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Originally posted by keepithush LONDON: The world could be in for a bumpy ride next week when the moon will make its closest approach to Earth in almost 20 years,say experts. According to them, the astronomical event — "extreme supermoon" — may trigger earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other disasters. An "extreme supermoon" occurs when the Earth's natural satellite reaches its absolute closest point. On March 19, the moon will be only 221,556 miles away — the first extreme supermoon in nearly 20 years. Previous supermoons — or "lunar perigees" — happened in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005. Each year had extreme weather events.
I guess these are 'psychic' too.
日本への地震兵器攻撃は米国のネバタ州とニューメキシコ州の米軍地下基地 から発生した ペンタゴンやCIA等からの情報によると、本日の日本への地震兵器による 攻撃はパパブッシュなどナチ一派によるものだそうだ。同盟国であるはず のアメリカやペンタゴンへ要請する:戦車や兵士を使ってナチ一派の地下 基地を攻撃してください。彼らの次の標的は米国西南部にあるニューマドリ ード地震地帯(New Madrid fault line)である。 彼らの地震兵器基地はニューメキシコ州とネバタ州にある。ペンタゴンの正 規軍であれば場所がわかるはずなので、その基地を抑えるべきだ。 今回の日本への地震攻撃は40億人殺戮キャンペーンの始まりに過ぎないだ ろう。 Special bulletin: Earthquake attack on Japan originated in New Mexico and Nevada, U.S. New Madrid fault line next target The horrific earthquake weapon attack on Japan, resulting in 10 meter tsunamis along much of Japan’s coast line came from rogue elements of the U.S. government located in underground bases in New Mexico and Nevada, according to pentagon and CIA sources. The next target will be the New Madrid fault line in the South-Western United States, according to threats originating from the Nazi George Bush Senior faction of the U.S. government. The United States is supposed to be an ally of Japan, we demand that you immediately send men with tanks and guns to take these bases and arrest these genocidal rogues. You know who they are and you know where they are, you must act or your own people will be next.
Well it sure is funny your beloved science cannot explain these incredible predictions now isnt it? Care to science that away?
I know rite me. Been getting this message a lot.
Originally posted by Game_Over
reply to post by RANDOMguess
So about that game of risk...
Originally posted by Silicis n Volvo
Originally posted by RANDOMguess
I had a dream I wont the lottery when I woke up turned out to be some other guy I don't even know.
Your dream just means you spend too much time playing risk.
care to retract that statement?
probly think twice before mocking this kinda thing in the future??