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Why i enjoy working and why you dont

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by nightbringr
The government or bank who "steals" my money also enable me to make more by offering things like RRSPs, which i contribute to each year, and it almost pays entirely as deductions on my yearly income tax. Yet, that money is still saved and gains interest each year. Sounds like they are working for me.

LOL ignorance is truly bliss. If you think the bank is working for you, then you are in for a very rude and shocking awakening when all that interest you think you are earning evaporates into thin air which is where it came from.

You should listen to Hawkiye - if you think a bank work's for you, you are really misguided and naive... I would highly suggest taking some time out to watch the video I have posted and actually understand the system you are in and supporting.
edit on 16-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by nightbringr

k. So i suppose that my parents who have used banks all their lives, my friends, everyone i know really, have made profits off RRSPs, RSPs, saving bonds and the like were delusional? My father has done quite well and I can see the proceeds with my own eyes. Its called making the system work for you, you obviously have no idea about economics or handling your money.

The banking system does'nt work for you or anyone - it is the one of the few system's that makes money off everyone else's work - fact. They do not sell product's the service they offer is basically nothing but holding on to your money for you which they then loan out at higher rates. You are dillusional to think you need a bank - the bank need's you.

edit on 16-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

Kindly take the time to watch the video so you stop spewing this rubbish in front of educated people who understand the system for what it really is.
All a bank does is take everyone's money and makes money off it then it give's you a little back and you jump and down saying look look it works I got money back.

ONCE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO: Tell us where money comes from so we can see you took the time to watch it and have processed the information. If you are unwilling to watch it then I am not going to bother proceeding to waste time on someone who wishes to remain ignorant.
edit on 16-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by byteshertz

If I was designing the system from the ground up, kid's would choose what they want to do something they have passion for, companies would then sponsor them by paying for their education - after all they are the one's who benefit from it. If the kid decided later in life he wanted to change job the employer would need to trade/exchange with another company - cash can be paid on top depending on the kids performance. Once the kid is a working adult the exchange system can be kept in place but the employer's would have minimum costs of that employee they have to cover - no matter what they are these would include: medical costs, food and accomodation costs, funeral costs the basics of life -
This would be covered by the employee working 5 hours a day for an employer.
If the employee had want's or wanted flasher accomodation etc then he could request extra hours and negotiate a pay rate. I have only just spat out this system in the 30secs i have taken to think about it but a system where everyone's basic needs for life are covered should be a given.

You want communism.

Originally posted by byteshertz

Correct all I have seen so far is you assuming everything for most people is lad-e-da. You seem to think people just moan because they have to get up everyday and use their energy.. in reality people are moaning because they can not afford to eat properly or at all, can not get the physical and mental medical attention they need, can not afford to get in to a position where they do not stand to lose everything they have spent years working for over night - while at the same time those they work for are splashing their money on luxurious item's left right and center. You are entitled to your narrow minded opinion - but how about you answer my questions from my long post I took the time to type out. Just because all is sweet for you on your $36,000 doesnt mean that would dent other people's problems - and then their are people who can't even earn that. Imagine being disfigured, physically handycapped or suffering a mental problem - as much as employers boast about hiring people with these problems, we all know the truth is they don't - or they would not feel the need to boast about hiring a guy with 1 bad eye and crossing that off their list. Seriously expand your mind past your own circumstances - look at this ladies post post by doobydoll
- look at the lack of support for this thread compared to the other one and consider that you may have got lucky, maybe if you had to do it all over again your circumstances may not have been the same and you may have a brother or sister to take care of because your parents died, your child may have needed million dollar operations to save their life, your wife may have developed a mental illness and never been able to work again, you may have been assulted and put in intensive care - what would your family do then? People are unhappy because they do not have any security - even most of the people who have not had this happen are just wanting more of a cut of those massive profit's from the big corporations just so they can save for the rainy day when something like this goes wrong - and I don't think that is to much to ask when the guys up the top are earning 300 to 500 times more than the average employee compared to 30 to 40 times more as they did back in the 50's.

Wow, very hostile. I havent been unsympathetic to anyone, ive simply trying to open your mind to helping yourself rather than expecting everyone else or the government to do it for you.

Im not sure how it is in the USA, obviously very bleak. Here in Canada, even if you lose your job you are entitled to welfare and government assisted housing. No one goes without basic needs. If you are living on the street you are most likely a substance abuser or insane. Period.

