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They are finally realizing that blindly listening to what their superiors have to say just isn't as worth it as you try to teach them to believe.
It's not their fault you're an authoritative figurehead in a fascist prison machine that manufactures our youth into perfectly shaped cogs built to replace the old corroding ones once they crumble and wither away.
Originally posted by HarmonicNights
Originally posted by PinkAndBlack
They are finally realizing that blindly listening to what their superiors have to say just isn't as worth it as you try to teach them to believe.
It's not their fault you're an authoritative figurehead in a fascist prison machine that manufactures our youth into perfectly shaped cogs built to replace the old corroding ones once they crumble and wither away.
That's seriously a load of uninformed, mindless crap.
I just graduated high school last year and trust me, the large majority of these students are not in the least bit concerned with any "authoritative corrpution" involving the government or any other authority figures. They are completely clueless as to how the world works, much less how our own government is run. All they care about is getting instant gratification and being entertained through their many electronical devices. They indulge in celebrity worship and some (mainly girls) even try to model themselves after a certain celebrity. Individualism and critical thinking is almost completely absent. The state of our youth is exactly where TPTB want them to be. Being downright hateful and ungreatful towards teachers who genuinly care about your education doesn't prove anything. Being violent and destructive doesn't in any way improve the way things are.
And don't all species reproduce simply to replace themselves?
Originally posted by Anttyk47
Originally posted by HarmonicNights
Originally posted by PinkAndBlack
They are finally realizing that blindly listening to what their superiors have to say just isn't as worth it as you try to teach them to believe.
It's not their fault you're an authoritative figurehead in a fascist prison machine that manufactures our youth into perfectly shaped cogs built to replace the old corroding ones once they crumble and wither away.
That's seriously a load of uninformed, mindless crap.
I just graduated high school last year and trust me, the large majority of these students are not in the least bit concerned with any "authoritative corrpution" involving the government or any other authority figures. They are completely clueless as to how the world works, much less how our own government is run. All they care about is getting instant gratification and being entertained through their many electronical devices. They indulge in celebrity worship and some (mainly girls) even try to model themselves after a certain celebrity. Individualism and critical thinking is almost completely absent. The state of our youth is exactly where TPTB want them to be. Being downright hateful and ungreatful towards teachers who genuinly care about your education doesn't prove anything. Being violent and destructive doesn't in any way improve the way things are.
And don't all species reproduce simply to replace themselves?
What's sad is people like this are just as brainwashed :\
Originally posted by Anttyk47
What we're doing wrong?
We hire counslers to force kids to not learn while they're in school, but instead force them to speak to these people because those kids are "PROBLEMS"
We threaten kids with expulsion suspension detention - like they're 6 year olds getting punished for stealing cookies before dinner.
We say they're young adults, but treat them like toddlers.
We force students to learn in a way that they might not be compforatble learning in, or is not the best way to teach a young adult.
Most importantly, we force them with knowledge we think they need.
And on a side note, we built a institution that simply creates people to not think.
I'm a young adult in a crisis because i dont know how to handle seeing the majority of my age group act so inhuman. We're creating non-humans
That side note woulda led me to a big rant. Anyways hope you enjoy this post WeRpeons - and anyone else interested in this topic.
Originally posted by elevatedone
See what happens when you take Prayer and Paddling out of school.
Originally posted by NeoAstra
Public school has too many rules, they think it helps combat problems that arise, but that is not the case.
...the most enjoyable school experience i have ever encountered..
we were allowed to wear hats, listen to our music, wear what we wanted, talk to our friends, roam the halls, and there were no set dates to have work in on time
instead we had a points system
you miss a school day and you lose points, you miss enough and your points go negative, if you dont bring them back up by a certain time (usually a week) you get expelled.
there were also rewards for having the most points, which encouraged us to go to class.
the relaxed atmosphere and the unset homework dates, students worked at their own pace, and were able to graduate months before their peers in public school.
Originally posted by NadaCambia
Originally posted by Imightknow
They are not being taught empathy nor compassion.
More drivel! This generation has more empathy and compassion than any previous generation. It's irrefutable.
Are you forgetting that your generation is made up of racist, bigoted, ignorant war mongers? Or does respecting authority make them better people regardless? Shame your generation had no respect for anything other than authority. If they had the ability to think for themselfs, along with the most basic of moral compasses, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.
Is it really that hard to figure out why elders aren't respected in Western countries?
Originally posted by WTFover
Originally posted by NeoAstra
Public school has too many rules, they think it helps combat problems that arise, but that is not the case.
Fortunately, life is full of "rules". The purpose of the education system is to prepare the students for life. An important part of that is to recognize that we are all subject to "rules" or laws, our entire lives. Too many think it is alright to ignore the rules, with which they disagree. The problem with that is, if permitted, everyone would have a different set of rules and that would result in utter chaos.
School systems must have one set of rules for all students. It is completely ridiculous to presume that, even in a public system as small as mine (8 students in my graduating class and about 100 in K-12), each student be treated differently. Sure, we are individuals, but discipline must be equal.
...the most enjoyable school experience i have ever encountered..
