posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 02:14 PM
Most people lack knowledge. Unknown things are simply more than they know. Because of their arrogance, they make up what they think should fill the
gaps. This is then the basis of their belief system. A sign of knowledge is to say 'I do not know'.
How can you tell if you meet a person with real knowledge. I'm not sure you can. For everything has a purpose, and purpose must have intention.
If as is implied, someone had magic, that would make them a magician. I think someone would know if they were a magician just as a mechanic would
know he was a mechanic on account of the fact that he had learned his trade.
So to the matter at hand. Who with an ability would want to prove it to you? I see no benefit in it, I see it serves no purpose. Simply to
entertain those who have not strived and denied themselves the things that others see as normal, as dictated by the society. Yet others believe not
in The One True God, knowing not that their religion is the laws that others have created for them and they have accepted.
More than 10 years ago I had an ability to see. I started slowly, hazily, required much concentration. It progressed, became easier. Simply to
close my eyes, night or day with intention and my eyes could see as they could see with them open. I seem to remember that being in the presence of
one with greater skill than your own would increase it while you were in their company.
It progressed as time went by, until seeing a situation, e.g. a desk with a computer. I see a mouse, I tried until I could move that mouse. Not long
after it departed because of my own actions.
What difference does it make, perhaps none. I can just about remember the path I took, but I wasn't strong enough, didn't have enough self control
or patience to succeed I guess. Though I did start from a point others through choice or though circumstance would think too troublesome, perhaps not
the right word, or I should say, would not invest what is required, even though the progress is exponential after a while, but, you can't know that.
So there you have it.
Stay away from magic, it corrupts your soul beyond repair unless you repent before it's too late. And if you want such a skill as to see, look at
yourself and think about what you would give up in your lifestyle to achieve it. Of course their are other ways, I do not know of them, I only know
the way I tried and only talk of what I know.