Originally posted by byteshertz

Listen to you, you are brainwashed and spineless (Not meant as a personal attack)- You are a #$%^&* human being god damn it, grow a pair and stand up for yourself!! You have as much right as anyone else in this life but that right is only yours if you fight to keep it. C'mon brother you deserve better too.

That WAS a personal attack. Stand up for what? I have. I have very limited education and am actually doing alright! I dont mind my life one bit and when i look back at how people used to live in the past, im damn glad i live in this day and age. My bed is comfortable, i have running water and sewage, a Iphone and a couple cars! Life is pretty good!

Originally posted by byteshertz
explained above one option which would require more thought, but I would start by not bailing out companies when they fail, auditing the federal reserve and closing it soon after, letting the government control the money - in my system interest on debt would not be legal - interest creates new money in the system which causes inflation which rob's everyone of money they have earnt hitting the lower and middle classes the hardest. All our money that exists currently is created through debt and overnight can be worth nothing - in my system once you earn something it would not be able to be taken from you.

I agree with all of that but the government controlling my money. Wow, that would be a great idea! Like no one party government has ever grown corrupt before, right? And what you are proposing is obviously that, a one party government as i would assume you will nationalize all industry to ensure the government chokehold. No, i dont agree with that one bit.

edit on 16-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I was not meaning to offend you in anyway I was getting frustrated on your behalf at how content you are with the system. You say you have an iphone a couple of car's and paying off a mortgage on a house and kids - this to me suggests you have other income either now or in the past that you are not talking about, but I don't live in canada so I do not know the relative cost's of living.
I wish to start fresh and try and approach this with less frustration - please accept my apology, I really am not trying to be abusive or agressive - I am simply frustrated because it is like hitting my head against a brick wall.

I have posted a video I would really like you to watch, do you have some facts, information, stats or video's you would like me to look at to better understand you point of view besides you own opinion that is based solely on your life?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by byteshertz

You should listen to Hawkiye - if you think a bank work's for you, you are really misguided and naive... I would highly suggest taking some time out to watch the video I have posted and actually understand the system you are in and supporting.

Ok, so i havent reduced my payments to taxes each year from my RRSP contributions. Wow. Strange that i have then. I think your US system must be very different here. Two years ago i cashed some bonds i that had matured and i bought a sofa among other things. I guess you are saying that sofa is imaginary?

Originally posted by byteshertz
The banking system does'nt work for you or anyone - it is the one of the few system's that makes money off everyone else's work - fact. They do not sell product's the service they offer is basically nothing but holding on to your money for you which they then loan out at higher rates. You are dillusional to think you need a bank - the bank need's you.

Actually we both need each other. They make money off me, i can make money off them. YOU need to educate yourself on wise investments. There are people out there doing it right now, you could be one too!

Originally posted by byteshertz
Kindly take the time to watch the video so you stop spewing this rubbish in front of educated people who understand the system for what it really is.
All a bank does is take everyone's money and makes money off it then it give's you a little back and you jump and down saying look look it works I got money back.

Very hostile and i refuse to be baited into your name calling match. Ive watched those videos before i realize exactly what you are saying. What you refuse to see is how it can all work for you.

edit on 16-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by byteshertz
reply to post by nightbringr

I was not meaning to offend you in anyway I was getting frustrated on your behalf at how content you are with the system. You say you have an iphone a couple of car's and paying off a mortgage on a house and kids - this to me suggests you have other income either now or in the past that you are not talking about, but I don't live in canada so I do not know the relative cost's of living.
I wish to start fresh and try and approach this with less frustration - please accept my apology, I really am not trying to be abusive or agressive - I am simply frustrated because it is like hitting my head against a brick wall.

I have posted a video I would really like you to watch, do you have some facts, information, stats or video's you would like me to look at to better understand you point of view besides you own opinion that is based solely on your life?

I do have other income from stocks and bonds, and no, i havent done anything even remotely illegal or shady. I simply educated myself. Granted, what i make there is a fraction of my work income but i have simply never let my self be put into a position of debt besides my mortgage.

I buy my cars up front. I do have a Visa, but i have never once missed a payment on the month due, and i always pay it in full. I dont take trips, buy furnature or appliances without first saving for it. I look for deals on anything and everything i can, including used items. I have never bought a new car and consider myself a very good mechanic. Its part of what i do so was useful to learn.

