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WARNING: The Jihad is progressing & you havnt noticed.

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posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:34 AM
Stop and think about this objectively for a moment. Any neighbor of Israel that poses a threat, whether by leadership, of by Jihad, won't last for very long. Only because, Israel is known for "action" now, ask for permission later. Case in point, Israel wiping off the face of the planet, Syria's nuclear silo's when Syria flexed their muscle towards Israel. In less than 24 hours, Syria was devastated and embarrassed on their new found weaponry, decimated.
It would be in Israel's best interest to eradicate any known or possible posed threat of leadership in any "neighboring " country. Yeah, Jihad may take over leadership and implement their grand style laws, but it will be short lived.

After all, its Israel were talking about?

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by DarthPhobos
reply to post by artistpoet

So what happened in Tunisia? what about the upcoming uprisings. Did TPTB decide its time for a new middleast void that will be filled by the Extremists that worries me. WHAT IS THE PLAN MY GOOD MAN?

The IMF - I nternational Monetry Fund (private banks) demanded through blackmail that Mubarak cut the food assistance funds payed out to poor Egyptians - They made sure the stores were still full of food that half the population could not afford to buy - Full food stores - Hungry people - you get the picture.
They saw it coming - they planned it - and assisted it - The Egyptian people are being manipulated but their grievences are real. WHAT IS THE PLAN - World government - One World religion - Population reduction - in short the binding of the last few shackles to enslave humaity - They put slow kill poison in the food chain and water - also in the vaccines - if you really want to seethe big picture watch Endgame it is pretty much on the ticket.
Remember the New World Order elite do not recognise soverienty - they plan to bring all nations under their control
edit on 2-2-2011 by artistpoet because: additional info

So basically your confirming my OP in the sense that were all f****d, one way or another. I get the New World Order agenda, around here we all know the end game, its the inbetween parts, the leading upto the end game that I want to know. Do we go to war with the whole of the east in what will be WWIII, fill in the gaps. Is the agenda being pushed forward quicker now that the earth is beginning its own fight with us?

edit on 2-2-2011 by DarthPhobos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by DarthPhobos

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by DarthPhobos
reply to post by artistpoet

So what happened in Tunisia? what about the upcoming uprisings. Did TPTB decide its time for a new middleast void that will be filled by the Extremists that worries me. WHAT IS THE PLAN MY GOOD MAN?

The IMF - I nternational Monetry Fund (private banks) demanded through blackmail that Mubarak cut the food assistance funds payed out to poor Egyptians - They made sure the stores were still full of food that half the population could not afford to buy - Full food stores - Hungry people - you get the picture.
They saw it coming - they planned it - and assisted it - The Egyptian people are being manipulated but their grievences are real. WHAT IS THE PLAN - World government - One World religion - Population reduction - in short the binding of the last few shackles to enslave humaity - They put slow kill poison in the food chain and water - also in the vaccines - if you really want to seethe big picture watch Endgame it is pretty much on the ticket.
Remember the New World Order elite do not recognise soverienty - they plan to bring all nations under their control
edit on 2-2-2011 by artistpoet because: additional info

So basically your confirming my OP in the sense that were all f****d, one way or another. I get the New World Order agenda, around here we all know the end game, its the inbetween parts, the leading upto the end game that I want to know. Do we go to war with the whole of the east in what will be WWIII, fill in the gaps
edit on 2-2-2011 by DarthPhobos because: Spelling is atrociuos

Sorry I can not fill in all the details for you - but once you know their mindset you can see it unfolding - A good rule of thumb is to take what TPTB say and reverse it
I disagree we are all up the creek without a paddle - I would say we are now far more aware of their dirty tricks
Remember they are playing us as pawns in their game but we do not have to play - we do not have to react in the way they plan for us to -

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by DarthPhobos

A brave thread, sir. While many here are stating that all the protestors can't be jihadists, they are correct. Only one or two, to drive a mob need to be of the jihad. It is a slow and patient program to gain control, political control. And we in the west need to be concerned. These are the people that have long memories, to them, the Crusades is still occurring.
Just a voice in the crowd, but I am watching the news very carefully.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by DarthPhobos

A brave thread, sir. While many here are stating that all the protestors can't be jihadists, they are correct. Only one or two, to drive a mob need to be of the jihad. It is a slow and patient program to gain control, political control. And we in the west need to be concerned. These are the people that have long memories, to them, the Crusades is still occurring.
Just a voice in the crowd, but I am watching the news very carefully.

