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Some fins up! 100,000 sharks mass off Florida's beaches

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posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Actually no, you are incorrect because a duplicate thread is permissible in Breaking Alternative News if the story has appeared in other forums.


S & F

Proto is absolutely right.

I'll repost what I posted in the other thread here as well..

Mother nature is simply amazing.
I remember watching a Jacque cousteau documentary as a child about a mass Hammer Head shark migration. The next time I went to the beach I thought twice about going in. Then the movie JAWS came out that year
I stayed poolside all summer

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Actually no, you are incorrect because a duplicate thread is permissible in Breaking Alternative News if the story has appeared in other forums.


S & F

Proto is absolutely right.

I'll repost what I posted in the other thread here as well..

Mother nature is simply amazing.
I remember watching a Jacque cousteau documentary as a child about a mass Hammer Head shark migration. The next time I went to the beach I thought twice about going in. Then the movie JAWS came out that year
I stayed poolside all summer

The California Coast can be even scarier as you Great Whites and Hammer Heads do tend to like the colder waters.

Most of the sharks off of South FLorida are smaller 'Sand Bar' type of sharks that rarely attack humans unless you stumble in the middle of a feeding frenzy.

100,000 is not the number you would want to stumble in to.

I was up in Melbourne one day when the pulled a 15 foot Hammer Head ashore they had been hunting all morning after spotting it off the coast. Not the thing you would want to have breakfast, lunch or dinner with!

Thanks for posting.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by VonDoomen

I apologize. I was reading a bunch of different post while doing other things and responded to a general problem I have with the site. You are correct to point it out but I would choose the word hasty since naive means something else.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:43 AM
Yesterday a lady from Fla commented on how nature has gotten strange down there, she mentioned the sharks
Oh, I know everyone thinks I am alarmist, But here is a US Navy map on this website, a lot of people are moving out in my area and I will be moving in the next 2 months myself. Here is the site with the Navy map. John Moore makes a very revealing youtube video about this map.

Here is the site. at-does-the-navy-know/

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Movescamp

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take the time and effort to make my prose at the level of peer reviewed science on this forum, especially over shark migration.
Most ppl speak here in gnenerlalities. If you want that level of duscissuin on a constant basis, then go to a more serious forum.

Again, you started this arguemnent with lying, saying I said it was normal. Again, reading comprehension. Secondly, you have no idea by background, considering both my paents were science teachers, and the amount of time I've spent with animals. You weren't really trying to explain the intricacies of predators and prey. You made a post of like 2 sentences trying to act holier than everyone. Here's some advice, check my post/star ratio
And then yours. It's quite obvious my post generally contain more substance than yours.

To protoplasmic traveller. I was kind of confused by one post you said, about a conspiracy in the fragile earth forum and various news angencies? Can you elaborate on that, or were you just poking at people?

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

To protoplasmic traveller. I was kind of confused by one post you said, about a conspiracy in the fragile earth forum and various news angencies? Can you elaborate on that, or were you just poking at people?

I am jost poking at the Members who obviously have never bothered to read the Terms of Service who seem and wish to remain ignorant to the fact that it is permissible to post a duplicate topic in Altermative Breaking News even if the topic has been covered elsewhere in another Forum.

Conversely had this story appeared previously here, but not in Fragile Earth, a thread in Fragile Earth could be started.

So yes I am poking fun at the members who think there is some topical value to posting and reposting the links to the other two threads and complaining about this one, as opposed to getting excited that a new fresh thread on the board provides them the opportunity to drive traffic to their older threads that are similiarly related.

I am struggling to not say ATS sure has gone down hill lately with the amount of uncivil rhetoric and petty complaints, but it truly is a struggle not to say it.

It's a pity too, a number of people would have enjoyed discussing this fascinating occurence within nature in a civil atmosphere.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
At least they are not dead on the beach,we've had so many reports of dead animals lately it's a good news for a change.I lived in Miami for quite a few years, I went swimming one time and I noticed a small hammerhead swimming(wondering where the mom was) next to me in the shallows and this was maybe a year after the movie Jaws was released,needless to say I turned and got out as fast as I could.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:35 PM
well hope no one goes swimming
jaws comes to mind, and the story of the sailer guy from jaws who was eaten near the end, talking about being on the USS indianopolis..sank, tiger sharks came in, and out of 800 men, only a few remained.
i sa news years ago, and their was off the coast of australia, a rare seen shark frenzy caught on tape! sick and frightening too look at, placing yourself imaginative in the middle or near it..the consquensces

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:36 PM
NO ONE DISAGREED WITH THE DAMN TERMS OF SERVICE! i will repeat here what i have said to you in the countless pm's we have had back and forth AND THIS IS NOT OFF TOPIC seeing how you are brining it up. I only pointed out that this was a repost, When you took it upon your self to attack me And say that my posts were all self centered. Do you not realize that in it self is a violation of the terms of service as long as were on the subject? and when responded to your insults WITCH by the way were also off topic you then used backwards logic witch did not work with me. You see my first post was on topic your posts attacking me was the one off topic. so you were off topic first my friend.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I think it's a conspiracy that they always run Shark Week the week we go to the beach

In Cocoa Beach, they used to have shark fishing contest right next to surfing contests on the same beach, same day. Always thought those surfers were pretty brave.

