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Alien Origins of our DNA and the Creation of Man (a must read!!!)

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:22 PM
S&F for you.

I think that this is exactly what people at ATS want to read but its also the problem with it.

A thought prevoking possibility into our DNA/ET connection however like a science fiction novel its wrapped and tied with a bow so its easy to digest without taxing the reader.

I suppose i'm being harsh but quite the contrary you have provided an entertaining look into our past and come up with an awesome hypothisis. Unfortunately you are also praying on the people here at ATS and it doesn't fool me. Wheres the proof.

Otherwise its just anther flabby theory straight of the Ancient Aliens diary my friend.

edit on 5-2-2011 by DomCheetham because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by PerfectPerception

I do not think it is that much of a stretch to theorize and believe that some type of 'Intelligence' was behind the creation of DNA and our very own existence IMO.

Given that such an idea would go against everything we know about our biology I think its a big stretch, especially if it is going to be made without the support of real scientific evidence of extraterrestrial intervention. Everything we've learned about our origins suggests we evolved naturally, to go against that idea you'd better have some impressive evidence.

About your first link. Let's look at what evidence they've presented.

God is responsible for the spiritual entities within our bodies, and more likely, aliens are the most likely candidates for the geniuses behind the amazing nanotech DNA which designs our life form physical bodies; there is no argument required.

We start with a few absurd and baseless assertions. Is this person advocating supernatural creation by a God, creation by aliens, or both? Why is this person claiming that DNA is a form of nanotechnology when all evidence indicates that life and DNA came about naturally? Why does this person, identified as Paul Schroeder, think that we don't need an argument to support his assertions? To claim that aliens are the answer and that every shred of evidence about our own evolution is wrong is absurd without presenting argument and preferably evidence to support those assertions.

Our physical world is an anomaly, by virtue of the sheer numbers of many such noncorporeal worlds, by comparison.

Where is this persons evidence of non-corporeal beings? How would one even go about proving a non-corporeal living thing existed let alone one that could qualify as a BEING?

"The coding regions of DNA," expostulates Dr. Stephen Meyer, "have exactly the same relevant properties as a computer code or language" (quoted by Strobel, p. 237, The Case for a Creator, 2004)

And what do you know, we've got our first quote mine. Not only is this taken out of context and borrowed from Stephen Meyer but it is a piece of second hand borrowing. Paul Schroeder is taking it from a known Creationist and Christian apologist named Lee Strobel who certainly has never advocated aliens. Many Creationist leaders such as Strobel are dishonest the way they use quotes from scientists (hence the term quote mining). What we're seeing here is an analogy, DNA is analogous to a computer code or language.

Could evolution in itself have progressively come up with a nanotech system like this?

Every shred of credible scientific evidence to date would certainly suggest so. Unless you really think aliens were around 3.7 Billion years ago to get life kick-started, but even then Evolution would have occurred anyway and is documented in all sorts of ways.

Our next quote mine is from Evolution: A theory in crisis. You can talk to any Evolutionary scientist you want. Evolution is not a theory in crisis, any more than gravity and atomic theory are. Evolution has a solid scientific consensus backed by evidence much of which even the layman can understand with a bit of education.

It strikes me as utterly dishonest for people advocating alien intervention to back up their claims with CHRISTIAN Creationist apologetics. So which is it? God? Aliens? Jesus? Or will you take a look at the scientific evidence and leave out the absurd assertions unsupported by evidence? I'm not even going to bother further critiquing this source as the next heading mentions Intelligent Design, a known religiously motivated movement. Of course alien creation believers can co-opt the same fallacy ridden content peddled by Creationists if they so choose, but I wouldn't recommend it.

from the very beginning we were ultimately an experiment or some form of 'Creation' project or the possibility that along our primitive path of "evolution" back in antiquity we were genetically tampered and altered over time to our present form.

