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Why do Minorities get most Govt and State Jobs?

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

I'm not sure why this isn't in the rant section but I'll bite.
Have you noticed that every single job you named are the labor jobs?
Now do you know why white people aren't in them?
Tell you 2 little stories. I live in Washington DC and I am black. I don't work for the government city nor federal. Why? Because everyone from MD and VA are in those jobs and there IS supposed to be a quota on how many DC residents work in their own city. Try that one. And-
Been working temp since my accident because of all this mess with hiring in DC and was working for DHS. They told us that they could't hire for my job because it was a "special contract" job - apparently they claimed that they had a small disadvantaged business iniciative so they had to reserve certain jobs so others can work. On the last 5 days of my contract a blonde haired blue eye guy came in for me to train. He was there for 4 hrs when he asked me "why don't they hire for your job again?" I told him what I was told and he huffed and went down the hall. About an hour later as I was coming down the hall from the boss's office, he burst through the double doors saying "bye you can have this *(^%$& " and he stormed out.
He was pissed because they offered him the job w/o so much as seeing if he could do the job
and this was the kicker:
he was a light skinned black.
Any questions?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

I do.

So are you saying he was a blond haired blue eyed black person? And they were offering him the job because they thought he was white without even checking his qualifications?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by DaWhiz

I do.

So are you saying he was a blond haired blue eyed black person? And they were offering him the job because they thought he was white without even checking his qualifications?

Yup and there were witnesses. They also pulled me in to see if I heard what happened.
Heck it was my contract and I wasn't breaking it, but I should have.
My bad.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by ed1320

well ur avatar says town drunk. just sayin.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

he was a light skinned black.

You are assuming he checked off "White" on his employment form. My brother is blond & blue eyed. though I am not and I NEVER check off White.

This photo of a family is a real good example of the weird color genetic you get in humans. (both parents are Black Brazilians.)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I also do production work so I worked w/his brother and knew who he was. I didn't expect any of that to happen because I took the contractor at their word. It was a temp agency and all they (contractor) got were our resumes so there was nothing to check off.
To add: It was the government people who thought he was white, not me. Oh, and I'm from that type of background myself, so I'm not dark skinned either.
edit on 16-2-2011 by DaWhiz because: to add

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

Sounds like an Eddy Murphy skit.

I dont know about this. Honestly. I seriously have to doubt that they tried to give some guy they didnt even know, whom they mistakenly thought was white, a job he didnt deserve, simply because they assumed he was white. I have been white my whole life, and if they were handing out free government jobs to white folk just because of our color, I wouldnt have worked my white ass though college. Which I had to pay for, every penny, out of pocket. I would have learned the secret white handshake and gotten one for free.

There has to be more to it than you are telling us, or more to it you were not privy to.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by DaWhiz

Sounds like an Eddy Murphy skit.

I dont know about this. Honestly. I seriously have to doubt that they tried to give some guy they didnt even know, whom they mistakenly thought was white, a job he didnt deserve, simply because they assumed he was white. I have been white my whole life, and if they were handing out free government jobs to white folk just because of our color, I wouldnt have worked my white ass though college. Which I had to pay for, every penny, out of pocket. I would have learned the secret white handshake and gotten one for free.

There has to be more to it than you are telling us, or more to it you were not privy to.

No there is not more to tell and I'm sorry you obviously (cough) don't believe me. But to ease your mind, I'd be happy to put in a resume for you. An ex of mine did and he was mad at me for weeks. All you have to do is give a MD or VA address and you are in. But after all, you know everything don't you?
But sure anytime you want proof, give me your contact info and I'll ask the guy I spoke of if he will contact you.
Now, where is your proof that you are what you say you are and that you went to college?
See how insulting that is?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:15 PM
being black and white i'd say the gov't jobs go to minorities because we aren't as nice as white people on average lol

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

If you really want to understand why Geminisky, it's actually quite simple. Here's a tip:

Managers of private businesses and even semi-private organizations like schools, the Police, Firefighters, etc can hire/recruit anyone they WANT, as long as there is no obvious evidence of genre or race-based discrimination. So it means if the bosses are racist "White" people, or sexist, they can hire employees based on their skin color, what they look like of which genre they are. The racism and sexism found in some bigger labor unions also contributes to this social exclusion and discrimination.

Government agencies and NGO benefiting from government grants, have to hire ACCORDINGLY TO BY-LAWS and statutory criterias, on which the hiring process is based. They simply can't do otherwise, because since they have to comply with official State policy. If legislative power and its sub-levels in your country makes it clear that they don't wanna support a more balanced or tolerant society, everybody working in the government's hierarchy has to at least find a way to comply with the rules related to that, or the positions for which they want new employees will simply not be occupied.

At least that's, what I got from my experience in community organizations and the private sector.

If you wanna know WHY the government has these policies, it's because these are based upon tons of socio-demographic studies made by sociologists on the employment statistics in many levels, regions and sectors, in relation to gender, age, ethnicity, and religion. For the benefit of SOCIAL INTEGRATION, government agencies go forward with promoting balanced employment strategies.

