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For the ppl that doubt ufo's...

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 01:59 PM
To the argument above using the speed of light as a finite velocity,i can provide a link that totally disproves Einsteins theory.
Aliens will be able to travel faster than the speed of light. (The advanced ones). 010/01/faster-than-the-speed-of-light-pulsars-seem-to-prove-yes.html
edit on 9-1-2011 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 02:51 PM
What I wonder about is, why is it automatically assumed that intelligent beings want to travel beyond their planet. Maybe they concentrate their resources and intelligence on other activities for the good of their own kind.

Another thing is, we are told the universe is endless with billions of galaxies, what amazing luck that multiple alien species found our planet out of the trillions where life doesn't exist. Thats some amazing stroke of luck to search and study all those galaxies and find us.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by EnigmaAgent
What I wonder about is, why is it automatically assumed that intelligent beings want to travel beyond their planet. Maybe they concentrate their resources and intelligence on other activities for the good of their own kind.

Another thing is, we are told the universe is endless with billions of galaxies, what amazing luck that multiple alien species found our planet out of the trillions where life doesn't exist. Thats some amazing stroke of luck to search and study all those galaxies and find us.

Well if nothing else then boredom would set in , don't you think.
I think the ones that are content with their planet, and don't wonder "what out there" won't be the ones to gain
exceptional technology. You need to wonder what if to invent new things.
Your bored Aliens are likley still picking Alien fruit from their trees.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by freedish

Hmmm... You make a valid point unless 1.) Einstein was wrong(this isn't my favorite, but theories are not proof) 2.) One of Einsteins other theories (wormholes) is valid and that is the means to travel light years without exceeding light speed. 3.)The reason an object with mass becomes heavier the faster it goes is because of the forces of speed and more directly gravity apply to it. However, If an extraterrestrial intelligence was in fact using a type of anti-gravity field as a means of propulsion it may alleviate or even negate these forces thus allowing this out of reach speed to become reality. These are merely a few suggestions, others exist, but I feel require more imagination than these ones. I have an open mind and deny ignorance, but don't let one persons idea dictate my beliefs. Facts are facts, theories are theory, faith is faith, i believe we all hold on to a few of each, thus we are individuals.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by rigel4

I'm sure that within earths history there are civilisations that didn't branch out/conquer other lands, and yet had their libraries, philosophers, doctors etc. The ones that became the conquered, the ones that were content with themselves and their place within the scheme of things.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by EnigmaAgent
What I wonder about is, why is it automatically assumed that intelligent beings want to travel beyond their planet. Maybe they concentrate their resources and intelligence on other activities for the good of their own kind.

Another thing is, we are told the universe is endless with billions of galaxies, what amazing luck that multiple alien species found our planet out of the trillions where life doesn't exist. Thats some amazing stroke of luck to search and study all those galaxies and find us.

Can you remember a term from your school days "Manifest Destiny" it is considered our fate to expand where we are able to. I think it wouldn't be a stroke of luck as much that many galaxies are older than ours by upto millions of years. How much do you think we'll have explored in a million more years. These intelligent species probably were aware of a planet that could bare life 100,000s of years ago through telescope. So while a species might have stumbled upon us by luck, I think it is more likely that through continued research and exploration of the universe we were found. As far as concentrating there resources and intelligence for the good of their own kind, how do you know this isn't part of it. Maybe, we are their own kind. Many scientists believe that all life started in one place in the universe, the building blocks of life have been found in meteorites. So maybe visiting our less evolved planet is like going back and viewing their own ancient history. My honest opinion is many of the truly unexplainable UFOs ( the less than 5% of sightings) are probes of one type or another being sent to observe and take samples, same as we do to what we as earthlings can reach. They just got a head start.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 04:54 PM
there are different types of skeptics....those who don't want to believe because it will disrupt their ideologies..and those who don't believe anything even if the alien slapped them upside the head while teleporting and saying I am an alien

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by depmode101

even if there were aliens, it is highly unlikely they would be advanced like us, and even more unlikely that they would have a way to get to our planet.

It takes 8.31 minutes for light to reach our planet. That's 93 million miles in 8.31 minutes. That is 11.19 million miles a second. Do you have any idea how fast that is? And not to mention that the faster an object goes the heavier it gets. It just isn't possible for anything to approach the speed of light. And the motto of this website is denying ignorance...don't you think it's a bit ignorant to think that aliens can go faster than the speed of light? Yet so many Ufologists have failed to recognize these simple facts.

that is assuming that they would use space travel based on light speed..maybe it is just possible aliens (if they exist and I think they do) have different methods of space travel ?? maybe wormholes or gravity distortion ??

