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WARNING: The Jihad is progressing & you havnt noticed.

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posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by DarthPhobos
With each country that falls in the middle east they will inherit an army, land and further bases for one day when they are strong enough they will unleash what has been promised for years, a holy war on the west. Dont say you havnt been warned

The HOLY WAR is a war that will have Islamic/Christian/Jewish/Buddhist/Hindu/Jainis and Sikhis. This War of human verse human is a deceiving tool so many cannot see the real war being set up. This HOLY WAR will have you fighting brotheren next to brotheren to defeat the real enemy. What is being witnessed in the M.E. is political minipulation to force people to be distracted why the very things they are fighting for are not being acknowledged. It takes a certain type of force to get to the bottom of the real issues and I pray for all the people in the M.E. region to gather and find better ways to get their point heard aswell as acknowledged. Until then the minipulation will continue and the people of EA will be tricked. These issues have to be takin care of by the total EA populace to fully become a thing of the past. Otherwise these types of activities when ignored or seperated by others continue to grow and spread and change in the way they are used against ALL -EA- POPULACE

GOD BLESS THEM ALL US ALL --AMEN-- GOT to work as a species and not religion or race driven ONLY WAY..

edit on 2/3/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Are there maybe some clues here? Seeming contradictions? Is there really any news here? How does Obama feel about Israel? Does it matter? Why does CFR leadership seem to want Mubarak out? Why is oh so Israel "confused.: What they say is not necessarily what they mean. They're trying a new game plan to escalate things that have been stuck in the ME. Same goal, different strategy. But they really need to plug Bolton and Haas up...they're blowing it for them by keeping up the old strategy, which is still in process too. Lucky for them, no one pays much attention. Confused? That's the plan.

Israel shocked by Obama's "betrayal" of Mubarak

Kissinger praises Obama’s handling of Egypt, gives Mubarak ‘months, at most’

Bolton: If Mubarak falls in Egypt, Israel should bomb Iran

Davos panel sees huge Iranian response to attack

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by mike_trivisonno

The "global elite", if they even exist, are being played for fools and have been for centuries by the plot within the plot, the wheel within the wheel; Jihad....

You forget that religion, in this case Islam, is a tool of the ruling elite. The Rockefeller and the Bush family have been in cahoots with the Saudi royal family for years.

Bush-Saudi connection What is really really interesting is I live near an Army base. A renter was part of the black ops team who captured Bin Laden. Bush ORDERED the team to let him go!

Do the royals actually believe the religion? Who knows, it really does not matter because the reality is the same - POWER.

Do I trust the Muslims - Not one inch. Lying to an infidel (us) is considered acceptable and good.

Al-taqiyya and dissimulation are words used for a practice of Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims. All but some of the most fundamental Muslims consider the act of Al-taqiyya or lying to non-Muslims to be a good work. This is very important when one remembers that, in Islam, salvation is determined by good works. This means that a Muslim lying to a non-Muslim is that Muslim doing a good work to earn salvation. It is almost equivalent to a Christian accepting Jesus as his savior. One of the big differences is that a Christian only needs to accept Jesus as his savior once to become saved forever but a Muslim must do his good works consistently and repeatedly to earn his salvation with the except of the greatest work of dying while fighting non-Muslims.

This is particularly important when one realizes that the only work which can guarantee salvation for a Muslim is to wage war against and kill non-Muslims or at least support those who do wage war against and kill non-Muslims. It is only logical that to lie in support of a war against non-Muslims could guarantee salvation for a Muslim because it would be considered supporting the war. This is a very powerful motivation for any Muslim to lie to any non-Muslim for any reason but especially when concerning any war or military effort against non-Muslims....

This is the reality of Islam yet the banker controlled media and liberals constantly deny this reality.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by mike_trivisonno

I love (hate) when people try to act like they know my faith tradition better than I do. Are you serious? Do you know how retarded you sound? First of all there is no such thing as a true "Muslim nation" anymore as corruption has spread rampant through the faith. Second of all, I'm from Baltimore, Maryland, so what the hell would I look like thinking ANYBODY is an "infidel"?? Third, the concept that a Muslim can lie to people is not a part of "orthodox" Islam it's a part of Shi'a Islam and sir, I'm so far from a Shi'a that I don't even associate myself with them. You heard on some stupid news channel that Muslims can lie to "defend their faith" but maybe you should stop being a sheep and pick up the Quran and read through it and tell ME where it says that. I've read through it PLENTY of times.

Power & Praise

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I just thought I'd let you know that as a Muslim, in my eyes one of the biggest enemies of Islam is the ruling family of Saudi Arabia. I do believe they're in league with The Elite however the aren't pushing the "Muslim" agenda because if you actually study our faith from books and not youtube and cnn, you'd learn that there is no "agenda". The house of Saud are some money hungry masons who have always been around to tear down Islam by pushing stupid wahhabi views. The majority of us Muslims don't even agree with the wahhabi views!!

