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Curious Pentagon Footage , What Are These Guys Saying ?

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posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I see. My mistake. Carry on then.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Do you just IGNORE everything that doesn't fit your fantasy?

Not at all, however one can say the same to you.

NO! Never said "vaporized"!
It is YOU, and people like you, who use those words, and put them in others' mouths, in order to continue in your using the false tactic of "ridicule" and "derision".

Well, where did the all the plane wreckage go? You certainly have never proven the alleged plan crashed into the pentagon. All you debunkers do is keep parroting the OS that the media told and backing the lying 911 Commission report, which the 911 commission themselves said what the pentagon and FAA told them was not the story the Commissionaires told the American people, or are you going to deny to?

Why on earth would anyone with a logical thinking mind want to believe what has been proved a lie?
You and all the debunkers have never proved a plane crashed into the Pentagon. You cannot show a single shred, or credible evidence that could be taken to any court in America to be accepted as truly verifiable evidence. Many of you debunkers should stop “pretending” that the OS is all true, and everyone who dares to question it, or has their own opinions is a wacko, nut job. Your only recourse is to attack critical thinkers by name calling and making false accusation, such as above quote. Do you think calling me “delusion...” makes you credible?

...but tiny scraps of nothing identifiable....

LIE! LIE! Over and over again, the proof has been shown, in photos.

Read my signature, your behavior says it all.

Photos from whom, what, where, when, and where is the chain of custody of the evidence documented to verify said evidence, the same kind that is used in scientific findings or used in court trials. Being gullible and assuming what you’re looking at on the internet is not always true. We are looking for credible verifiable evidence, and none of you have presented any.

... no seats, no luggage, no bodies, no glass....

INSIDE the Pentagon!! How difficult is this to understand? And, WHO said there was "no glass"??

I have seen all the same photos as you have seen, all over the internet and like I said, there were no photos of airplane seats, bodies’ still strapped in their seats, no luggage no suitcases no nothing, that really is identifiable to even believe a plane crashed into the Pentagon. Yes, there are some claims of airplane parts being found at the Pentagon. However, those are claims, and it doesn’t “prove” they belong to said airplane.

...not to mention one engine with titanium parts vaporized in thin air.

AGAIN? With the "vaporization"?? LIE! You are lying. It IS OK to point that out, in this instance, since it's so obvious, right?

Lying? No, I don’t have to lie in order to support the given facts.
Do you have evidence to where that airplane engine vanished to? Fact: It was never recovered.

When one is looking at the collapse at the Pentagon one see a bible open halfway on a stool and you can clearly see the pages are not burnt.

SO? You don't realize that on the edges of the inferno, things can be virtually untouched??

Perhaps, but not that close to the impact hole.

The man in the video clearly said these pieces of debris didn’t belong to a commercial airliner that it was to light.

Again, you ignore what's been told to you. Why??

Now you are denying what the man said in the video, how am I ignoring, when you are clearly denying what was said in the video?

So the debunkers do not have any real evidence that the alleged wreckage belong to said aircraft...

LI!E The FDR is undeniable! THAT ties everything else to the scene! Don't you understand this basic logic?

And, this is a laugh!:


If data trends are continued, the aircraft altitude would have been at least 100 feet too high to have hit the Pentagon.
4,600 fpm descent = 76.7 fps. Altitude at 09:37:44 as reported and plotted by NTSB when adjusted to local pressure indicates ~473(3). Impact time as reported by NTSB Flight Path Study is 09:37:45. 473 - 76.7 = 396. Top of pentagon height is 33 (ground elevation) + 77 (height of pentagon) = 110. 396 - 110 = 286.3 feet too high above the pentagon. Margin for error given as 186.3 feet due to altitude not present at time calculated by the NTSB for impact. The rate of descent data is in direct conflict with the aircraft being able to impact the light poles and be captured in the Dept of Defense "5 Frames" video of an object traveling nearly parallel with the Pentagon lawn.
• Rate of Descent is in excess of 4,600 fpm (3). Aircraft height at 09:37:44 is ~473' above sea level. Pentagon Height is 110' above sea level. 473 - 110 = 363. 363 fps x 60 = 21,780 fpm descent required for last second to hit top of pentagon. 21,780 fpm descent rate for one second. This represents a 24.928 degree descent angle.
363/781 (distance based on 781 fps speed as reported by NTSB) = atan θ = .464788
θ = 24.928
24.928 degree descent angle is in direct conflict with the level approach as seen in the DoD "5 frames video" (4). Further, the aircraft would require a level approach considering the foundation doesn't show any signs of damage (5).
The record of data stops at least one second prior to official impact time.

This is just a tidbit that has been proven just by simple mathematic. Like the government story of the Pentagon alleged crash was going to stand up to scrutiny, well it failed the math test.

The fact is the FDR data was proven false and a fraud, anyone can take the time and read what real experts who have well researched the data and tried to get as much data from FAA under the FOIA. And as it has been proven FAA has not been very cooperating.

