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Coming Massive Earthquake off Japan - A Dream

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 05:39 AM
I really do not see this as any more than OPEN READING!!!

Lets break down what he said:

"Last night, I had a brief dream in which I saw a map of the USGS world view (which I do check on and off)

On it I saw a LARGE RED sqaure surrounded by many other smaller squares just of the east coast of Japan. The thing was this square was much larger than the normal size square USGS put up for a 7+"

so his coments:
1, Japan
2, Greater than 7 (His actual coment says larger than normal size for a 7+ does this mean 7-10 or 7 - 7.5??? very open coment)
3, Many Smaller ones

1, Japan is a hot spot and has MANY earthquakes every year. Would we still be saying "Wow he predicted it" if the quake was a year from now?

2, Japan Quake History:
Dec 21 2010 - 7.4
March 9 2011 - 7.2
March 11 2011 - 8.9
in 3 months we have had three events that mach his predication.

3, ALL earthquakes have after shocks this part is void.

Not a single date or time scale ws provided....

edit on 12-3-2011 by Miyamoto because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2011 by Miyamoto because: Elaborated a little more

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 06:13 AM
Here are some very interesting numerology correlations to what JakiusFogg posted ;

I also would've expected earthquakes due to the Super Moon ,

although I wouldn't have known exactly where.

My precognitive dreams haven't shown me such events for a long time..

..but if they do I'll let you guys know.
edit on 12/3/2011 by Mystic Technician because: Spelling fix

edit on 12/3/2011 by Mystic Technician because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Miyamoto

Very plausible, admittedly. And you will find no other claims to the contrary.

Just to be clear on this point. what I dreamed regarding the red square, that made this stick out for me.

On USGS when you have an EQ that is >7 the size of the square posted was standard, whether it is 7.1, 8.1, 9.1 etc etc etc.

What I did mentioned on the OP, probably quite poorly, and this was not deliberate to be vague, to gain a "hit" if you like. was that the square I saw was larger than is normally posted for +7 EQ's by USGS. (check it, you will see it's true). What in fact I saw to be very specific, was a square that was roughly the size of 4 of these +7 squares with many other ones around it. so much so that it obscured much of the land behind it.

Now this size of square does not exists on USGS. That is why I though it odd and out of place. coupled with the fact that it stuck with me throughout the day (7th Feb)

I posted this, and even now state this as a matter of fact, as something that was experienced by me, personally. In no way am I saying this was a religious experience, or divine message.

I dreamed about a map!

Now here is the thing. I fully agree with the skeptical point of view, and find it healthy, I am concerned by the level of fervor I have seen here, to he point that I have been getting u2u's claiming me to be a prophet!!!

I assure you I am no such thing, never claimed to be, and even if it was true, I would not want that attention or responsibility, I would discourage strongly people from that point of view, as I believe that strength and guidance in one's life can only come from within, and that external influences have to be distilled within, to figure out what you hold to be true.

This is where the discussion in this area gets deeper, So at this point we'll leave it there,

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 06:41 AM
Two nights before the quake,i dreamt i was caught up in some kind of disaster!

In the dream,i was trying to run through a burning town,trying to get close to the shoreline as i thought i could dive into the sea if the fire got to close!
However as i approached the shore,i noticed a huge wave sweeping inland,carrying all kinds of debris,so i had to run back the way i came,eventually making it to higher ground!

Next day i told my colleagues about my dream,as i had never had one like that before.They just said i was weird!

On the day of the Japan quake i had a day off work,woke up real early,put on the news and couldnt believe what i was seeing! The footage of that wave washing everything before it was instantly familiar to me!

A couple of my friends at work called me and asked if i was psychic or something!

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

I do respect your reply very humble.
I truely believe you could have dreamed about the events you wrote about. My point is that these events also fit into the March 9th earthquake. It was not untill horfic life was lost that people then started to link your dream to real life events.

Your first description was just to vauge no time line/dates. Poor description of the Squares (Quake indicators) was very open.
With hignsight we can indeed elaborate on your coments and make them fit. That is the while point of "Open Reading"

The fact that people have sent you messages saying you could be a prophet scares me and shows what a vulnrable audience you have on ATS who come here looking to put two and two together to fit there believes and not coming here open minded seeking facts or evidence.

If you want more predictions check this thread out

edit on 12/3/11 by Miyamoto because: added more predictions

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
Now here is the thing. I fully agree with the skeptical point of view, and find it healthy, I am concerned by the level of fervor I have seen here, to he point that I have been getting u2u's claiming me to be a prophet!!!

We're not worthy! We're not worthy!!

Why is it so hard for people to accept their own innate powers? YET so willing to believe in the same powers in others?


posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Miyamoto

Hi Miyamoto,

Technically though that's not true, On page 1 you will see that I did respond on the 9th EQ. which is were I made the joke remark about being the new webbot! at that point it was just interesting, and I thought that was that. all done and nothing more to say. whereas after yesterdays event the intrigue turned to abject horror.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

I know on the 9th you replied and got 6 replies!
3 days later a more horfic earthquake with loss of lifes and you now have 100's of replies.

can you see my point which did you predict people seem happy to give you the kudos now. On the 9th this post was treated with humor.
What if in 2 months a 9.4 hits japan will i be the prohpet for predicting a 9.4 or will your dream have been about the 9.4 and not the 11march?

