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Victory in Britain!! Prime Minister says multiculturalism has failed

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:50 PM
Europe and america used to be havens of free speech and to a large degree are still light years ahead of the rest of the world. Questionable foreign policy mixed with corporate imperialism is what needs to be reigned in to prevent us from being rightfully called exploiters.

When someone immigrates to a foreign country they are supposed to adapt to the local standards of acceptable behavior and we all know how difficult it is for western women when they travel to the middle east and even for the men. I don't care for the arab culture but still if I were to visit their country I would try to act like an arab as much as possible.

It should be no different for an arab travelling to the west. The fanatics need to get over their jihad ideas and live peacefully with the rest of the world. The crusades are done and over with and it would be refreshing if people dropped mainstream religion as well.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

inviting squillions of people to a land (where 'equality' and not offending others is the law) from a land where the majority religion is based on supremacy (and not tolerating those that do not adhere is their law) would inevitably cause friction to say the least.

it isn't a surprise that 7/7 happened or any of the other bombings / attempted attacks.

it was an invitation to terrorise the nation, as was the in flux of other immigrants an invitation to joblessness for millions and economic meltdown..

and the solution.....well the choices given appear to be: labour...look where that got the UK, a total mess followed by tory / lib....making the less fortunate pay for labour's errors.

Personally, I don't buy it.

It's either shafting from group a or group b, which do you prefer?

Such seems the political template in so many lands....divide and conquer seems to the basis.

If both sides keep making a mess and they get the blame then surely the (m)asses will believe it isn't corruption, how could two 'opposing' parties be capable of making so many 'mistakes'?

Seriously, if these mistakes were catalogued in list form it would becomes plain to see there is another agenda from the so called governments of nations.

How many real communities are there anymore? Distrust and fear has replaced community spirit.....breeding hatred isn't the way forward.
edit on 5-2-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
reply to post by Haydn_17

I've always believed that if you immigrate to another country, you do as the Romans do and not force your beliefs on them.

You must be kidding, hm? The Romans didn't immigrate to other countries, they CONQUERED them. But they did something very interesting; the assimilated the people they conquered. The conquered ones became romans, and soon they became soldiers and were sent far away to secure the borders of the roman empire, so that they won't make any trouble at home.

Uhm.. is that what you meant?? ( no offense meant

I also feel that instead of opening our doors like we have been doing, that we instead help them in their country so they can be the gears of change for themselves, their children and so on. "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach the man to fish..." comes to mind.
This is of course my opinion.

But that's what the West already did in Iraq, didn't we?

Reading your last words and thinking about Iraq and all the other countries the west "helped", I have to think about: "Give a man some wood, and he'll have warm for a day. Set him on fire, and he'll have warm for the rest of his life..."

(I'm sorry

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:18 PM
Let's see here...First Germany makes this round-about statement, then France, now the U.K. I know someone, somewhere on here is gonna jump my @ss for this, but maybe they are seeing the light. I, for one, am not a bigot. That being said, I can agree with these countries trying to preserve what they can of their culture. Let's say for instance that I have to leave the U.S. for some reason, I then travel to another country. I would have to fit in, and obey all their laws. I would adapt to my new home, not make my new home adapt to my beliefs or culture. When people of a foreign country come to your country for a new, fresh start, then let it be that. They must intergrate their selves into your world, your laws. I have no problem with Muslims, Cathlics, or anyone else of a different faith, except this...In most beliefs there is no room for anyone that has a different belief. (Speaking only of the extremists). The "homeland" is always telling them that they should destroy all those that don't believe as they do. How in the world is that adapting? It isn't, it's called extermination. If you want to have a different religion than I, then by all means go ahead. But don't come to my country first to convert me, then kill me because I have a different faith. Don't try to turn my country into something you tried to escape from. Of course I must admit this much, my opinion is strictly that, my opinion. And being from America, I of course have no room to say anything other than my opinion. Our country was a gleaming light that has faded to a dim ember. A shame I can not move my family back to my "homeland", good ole Scotland. But then again, some extremist might come along and bomb the subway I and my family are on because I have a different faith.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Come out and say it. Segregation. Just like the good ol' 50's eh? Atleast be honest about your agenda here with others so we can have a nice honest debate.