As many debunkers cannot dispute the given facts, so instead a few of you will make false claims against the website and the people who found these discrepancies from the OS who proved they were false by using standard mathematics and showed their findings yet, most debunkers scream it is all a lie. The OS FDR data is false, and that is a proven fact.

First time in aviation history FAA covers up four plane crashes and are not aloud to talk about what they know.

Lies. Lies. Lies. (Or, severe self delusion??)

Calling me a liar or (Or, severe self delusion??) doesn’t help your case in supporting the OS fairytales. It is my opinion that you are appealing to me on an emotional level supported by a belief system, nothing more.

There are a lot more....and the lies are getting weaker and harder to sustain.....and to defend.

I'd like to see these "truthers" who hide behind their websites actually come HERE to Arlington, and visit all the people who worked on the crash scene...they're still around...some may have moved by now, but WHY not actually speak to them? I'm sure they'd "welcome" the things said by the "truth movement". /sarcasm/

Like I said, for every eyewitness you can dig up I can do the same.

Contrary Eyewitness Testimony

Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information

Researchers present new eyewitness testimony which they say proves the government's story to be a "monstrous lie" to be a "monstrous lie"

ERROR: 'The Pentagon Attack Left No Aircraft Debris'

911 No Airplane Hit The Pentagon! The Truth About

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has received from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) a security camera recording taken from the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, Virginia that shows the (faked) 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. This new video evidence, obtained in relation to a Judicial Watch lawsuit against the FBI, seemingly contradicts a sworn FBI affidavit in a related case claiming that the Doubletree security recordings "did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001." STAND UP, AMERICA!

Live CNN Report of Jamie McIntyre at the Pentagon

New 9/11 Pentagon video released, shows explosion and no plane

Vague or indeterminate eyewitness accounts

9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Describes Having Seen GlobalHawk *PIC*
edit on 20-1-2011 by impressme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by okbmd

The most telling evidence (of incompetence/ and lack of faith in our security forces by our 'representatives') to me is the White House being evacuated. Pretending like they don't know we're under attack after WTC is struck...Or pretending we're under attack by some cave dwelling neanderthal, and his ever evasive crew of dialysis equipment wielding thugs...

It's like "everybody run"- You don't just watch the ball when it crosses the plate, you step into it and swing. You don't say the stand-down order still stands...A captain who is worth his salt goes down with his ship...

NORAD dropped the ball and allowed HQ (Pentagon) to be struck. It doesn't matter what caused the hole...

What matters is that it was allowed to happen at all. And the fact how all the facts surrounding the events are skewed from the surviving victims, and families speaks volumes to anyone who dares to question authority.

We need more than just waking-up. We need to be able to determine fantasy from reality in the web of lies spewed by skilled reinforcement PR guys who happen to put alot of effort into keeping the fantasy alive. A sad majority of them do it of their own volition due to their pathetic and perverted sense of patriotism.

Or am I wrong?

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by impressme

there were no photos of airplane seats, bodies’ still strapped in their seats, no luggage no suitcases no nothing, that really is identifiable to even believe a plane crashed into the Pentagon. Yes, there are some claims of airplane parts being found at the Pentagon. However, those are claims, and it doesn’t “prove” they belong to said airplane.

As has been pointed out already , you are LYING , therefore , that makes you a liar , does it not ? Just because you choose to ignore and deny all of the evidence simply because it doesn't support your OPINION , does nothing in the way of convincing anyone of your credibility .

It has been shown time after time in these threads that you ignore and deny anything and everything that doesn't promote your antagonistic paranoid delusions . You have failed miserably at proving any of your self-promoting accusations .

The newer members don't need to take my word for it , they can study your post history and see for themselves that you continually deny every shred of evidence that has been shown to prove your claims false . This is not a personal attack , I am simply stating facts .

Photos of airline seats at the Pentagon have been presented as evidence . Therefore , you are lying about that .

Photos of bodies still strapped in those seats have been presented as evidence . Therefore , you are lying about that .

Photos of portions of the landing gear have been presented , therefore , you are lying about that .

Photos of tires and wheels from the airplane have been presented , therefore , you are lying about that .

Photos of pieces of the fuselage have been presented , therefore , you are lying about that .

Photos of one of the engines from the plane have been presented , therefore , you are lying about that .

I.D. and personal effects of some of the passengers was found , therefore , you are lying about that .

Need I continue ? I really don't see the point in doing so , as you will simply continue to deny all of this .

You guys constantly accuse everyone who presents you with evidence , of being a "dis-info" agent . But , a moderate study of your posting history would incline one to believe that the opposite is true , as you fit the profile better than anyone on this site .

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:16 AM
Mr. Cringle...? Crangle....? is the man who just answered his cell phone and used his name to identify himself. No big mystery there.

Not sure why some of you think this is from a plane. It's probably from the lamp post. Just because someone is on film saying it's from a plane...... doesn't mean they know what they're talking about.

(I like the opening statement "...they're trying to steal it. )

With that cobble stone wall, it almost appears they're on the bridge where Llyod England was (supposedly?) when that infamous lamp post hit his car.

edit on 20-1-2011 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by okbmd

I don't want to derail this thread but looks like I am (sorry) but briefly, would you kindly show us a photo of an airplane seat?