Power & Praise

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Sphota

Same poor choices, same negative results...perhaps we should stop creating these problems for oursel...ooooh....shiny wavy red-white-blue banner...pretty Megan Kelly...jihad...dancing dog Youtube video...George Soros...Liberal fascism...Lindsey Lohan...what was I talking about?

Americans are nothing but the free range serfs of the bankers. To extract more wealth and thin the ranks of the Great Unwashed they use Americans as Cannon Fodder.

Why the heck do you think JP Morgan grabbed control of the US news media in 1917??? Surprise Surprise the USA entered WWI in 1917!

...World War I was a financial bonanza for the international bankers. But it was a catastrophe of such magnitude for the United States that few even today grasp its importance. The war reversed our traditional foreign policy of non-involvement and we have been enmeshed almost constantly ever since in perpetual wars for perpetual peace. Winston Churchill once observed that all nations would have been better off had the U.S. minded its own business. Had we done so, he said:

"...peace would have been made with Germany; and there would have been no collapse in Russia leading to Communism; no breakdown of government in Italy followed by Fascism; and Nazism never would have gained ascendancy in Germany." (Social Justice Magazine, July 3, 1939, p.4.)

War is very very expensive. Originally the only reason for war was to gain enough territory to offset the huge costs involved.

Enter Bankers and Fractional Reserve Banking stage left.

Bankers and more importantly Fractional Reserve Banking allowed wars to be fought using fiat currency printed by the bankers and lent to the kings and dictators. The real cost of the war was hidden from everyone because the bankers extracted the wealth from the peasants through price of goods inflation and devaluation of wages. Only the elite are actually aware of how the system works.

In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker.

That little statistic gives you an idea of just how much wealth the bankers have sucked out of the USA.

I think what we are seeing is the set up for another war, WWIII anyone?

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by mike_trivisonno

Is something wrong with you? Did my initial post not state what Jihad really is, and what The Elite and fake impressionable Muslims have turned it into? Did I not also state that I'm against violence of all types? You need to shake off your blindfold, you are very brainwashed. I propagate Islam all day everyday, but have never killed anyone, or even hurt anyone, so tell me how that adds up. You seem to know all there is to know so please, enlighten me on my status. Am I not a real Muslim because I've never killed anyone??

Power & Praise

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet

I think what we are seeing is the set up for another war, WWIII anyone?

Yeah, unfortunatly so. One way or another & what iv been saying all along, these events over the last weeks in both Tunisia & now in Egypt are going to be the catalyst that restokes the fire
edit on 3-2-2011 by DarthPhobos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Unfortunately I believe you're right...

We are witnessing a Psyops manipulation of the arab nations by the media giants of the world.

The result will probably unite all the muslim nations under 1 flag. This is necessary , because once they are unified, they will be easier to identify and defeat. Trying to defeat a portion of any country has proved very costly and ineffective. Without having to choose between friend or foe, it makes military objectives clearer and obtainable.

The same media's that are making this unification happen will turn coat and paint these same people in a corner.....I hope both of us are mistaken......

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by
reply to post by mike_trivisonno

Is something wrong with you? Did my initial post not state what Jihad really is, and what The Elite and fake impressionable Muslims have turned it into? Did I not also state that I'm against violence of all types? You need to shake off your blindfold, you are very brainwashed. I propagate Islam all day everyday, but have never killed anyone, or even hurt anyone, so tell me how that adds up. You seem to know all there is to know so please, enlighten me on my status. Am I not a real Muslim because I've never killed anyone??

Power & Praise

The Koran and Mo's exemplum are quite specific as regards to the obligations and meaning of jihad - to subdue the world and Kuffars for Islam.

If you CHOOSE to interpret that as meaning only 'inner' struggle - as the Suffis for example do, then that is up to you - but it is certainly not the mainstream understanding of jihad.

As a 'real muslim' it is not your job to 'choose' what to believe - it is simply to SUBMIT to the revealed word of the Koran, without choice, or questions, or criticism - you are a disposable slave, owned mind body and soul - as are your children and their children.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

Obviously you have never even cracked open a Quran for yourself sir. Nor do you know anything regarding the world population of Muslims. Outside of America, the majority of Muslims are Sunni and Sufi. Sufism has been gaining a lot of ground because it is now being realized that part of the Wahabi agenda was to rid Islam of that aspect which is the greatest aspect of Islam. As for Hadith and/or Sunnah, which you rudely refer to as "mo's" example, that is something that has been admittedly tampered with throughout the ages, plus, it's not mandatory to follow the Sunnah. The only thing a Muslim HAS to follow, is the commands in the Quran. So picking and choosing when it comes to Prophetic Tradition is very much my RIGHT. YOU are a slave to MSM and the same brainwashing that "radical muslims" are a slave to. If you want to talk about Quran, pick it up, read it, then try to debate but for now, you're just another tool taught by MSM.