Back to my point its nice to get a hit but the OP was just to open.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

It's the only way to maintain balance mate. I cannot take this event here, as a first "prediction" on a major event that seemingly came to pass , as a queue to start running around screaming, I am the Messiah!! that's not me, and would be wrong on sooo many levels. apart from the fact that it's would be just plain dishonest,

especially as it has been pointed out and self admitted that the details given ARE vague, and have indeed been surpassed by other members here regarding the same event. that this could well have fallen with in the realms of Jung's synchronicity, and coincidence through sheer large numbers rather than actual precognition. although I do accept the position that it could well have been a precognitive event, but who knows?

Whereas I have had plenty of experience with personal readings, etc, this is first major thing that has come up. and happened.

As the scientists say there is currently insufficient evidence for a conclusive result.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Miyamoto

indeed and to be honest you will get no argument from me.

Next time I will have to look at the time stamp of the dream!!

(That's a joke by the way)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:38 AM
9/11/01 + 3/10/11 = 12/21/12
cue twilight zone theme

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

Intrestingly i have just been reading through your past post and topics.

You clearly read and follow sites to do with earthquakes alot.
One post goes into some detail that you are watching out for quakes around japan since the chille event.
This intrest/Obsession/paranoia is perfect to generate such dreams

Im not hear to shoot you down bro just want people to stop and look before they go jumping in head first that this was a bang on hit.

1, This OP was a hit on the 9th and 11th and possibly 100's more future events around japan.
2, This was very open and lacking detail.
3, The OP has shown in previous posts that this was indeed asubject of intrest to him. (Make your own mind up to what degree)
4, if a 9.4 hits in the next few months dont come to me as a Prophet unless your female in your 20's and hot lol

peace bro.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

S&F Just for the way you've been handling this, I seriously hope none of my dreams are precog.

BTW has "The View" called yet? Any preachers looking for book deals? Just kidding.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg
reply to post by Miyamoto

indeed and to be honest you will get no argument from me.

Next time I will have to look at the time stamp of the dream!!

(That's a joke by the way)


I have to agree with you 100%, most of the lucid dreamers on ATS understand that letters, numbers and text in dreams are not constant, and change right before the dreamers eyes.

I have brought this up on ATS many times, in fact, it is actually one of my dream triggers to alert me that I am actually dreaming.

For instance, if I was in a dream reading this post or any other post on ATS, in a matter of seconds the letters, words, numbers and writing, would start to change right before my eyes.

Many lucid dreamers use it as their main "Lucid Trigger" for dream awareness. Very powerful tool.
edit on 12-3-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:03 AM
I dont like how this was thrown on the front page, by the admin and slapped with A different name ' ATS Member, JakiusFogg, Predicted Japan Quake 31 Days Ago. ' it's an insult to the people who where killed, lost their homes, families. and this is still ongoing, we dont know who catastrophic the Powerstations leaks are going to be. it could even become a no go area for the next 50 years for all i know.

I would like it if There was some common decency, and to at least wait a while before jumping on the bandwagon. just to get some kind of publicity. If this thread had worked its way to the front naturally i would be much less annoyed.

I dont think jfrogs is a psycic or medium, he has obviouslly been slightly obsessing over earthquakes, and made a thread, there are hundreds of threads like this where they were wrong and nothing happend.

edit on 12-3-2011 by MR BOB because: spelling ' a threaf' [sneezed] to 'a thread'

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by MR BOB
I dont like how this was thrown on the front page, by the admin and slapped with A different name ' ATS Member, JakiusFogg, Predicted Japan Quake 31 Days Ago. ' it's an insult to the people who where killed, lost their homes, families. and this is still ongoing, we dont know who catastrophic the Powerstations leaks are going to be. it could even become a no go area for the next 50 years for all i know.

The reason why ATS is bringing this out is the fact that people have gifts and may not be using them. Just think about how many lives could be saved and disaster averted, if we learned how to fine tune our six sense.

I also do not think that ATS is down playing the events that are transpiring, people are very concerned because many of the members here have family in Japan, or actually live there.

In conclusion, how many sycronicities or fairly accurate predictions/premonitions will it take?

This one was 100 times more accurate than a weather report that uses billion dollar DOPLAR, seismographs and Satellites.

edit on 12-3-2011 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Miyamoto

Indeed, and I agree with you, As I have said here earlier I find the fervor here a disconcerting.

In the style of Monty Python

Brian: "I am NOT the messiah"
Follower: "Oh your as good as nay my Lord, and I should know I've followed a few"

On the point you made, if memory serves me correctly, I believe that discussion after the Chile quake was about P-wave theory, the result of which was to look out for one in NE China. or something like that.

However how long ago was that discussion? Example my life is not filled with monitoring EQ's and I don't work in the geological field. so at this time, it would be hard to find a trigger for this dream,

I don't know, but you comments are all well received.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by MR BOB

Star from me Mr Bob. Question is how long will it stay there (Mods??) as it is a bit embarrassing.
edit on 12/3/2011 by JakiusFogg because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:45 AM
so you post your event prediction after the event?
Heck we all need to try this lol
i bet we get a 100% ratio

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Well you asked for the link to thread in which I predicted this:

In my case it was a meditative session though, not a dream.

I had a meditative flash also last week, but not involving red squares and Japan per se, rather it was an outlining of what I thought were Countries or Continents, and the whole thing separated from the Center and the two halves pulled apart. I told another member of AtS about this flash, and he suggested it was pangaea, and another friend of mine thinks its the US(more scary). A member here had posted a map of tectonic plates, and that resembled more closely the outlines of my flash.

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