I'll make it easy, please provide us with any seat from any state (you have 3 to choose from) from any plane (you have 4 to choose from ) which, crashed and vaporized on that day.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Human_Alien

No planes "vaporized" on that day , but as you requested , here is a photo that shows a seat from flight 77 after crashing into the Pentagon .

WARNING : Extremely graphic , viewer discretion is advised .

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by okbmd

You are right about "being graphic", but i am truly sorry but this photo has no evidence within it that says it was ever even at the site. Just sayin'. Furthermore if it was indeed photographed "at" the site...I am not the only one who would love to see hard evidence that this was not "the" object, "under the blue tarp", being carried "into" the debris zone. I am trying to make my best educated decision on what to believe about all the events that occurred that day, however this so-called "proof/evidence" you provided here today means nothing to me. Sorry for my candor.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by okbmd

Am I the only one that doesn't see a seat, or any plane part in that photograph? I just see what appears to be a burned body and building rubble.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by G.A.G.

In that case , there is nothing that I , or anyone else could ever show you , in the way of evidence .

If you seriously believe that the big bad government would go so far as to carry dead bodies into the Pentagon , in order to 'plant' them for the purposes of evidence , then I am serious when I say that you will not find the answers you seek , neither here , nor anywhere else .

Irrational thought process such as this , can only hope to find answers in a clinical setting , not on some internet forum .

Maybe while you are here though , you could give us some insight into why you feel the government may have carried dead bodies into the building , all for the nefarious purpose of obtaining a criminal conviction ? My head isn't screwed on like that , as there are plenty of people who have been wrongfully convicted without the need to carry out such elaborate levels of deception .

I do not apologise for my candor . You have a wonderful day .

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by okbmd
here is a photo that shows a seat from flight 77 after crashing into the Pentagon

Problem is I dont personally see a "seat", no "77", no "pentagon", no grass, birds, poles, chairs, tables,desks...absolutely nothing to substantiate this photograph was taken "at" the pentagon. Now, as to those people who subscribe to the fact that photos like this are proof enough for them, You are indeed this "BIGGEST" reason this country is in the sorry shape it's in. You're way too gullable and apathetic.Too quick to "believe" what you are told. It's much easier to just simply believe...without question... that in itself requires less energy. That said , I genuinly believe that you choose to be "ignorant" because youre too lazy to ask/more questions and seek out "concrete" evidence.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by G.A.G.

One thing I noticed years ago reviewing the images of the charred bodies from the Pentagon. They are all wearing orange jail jump-suits. Why?

Also these bodies are burned badly yet their clothes are mainly intact. Also the man in the dress shirt and belt under the two jail inmates was moved after the explosion. Look at his belt line.
edit on 20-1-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Please share the excact pictures youre refering to. That way, all here at ats can share their thoughts about these pictures you saw. Myself, I think you are being somewhat sarcastic by directing the question "WHY?" to me alone. "HORSE-HOCKEY". now show us the pix.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:43 AM
The pics are here.

Originally posted by Shadow Herder
reply to post by G.A.G.

One thing I noticed years ago reviewing the images of the charred bodies from the Pentagon. They are all wearing orange jail jump-suits. Why?

Also these bodies are burned badly yet their clothes are mainly intact. Also the man in the dress shirt and belt under the two jail inmates was moved after the explosion. Look at his belt line.
edit on 20-1-2011 by Shadow Herder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by okbmd
I saw that video back in sept 2010,and did bring the question up as well I believe he said "it's a Marine Corps seal" as in the globe and anchor of theU.S Marines.I thought it was a pretty bold statement to show on television and kept rewinding it over and over ,I also ask my spouse who has been a Marine for the last 23 years
and he agreed with what I heard,so I can't be 100% but its the best i can do,hope it helps.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Shadow, thank you. I will try not to respond too quickly anymore.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by G.A.G.

Kettle ? Pot ? Black ?

You don't have a clue , do yourself a favor and study my posting history before trying to evaluate me again . I lost two brothers in 'Nam , and ancestors in the Civil War , on both sides , so that you might retain the right to call me ignorant and accuse me of being the problem with this country .

You're welcome .

Go back to sleep .

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by okbmd

He who angers you...controls you. The photograph you provided proves nothing. Now get over it. By the way when you meet your maker thank you're brothers and ancestors for me, and apologize for not doing more to protect the rights we have," that they fought for", and "that we're losing" from the non-nefarious government we have right now.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:05 AM
Can someone answer this?

One thing I noticed years ago reviewing the images of the charred bodies from the Pentagon. They are all wearing orange jail jump-suits. Why?

Also these bodies are burned badly yet their clothes are mainly intact. Also the man in the dress shirt and belt under the two jail inmates was moved after the explosion. Look at his belt line.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by Human_Alien

No planes "vaporized" on that day , but as you requested , here is a photo that shows a seat from flight 77 after crashing into the Pentagon .

WARNING : Extremely graphic , viewer discretion is advised .


I personally don't see a seat but......okay.
"Vaporized"....? I didn't start using that word describing the planes that day

I am currently searching for additional videos.

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