Power & Praise

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:46 AM
This is a pretty damn ridiculous post. Trust me, as a Christian arab I can tell you that all these threats about Islam "taking over the world" and "enslaving the infidels" is a load of bullcrap.

Most of my friends are Muslims, I live in the middle-east, I know both shi'a and sunni Muslims, and guess what? They are PEOPLE, just like you and me, I'm around them all day long, and they are ALL normal! Just like you have very religious Christians who go to church every day (like my grandmother), you have very religious Muslims, who pray 5 times a day, fast every day during Ramadan etc.

And just like has said, NONE of my Muslim friends support a country like the KSA, for reasons I think are evident enough for me not to even talk about anyway.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:46 AM
When are all the ignorant Americans going to understand the whole reason behind the Jihad:


What in God's name gives western countries the right to have their armed forces in permanent bases across the middle east? America is often called "The Empire of Bases", seeing as they have 865 military bases/facilities abroad.

Would you Americans ever want or stand for having the army of Iran or Saudi Arabia walking around downtown Chicago?

How are these countries supposed to stand up to Americans coming in and monopolizing their resources?

Jihad of course.

Maybe a UFO disclosure would finally open America's eyes to see the beast it has become.

edit on 3/2/1111 by Monts because: shpelling

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Monts

When are all the ignorant Americans going to understand the whole reason behind the Jihad:

When we manage to HANG the blasted Bankers!

It is not the regular American that is the problem, it is the Bankers who have been manipulating whole countries to promote war so they can profit. They have been doing it for generations. This is just the latest bunch of manipulation and it is certainly not unique to the USA. We were infected by the "disease" when the European bankers decided to put a Central bank in the USA and sent Paul Warburg over to the States to do so. Meanwhile his Brother Max, helped funded the Bolshevik Revolution!

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by

There are many ways to serve God....muslim...jew...christian....etc...

These are all based on peace and respect...

The muslims have a credibility problem....There is a sub-group in the religion that uses the holy book to incite and justify harming others because they are of a different faith.....That's not very nice.
Its also the only religion that doesn't aknowledge that " Vengence Is Mine Saith The Lord "
It seems muslims like to circumvent this passage and take matters into their own hands.
I dont hear any outcry from our good muslim brothers against this disease in their own religion.
Until you join with the peaceful people in this world by casting out these radicals from your faith,( its not like you dont know who they are, and where they're at) Muslim as a nation can only be viewed as a religion that willingly harbors the unwanted , unclean , misguided , and unrepentant Jihad Janes and Joes.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:20 AM
Just read this on 'atlas shrugs', where in Northern Egypt, 11 Christians have been murdered by Muslims, I have no sympathy for the Egyptians, there is a very old saying "nations get the governments they deserve" The next Egyptian government will probably be not much better, I had to laugh at this post in 'Atlas shrugs' a white house briefing noted that Mubarak wasn't a Muslim!!!!!

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by goingsouth

You had a good thing going until you generalized with that "you know who and where they are" deal. Lol I don't know any radical Muslims. And I spend my days condemning them in forums, panel discussions, and even my music. Real Muslims constantly condemn radicals however we aren't heard. Lupe Fiasco just released a track called 'Words I Never Said' where even HE (as a REAL Muslim) condemns radicals and such and I bet nobody is gonna pay attention to that part of the song. It's not my duty to condemn them because they already condemn themselves with their own views and actions, however I do like to have an effect on my surroundings so I try my best.


I mean do you want me to tattoo it on my forehead and run around the world 3 times? I have a severe hatred for people who claim to represent Islam but don't, and a severe disappointment in people who generalize and group all Muslims together.

Power & Praise

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by

I agree with you my friend. Even though I ain't a Christian, the thought of most of my friends being generalized for the very loud but extremely small minority that contains the extremists makes me sick. I mean the way Muslims (who speak arabic) say hello is 'Salam Alaykum' answered by 'Wa Alaykum al Salam'. Roughly translated it's 'Peace upon you', the answer 'And upon you Peace'.
edit on 3-2-2011 by Fixedmental because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by Fixedmental

Maybe someday enough Muslims will be so ashamed and sickened by these radicals that they will try to erradicate them. Until the day that you speak with with one voice.....


posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Fixedmental

That's an argument I could have brought up and is very true. I don't know any Muslims who generalize Christians as doctor killers, KKK, or even Nazi's... It's all because of a small percentage of brainwashed Muslims and the media doing an excellent job of demonizing the billions of us.

FACT: If Islam was a radical faith, the 1.3 billion of us would have already had our way. I mean come on be realistic people. Even if every Muslim on earth one day killed 2 people that would be 2.6 billion deaths. None of this "Islam is a radical faith" is even realistic.

Power & Praise

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