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Why i enjoy working and why you dont

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:40 AM
You spend 8hrs working, 5 days a week. Include now your journey time on top of that. You work hard, you get criticised for not smiling, for not upselling, not kissing even the rudest customers ass. Any cleaning you do is likely to be scrutinized, for example "There where marks on the floor where you mopped" The reason there were marks on the floor? Your employer set you a list of cleaning tasks to complete in a near impossible time frame and refuse's to pay you after a certain time. If you have not finished the jobs, you must stay until all jobs are complete or you get disaplinary action and there are no unions to defend you. So your late out.
You get paid, you have enough to afford a roof over your head, some food, basic utilities and ofcourse, transport costs to get you to and from work. Young people cannot afford to get a place of their own and thus are forced to share with flatmates or stay at home with parents well into their 20's - No privacy/no space of your own. Banks wont lend money to young people so that they may get a mortgage - Your blocked in.

In effect, you work a #ty job, where you get constantly # on no matter what you get right, you cant afford to support yourself and are dependent on others chipping in and you have no money to spend on leisure time.

And then come april? The company you work for announces millions in profits and sends you a thank you letter for being their bitch.

Why would anyone get tired of that??

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:12 AM
You enjoy working because of the rewards, not because of the labor. You have lied to yourself and told yourself working isn't so bad, hell it is even enjoyable right? Same thing happens with prisoners. This prison isn't so bad, at least I get some peace and quiet and good exercise, good diet. Then, they try and throw the prisoners out in the real world, and they are so used to the prisons, they almost don't want to leave. It's all about that chemical in our heads that overpowers our intelligence (dopamine). It's that good feeling you associate with whatever the hell your brain wants it to, or in some cases, needs it to.

You are a slave, and work sucks, where do you think they came up with the idea of paying you to do it? Cause it's fun? Now stop lying to yourself and realize work is not about working, it is about making money. Your task should have been from the beginning, to make money. Instead you took the path of the drone, and now you are one. A good slave at that.
edit on 16-2-2011 by sliceNodice because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by sliceNodice

Im sorry your a slave, and by the sounds of your comments, you must truely be miserable at your work. And it must truely be a humiliating place to be by the sounds of it. My workplace is nothing like you describe.

By the sounds of most people replying here, you truely dispise your jobs. It really is a shame, since we are in a free society and you can always quit and find somthing more to your liking. But of course with most of you, you will not take a pay cut to work something you would actually enjoy, because for you its all about money.

Im not a slave, my bosses generally treat me with respect. We have our fallings out, but i do even with my wife, who i love very much. Its a part of life.

Do you assume i work for a large corproration? Is that why you assume im miserable or SHOULD be miserable? Im not sure what kind of assumtions you are making of my and my job.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

You too my friend need to find a better job, as you are obviously miserable. There are ways of finding thing you will actually enjoy. There are still smaller businesses out there who actually care about their employees. I work for one.

Why not take a pay cut to work somewhere you will be happy? Or work 2 jobs, save some money and get an education so you can do somthing that would truely make you happy.

Its in your power to do it.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Visitor2012

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by Visitor2012

Absolutley not. I dont wish misery on anyone, and im stating my case based on circumstances i am in. Food here is not prohibitively expensive, and even people on welfare can afford basic food staples. No one should starve.

People in other parts of the world do have very valid concerns regarding the prices of basic foodstuffs.

I certainly pay no where near 2 weeks of pay for one week of food. Where are you from?

edit on 15-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

I won't give my location. (psychic honing) but I was being very conservative with that number.
There are millions of people being exploited and robbed blind while participating in this wonderful job scam you seem to be in harmony with. I respectfully disagree with your point of view.

And i respectfully doubt your statements.

If you work two weeks and all that two weeks pay only goes to one weeks worth of food, i would suspect you are close to starvation. You obviously cannot afford a home or shelter, as all your money goes to paying for food.

You will surely parish soon, ill say a little prayer for you.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 10:46 AM
I hate working, so if you'd all like to give to the Slipdig1 appeal. I would much appreciate it. Its something you do for money. You are conditioned to it, from young age with school. I think Utopia left along time ago, when someone said " Why move around all the time from little hut to little hut?, when we can build a big hut and sit on our ass in it."

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
reply to post by nightbringr

Enjoy it while you can, you'll get over it one day and discover the government really is the main problem stealing the fruits of your labor, the bank never loaned you any money to buy the house but tricked you into thinking they did, and that self sustainable living is possible and being done by a number of people and communities and does not require going back to a 19th century standard of living to accomplish.