While I suppose both of these are "possible" neither of them have any real evidence in support of them. Oh sure its fun to think that humanity or some stage of life on Earth were helped out, whether it be by god(s) or alien forces but the evidence simply doesn't bear this idea out.

I think these theories are just as credible,believable and they deserve further study & inquiry from the scientific community.

I'm not sure if you've been living under a rock but science has been studying and discovering things about our origins for the last two hundred years (and then some). We've learned an awful lot. Scientists aren't out there looking for evidence to support a bias, they're merely looking for EVIDENCE. Thus far nothing we've learned about our evolution and origins have suggested extraterrestrial involvement. Scientists can't study the idea of alien origins without some evidence to support it.

Now onto your second link. Let's take a look at the supposed scientists confirming these alien genes. We'll start with Dr. Michael Salla

In 1990 he received a MA degree in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. In 1993, he received a PhD degree in Government from the University of Queensland.


So a philosopher is continuing the work of Francis Crick and contacting aliens? The rest of the page is filled with talk of Billy Meier and others, more quote mining and a lot of baseless assertions. I scoured it looking for the names of some other scientists supporting these ideas but I couldn't find any.

Sumerian figurine looking strikingly similar to a "alien" Grey

It only looks like a grey because that's what you've been told it is. If you truly found this in an archeological dig would that really be your first conclusion? Wouldn't it be more likely a reflection of Sumerian culture, or a type of Sumerian art? In order to think its a grey you have to rob it of any historical and cultural context, not to mention stretching the imagination since a typical grey looks NOTHING like that statue.

Here are just a two examples of Hopi Indian petroglyphs depicting "star beings" : The Snake & Ant people-

Is there a reason why the Hopi people are disallowed to use their imaginations to make things up? Is there a reason why ancient astronaut proponents rob any image that's a little odd or off to fit their preconceived conclusion without thinking of the obvious alternatives? In a thousand years will there be quacks on the internet claiming superman comics prove superman?

So...What are your guys/gals ideas & theories pertaining to this subject?

Artwork robbed of its historical context is not evidence of alien intervention. DNA which could have occurred naturally is not evidence for alien intervention. You know what would be evidence? Alien artifacts, such as a spacecraft, an alien body, things that could not be human. There are mysteries in history, there are still some mysteries about our own origins and Evolution but those mysteries do not give us permission to leap to conclusions that are unsupported by the evidence.

Please don't take this as a critique or criticism of you, it is primarily the leaders of this sort of pseudoscience I take issue with, not those who are seduced by it. Honestly I cannot blame those who want to believe. However the more you want to believe a claim the MORE skeptical of it you should become.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by DomCheetham

Consider the evidence to be self evident in the entire sphere of human knowledge. Denial can be a powerful force in the consciouness. Reality is malleable and chaotic to the point of absract absurdity.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:48 PM
I haven't pondered the different DNA scenarios much but here's what I came up with.
Just an idea.
Maybe there is something in the universe that brings change to DNA for example the meteorite idea or just something that is emitted from stars seen or unseen.
Look at it as the sun or stars being the flower and it pollinating the planets in mysterious ways or other stars cross pollinating.
It could just be naturally occurring at an unexplainable level or it could be aliens like you said.
Star for you and that flag thing too.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Tindalos2013
reply to post by DomCheetham

Consider the evidence to be self evident in the entire sphere of human knowledge. Denial can be a powerful force in the consciouness. Reality is malleable and chaotic to the point of absract absurdity.