School is supposed to be an environment for learning, not having fun. Sure, there should be entertaining and fun activities to break up the monotony, but the classroom is not a playground.
we were allowed to wear hats, listen to our music, wear what we wanted, talk to our friends, roam the halls, and there were no set dates to have work in on time
instead we had a points system
you miss a school day and you lose points, you miss enough and your points go negative, if you dont bring them back up by a certain time (usually a week) you get expelled.
there were also rewards for having the most points, which encouraged us to go to class.
the relaxed atmosphere and the unset homework dates, students worked at their own pace, and were able to graduate months before their peers in public school.
Here are the problems with what you've described.
1) In the real world (I'm talking about after high school and college), you most likely will not be permitted to wear your hat, listen to music, wear whatever you want, talk to others and interrupt work requirements or roam the halls. You will be required to exercise discipline and complete the work, for which you are being paid. Failure to do so results in unemployment.
2) There is no such thing as a "point system" in your job. In most cases, your employer needs to be able to count on you being on the job. If not, the work isn't completed and he/she loses income. Again, failure to show up for work results in unemployment.
3)I can't think of a single career, in which there are no deadlines for work completion. There is no such thing as "work at your own pace". Even for the self-employed, there are deadlines set by customers.
By not establishing boundaries and guidelines and strictly adhering to them, the school system is setting up their students for failure. Certainly, there will be exceptions and if you are one of them, I congratulate you.
I didn't mean to come off as lecturing you, and if I did I apologize. My post was intended to only point out the flaws with the system you described.
As to other posts in this thread... I am not surprised at the "Screw the system, man!" attitude of a couple of posters. However, I have a question to pose to you.
How often are you angered at the ineptness of others you encounter? Does it make you mad that your quarter-pounder has mayo, instead of the mustard you ordered? How about not getting the correct change at the register? Or, do you feel ripped off when you pay for a service and it is inadequate? What about paying for a product that is defective or doesn't last as long as you thought it should? How many times have you heard about building contractors taking shortcuts and delivering an inferior product?
Well, I've got news for you. More often than not, that is the result of someone who just doesn't care about their work or the person who is paying for it. That's the "Screw the system" and "I don't care about anyone but me" attitudes at work. That's the result of people not learning respect and responsibility.
And those two things are the root of the problems addressed by the OP. No respect and no personal responsibility. And, how ignorant is it to demand that teachers respect you, as a student, but have no respect for the teachers? I've had this debate with another ATSer. It is my opinion every person should have your respect, until they demonstrate they are not deserving. Then, if you have done something to cause another to lose respect for you, it is up to you to earn it back.
Another member posted something along the lines of "the old way doesn't work anymore" and suggested a new system of education. In reality, the "old way" did work, but others came along and decided they could change it for the better. Well, the mess we have now, is the result of those "improvements". We need to revert to the "old way" of 20 or so years ago.
Then, it was more about educating the child and not about increasing government funding. Then, it was about the school being the parent, for the 7 hours you were there. Then, it was about the teacher having the last word and your parents supporting their decision. Then, it was about educators who loved teaching and weren't just there for the paycheck (and I'm certain many still do and, obviously, the OP is one of them or he/she wouldn't have taken the time address the issue here).
What has been lost is the purpose of our primary and secondary educational systems. They are to prepare students for the future. They are to provide a foundation upon which the student can build a future. And, in order to do so, requires discipline.
To the OP and other teachers who have posted here... Thank you. You have chosen a challenging career and you have my utmost respect.
Originally posted by MikeNice81
Maybe you are talking about the generation that came after them. Maybe you are talking about the ones that protested in the streets by the thousands to end the Vietnam War and ensure civil rights for all. ...
Originally posted by Xen0m0rpH
Originally posted by aero56
reply to post by daeoeste
Unfortunately, bad parenting is not being considered as an issue when it comes to classroom misbehavior. These behaviors are a key element in test scoring. Poor test scoring is being blamed on the teachers. "Good' teachers are going to be given merit pay. I suggest that a "good" teacher removed from a high scoring school and placed in an urban school, would no longer be considered a "good" teacher. Granted there are teachers who are not as motivated or creative as other teachers, but overall, most teachers are very motivated and really care about their students. The issue is not good or bad teachers. It is good or bad parenting, but the government thinks otherwise.
When I graduated school, most of the other students of my grade had grown up slightly. I looked back slightly, just to see how the kids in Middle School acted and they were utter terrors. I remember my classmates and I weren't perfect for sure, but we were nothing like that.
I also remember we weren't treated like people. We were treated like robots. Be quiet, sit down, behave. And what I've noticed, as aero mentioned, is that the teachers are blamed.
In actuality, the government is the issue here. I know that gets thrown around a lot here, but it is quite true in this case.
The government establishes a curriculum, which is updated every year if I remember correctly. I'm all for learning and everything, but it's a little absurd when following this curriculum must also provide time for test scoring, which the state government dishes out according to these scores.
The federal government continues to cut funding every year, while providing a more strict curriculum and test scores become higher and higher to achieve. If the school does not achieve these scores, they lose funding and possibly could be closed if low enough.
So, all the curriculum is based on this school testing, rather than learning. It's pretty obvious, I noticed this going through school. And it's not just me, my father started to teach at our local college about the time I started school, so I knew what the teachers were going through.
The government cuts funding, which makes the school crack down on teachers, which crack down on students. Everything the teachers rely on to live their life comes from us, and that's not right. In a round a bout way, the government has made us responsible. How can you be so concerned about the students without actually being concerned about us as people? All we learn is on those tests. Which may not seem a lot. But when a world history class becomes an American history class, I think somethings not quite right.