I am the daughter of European immigrants on my fathers side, and yes grew up in a segregated neighborhood, few spoke English, in our town there is still the Italian Catholic section, my old neighborhood is gone now but it was mostly Germans, Poles, Austrians, Lithuanians.

They were not forced to live separate, they chose to.

I miss it actually,

Then again the European nations fought with one-another before there were Muslim immigrants,

Heck I don't have any answers.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
Yeah because of marxists pushing it down our throats for decades with media and the stifling of political dissent.

How typical, blame it on communism which has never set foot in the US or UK, not to mention it's current mostly dead status around the world. But hey, you need a scapegoat don't you? And exactly who is pushing anything down your throats? The last time I checked, you are free to practice what ever religion you want in Europe. What I do see are people like you attempting to push you perceived "western values" down everybody elses throat. Why don't you mind your own and mind your own damn business? If people want to practice islam, it need not be your business.

The UK & the US are special cases. Most european nations are more homogeneous.

Translation, all the other countries consist of almost all white people, so why can't the US and UK be the same, right?

And it does depend on your definition of homogeneous. If we are talking about diversity in ethniciy, no, most european nations are not homgenous. We already know of the UK, France, the netherlands and Belgium, German is another ethnic diverse nation, did you know that ethnic hungarians only consist of about 35% of Hungary?

As far as I know the US doesn't have a widespread problem coming from muslim immigrants,

Ah yes, so your intention is to ban muslims from immigrating to the US and UK right? And what about the muslims in those countries already? This is what my question is. Yep, real freedom fighters over here folks.

And how has multiculturalism failed again? As far as I am aware, there is no such thing as a perfect society or country, but I don't see any breaking down of society anywhere. I go to work with a Malaysian man, I work besides an islamic man and an agnostic arabic Iraqi, as far as I know, I have never had any issues side from business disagreements. Where has multiculturalism failed again? And what do you suggest? We end multiculutralism? How?

Come out and say it. Segregation. Just like the good ol' 60's eh? Atleast be honest about your agenda here with others so we can have a nice honest debate.
edit on 5-2-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

The media and politicians calling anyone who's against unsustainable and insane immigration policies racist are pushing it down our throats.

No, we aren't pushing our western values on people, THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT DOES!

We aren't pushing anything on the muslims, in fact we're bending ourselves backwards trying not to offend them while giving them various perks. Effectively making ourselves second class citizens in our own countries, with the help of apologists like yourself of course.

The only way for you to make a point is a straw man? They're culturally homogeneous.

Yes, that would be my intention. I don't give a crap about the US, you do whatever you want. I'm talking about Europe, it's not like you have a muslim problem in the US anyway so you wouldn't know anything about the problems we're facing. Yes, shut down immigration.

If the results of immigration are slowly destroying the country, why continue? Some pathological sick need to destroy the country? That is the only question you have to ask yourself.
If the immigration actually did contribute to the country like in the 60's and 70's there would be no problems. That's not the case though. At least where I'm from(Sweden).

Multiculturalism has failed since day one. Simple mathematics and economics will tell you that.
Low intensity wars on the police will tell you that, riots will tell you that.

It used to be HUGE news if someone was killed in my country. Now it happens all the time. That is why multiculturalism is a gigantic failure of enormous proportions.

We never had segregation here so I can't relate to your proposal, bringing back the 60's would be bringing back times of economic prosperity and less crimes.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:30 PM
"Multiculturalism Has Failed", "people/group(s) who dont participate in british cultural values wont receive state money/funds/assistance, etc".

Ok, check this out:

If my values are the following:
-Eating Healthy, as organic and naturally as possible.
-Staying away from Hip hop, rap, reggae, and other junk music from the "establishment".
-Staying away from fast food restaurants like Mc. Donalds.
-Not watching TV, except for special, rare, programs that I find worthy of watching, like Dual Survival, etc.
-I like listening to classic music, specially those that employ the 528Hz DNA repair frequency, while opposed to 440Hz based music which is out of tune of nature.
-I like to do lots of exercise and spend time outside taking sun for vitamin D.
-I like to stay away from processed foods, foods with artificial flavors, colorants, etc.
-I dont take part in any religion. But I do like to meditate and do seek enlightenment and the activation of my dormant spiritual powers.