What a load of rubbish, I could easily say that all the science books are wrong. Which is not so, its logical and entertaining, unlike your sentence.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:40 PM
Umm our DNA was ENGINEERED. By god, the also gave the spirit as well. Natural selection cannot account for biology as we speak.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:51 PM
have you ever eaten shrooms? while taking shrooms i remember noticing that i felt like an organism living off of earth than a human being sucked into realistic materialized things that i used to find myself stressing about. i remember looking at a girl and how beautiful she was but she looked way different more like an alien but in my eyes, cause she was human. now i never believed in aliens but after growing up learning and reading things about it i am almost positive that their is definitely something out there and that we are just a miniscule problem in their UNIVERSE but the earth definitely is an interest to them especially something about nuclear energy i believe attracts them. what i think is that we evolve its nature. and somehow "aliens" evolved way beyond our own expectations and thats why some people believe it just doesn't exist. i dont know if it is good if we try to find the truth and learn more but i feel like in the state we are in now that we need to focus more on our own planet and worry about the things that are happening.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Romekje
For me personally it's not so much IF we were created by aliens,

more which aliens created us..

I was wondering, if we find out which aliens modified our DNA, is there a possibility that they haven't finished with this modification?

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:03 PM
This is just some persons imagination running crazy. God created body and soul. The Bible says so "there is no room for debate". I have proof that aliens did not create us. I submit to you this rhetorical question. "Why would aliens create us to look not so bad, I am speaking more or less about the 'beautiful people' and then make themselves look pretty much all the same, and not only the same, but ugly as hell, like a scary bug or someting?" They have no noses, mouths ears......they are featureless except for big almond shaped evil looking eyes. If I were to make a civilization of beings and my race had (obviously) created me, I would not have made them better looking than me. They are fallen angels I think.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:07 PM
This is actually the most logical explanation when you look at all the facts IMO.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Phenomium
This is just some persons imagination running crazy. God created body and soul. The Bible says so "there is no room for debate". I have proof that aliens did not create us. I submit to you this rhetorical question. "Why would aliens create us to look not so bad, I am speaking more or less about the 'beautiful people' and then make themselves look pretty much all the same, and not only the same, but ugly as hell, like a scary bug or someting?" They have no noses, mouths ears......they are featureless except for big almond shaped evil looking eyes. If I were to make a civilization of beings and my race had (obviously) created me, I would not have made them better looking than me. They are fallen angels I think.

I am sorry my friend. I do not agree with your "the bible says so" reasoning. I do not know if aliens "made" us or not, but the whole religion thing is off the table for me. I believe that it is this kind of philosophy that has us in this whole pickle of a debate here.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:34 PM
What's funny to me, Is that I've been thinking this for years.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:34 PM
Aw, come on!! Everyone knows all humans originated from dirt-man and rib-woman, who were miraculously able to avoid the MASSIVE genetic problems of generations of inbreeding-incesting themselves to extinction because "God" obviously sprinkled magical pixie dust on them!

And people also used to believe maggots spontaneously generated from spoiled meat. It's a rather astronomically unscientific, primitive, irrational and downright psychotic concept called ABIOGENESIS, and we have only the various Abrahamic religious wacks to "thank" for it.

Yes, I'm pretty convinced there has been plenty of genetic engineering by the ETs (plural). Good thread.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Thank you for such a well presented article. At least once a week I get to learn something new through ATS. I had absolutely no idea of the language in DNA theory, and I find such a concept exciting. For the researchers to involve linguists and others is commendable and totally out of the box thinking and I've got to find out what they know today.

I recall reading somewhere the differences between our DNA and a chimps is we have a two base pairs "fused" together whereas the chimp does not, suggesting it was done deliberately, by our creator(s).
Well it may not have been a chimp but you know where I'm coming from.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

Is there a reason why the Hopi people are disallowed to use their imaginations to make things up? Is there a reason why ancient astronaut proponents rob any image that's a little odd or off to fit their preconceived conclusion without thinking of the obvious alternatives? In a thousand years will there be quacks on the internet claiming superman comics prove superman?

Here's the problem with the way you think. If we set our current accomplishments in stone, literally, in a couple of thousand years someone will think it was just our myths and folklore because the actual space shuttle or other tech devices have long since corroded away. Our legacy if we are wiped out by a meteor will be lost forever because we record our events on such fragile instruments which need routine maintenance. The only things to survive would be the the current ancient ruins.

