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What has 'Anonymous' done that is worthy of support???

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 12:24 PM
and one more:

Faking documents seemed like a good idea, too, documents which could later be "called out" so as to make WikiLeaks look unreliable.

And Barr wanted to go further, pushing on people like civil liberties columnist Glenn Greenwald—apparently hoping to threaten their livelihoods. "These are established professionals that have a liberal bent, but ultimately most of them if pushed will choose professional preservation over cause, such is the mentality of most business professionals," he wrote. "Without the support of people like Glenn WikiLeaks would fold."

When the US Chamber of Commerce wanted to look into some of its opponents, Barr teamed with two other security companies and went nuts, proposing that the Chamber create an absurdly expensive "fusion cell" of the kind "developed and utilized by Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)"—and costing $2 million a month. And if the fusion cell couldn't turn up enough opposition research, the security firms would be happy to create honeypot websites to lure the Chamber's union-loving opponents in order to grab more data from them.

The leaked report suggested numerous ways to destroy WikiLeaks, some of them likely illegal -- including planting fake documents with the group and then attacking them when published; "creat[ing] concern over the security" of the site; "cyber attacks against the infrastructure to get data on document submitters"; and a "media campaign to push the radical and reckless nature of wikileaks activities." Many of those proposals were also featured prongs of a secret 2008 Pentagon plan to destroy WikiLeaks.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 12:38 PM

More e-mail messages believed to belong to HBGary Federal Chief Operating Officer Greg Hoglund were posted online Sunday, fulfilling a promise by online mischief making group Anonymous to further embarrass the Washington D.C. security firm, whose CEO aroused the ire of the hacktivists last week.

"You've got the names and e-mail addresses of high ranking government officials," notes Hadnagy. Beyond that raw information, there are detailed exchanges between HBGary and HBGary Federal executives: CEO Aaron Barr, COO Ted Vera and Federal Principal Consultant Phil Wallisch detailing HBGary's Federal's efforts to win the approvals needed to pitch and sell its technology to individuals within the elite law enforcement, defense and intelligence agencies. Together, the e-mail messages provide a road map of the professional and personal networks that are the currency of the Washington D.C. business and intelligence communities. Other e-mail exchanges provide insight into the thinking and needs of U.S. spy agencies. E-mail conversations between HBGary executives discuss the technology interests of the NSA, for example, and how the super secretive agency may end up applying the company's technology, which allows researchers to observe and dissect the operation of malicious programs in minute detail, with the goal of discovering its author or origin.

Chances are. The leaked emails are providing a network, a path to find all the corrupt spies and government officials who are involved in this mess.

Anonymous has basically uncovered a network!

Good, good work

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by MindSpin

I rarely agree with you on any point, but on this point I call you brother. Anonymous is a cancer of egoism. They have begun to believe in their own propaganda, but they are little more than bullies, pushing around anyone that dares to express an opinion. WBC is a horrible, hate-filled organization. But they have the same rights as everyone to express their views. Anonymous took that from them, as they have done to Scientology, Gene Simmons, Amazon and anyone that gets in their way of saving us from ourselves.


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
reply to post by MindSpin

I rarely agree with you on any point, but on this point I call you brother. Anonymous is a cancer of egoism. They have begun to believe in their own propaganda, but they are little more than bullies, pushing around anyone that dares to express an opinion. WBC is a horrible, hate-filled organization. But they have the same rights as everyone to express their views. Anonymous took that from them, as they have done to Scientology, Gene Simmons, Amazon and anyone that gets in their way of saving us from ourselves.


Erm.. How exactly did Anon 'take that from them'? In regards to WBC

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Dear OP

Something you dont understand

Anonymous is a multi-architecture system, we work on differents sub- levels

Some are creating agitations,turmoils and storms, attack by using ridiculous tactics, as a satyre, to remind peoples how the medias are actualy using the SAME tactics to brainwash thems

The second layer is oriented into direct and computerized attacks, using pranks and stupid attacks.

the third layer is dirrectly oriented to organizing IRL attacks, protests, etc etc etc.

Fourth layer is here to create a distracting move

While the fifht layer is centered on communication and propaganda

the last layer is directly oriented on heavy IRL attacks and heavy hacking tactics.