Now, the majority of people are into the following sets of values:
-they like to eat lots of fast foods.
-they are completely UNCONSCIOUS of the harm and health implications of having an unhealthy diet.
-they like to listen to alot, and I MEEEAN ALOT of junk music such as rap, hip hop, reggae, etc
-they like to watch alot of TV's specially episodes like "George Lopez, Every one hates Chris, Fresh Prince of Bell Air, Bill Cosby, Family Matters, MTV, Sucker's free Sunday from MTV, and a whole other truck load of garbage WHILE corrupting their spirituality and subconscious minds with all kinds of negative subliminal messages that may get flashed in their screens from time to time to control their minds, specially advertisers getting people to purchase their products, and to effect a certain way of thinking. (If you dont know where you got your excessive addition to sex, now you know possible source where you might have gotten such dirtiness in your minds in the first place, just to name an example).
-They don't care about exercising, because it demands efforts and they are very lazy to get out of their couch from watching lots of TV.
-ANY one of them can easily be induced into a GANG, especially those of them that likes to listen to lots of hip hop and gansta music, specially if they have been hanging around with the "wrong crowd", and trust me, in these types of communities, it is VERY easy to stumble on a bad crowd than in a good crowd, and they wont even notice it, because they happen to listen to the same exact music as they like, dress just like they do with their pants down showing their underwear, walk like zombies all of the sudden they think that they have found the best friends of their life. Little do they know, they have found people that will put them in situations that they never though or imagined to be in (involved in the assassination of a person, robbery, introduction to drugs, entrance into a major gang, etc and some times mandated by the gang leader "for example: Joe, I want you tomorrow to go out to Avenue X at y/z time and kill joe schmoe as she passes by the street because she cheated on me" Yes, now you have to risk spending life in prison just because a gang leader told you to do something that he didn't have the balls to do it himself WHILE he remain free in the streets to pass on more orders to other stupid members of his gang). These people LACK critical thinking, I guess because of eating too much aspartame, junk foods and flooding their minds with junk music that they have blurred minds at all times and they can't think properly.
-They spend too much time gossiping and laughing off other people's miseries and imperfections.

Ok you get the point. If the majority of people act this way, then by definition, this is a "Culture", its a way of living. Do I HAVE to subscribe to that kind of way of living? Hell no! So, lets say, I move to a quiet place, maybe into the suburbian where I get to meet like minded people. We only interact with these like minded people that all what they want to do is live as peacefully as possible, eat as healthy as possible even growing our own foods organically, etc

Now do we deserve to not receive money from the state or even state based services because we refuse to integrate into a type of culture that is so corrupted and filthy?

would I be called an "extremist" because I refuse to like hip hop music, eat Mc. Donald's, refuse to partake in gossips, wear getto types of clothing? Is not like I am opposing the government of anything, I just want to live the way I like and want to live while not caring how the others decide to live their lives.

So what do you all think about this?

Also, I am in Canada now. would a person that shares the same views as me survive living the way he like if he were living in the United States of America in New York City?

What about in the United Kingdom.

Now, the ATS community that shares similar views as I do, how do you manage to get along in your life while living in an area where the majority are mentally shackled in a corrupt way of thinking? What would be the best way to escape from these kinds of people?

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

What will it take for people to realize that we, as humans, will NEVER live in peace with each other?

Pick a side and roll.

Once you win, plan for the next war.

There is no other philosophy.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
The media and politicians calling anyone who's against unsustainable and insane immigration policies racist are pushing it down our throats.

No, we aren't pushing our western values on people, THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT DOES!

the American Government happens to be its people...

they are not out to get you !

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Hm... maybe, if I was born in Afghanistan or in Iraq or any other country that came into the indulgence of beeing "helped" by the west, I'd possibly also go on Djihad.

But I'm white and born in the west, and so I just can feel ashamed for what the western culture has become.

The western culture had it's great days; the greatest ones were probably the days the United States were founded and the US constitution written by the founding fathers. But there were some more, more recent days that were also great; and astonishingly (compared to modern times), the stories of many great days were written by americans, for example such as Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy...

But today... what is the western culture really about? Aren't we just shadows of ourselves?

