a reply to:
The reality of UFO/ET sightings is NOT a secret. The government's involvement in the conundrum (the millions Congress and White House denizens have
invested in defense contractors benefiting from Alien Tech, and CARMA's pipeline of "household" Alien Tech to market) IS the secret!
(Haven't you noticed? Post all the UFO videos you want, maybe get a tepid "other explanation" from paid gov. shills. But post on the reality of the
gov's own anti-gravity triangle, the TR-3B, and watch the quick and vicious response!)
As well as the history that President Eisenhower signed a contract with the Insectoids, trading unwilling abductions for advanced technology. Think
of the lawsuits unleashed if this is ever admitted to by the government. (Although I don't think "trust in government" could sink any lower than it
is now.)
How To Keep A Global Secret The U.S. Wants Kept:
~ Have your corrupt (and mostly pervert) CIA everywhere, in every capital, invisible nooses around every powerful politico's neck. Turn the local
homosexual population in these other countries into your allies for your Agenda, even if you have to promise you'll help them immigrate to the U.S.
(The dirty little secret about Mexico and S. America's immigration-conundrum: families and kids gets thrown back immediately, but the "single young
men" heavily into gangs and crime, never seem to be deported. San Diego border control was letting "single young men" into the U.S. unimpeded a few
years ago, by just saying a secret code-word. Gosh, hard to figure that one out ...)
~ Threaten to stop Foreign Aid and/or the U.S. responding if it gets invaded or desperately needs military help.
~ Throw millions are the people "in charge" from the CIA slushpile of off-the-books billions from their sales as the Global Drug Dealer. (How do you
think so many scumbags end up Elitists?)
~ Worst case scenario: CIA unleashes its assassins, who then run to hide in S-4 until things cool off.
edit on 20-2-2015 by MKMoniker because:
(no reason given)
edit on 20-2-2015 by MKMoniker because: (no reason given)
edit on 20-2-2015 by MKMoniker because:
(no reason given)