Believe us, we are worse than what you could ever imagine

Best Regards

We are Legion
We Never Forgive
We Never Forget
Expect Us

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Conciliatore
Dear OP

Something you dont understand

Anonymous is a multi-architecture system, we work on differents sub- levels

Some are creating agitations,turmoils and storms, attack by using ridiculous tactics, as a satyre, to remind peoples how the medias are actualy using the SAME tactics to brainwash thems

The second layer is oriented into direct and computerized attacks, using pranks and stupid attacks.

the third layer is dirrectly oriented to organizing IRL attacks, protests, etc etc etc.

Fourth layer is here to create a distracting move

While the fifht layer is centered on communication and propaganda

the last layer is directly oriented on heavy IRL attacks and heavy hacking tactics.

Believe us, we are worse than what you could ever imagine

Best Regards

We are Legion
We Never Forgive
We Never Forget
Expect Us

So are you the Anonymous spokesperson for ATS?

I honestly think Anonymous pretends to be more organized than they really are, just my opinion. I think it is more of a mob, and anyone who can grab the attention of this mob can control them.

The WBC easily controlled Anonymous and got them to do exactly what they wanted.

I'm interested by this statement from you though:

Believe us, we are worse than what you could ever imagine

What are people supposed to make of that statement?

Is that a threat???

Is that an admission that Anonymous is not a force for "good"...but "worse" than anyone can imagine???

I don't understand the meaning behind this statement.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by The Old American
reply to post by MindSpin

I rarely agree with you on any point, but on this point I call you brother. Anonymous is a cancer of egoism. They have begun to believe in their own propaganda, but they are little more than bullies, pushing around anyone that dares to express an opinion. WBC is a horrible, hate-filled organization. But they have the same rights as everyone to express their views. Anonymous took that from them, as they have done to Scientology, Gene Simmons, Amazon and anyone that gets in their way of saving us from ourselves.


Erm.. How exactly did Anon 'take that from them'? In regards to WBC

When they DOS'd their website. It was rumored that the person(s) that did it wasn't actually part of Anonymous, but what happened was that Anonymous was getting lots of backlash because they're hitting freedom of speech. They couldn't back out and show that they're a bunch of weak script kiddies, so they claimed it was someone acting alone.


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:28 PM

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:43 PM

So are you the Anonymous spokesperson for ATS?

Me, ah, no !
dont be mistaken, im part of Anonymous, but im not a spokesperson, i dont have the pretention to be THAT arrogant.

The WBC easily controlled Anonymous and got them to do exactly what they wanted.

That one dont depend from our actions, the one doing the job is not a part of Anonymous

Is that an admission that Anonymous is not a force for "good"...but "worse" than anyone can imagine??? I don't understand the meaning behind this statement.

Chaos is nor good, nor bad.
It create, its different

edit on 2-3-2011 by Conciliatore because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2011 by Conciliatore because: (no reason given)

We use and abuse the medias, they serve our purprose,and the more thoses medias spit on us, the more we gain allies, everydays.

edit on 2-3-2011 by Conciliatore because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:58 PM
Anonymous is just a fad.

I'm pretty sure that in 1 or 2 years time the group will be old news and long since forgotten.

It seems recently that some people who latch on to them have started to believe their own hype and are getting fanciful ideas above their station. Sadly, most people who involve themselves with anon are probably sad cases who have little power in their own lives, so they have found an ''edgy'' group that they feel a sense of belonging and an illusion of importance with.

Anonymous have not achieved anything, the latest ''attack'' on the Westboro Baptist Church just being an example of Anon's complete impotence and inability to pull of something of any major note.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Sadly, most people who involve themselves with anon are probably sad cases who have little power in their own lives, so they have found an ''edgy'' group that they feel a sense of belonging and an illusion of importance with.

That is partialy true, as we are made of what usualy society push aside, we're composed of brilliant minds, with damaged lives

Society created us, and pushed us aside, as we are not fitting or able to belong in the so called society

Give us your poors, your junkies, your gays, thoses who have mental disorders, your exploited cashiers slowly sinking in anger, your teenage hooker , looking to live normaly.

Give us all thoses peoples your society decided to push aside, and we build an army who have nothing to lose.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
Anonymous is just a fad.

I'm pretty sure that in 1 or 2 years time the group will be old news and long since forgotten.

If this year were 2006, your classifying Anon as a fad could have potentially been correct. However, after going strong for 5+ years it is time to define Anon as what it is: a movement.

As for your assertion that Anonymous having not achieved anything,

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:35 PM
The best thing about Anonymous is the worst thing about Anonymous and that is they are Anonymous.

Any hacker can hit a site/home/office and or government PC and say they are Anonymous or the government can hit there (CIA,Pentagon and or FBI) servers and say it was Anonymous just to push for the "internet kill switch".