See my country Germany, once we were admired for the knowledge we had. I can tell you, soon this will be history, because our school system, our whole system is degenerating. And why? Because we've been sold by our politicians to those who paid them the most. We've been sold as you have been sold, and it doesn't matter if you're an englishman, american, french, russian or from anywhere else.

All this talking about "western values" is a shameful farce. What our western democracy will be worth, you'll realize that day you'll get a beat by a policeman's truncheon for just expressing your mind.

So many people are concerned about Muslims, but I can tell you, the real danger aren't Muslims. Because most of them want to live free and peaceful as you want it to. No, the real danger are those that sell everything your ancestors have shed their blood for.

The truth is, there is no such a thing like "democracy".

It's just a word, to let you feel warm and safe.

And don't you feel warm and safe? Do you?

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Dbl post

edit on 2/5/2011 by Cosmic.Artifact because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

So I take it, according to your answer, that the majority of americans want the CIA to pull coups in South America and the Middle East? The majority of americans wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan?

I can go on..

From my experience most americans on the internet state very CLEARLY that they don't support the criminal actions of their government, and that they don't like what it's doing, and that they don't want people to equate their government with the people.

Did I say I believe they're out to get me? What are you even talking about?

But yeah, they're pretty much out to get us all...

reply to post by Peloquin

The thing is... most people are only looking at it from one perspective.
Yes, immigration can be bad.
Yes, they're after our freedoms, you better believe it.

You don't think the muslims play their part?
You don't think TPTB had a plan when they decided to ship millions of muslims to Europe?

Clashes between european cultures and muslim culture spawns hate.

Hate they may need in the future?

It would also spawn unrest, it already has. But maybe on a bigger scale in the future.
Unrest that would serve to strengthen the police state.

It's obvious they're doing this for a reason. It's not clear what that reason is yet.
But it's obvious that they see it as imperative, otherwise they wouldn't have stuck to and viciously defended flawed policies time and time again with propaganda.

Basically, either way we're screwed.

If we move against muslims we're dividing ourselves.

If we don't move against muslims the problem will keep on growing and they'll crack down hard on the unrest or we'll eventually see our culture disappear.

I feel that this sudden change in attitude from our politicians may signify "Phase 2". Whatever that is.

edit on 5-2-2011 by TheLaughingGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

So I take it, according to your answer, that the majority of americans want the CIA to pull coups in South America and the Middle East? The majority of americans wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan?

I can go on..

From my experience most americans on the internet state very CLEARLY that they don't support the criminal actions of their government, and that they don't like what it's doing, and that they don't want people to equate their government with the people.

Did I say I believe they're out to get me? What are you even talking about?

But yeah, they're pretty much out to get us all...

this topic is about UK and their failing Multiculturalism...

you can always find another topic to discuss USA and the Constitution or make one yourself ?

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by blackcube
I love the fact that you all are just talking about RELIGION... Culture is not just religion.

Let's face it, the best would be just promote atheism because most people still believe in this nonsense called god

let's face the facts and truth shall we ?

western culture and even the UK society has been founded on Greek and Judeo-Christian philosophy, get with the program... we all must educate ourselves to the fact and be rational.

Atheism is ignorance period...

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
The only way for you to make a point is a straw man? They're culturally homogeneous.

Yes, that would be my intention. I don't give a crap about the US, you do whatever you want. I'm talking about Europe, it's not like you have a muslim problem in the US anyway so you wouldn't know anything about the problems we're facing. Yes, shut down immigration.

If the results of immigration are slowly destroying the country

Immigration built nations like the United States, you are quick you forget that. As for the United Kingdom, you forget there are already well over 2 millions muslims over there. I'm unsure how ending immigration will end multiculturalism. You still have not explained this to me.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Peloquin
You must be kidding, hm? The Romans didn't immigrate to other countries, they CONQUERED them. But they did something very interesting; the assimilated the people they conquered. The conquered ones became romans, and soon they became soldiers and were sent far away to secure the borders of the roman empire, so that they won't make any trouble at home.

Uhm.. is that what you meant?? ( no offense meant

Yeah but that was 1600 years ago and some people would assume BY NOW we should be conquering the solar system and beyond rather than each other. I mean when you have nothing else better to do, you start blaming each other for everything, and this is what is happening with earthly humans. Humans(like flowers) come in many variaties but we are still one species....homo sapiens!

