posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by adigregorio
I am one who I refer to them. But I am never one to jump up and down and say...look at me, look at me....Even people with skeptics, mostly of people like you who want us to do "parlor tricks" to entertain you. I see auras (the energy fields) around people.
The color I see tells me alot about that person. This is a gift that sucks to have when walking by, or seeing someone whom is filled with evil and
I also see spirits from time to time. But mostly, just "sense" something is there. I have gone on some "ghost hunting" trips, and have gotten
pictures and videos of "something unexplainable" when I have sensed something.
But now on to your test.......
1. I get no energy from this picture at all, especially from..."you"... And I highly doubt it is you in that picture at all. And if it is, you are
leaning against/standing next to either a wall or coat rack, not a person...whom would HAVE to be at least 8 feet tall from the visual.
2. I don't care if I pass or failed your stupid test. Because I wouldn't want to waste my time with a "new friend" who is always going to expect
me to do some "work" for him. Obviously you don't believe in people like me or others who are even more gifted. You are just jealous that you
aren't special. Stop wasting your time reading books and go out and actually live life to its fullest, so you will have something to look back upon
and be happy about.