Someone has to set the bar for a new model of a modern self sustainable free society and it sure won't be those happy and content with the status quo, otherwise we would still be living in caves.

edit on 16-2-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

I will enjoy it, thanks!

I wont get over it. If my Canadian government is stealing all my money, as you say, its surprising i still have so much disposable income after all my taxes are said and done.

The government or bank who "steals" my money also enable me to make more by offering things like RRSPs, which i contribute to each year, and it almost pays entirely as deductions on my yearly income tax. Yet, that money is still saved and gains interest each year. Sounds like they are working for me.

As far as that sustainable living deal of your goes, look back onto page 2 of this thread to a very smart man named SkurkNilsen who used the big, bad corporations you so love to hate to make himself a decent savings, then followed his dream of living off the land. He is now his own master, and used what you think controls us all for his own good. What you shun, he used to make his life better. You could learn a lot from reading his post.

When i look at my income taxes and what i pay each year here in Canada, it seems like nothing for what i get from it. I get free heathcare, paved roads, infrastructure and police and military protection.

edit on 16-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by byteshertz

Lets turn your very lengthy post around and let my ask you this:

If you are so unhappy with the world at large, what would YOU do to right things?

I simply dont see things as you do. I realize that a very few people hold the vast majority of wealth, and i really dont have a problem with it. I agree they should donate massive amounts of money as they obviously dont need that much, but what am i going to do about it? Overthrow the government, install a communist state and seize all their assets to distribute to the poor? Somehow i suspect you might like somthing along these lines.

Its very easy to rage against the systerm, but very difficult to actually think of a realistic solution and implement it. So im curious, what would you do?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

Pay cut? I'm working for the grand old minimum wage my love

Currently trying to get into uni and should i succeed i'll be getting myself around 6-7 grand in debt per year just so i can earn over 16k a year. I respect that you have different views and if you happy to be a bee that works for practically nothing then thats your perogitive - i personally feel that wealth should trickle down and be shared generiously. There really is no reason in this day and age why people still live in poverty. theres no reason what-so-ever why someone cant work 40hrs a week, earn a proper wage and ENJOY life with a place of their own and a few material items.
Greed is what stops this dream. I'm all for global wealth cap.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by doobydoll

It can and it might happen to me.

My wife could leave me, i could lose my job. I might have to sell my home in a situation like that and move into even more modest surroundings. I would have to fall back onto unemployment insurance, and then perhaps even welfare if i came to that to survive.

I might blame my employer if the circumstances of my dismissal were unfair, but would i ever blame the government? Doubtful. After all, they are paying my welfare. Granted, i did pay into it with my tax dollar, but how can i hold the government responsible for something they have no control over.

They do not have a responsibility to keep me working or give me money, thats my responsibility.

Im sorry for your circumstances, i really am. I do not wish poverty or hard times on anyone, but i simply am a big believer that we alone are responsible for our happiness and success in this life. No one else.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

The foundation is not built upon failure. YOU make your own foundation, if you chose to fail, thats your own shortcoming, dont blame it on the government.

Gee THANKS for setting me straight! You are absolutely correct - it was ALL MY FAULT that I got put out of manufacturing work - how dare I blame NAFTA? After all, the Government and Big Business just LOVE US and do so very, very much for us all! What an entitled asshole I have been!

So SORRY boss! Can I lick your boots now PLEASE?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by SkurkNilsen
reply to post by nightbringr

You got it mate!

You are not a slave to rich people. You are only a slave to your own needs.

Anyone here making the excuse that they don't work because it only feeds the rich is a liar, you are a lazy sod, that's it.

And I just want to mention I live of the land, it's bloody hard work. But if that's what you love, you just gotta do it, no excuses. Make the money and fulfill your dream whatever it is. In my profession you only get respect from how much and how hard you work.
How did I get there? Hard work for corporations. Now, who used who for what?

Bravo! I couldnt have said it better myself!

You used the big, bad corporations to get exactly where you wanted to be in life, and i have nothing but respect for you. Others here would do well to follow your example.

Ive seen thread after thread about how we need to get back to basics and live off the land, but no one is willing to put one ounce of effort into actually making it happen.

Hats of to you my friend for making the corporations work for YOU!

Thanks mate, this has been a constant irritation for me as there is so many people claiming they want to change the way they live and that their job sucks. Get over it and do something about it. For me it has gone so far that I really can't be in their company anymore unfortunately. I prefer to hang with people that acctually does something about it rather then whine and moan.