Originally posted by Peloquin
But that's what the West already did in Iraq, didn't we?

Reading your last words and thinking about Iraq and all the other countries the west "helped", I have to think about: "Give a man some wood, and he'll have warm for a day. Set him on fire, and he'll have warm for the rest of his life..."

(I'm sorry

I hope you were being sarcastic but in case you were not, we accomplished didley squat and actually made things worse than before. Ok I can see sending saddams army back to iraq in the first gulf war, but instead of leaving him there to buffer the middle east from iran and saudia arabia, we ousted him. Terrible strategy...iran should have been the target!

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Cosmic.Artifact

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
reply to post by Cosmic.Artifact

So I take it, according to your answer, that the majority of americans want the CIA to pull coups in South America and the Middle East? The majority of americans wanted to invade Iraq and Afghanistan?

I can go on..

From my experience most americans on the internet state very CLEARLY that they don't support the criminal actions of their government, and that they don't like what it's doing, and that they don't want people to equate their government with the people.

Did I say I believe they're out to get me? What are you even talking about?

But yeah, they're pretty much out to get us all...

this topic is about UK and their failing Multiculturalism...

you can always find another topic to discuss USA and the Constitution or make one yourself ?

What the hell is wrong with you... you make an off topic statement, I answer that.. and you tell me I'm off topic?

Kick rocks..

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Immigration built nations like the United States, you are quick you forget that. As for the United Kingdom, you forget there are already well over 2 millions muslims over there. I'm unsure how ending immigration will end multiculturalism. You still have not explained this to me.

So what? Immigration AND genocide built the United States! "You are quick to forget that."

So immigration built the US... is that supposed to be inspiring? We should follow lead?

It wouldn't end the problem. But it wouldn't make it worse. If they wanna live under sharia law maybe the government could give them an incentive to move back to their home country, that would satisfy both parties.

Also, a lot of refugees weren't even meant to stay in Europe, they came here temporarily mostly because of american wars.

Good job on selectively answering my post.

edit on 5-2-2011 by TheLaughingGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by CanadaMaster

sounds like similar values.

and to answer you question, we live the healthy way and are in the UK.

I know of a few who also do, but the majority have seemed to be, to a lesser, and mostly greater degree, full on subscribers to the unhealthy habits, media brainwashing and complete lack of intelligent thought process.

And there aren't many places to go, things to do in the UK that avoids these things and the pressure on children to conform, apparent from pre-school.

How many times have I been called ''hippy'', ''stuck up'', ''paranoid'', ''unconventional'' etc.

I would rather that I keep healthy and live a long happy life with all my faculties intact than subscribing to eventual illness, brainwashing and small mindedness.

Thankfully, there are places like ATS, and now the media in some aspects, are picking up on all things related to seeing reality, the bigger picture and awakening to how they are being manipulated and that they must take more responsibility for their own health, the requirement for acceptable values, and knowledge of how such things have affected nations.
edit on 6-2-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:26 PM
You state British values??
my family has been in this country for hundreds of years, I am a Caucasian scot, and i cannot walk to the shop to buy food without "british values" trying to fight me, shouting, throwing things.
Britain no longer has any values and those there originally were few and far between.
I hate people like you

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:26 PM
fook it! I say ban religion full stop. history proves that nothing good comes of it, thats what this is really about. Lets all agree that god is just a divine energy and that we an all call him bob, allah, buddha whatever. Then lets get down to the nitty gritty of it all, why are leaders of countries allowed to kill the subjects of other nations for the sake of blatant profiteering?. If there was a peacekeeping force willing to sign up to combat that challenge then come take my name down for the front lines.

As for Mr Cameron, cant help but wonder who's got his hand up his backside and is making him talk this time. Seriously for those on this thread who are all 'yay Britain', remember that while while you cling to the fact that we controlled a large portion of the world at some point or another 'chufty face' it came at the cost of a # load of lives globally and at home 'big sad face'. The important thing to remember is that whatever happens this country (Britain) still has too much blood on its hands. This is coming from a nationalist, albeit a modern one.
edit on 5/2/11 by MediaMonkey because: (no reason given)

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