If there is no social integration strategy, then you'll end up with a lot more organized crime everywhere street violence of all sorts, and a society that simply can't stand together... so just worst than how things are already. That's what many government-related sociological research came to realize, a lot time ago. They do it to defend democracy, and society, that's all.

edit on 16/2/11 by Echtelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by DaWhiz

I can do it, though. I can photo copy my diploma, blank out my name, and upload it to photobucket and you can see it. And I will if you want. I am not lying, making it up, I have never lied about what I majored in, my class ranking. And yes, I can back it up. And would back it up, and no, its not insulting. If you are telling the truth being asked for evidence is not insulting.

I could believe a white guy who was someones nephew, or cousin, or friend, or something might get pulled ahead of you for a job. Government jobs are famously nepotistic. But a guy they knew so little of they didnt even know he thought of himself as black despite his apparent white skin, light hair and eyes? Why on Earth would they do that for some stranger when someone in that organization had to have some useless relative who they could put into that job?

It just doesnt make sense.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:25 PM
Besides, I see you have edited one of your replies to clarify. If the government said they needed a disadvantaged company, maybe thats what it was, Maybe the contractor YOU worked for was a white male, and the contractor your friends brother worked for was a minority, or female, or something.

Its hard to tell the way the story is being told. I bet if it were elaborated upon it would make more sense. The one thing I am sure of, is that they did not offer a job to some guy they didnt know, whose qualifications they did not verify, just because they mistakenly thought he was white.

There are lots of poor whites in America. More poor whites by total number than poor blacks. (Even though a greater percentage of the black population is poor) White people are in competition for jobs with each other as well as with other ethnicities. We arent being handed things just because of our skin color. Even rich folk have to send their little darlings off to expensive colleges to justify giving them opportunities denied people who cant afford those specific schools.

If we were getting jobs based on no qualifications, no inside connections, why on Earth would we waste the time and considerable amount of money required to get educated? You dont think we could find other, more fun things to do with our time besides calculus? Chemistry? Statistics? Accounting?

Im not even flat out saying you are lying. Im just saying there has to be more to it than that. Or maybe HE lied to you. I dont know. What I do know, for sure, is that they dont hire white people just because they are white. You have to have other stuff going for you too, because you are competing with other whites as well as with people of color.
edit on 16-2-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by GeminiSky

You seem to be wrong. Check out this site Now go down to the category of 'Aggregate by Government Type' There you can see various types of Government/State jobs broken down into State, County, City Township, etc. It would seem from a quick look that Whites are by far the race employed the most. Now if you are trying to suggest that Minorities AS A WHOLE vs the SINGLE RACE OF WHITES....the numbers will undoubtedly get a bit more even. I didn't bother to add it all up to see if every single race other than white, simply taken as a whole would add up to more than, or even the same as Whites, however I fail to see what your point would be if that is what you are arguing. Plus it may very well be the case that even taking Minorities, as one single super-race would add up to be enough to be more than Whites in the sense of how many have Government Jobs. I'll leave that up to you add up, if you honestly think that it would mean something (still not sure what you would possibly be getting at with such a strange statistical tactic)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by GeminiSky

I believe in equality for all, not imbalance....
edit on 15-2-2011 by GeminiSky because: because I dont accept what isnt right.

Well if people want the "status quota" to go away and make jobs available on a merit bases then the rules of the game must be made "fair". My High School was garbage, we had 10-15 year old text books, there were bullet holes all along the glass to the cafeteria, you just wasn't encouraged to learn in an environment like PBHS ( Pine Bluff High School, Pine Bluff, AR) However, there was another school about 10-12 miles away in another district. WHHS ( White Hall High School) kept everything squared away. I had a few friends that attended and they always seem to have the funding to constantly update technology, books, hell they even got new football uniforms every 2 or 3 years ( pine bluff high zebras have had those same shirts since I was a wee boy I have heard lol ).One of those schools was/is dominated by minorities, the other had just 2. That's where it must start, everybody has to have an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY to equip themselves if jobs become strictly merit based

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Tsubaki

I went to Waianae High School and got put into an alternative school for fighting. I know that growing up in a rough neighborhood holds you back, makes it harder. I know that racism makes it harder. (Thats why I was fighting.)

I also know I got into construction, began as a laborer, digging ditches, and saved the money to pay for college. Which I began as an adult, and waited tables and worked in a book store while going to school. I know that you need to be responsible for your own outcomes in life.