I have to admit; I was one of those people, but at some point I just understood what it would take if I wanted the life I was seeking. Guess that's why it annoys me so much now

Just wanted to add something about Bill Gates and how some people feel he is such a bad person for being rich. (In my opinion they are just jealous). He was damn lucky, he got a product that was marketed well and millions of people needed.
My uncle did the same, not on that scale, but he invented and started selling a new system for humanely killing salmon. Now it's the standard used in salmon farming. He is now a multi millionaire, because of a combination of luck and inovation.
Can someone explain to me how that's bad?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:10 PM
I find you to be a wiseman....I wish more people saw it your way....

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by doobydoll

It can and it might happen to me.

My wife could leave me, i could lose my job. I might have to sell my home in a situation like that and move into even more modest surroundings. I would have to fall back onto unemployment insurance, and then perhaps even welfare if i came to that to survive.

I might blame my employer if the circumstances of my dismissal were unfair, but would i ever blame the government? Doubtful. After all, they are paying my welfare. Granted, i did pay into it with my tax dollar, but how can i hold the government responsible for something they have no control over.

They do not have a responsibility to keep me working or give me money, thats my responsibility.

Im sorry for your circumstances, i really am. I do not wish poverty or hard times on anyone, but i simply am a big believer that we alone are responsible for our happiness and success in this life. No one else.

I don't hold the government responsible for my circumstances - I have never said such either.

I am saying that at 52, I am out of work and I am struggling to find a job, any job. It's not as simple as you seem to think it is, you have never found yourself in such a situation and until you do, you are not qualified to make judgements on people by saying they should find a more enjoyable job and take a pay cut. I was working as a pizza delivery driver on minimum wage, can't get a lower wage than that in the UK. I got on with my boss and I very much enjoyed my job for 7 years.

I don't blame anyone for my circumstances at all.

The government do not give me any money and I do not expect it neither. I live on an annuity pension which my late husband and I paid into when he was alive.

I have done my best throughout my life so far to make a living for myself and to make things easier for when I retire, but life doesn't always stick to the plan you have.

I have always worked all my life except for the few years when my kids were growing up, and after all those years of work and plans, the change in circumstances have blown everything out of the water for me.

I am glad you are happy because of your hard work so far. But I too have worked hard all my life, as many have and are doing, but for alot of us it feels like it's all been for nothing, and we might as well have sat on our arse all our lives for what we're left with at the end of it all.

I truly hope your life-luck doesn't run out and things stay good for you, because if it does run out, that's when I think you and people like you, will be in for the shock of your life, my friend.
edit on 16-2-2011 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2011 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2011 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Iwinder
reply to post by gwydionblack

The work that is NOT necessary are the distribution centers, the Walmarts, the McDonalds, the useless government agencies, the salesmen, and the entertainers.

The work that IS necessary are the farmers, the traders, the medical staffs, the good Samaritans, the mom and pop corner and grocery stores, and the service providers.

The sooner we realize that the system can survive without the corrupt first category, the sooner the world can return to peace, tranquility, responsibility, and humanity.

Well said Sir/Maam
Regards, Iwinder

Entertainers? People will pay good money to be entertained.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by doobydoll

Understood and if i implied or stated that you were blaming anyone else then i appologize.

Circumstances can certainly change, and not always for the best, i wish you all the best and hope matters do improve for you in the furture.

It is very rare for someone in your circumstances to not blame everyone else around you, perhaps i was defensive because most people replying to this thread do just that.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

The point is that the entertainers are not necessary, at least in the proportion they are accounted for today.

Entertainment makes up the largest majority of brainwashing around the world today, and not only that - but why should athletes, actors, and musicians make ludicrous amounts more income than the people who are doing the work that actually aids in the SURVIVAL of human beings?

No, life might not be to fun without entertainers, and people might pay "good money" for it, but "good money" does not mean prosperity or reason. Clearly, priorities of people today are so far out of whack that entertainment is held in higher regards than basic survival needs. Goes to show just how great humanity is.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I will enjoy it, thanks!

Like I said do it while you can because you won't enjoy it when you lose your job in the coming crash.

I wont get over it. If my Canadian government is stealing all my money, as you say, its surprising i still have so much disposable income after all my taxes are said and done.

Good for you that you have managed your finances well from the crumbs you are allowed.

The government or bank who "steals" my money also enable me to make more by offering things like RRSPs, which i contribute to each year, and it almost pays entirely as deductions on my yearly income tax. Yet, that money is still saved and gains interest each year. Sounds like they are working for me.