Death destruction and chaos is in the interests of the global elite for sure - this is why they set up opposing groups - they promote and assist both sides of a conflict for conflict is a good thing to them - Create choas and then send in the cavalry to sort things out by installing more draconian measures the enslave all - Boy they really think we are dumb - they truly hate us - they call us cattle or sheep and treat us with as little respect.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Your premise. The elite is using groups to inflame conflict.


You may be right. But the elite would HAVE to opposing sides if the islamic fundamentaists didn't want to kill us so badly.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

The "global elite", if they even exist, are being played for fools and have been for centuries by the plot within the plot, the wheel within the wheel; Jihad.

The Islamic Jihad is in full control. The Jihad is closing the deal in Egypt. A full-blown, jihad-supporting Islamic state is being birthed before your very eyes and still many chose to believe these events are the results of an invisible "global elite". This is Islamic Jihad. Right in your freaking face, complete with murder, violence, bloodshed, and death and still it has nothing to do with Islam? Nothing to do with Jihad? Nothing to do with The House of Islam?

Keep denying Jihad while Egyptians die for a cause that was a lie covered in blood handed to them by the socialist and communist and anarchist idiots.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by mike_trivisonno

You sure do get it Mike, perhaps able to understand & explain it better than me, in a way that goes straight to the point, but you Sir do indeed get it, its took 3 days of various posts across this site but all of a sudden people are beginning to see whats going on

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
Stop and think about this objectively for a moment. Any neighbor of Israel that poses a threat, whether by leadership, of by Jihad, won't last for very long. Only because, Israel is known for "action" now, ask for permission later. Case in point, Israel wiping off the face of the planet, Syria's nuclear silo's when Syria flexed their muscle towards Israel. In less than 24 hours, Syria was devastated and embarrassed on their new found weaponry, decimated.
It would be in Israel's best interest to eradicate any known or possible posed threat of leadership in any "neighboring " country. Yeah, Jihad may take over leadership and implement their grand style laws, but it will be short lived.

After all, its Israel were talking about?

That may well happen, infact that may have to happen in the future. But these people are enemies of Israel & now they see a chance to make a move. Its what they have been planning & aimming to do for many years & now they feel on the crest of the wave. I dont think they care too much about the threat you mention, because to them this is Jihad & if as they planned, they will have the whole of the middle east & parts of Africa all to themselves. Of course Israel are keeping an eye on things, but I dont think at this present time they have the backing to make their move. Its like a game of chess, no-one has been attacked yet, Its simply a case of one side of the board shuffling their pawns around & trying to regain pieces, with the sole aim of building into a force

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 02:16 PM
I wrote a thread about the Muslim brotherhood, as soon as I had posted it I was branded a racist/Islamaphobe. The truth is I was simply looking for answers. I have now giving up trying to bring to light the issue's revolving certain muslim sects.

The fact of the matter is that even if your run of the mill local muslims aren't extreme the people controlling them are.

Its just a waiting game now, the point of no return was past a looong time ago.


posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Thanks for your input ALOSTSOUL. Iv just found & read over your thread which is very interesting. Its a pity it wasnt met with more curiosity because reading the "Muslim Brotherhoods" 25 points plan makes the hairs stand up. To think you picked up on this of August last year while law & beyhold look what they are trying to achieve & while doing so they are claiming to be friendly & a front for peace.

Im sure you wont mind me linking your thread as it very much relates to whats going on today, its about time this crowd began to be noticed

ALOSTSOUL's Thread:"The Muslim Brotherhood Project Plans Stealth Invasion of The West"

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 06:14 PM
I hope this isnt the case

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by DarthPhobos

Link away my friend, though I fear it won't do much good. People choose to walk with their eyes open but their minds shut. I think its a defence mechanism due to people unknowingly, knowing that our way of life is coming to an end.

I also made a prediction a few weeks ago before the protests about the Eygptian president being assassinated . Obviously that hasn't happened yet, guess we'll wait and see.


posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 06:35 PM
here's some more on the Barak / Mubarak / Osama / Obama thing.