It is harder if you are poor. No question. And I wish the educational system worked better. I know our meritocracy is broken. But growing up poor I also know that parents are a BIG part of the problem. Adults who watch TV all day and dont value education have kids who grow up not to value education. Parents who blame everything but themselves have children who grow up blaming and not doing. I was lucky in that the adults in my life cared about education. They told me to want it. They told me it would elevate me, and give me opportunity. And even though I wasnt able to make it work as an adolescent, I never forgot that, and I worked to make it work for me as an adult.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Education is only one problem of many lol. I was a lucky one, a few friends and I went straight into the military after high school ( two of us joined the Corps, three the Navy, and one the chAir Force). A rough estimate: around 10 percent of my graduating class went to college. Out of about 650-680 seniors that were to graduate in 2006, only about 400 did so. So we have about 40ish kids from 06 that went to college. I know a few more joined the service but I know it wasn't to many more. Anyway, I am getting off topic. 40 out of 400 is a sad sad SAD FAILURE. Media we have today is a big problem. Most people living there are doing so because they want to be. Being "hood" and "gansta" is what's hot, not being intelligent or innovating. When I visit home I see the same people doing the same stuff they were doing two, four, six years ago. Most Rap music consist of Blacks telling Blacks that in order to be respected among the Black community, you must have 24 inch chrome rims on your car, you must sell drugs, you must have a lot of "b*tches, and you must carry a pistol. And that's what a lot of the black community gets stuck on. And that's just rap alone.
I am a fan of freedom and speech and all that cute stuff but, I see that as a way to make sure the current system stays in place....if any of that made sense

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:15 PM
According to the office of personal management within all 22 federal agencies blacks compromise 46.4 percent of the workforce. While the figures aren't recent, of all new hires in 2003 approximately 23 percent were white, the rest are presumably non-white but it's not clear on the breakdown between hispanics, asians, blacks, etc.

Using those dated figures, with the current census figures, the EEOC would dictate that around 7 percent of the federal workforce be black. Considering 7 percent would be the proportional amount of blacks that should work for the government, it's fair to say that 46 percent is obviously an overrepresentation of minorities working for the federal government.

Using figures from the same year, 2003, approximately 4 percent of the black population was serving time in prison, around .6 percent of the white population. Approximately 43 percent of the prison population was white, while 57 percent of prison population was non white.
edit on 16-2-2011 by savagearms because: typo

In 2005, according to what the EEOC would dictate, white service members are accurately represented in the US Military, blacks and hispanics are overrepresented, and asians, native americans, etc, are underrepresented.
edit on 16-2-2011 by savagearms because: add more info about military

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:16 PM
You don't know how they get them? That's why they got them my friend. They can't think better than you can. The process of getting a government job is so easy and obvious. Your the reason.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Tsubaki
Media we have today is a big problem. Most people living there are doing so because they want to be. Being "hood" and "gansta" is what's hot, not being intelligent or innovating.

Its the same where I grew up. Waianae has very few whites and very few blacks, mostly Polynesian. But after the movie "Colors" came out, we had crips and bloods the very next day. My own foster brothers and sisters who were younger than me started into it. It was retarded. And just like in many black neighborhoods, if you want to get ahead, and do well in school, you better be prepared to get picked on. Insulted. And the sad thing is, its not just the ignorant kids. Its the adults too. Its like a conspiracy of failure. No one wants to do what it takes to succeed, and no one wants you to either.

Originally posted by Tsubaki
And that's what a lot of the black community gets stuck on. And that's just rap alone.
I am a fan of freedom and speech and all that cute stuff but, I see that as a way to make sure the current system stays in place....if any of that made sense

At least you are smart enough to see it. Its the same where I am from. Meth totally took over my town. And they revel in the fact that it is one of the roughest parts of the island and everyone is scared to go there. It makes them feel good to be that ghetto somehow. They dont realize they are hurting no one but themselves. Old friends of mine are stupid today because of all the drugs they have done. You cant even talk to them, because they have fried their brains.

I left my home town at 20, took a job in construction overseas, and got out. Kind of like you did with the military. And met people who believed in getting ahead, honorably, and being decent people. Who you surround yourself with matters. Sometimes, if the people you love are self destructive, you have to walk away from them. You dont have to stop caring for them, but you cant play their game. Its doomed to fail.

But my upbringing is why I know its not racism holding a lot of people down today. Its their own choices, their own beliefs, their own racism. Their feeling that to educate yourself is selling out, or sucking up, rather than self improvement. I also was a white kid growing up in a brown town, in a brown foster home, with brown foster brothers and sisters, and I KNOW, not think, not feel, I KNOW for a fact, that brown people are racist too. Many of them more racist than many of the whites I have met since moving to the mainland, by far. Only since I have been in the south have I really started to meet some whites whose racism rises close to the level of the people I grew up with.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:23 PM
When looking at the demographical statistics it's very easy to skew the numbers to appear one way or the other. One could state that around 30 percent of the black population receives some form of government aid while around 15 percent of the white population receives government aid. This is taking into consideration Social Security, which in itself skews the numbers due to the difference in life expectancy between whites and non whites.

While approximately 15 percent of the white population is receiving government aid, they do account for roughly 60 percent of all government aid that's given out.

You have to consider the percentage of a demographic in a certain field, and relate that to the percentage of the demographic as a whole.
edit on 16-2-2011 by savagearms because: typo

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