LOL ignorance is truly bliss. If you think the bank is working for you, then you are in for a very rude and shocking awakening when all that interest you think you are earning evaporates into thin air which is where it came from.

As far as that sustainable living deal of your goes, look back onto page 2 of this thread to a very smart man named SkurkNilsen who used the big, bad corporations you so love to hate to make himself a decent savings, then followed his dream of living off the land. He is now his own master, and used what you think controls us all for his own good. What you shun, he used to make his life better. You could learn a lot from reading his post.

Yeah all those politically connected Corporations are wonderful for us when less the 3 percent own 80-90% of the wealth produced by the populations of the earth. I guess they are just harder workers then the rest of us. OR maybe they became politically connected to use governments to rig markets in thier favor and stifle real competition?... Nah what was I thinking everything is wonderful don't worry be happy...

As for sustainability I'd explain it to you but you don't want to hear it. Unfortunately you'll understand though what I meant when your wonderful life style you thought was sustainable comes crashing down around you.

When i look at my income taxes and what i pay each year here in Canada, it seems like nothing for what i get from it. I get free heathcare, paved roads, infrastructure and police and military protection.

LOL! Even in Canada your income taxes pay for no such thing do some research. They pay interest on the national debt nothing more. Normally I would not be so hard on someone like you because you represent the majority of people in most first world countries and thier mindset. However that mindset is the reason why the coming world wide depression and crash will be so devastating, because folks like you have no clue what is going on and how the system works. As long you you have a job and can get by you are not concerned and don't care to even look into things enough.

I do not wish you any ill will and I hope being here on ATS has taught you enough to pay off your house if you can and prepare you and your family for the coming greatest depression the world has ever seen due to this wonderful system you love so much.

Nothing wrong with being positive and trying to enjoy life but it does not mean we should ignore obvious serious problems that could lead to the break down of society. Better to be prepared and not need it, then to need it and not be prepared. Also better to be working to change things to a better form of society that avoids many of the pitfalls of the current.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by byteshertz

Lets turn your very lengthy post around and let my ask you this:

If you are so unhappy with the world at large, what would YOU do to right things?

If I was designing the system from the ground up, kid's would choose what they want to do something they have passion for, companies would then sponsor them by paying for their education - after all they are the one's who benefit from it. If the kid decided later in life he wanted to change job the employer would need to trade/exchange with another company - cash can be paid on top depending on the kids performance. Once the kid is a working adult the exchange system can be kept in place but the employer's would have minimum costs of that employee they have to cover - no matter what they are these would include: medical costs, food and accomodation costs, funeral costs the basics of life -
This would be covered by the employee working 5 hours a day for an employer.
If the employee had want's or wanted flasher accomodation etc then he could request extra hours and negotiate a pay rate. I have only just spat out this system in the 30secs i have taken to think about it but a system where everyone's basic needs for life are covered should be a given.

I simply dont see things as you do.

Correct all I have seen so far is you assuming everything for most people is lad-e-da. You seem to think people just moan because they have to get up everyday and use their energy.. in reality people are moaning because they can not afford to eat properly or at all, can not get the physical and mental medical attention they need, can not afford to get in to a position where they do not stand to lose everything they have spent years working for over night - while at the same time those they work for are splashing their money on luxurious item's left right and center. You are entitled to your narrow minded opinion - but how about you answer my questions from my long post I took the time to type out. Just because all is sweet for you on your $36,000 doesnt mean that would dent other people's problems - and then their are people who can't even earn that. Imagine being disfigured, physically handycapped or suffering a mental problem - as much as employers boast about hiring people with these problems, we all know the truth is they don't - or they would not feel the need to boast about hiring a guy with 1 bad eye and crossing that off their list. Seriously expand your mind past your own circumstances - look at this ladies post post by doobydoll
- look at the lack of support for this thread compared to the other one and consider that you may have got lucky, maybe if you had to do it all over again your circumstances may not have been the same and you may have a brother or sister to take care of because your parents died, your child may have needed million dollar operations to save their life, your wife may have developed a mental illness and never been able to work again, you may have been assulted and put in intensive care - what would your family do then? People are unhappy because they do not have any security - even most of the people who have not had this happen are just wanting more of a cut of those massive profit's from the big corporations just so they can save for the rainy day when something like this goes wrong - and I don't think that is to much to ask when the guys up the top are earning 300 to 500 times more than the average employee compared to 30 to 40 times more as they did back in the 50's.