If my daughter wants something, she is going to have to learn how to earn it in an honest manner. She is too young for that now, but i plan on instilling in her a sense of responsiblitly that is sorely lacking in the world today. That being said, we are putting away a little money at a time for her future education.

My wife works too. She makes even less than i do, but together we do quite well.

edit on 16-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:23 PM

You want communism.

Define:Communism: Communism is a social structure in which, theoretically, classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled, as well as a political philosophy and social movement that advocates and aims to create such a society.

I stated I want the basic's of life to be a given for everyone in the system while also allowing those that wish to have more to earn it on top of the basic's. That is not communism as you would still have classes and people can still work hard to get ahead of others - but everybody would have the basics they need to survive as a human being.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by byteshertz

You want communism.

Define:Communism: Communism is a social structure in which, theoretically, classes are abolished and property is commonly controlled, as well as a political philosophy and social movement that advocates and aims to create such a society.

I stated I want the basic's of life to be a given for everyone in the system while also allowing those that wish to have more to earn it on top of the basic's. That is not communism as you would still have classes and people can still work hard to get ahead of others - but everybody would have the basics they need to survive as a human being.

But............the basics are free here in Canada. Perhaps you didnt read my earlier post about welfare and government assisted housing? Oh, and healthcare here is free.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Very hostile and i refuse to be baited into your name calling match. Ive watched those videos before i realize exactly what you are saying. What you refuse to see is how it can all work for you.

I have not called you any names I stated that you were spewing rubbish - which is an opinion I am sticking to.
If you understood the video you would understand it doesnt work for anybody but the banks in the long run. You would understand if everyone was debt free the system would not work, you would understand that the last thing anyone need's is a bank - they need you.
I have offered to watch any video, read any information or stats that you wish to provide to support your view besides your own opinion based off your life. If you are not willing to look in to alternate points of view not only do I not know what you are doing here but I am not going to waste my time trying to get somthing factual out of you.

Good day sir,

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by byteshertz

Very hostile and i refuse to be baited into your name calling match. Ive watched those videos before i realize exactly what you are saying. What you refuse to see is how it can all work for you.

I have not called you any names I stated that you were spewing rubbish - which is an opinion I am sticking to.
If you understood the video you would understand it doesnt work for anybody but the banks in the long run. You would understand if everyone was debt free the system would not work, you would understand that the last thing anyone need's is a bank - they need you.
I have offered to watch any video, read any information or stats that you wish to provide to support your view besides your own opinion based off your life. If you are not willing to look in to alternate points of view not only do I not know what you are doing here but I am not going to waste my time trying to get somthing factual out of you.

Good day sir,

And you would like me to become jaded and bitter like you? Would that be better?

And what i realize is even if the bank is still making 100 times more than i do on any investment i make, im still going to do it and not think twice.

Perhaps you think the money i have made using the banking and financial systems to my advantage is imaginary, but i know its not. Perhaps you think i dont realize how corrupt our financial world is, but your wrong. I would like to sweeping changes as well, but you still can succeed in this life. All you are preaching is despair.

Good day to you! I hope you find some measure of satisfaction out of this life. After all, we make our own way through this life, no matter the circumstances. Never expect someone to make it better for you. If they do, be pleasantly surprised.
edit on 16-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr

My wife works too. She makes even less than i do, but together we do quite well.

Quite a diffent picture you are painting there from the begining when you were saying you have a family and a mortgage to take care of and only earn $36k.
You do realise most people and families are lucky to have 1 paycheque not 2 right? And when I have been talking about the problem's I am talking throughout the western world not just canada. I for one am like you and have what I need even though I have bills, but I am able to see other's points of views I see the problem's they have to overcome while being payed penuts by big corporates, alot of people are happy they have a job - that doesnt mean they like it. I can see now why you so easily are saying - if you don't like you job change it, you need to remember having 2 paycheques means you have 2 paycheques to support you - two leg's to stand on, some people are lucky to have half a leg to stand on.
edit on 16-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I realize how deep government corruption runs, but i see no PTB conspiracy to keep everyone down. There are obscenely rich people, and there are the rest of us. What good does it do to rage all day how unfair it is? It gets you no where. Get off you ass and doing somthing about it if you see the world in such a negative light.

