reply to post by ANOK, I know Weedy has used it before.
Even I know that the persons onboard American 77 were subjected to intense gravities of deceleration force, on impact. Bodies usually don't remain
intact in those situations. Not when seated, facing forward, and unprotected as they were. (Rocket sled tests have been conducted on Human
volunteers, and have gone up to very high Gs...will try to find references. But, of course, in each case, the Humans were positioned to ensure their
prospects for survivability....)**
** Found one link....this guy survived up to 45Gs. Properly postioned, of course. Also, not only the G force, but the RATE it is experienced matters
as well. Simple physics.
RE: the few (very few, thankfully) Pentagon bodies photos,
in situ....the iconic "seated" victim is, obviously to my eye, a military worker who
was in a chair, at the moment a fireball engulfed him (I think it looks like a male).
There is another what looks like a "body part" nearby, in a separate photo....but, when you compare, you can see the first victim I mentioned in the
background of this "body part" photo. I cannot tell for sure what we are seeing, there....but, if I had to guess, I would say it looks like Human
buttocks. NO torso, no legs, just a section of the body.
This is ghoulish, I know...and sorry have to say it so bluntly. BUT, I have been impugned unfairly, and have the right to explain, and clarify, and
point out where others act rashly.
It is a fair assumption that the body portion (resembling the buttocks) DID possibly belong to one of the occupants of the airplane, due to its
obvious state of dismemberment.
edit on 29 January 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)