I realize that a very few people hold the vast majority of wealth, and i really dont have a problem with it. I agree they should donate massive amounts of money as they obviously dont need that much, but what am i going to do about it? Overthrow the government, install a communist state and seize all their assets to distribute to the poor? Somehow i suspect you might like somthing along these lines.

Listen to you, you are brainwashed and spineless (Not meant as a personal attack)- You are a #$%^&* human being god damn it, grow a pair and stand up for yourself!! You have as much right as anyone else in this life but that right is only yours if you fight to keep it. C'mon brother you deserve better too.

Its very easy to rage against the systerm, but very difficult to actually think of a realistic solution and implement it. So im curious, what would you do?

I have explained above one option which would require more thought, but I would start by not bailing out companies when they fail, auditing the federal reserve and closing it soon after, letting the government control the money - in my system interest on debt would not be legal - interest creates new money in the system which causes inflation which rob's everyone of money they have earnt hitting the lower and middle classes the hardest. All our money that exists currently is created through debt and overnight can be worth nothing - in my system once you earn something it would not be able to be taken from you.

The following vid is an educational watch to understand how the system is a scam and is busted from memory their are some great suggestions at the end on how we can fix this system.

edit on 16-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Like I said do it while you can because you won't enjoy it when you lose your job in the coming crash.

Like i said earlier, i fully expect a coming crash. What is it YOU are doing about it?

The government or bank who "steals" my money also enable me to make more by offering things like RRSPs, which i contribute to each year, and it almost pays entirely as deductions on my yearly income tax. Yet, that money is still saved and gains interest each year. Sounds like they are working for me.

Originally posted by hawkiye
LOL ignorance is truly bliss. If you think the bank is working for you, then you are in for a very rude and shocking awakening when all that interest you think you are earning evaporates into thin air which is where it came from.

Ok. So i suppose that my parents who have used banks all their lives, my friends, everyone i know really, have made profits off RRSPs, RSPs, saving bonds and the like were delusional? My father has done quite well and I can see the proceeds with my own eyes. Its called making the system work for you, you obviously have no idea about economics or handling your money.

Originally posted by nightbringrAs far as that sustainable living deal of your goes, look back onto page 2 of this thread to a very smart man named SkurkNilsen who used the big, bad corporations you so love to hate to make himself a decent savings, then followed his dream of living off the land. He is now his own master, and used what you think controls us all for his own good. What you shun, he used to make his life better. You could learn a lot from reading his post.

Originally posted by hawkiye Yeah all those politically connected Corporations are wonderful for us when less the 3 percent own 80-90% of the wealth produced by the populations of the earth. I guess they are just harder workers then the rest of us. OR maybe they became politically connected to use governments to rig markets in thier favor and stifle real competition?... Nah what was I thinking everything is wonderful don't worry be happy...

And you obviously did not follow my advice and read SkurkNilsens post showing just how he used your big, bad corporations to give himself the life he has always wanted. You would do well to read it, you might learn a thing or two. He made his money off of them and is now living off the land as a free man. Turn the tables around, it can be done!

Originally posted by nightbringr
When i look at my income taxes and what i pay each year here in Canada, it seems like nothing for what i get from it. I get free heathcare, paved roads, infrastructure and police and military protection.

Originally posted by hawkiye
LOL! Even in Canada your income taxes pay for no such thing do some research. They pay interest on the national debt nothing more. Normally I would not be so hard on someone like you because you represent the majority of people in most first world countries and thier mindset. However that mindset is the reason why the coming world wide depression and crash will be so devastating, because folks like you have no clue what is going on and how the system works. As long you you have a job and can get by you are not concerned and don't care to even look into things enough.

And your point is what? Again.......i fully expect the US economy to colapse soon, dragging our Canadian, export based economy with it. 90% of our exports go south of the border. Tell me somthing i dont know.

Originally posted by hawkiye
Nothing wrong with being positive and trying to enjoy life but it does not mean we should ignore obvious serious problems that could lead to the break down of society. Better to be prepared and not need it, then to need it and not be prepared. Also better to be working to change things to a better form of society that avoids many of the pitfalls of the current.

I never asked anyone to ignore anything. Simply look inside when things go wrong rather than blaming everyone and anyone around them. The solution to most problems lies inside you.

I realize how deep government corruption runs, but i see no PTB conspiracy to keep everyone down. There are obscenely rich people, and there are the rest of us. What good does it do to rage all day how unfair it is? It gets you no where. Get off you ass and doing somthing about it if you see the world in such a negative light.

edit on 16-2-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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