits, and are basically a job that once you get into, you are there for life, and after retirement you receive a great pension.

Simply put, it seems to me that minorities here are awarded state and govt jobs far more often that the average Caucasian.

It seems that every DMV center I go to, at least 80% of the employees are of a minority class. Every toll booth I go to, is at least 80% operated by minorities. Every post office? same thing.

Every social security office? Same thing. Almost every govt agency office that I have visited, is almost exclusively made up of employees who are of a minority class.

Now Im pretty sure that there is an equal amount of minority and non-minority applicants, in fact I would say that more non-minority class people apply for these jobs.

I have heard personal stories from acquaintances that they were turned down at a govt job, only to be replaced by a minority class employee.

My simple question is why? Where does this imbalance occur in the hiring process? Is there really an equal opportunity chance of getting hired for a state or govt job if you are say a Caucasian, and not part of a minority?

Again, my intention is not to imply that minorities are any less qualified than the rest of the population, I am simply pointing out the imbalance I see in almost every govt agency office, center, or other location.

Anyone who wants to argue otherwise, just go and stop by a DMV, SS office, Welfare office, ETC... and what you will see is that its made up of over 80% minority employees.

My simple question: Is this all just a big coincidence, or is it intentional?

And please dont take this thread too seriously, its just my curiosity was spurred when I saw this clip of my fave


Let's not leave out the Medicaid offices, CPS, and Food Stamp Departments. Where I live, the employees are mostly African Americans.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:49 AM
So blacks are lazy and useless but when they actually have jobs, it's because of affirmative action and they did not deserve it anyway. If they have a good job, affirmative action, if they run for president, affirmative action by vote, if they are unemployed, they are useless and good for nothings. It seems they never win, right? But hey, I've got black friends and a black girlfriend.

Did I mention my great great grandfather was black also? Yep.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
reply to post by maria_stardust

I don't have to provide any kind of data. This thread is based on my personal observations.

and you are basing those observations as fact. There is a difference.
edit on 17-2-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:58 AM
At the workplace I am part of, which is owned by walmart. There is quota in the percentages for how many caucasions, minorities, cultural, age, disabilitiee. what those figures are exactly Im afraid I do not know. I will endevour to find out as I'm curious about the balance between and who decides them.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by GeminiSky
reply to post by jam321

Yes granted I may not have seen all employees, and please dont mistake my thread for some sort of rant against minority's. I love ALL people.

Even thought i didn't see all employees, why would the ones at the counter be 80% minority?

I mean even if i didnt see all employees, would this imply that the back room was filled with all whites who were "running the show" ?

This would again imply some sort of unbalanced hiring practice, wouldnt you think so?


So, let's say you saw 20 people and 16 or them were not white. How do you know how many people are employed in the building? What if it's let's say 100 in total, how do you know their colour? What if the other 80 are all white?

Now, for the 80% of people you saw, any ideas how many were interviewed for those posts? What was the mixture of racial types/gender amongst those? Without knowing this, all you are doing surely is making an observation, doesn't really mean much on its own.

You mention how your friend went for a job and it was given to someone who is classed as in an ethnic minority - and? Maybe your friend is under/over educated, maybe your friend gave a bad interview, maybe - and this is the important thing - just maybe the person who got the job got it because they were a better option! Did your friend feel a sense of entitlement?
edit on 17-2-2011 by something wicked because: typo removed

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by GeminiSky

Dont call me racist but, i find it funny how they move to OUR country, they bring their culture to our city streets whilst we give them, a house, a car, benefits for living and when their ready they will move on to get a job which is rightly deserved by a non- minority, we even build churches for them!

BUT!.. when we go to their country, if we tried bringing our way of life into the community, we'd most likely get shot.

go figure, guess this is the world we live in.

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