Mother nature is amazing, and whatever these sharks are going through, I bet they figure it out. And probably a lot faster and better than us humans seem to be able to do. Sometimes I think they're trying to warn us too. Like the firds do and the bees do. We just don't always listen.

(Did someone just call Proto a witch?
edit on 2/3/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:55 PM
I can't believe the amount of drama and bickering that unfolded from a thread about sharks.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by SLAYER69

Mother nature is amazing, and whatever these sharks are going through, I bet the figure it out. And probably a lot faster and better than us humans seem to be able to do. Sometimes I think they're trying to warn us too. Like the firds do and the bees do. We just don't always listen.

I agree with you, people only want to hear what they think is true, not everything is a conspiracy, animals are smarter then humans in most cases, maybe all.

(Did someone just call Proto a witch?

Everyone knows he's a Warlock.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Wookiep


posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Everyone knows he's a Warlock.

Considering I frequently host and party with the Gods you would think more people would see a benefit on staying on my good side, but hey it's not just the Sharks acting in strange ways these days.

Fortunately I just got back from a lunch respite where amongst other things I managed to warn every bikini clad damsel within a 12 block radius of the inherent dangers of going in the water, no need to thank me ma'am for saving your life, but if you insist.

Still not getting why some people are having such a hard time seeing what big story this is ALL things considered, sun tan oil anyone?

edit on 3/2/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by TWILITE22
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
At least they are not dead on the beach,we've had so many reports of dead animals lately it's a good news for a change.I lived in Miami for quite a few years, I went swimming one time and I noticed a small hammerhead swimming(wondering where the mom was) next to me in the shallows and this was maybe a year after the movie Jaws was released,needless to say I turned and got out as fast as I could.

When the tide goes out and the sand bars roll in a lot of baracuda and sharks can get trapped in the coastal shallows and not have a way to get out past back the Reef until the tide comes back in.

So mom and baby might have got seperated.

I try to stay pretty aware of my surroundings and not go in the water early in the morning, late in the afternoon, and never in the evening.

Certain swimsuit colors can make you appear as a bait fish too to Sharks, things with sparkles and sequins and wearing jewlery in the water can be a bad idea.

They love to follow almost any boat too, since they are used to people dumping scraps of food and garbage off them.

Sharks have been known to eat almost anything from tires, to plastic bottles, to human beings.

We might be on top of the food chain on dry land but it all changes when you step into the water.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by TechVampyre

Hey but this comment made me laugh..

Now we just have to figure out how to get Sarah Palin to swim among them. Would telling her that they are a large pod of dolphins do the trick?

Sarah would Momma Grizzly those wimpy sharks right out of the ocean!!
+1 on multi thread observations. I do a search before starting a new thread and have avoided several duplicates. board gets clogged up.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 02:44 PM
link only dig on this article is that it comes from the uk dailymail - an national enquirer type of outfit that certainly is not based in REAL journalism - but - then, this is about sensationalism and 100,000 sharks certainly meets that critera...

...anyhooters, about those sharks... since no one counted them, 100,000 is probably an exaggeration... hundreds have been seen together many times... if you google "hundreds of sharks", you get tons of links... heres a few...

...bullsharks have been found in lake ponchatrain, the mississippi river, the missouri river and the great lakes - just to name a few locals where folks dont expect a shark... you should research that one night when you're having trouble sleeping...

...and just for fun...

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

well we have to estimate something... and why estimate 82,934 instead of a nice easy 100,000?

but like the story said, the mile of sharks was roughly 20 miles long. even in just the short short video, there were thousands upon thousands.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

well we have to estimate something...

...theres a difference between an estimation and a wild guess...

Originally posted by VonDoomen
and why estimate 82,934 instead of a nice easy 100,000?

...82,934 is too exact to be an estimate...

Originally posted by VonDoomen
but like the story said, the mile of sharks was roughly 20 miles long. even in just the short short video, there were thousands upon thousands.

...maybe but its still just guessing...

...counting the sharks in a 5 mile area, then multiplying that times 4 would at least be an effort at making a reasonable estimate, although that could be easily screwed up too if you presume the density is the same throughout the 20 mile path...

...just from the pics i've seen, i would guess less than 10,000... thats sensational enough...

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 03:57 PM
It must be amazing to see all those Sharks swimming in the Atlantic, I have seen the Humpback Whales in the Pacific off San Francisco, that is something to see, you cannot imagine how big they are until you see them up close and personal, it seemed they could swallow up the boat with no effort.

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