Not to mention they could hit home PC's and or banks and get the people to beg for the "internet kill switch" how could Anonymous prove it wasn't them?

If you ask me its a double edged sword and how many attacks have been done in the name of Anonymous but yet had nothing to do with them?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by MindSpin

This may clear a few questions up for you:

* Anonymous has no official position on abortion
* Anonymous has no official position on tax policy
* Anonymous has no official position on health care
* Anonymous has no official position on collective bargaining agreements
* Anonymous has no official position on campaign finance reform
* Anonymous has no official position on the Tea Party
* Anonymous has no official position on the Democratic Party
* Anonymous has no official position on the Republican Party
* Anonymous has no official position on the Green Party
* Anonymous has no official position on global warming
* Anonymous has no official position on off-shore drilling
* Anonymous has no official position on budget deficits
* Anonymous has no official position on George Soros
* Anonymous has no official position on the Koch brothers
* Anonymous has no official position on Fox News
* Anonymous has no official position on MSNBC
* Anonymous has no official position on CNN
* Anonymous has no official position on NAFTA
* Anonymous has no official position on the IMF or World Bank
* Anonymous has no official position on Wall Street
* Anonymous has no official position on entitlement programs
* Anonymous has no official position on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
* Anonymous has a very official position on LULZ

You want some rules?

Seriously. People are thinking Anonymous are a bunch of "hacktivists" and are wondering how they can get anonymous to help them or support their agenda. Lemme clear this up now... WE SUPPORT NOTHING BUT LULZ. We are not your personal army, we will not attack this or that for anyone. and even then, not everyone who is anonymous will, because well, we are all anonymous. I am not sure you quite understand this. Anyhow, hope the position statement that was released to the media helps, as well as the link for the rules for the interwebs. Until next time kids.

rule #31.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed
If this year were 2006, your classifying Anon as a fad could have potentially been correct. However, after going strong for 5+ years it is time to define Anon as what it is: a movement.

But this is pretty common on the internet for something to take a couple of years before it builds up steam, gains attention and media coverage, then people get bored of it and it gets superseded by something else.

Originally posted by JohnnyTHSeed
As for your assertion that Anonymous having not achieved anything,

That's a list of ''achievements'' ? The mind boggles !

There is nothing noteworthy at all there, and much of the action is mean-spirited and harmful, such as flooding an epilepsy forum with flashing images.

If that lists their achievements, I would hate to see what their list of failures looks like.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Conciliatore

How does flooding YouTube with porn amount to acting with ''nothing to lose'' ?

Anon are interested in ''lulz'' and creating ''drama'', but now some members are getting a little bit overexcited and believing their own hype, and pretending that they are some real cause with a serious objective.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
reply to post by Conciliatore

Anon are interested in ''lulz'' and creating ''drama'', but now some members are getting a little bit overexcited and believing their own hype, and pretending that they are some real cause with a serious objective.

I am an individual. I am writing this statement. I do not represent Anonymous. In fact, no one does; the operative word there being "one." No statement or action made by a single individual can be claimed as a statement or action of Anonymous. Remember this. Look at the signature below. It does not say I am anonymous. It says WE are anonymous. If one person is pretending that they "believe their own hype" and "pretend that they are some real cause" then they are not anonymous. Our power comes not from numbers, but from freedom and choice. It comes from being Anonymous.
edit on 2-3-2011 by Vizzle because: Rule #31

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:36 AM
Anonymous more then has the capability, ability and manpower to leverage those who think that they cannot be leveraged. TPTB was not expecting this group but now they are the Keyboard Jedis meant to tip the balance back into our favour.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
There is nothing noteworthy at all there, and much of the action is mean-spirited and harmful, such as flooding an epilepsy forum with flashing images.

If that lists their achievements, I would hate to see what their list of failures looks like.

Mean spirited achievements are still achievements. I was responding to the notion that Anon had "accomplished nothing at all". Anon has and will continue to impact our world, to say otherwise is ignorance.

There are things on that list that I think are commendable, such as helping the Green Party in Iran. If all you want to see is the negative, that is all you will see.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:03 PM
All hail anonymous!

For they have made armchair revolutionaries on ATS looks like chumps.
For they have done more to make a statement than you or I could ever hope to do.

It's a no brainer here. You're either with Anonymous or against Anonymous.

Aww, did that hurt? George W.Bush used the very same rhetoric.

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