Thank you for illustrating my point ever so clearly. You say there are the obscenely rich, and then there is the rest of us. Yet you don't question why that is, and even go so far as to claim that it must be our faults and there is no one to blame but us. And of course you don't see any conspiracy by these insanely rich who just happen to hold all the positions of power in society, because you refuse to look. You have got to hand it to the elite, you are a testimony to how well thier brain washing has worked.

It is one thing to be positive, it is an entirely different thing to be wilfully ignorant and even supportive of your oppressors because they throw you a few scraps while they rape and pillage all the wealth of nations and tell you're free. I throw my dog a few scraps now and then and he thinks I am god. Not much difference there.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
reply to post by nightbringr

I realize how deep government corruption runs, but i see no PTB conspiracy to keep everyone down. There are obscenely rich people, and there are the rest of us. What good does it do to rage all day how unfair it is? It gets you no where. Get off you ass and doing somthing about it if you see the world in such a negative light.

Thank you for illustrating my point ever so clearly. You say there are the obscenely rich, and then there is the rest of us. Yet you don't question why that is, and even go so far as to claim that it must be our faults and there is no one to blame but us. And of course you don't see any conspiracy by these insanely rich who just happen to hold all the positions of power in society, because you refuse to look. You have got to hand it to the elite, you are a testimony to how well thier brain washing has worked.

It is one thing to be positive, it is an entirely different thing to be wilfully ignorant and even supportive of your oppressors because they throw you a few scraps while they rape and pillage all the wealth of nations and tell you're free. I throw my dog a few scraps now and then and he thinks I am god. Not much difference there.

Well arent you high and mighty?

Just because im not paranoid doesnt mean im stupid. Ive spent several years on this website. I find conspiracy theories interesting in the way that people cannot turn away from a car crash.

I have never seen any convincing evidence of a great TPTB conspiracy to "keep the people down". Ive seen so many people pull out this peice of news and draw vague comparisons between this and that, always coming to a conclusion of how badly we are mistreated.

What you refuse to see is if there was a great conspiracy, we would be living in a totalitarian state. There is no reason for your so-called TPTB to give us a democracy. We have freedom of information that in unprecedented in human history, the internet for one.

Now you will go on to say how it is all controlled by "TPTB", but if that was true, would you be able to do your little anti-government rants? No. You would be restricted as bad if not worse than a Chinese man. THAT is restriction to freedom. If the world was the way you claim it to be, we would all be living under the yoke of a very restrictive communist state or worse, with any and all dissenters stiffled. Im sure you believe that to be the case, even here. Would politicians like Ron Paul who want to audit the federal reserve and create greater freedoms for the masses be allowed to hold office? But of course you will say he is a pawn as well.

Id also like to know the mechanism they use to "keep us down". The company i work for is a smaller, family owned company and they have done quite well for themselves. When i talk to the owner of his success, never once has he mentioned about how people have "kept him down". How was Bill Gates kept down? Other inventors, investors and business people. Im sure i can post a link showing hundreds of people who have become millionaires or even billionaire over the last 10 years. Who kept them down?

Here is a quote from Forbes magazine:

"The number of billionaires has gone from 793 last year to 1,011 this year, almost to where it was [in] the record level of 2008," Forbes told reporters at a new conference in New York to announce the magazine's annual ranking. "The overall net worth of these billionaires is $3.6 trillion, up from $2.4 trillion just a year ago -- a 50 percent increase."

This shows the growth. Over 200 new billionaires over the last 2 years. Who kept them down? Or will you use your famous conspiracy defense and simply say they are obviously "in on it". Perhaps friends of TPTB? Fictional names to make it look like there was growth and new people coming into positons of wealth? All hogwash. Show me PROOF!

What i really think you are failing to see here is how i agree in essence with a lot of what you are saying. I agree there is massive corruption in the government and sweeping changed need to be made. However, this does not mean people cannot take responsibility for their own actions. One earlier poster basically stated how he has "given up" on life and decided to sit on his ass on welfare all day rather than work, because it would help feed the rich and do nothing for him. On the other hand, another man worked for the corporations, saved enough money to fulfill his lifes dream of living off the land and is now doing just that. Who do you think is happier? If you are convinced the government isnt going to make things better for you, you need to do it yourself. This is possible for those who are motivated.

Would you not agree the easiest eay to control us would be in a totalitarian state? Perhaps communism or fascism? National Socialism? The free flow of information of the internet does not facilitate a restrictive, controlled society. Why do you think China restricts access to the internet? Think a little about what you say. Learn a little about social engineering then talk.

edit on 17-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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