So anyway why would you think our ancestors only recorded myths and legends and not actual events as we do?
edit on 5-2-2011 by type0civ because: typo

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 11:53 PM
so if all this alien creation stuff is true and i do believe it has some validity then why did someone or something create all of the useless things on this planet such as mosquitos . just another point to ponder

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:46 AM
YEs evolution can come up with this... It's called emergence and basic fluid dynamics...

I never understood the "whoa its complex" argument

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by PerfectPerception

Dna, like any species', is a code. That doesn't make it designed. Fractals prove that a simple code can quickly program itself.

In addition, these aliens all look humanoid. Please refer to rule 1: things made in the image of man... are made by man.

The simple fact is that you are displaying typical ignorance of a creationist/alien interventionist, blah blah blah whatever. I'm all for God. But there is no proof that any creation event took place. All of human evolution is accounted for. There are no missing links. We see no interjection of DNA. We see no sudden miraculous intervention. No sudden mutation. Nothing. It's quite simply normal.

Pictures of caves can be anything from a beetle, to a ghost, to an astronaut, to a time traveler, to a sudden slipstream of spacetime to create the appearance of a life form. Simply put, it's not proof. It's not even evidence. It could be anything. In fact, like I said. If it's made in the image of man, it's made by man. Aliens are not going to look like us. please crawl out of that archaic view of evolution and life that has all but been deduced as fantasy.

There is no such thing as junk DNA. It is viral immunity more than anything. In addition, we see the same dna in other species, and less and less of it the further you go back. This is because those species have different immunities.

Taking drugs doesn't mean your an alien. It means you hay-wired your own mental projector. It's not recommended.

Your DNA that makes you human, and different from the animals, is a couple of genes that change your mind to be more efficient and exponential in thought.

Nothing you presented here shows any tiny bit of evidence of any sort of alien action. In fact, it doesn't even hint at any sort of intervention. It's guess work.

You show aliens in humanoid form with humanoid thoughts and desires. Nothing short of fantasy when projected upon scientific fact. Instead, in real science, we see a multitude of forms with intelligence. Anything from the Crow to the whale. Both, some would argue, are more intelligent than an ape. Form follows function in nature. We evolved because we are this way. Something somewhere else would not evolve into something like us because they are not us.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Romekje
For me personally it's not so much IF we were created by aliens,
more which aliens created us..

The ones that created us in their image

Originally posted by satanistgiraffe

I was wondering, if we find out which aliens modified our DNA, is there a possibility that they haven't finished with this modification?

Don't forget that only a few percent of our DNA is active and only about 10% of our brain is used. We are still in Kindergarten as a species. It will be a long time before we are allowed off this rock. Forget disclosure... not gonna happen till we graduate
edit on 6-2-2011 by zorgon because: Chadwickus talked to ArMaP to convince Phage to do it, even though Aliens abducted him

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by zorgon

This is not true. 100% of the brain is used and 100% of DNA is useful, not necessarily used.

We cannot use beyond 10% of our brain at any given time, but the whole brain is in fact used at one time or another.

Most DNA is recumbent viral immunities from our ancestors. Loss of this would make us a deathly species of sick and incapacitation people. In addition, even if the DNA is deactivated. that neither makes it useless nor placed there by aliens. It makes it deactivated. In as much as all birds have the DNA for tails teeth and hand claws from their dinosaur ancestors.

Finally, there is no fossil evidence that we were created in any image. The human body form has not changed that much, and this form has been used since before the Triassic period by mammal-like reptiles. The difference between those forms and our own is that we are rotated 90 degrees and have a larger skull.

We are not a kindergarten nor young species. We are a species optimized for what we do. This is called evolution. There is no such thing as a kindergarten nor young species. Just a misplaces species not yet adapted to its environment. In fact, our current humanoid form is 2 million years old.

There is far more evidence that we created aliens in our image than there is that aliens created us in theirs. IE, the later has none, the first has all the evidence for it.
edit on 6-2-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

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