There are a few ideas being thrown around on this forum's thread on this, worth looking deeper.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 06:58 PM
If you don't want Jihad, stop supporting dictators that surpress the arabs, and stop supporting that little homeland for those chosen ones.

You'll realize that the religion has very little to do with the hatred of America.

Americans are too P**SY to take to the streets and give their life for freedom. So they'd rather sit in the corner of their room, spread fear, and let their government take care of these boogiemen. Which through various legislation is taking away your rights.

The fear of radical muslims taking over Egypt was the fear that Mubarak put to his people. Before they knew it they had no rights at all.

So what if a radical government takes over. If the people don't like it, they'll do the same thing they are doing now. If they can overthrow this government, backed by 2 of the most sinister countries in the world, they can do anything.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Thank you, thank you for a well put together thread. You are absolutely correct in your assumption that the Muslim Brotherhood will certainly take control, and the people of Egypt will lose their freedoms forever.

The world is so ignorant to the danger of this group of fanatics and we are going to see the governments in the middle east fall like dominoes, and replaced with radical Islamic theocracies, and it will be these lunatics that will control the world's oil supplies bringing the west to their knees.

That's what they are working for, they have no love for us especially because the west supports Israel, and has a Christian heritage.

Sadly, the "peace at any price types" will realize the foolishness of their hopes to coexist with people such as these...for these fanatics don't want peace unless its founded on the submission of the western cultures.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by DarthPhobos

I don't think the Muslim Brotherhood will be able to effect a political takeover in Egypt. Haven't you been watching? The People are Western think they want to wear a Burka and follow their fascist religious laws? No! Those people want to be like Americans are! Many of them speak perfect English, as can be heard on TV of late.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 09:28 PM
the only people who know the truth are presidents. but their memoirs are full of bull. they never tell who is behind the conspiracies and who the real enemies are.

the only two that i know of and told the truth are eisenhower, who laid out the plain facts and stood alone for the american people when he warned of the military industrial complex and it's dangers and jfk.

jfk constantly warned the american people in his speeches about the powers and influences in america and abroad that threaten world peace and humanity itself. well a bullet in his head pretty much ended his "snitching".

i believe eisenhower would have meet the same fate, except he was a 5 star general and the victorious supreme commander in the most destructive war in the history of mankind against the most powerful army and foe that ever marched on earth.

so i don't think he was scared of a bunch of bankers and military industrialists. he's seen and done it all, and would see you coming from 100 miles away if you tried to kill him. he would know before you knew that you were even thinking of trying to assassinate him.

the 2 greatest presidents that america ever had in my opinion.

edit on 2-2-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
They put slow kill poison in the food chain and water - also in the vaccines - if you really want to seethe big picture watch Endgame it is pretty much on the ticket.

So they put this poison in our food, water and medications to kill us, but each generation lives longer than the last. I've never seen a satisfactory explanation of how your theory can be true and yet we keep living longer and longer.

On Topic-

OP, what you are saying is very much how it went down in Iran if your old enough to remember. Everyone was fooled. The radicals tricked the general population into backing them by promising Democracy and then they stabbed them in the back with a Theocracy where only Muslims who agreed with their version of Islam could hold power. They have been slaves to a fake Democracy since then.

For this to blow up into something far worse only required that the Muslim Brotherhood take control of the Canal. That happens, we may be watching the beginnings of the next true World War. Not much difference in practice between Jihadist and the SS under Hitler and people buried their heads in the sand that time as well.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 10:37 PM
"Jihad" or "Holy War" or whatever else you might call it, I guess its time now for US and Israel to mind their own business and stop meddling in the affairs of other countries. If the Egyptians think that its time for their leader to say goodbye well then its their decision and not for US or for Israel or any other country for that matter to decide.

Simply put, if you reverse the situation would you like Egyptians to meddle in your country's affair? To each his own mate and you do what you think whats right for you to protect your interest. For more than 30 years the US and Israel had been manipulating the Egyptians through Mubarak and now that the Egyptian people have realized what the real score is you're gonna call it "Islamic Jihad"? Bloody hell...

I guess the better heading for this thread should be "PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION!"

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