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by depmode101

even if there were aliens, it is highly unlikely they would be advanced like us, and even more unlikely that they would have a way to get to our planet.

LOL are you kidding me? How ignorant of you to think we are the most advanced beings in a universe we barely know anything about. You have nothing to compare our "advancements" to, so how could you even say we are advanced? For all we know, we might be the most primitive in the universe.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by apodictic

IT really doesn't matter how advanced aliens would be because we would never even know. do you realize how big space is? there's a reason why its called 'Space'.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by eyeoftruth

I think one must be open minded to the idea of aliens to look past the science against UFO's. More so a good imagination, and I don't mean that in a critical way- but you have to ask a lot of -what if's'- like what if aliens could travel through wormholes, what if Einsteins equation is wrong, what if aliens wanted to remain hidden...Like I said it requires an open mind and looking past basic science. I'm not saying science can't be wrong, just simply that is what I desire to base my opinions off.

Then again, I have a strong faith in Jesus, and most people think -science- seems to point in the other direction. So I can relate to you in a small way.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Hmm pretty sure it says it's still a -theory-

Although, according to current theories, matter is still required to travel subliminally with respect to the locally distorted spacetime region

A theory that is still in support of E=MC^2 for the most part because 'matter is still required to travel subliminally'
it seems like this distorted space time region is a mix of garbled space and time - sounds like a chaotic mess, I highly doubt you could manipulate this sort of phenomena. Seriously think about it- you're talking about manipulating space & time to travel...not only would this be too volatile of an environment to travel in but think about how much energy would be required to pull this off and even if they could pull this off don't you think they would run into the grandfather paradox?...and again....these are all just -theories- .

btw- didn't I mention traveling through photon wormholes in relation to quantum physics somewhere in my post?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Jay-morris

We don't know, and we never will. Maybe after we die we can ask God- heh.

Now that I think about it....I'd think it' be pretty boring for God if all He created was intelligent life on 1 planet. If you are an omnipotent God wouldn't you get bored of just 1 type of intelligent life?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by JoseChung

I guess you have a point...but nature tends to repeat itself, and what is to say that if alien life does exist they will have the intellect to grasp this sort of technology?

It's all speculation.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by youdidntseeme

Touche friend. And yes it was a faith statement. However if you read my other posts in this thread you will see that I admitted that I can relate with ufo enthusiasts for the simple reason that you pointed out. We both have faith. My faith however comes from a different source. Jesus.

I don't believe I said intelligent alien life is impossible. Just highly unlikely. And especially UFO's.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by freedish

Freedish, I'm not trying to be critical either, just showing examples. I have to say if because it is an unknown. As far as science going against it, I guess I am open minded. I don't see it as going against science so far as realizing that an intelligent race with a million year head start might have found more advanced sciences. remember I did say Einsteins theories. Theories are not facts, they are likelihoods based on other facts, but not proven as of yet. Many theories from the past have been proven wrong over time. technology, that we haven't created yet, physics that we haven't realized yet, mathematical equations we have yet to computate. The universe holds more mysteries than I think any one can fathom. As far as space being vast and it unlikely we may be discovered, look at how much we map now with our radio telescopes. Imagine where or how much more knowledge of the universe we'll have discovered in a million years. I say a million years because science shows many parts of the universe to be millions of years older than our particular galaxy. So with all that time and advancement if a planet with intelligent life developed at roughly the same rate as our planet even say plus or minus 100,000 years they'd still be far more advanced than we might even imagine. So yes I say "IF" because I'm open minded and as such allow other to have their opinion while explaining why I have mine. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:26 PM
Life somewhere in the universe , Sure. ETs visiting Earth unlikely. Compilations videos of UFOs, are more showcasings natural incidents like planes, flares, chinese candles etc

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:01 PM
If an alien race were billions of years ahead of us,would it be a possibility that they aren't even corporeal?I'd assume that there are very many habitable worlds in the universe-There may be thousands of alien races,some could be God-like,others that say "ug"and eat alien bananas.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by apodictic For all we know, we might be the most primitive in the universe.

And for all we know, we might be the most advanced in the universe. Why not?

Anyways, after reading through this thread I realized it was time to create an account. I believe there is life in the universe, but not that there have ever been or will be aliens among us. Let me make a few points.

How many species have there ever been on Earth? Millions, billions? And out of those only ONE so far has this thing called intelligence. And that species, humans, have only existed for a small fraction of the age of the Earth. It is therefore very, very unlikely that intelligent life will develop in other planets, even if it is full of life (which I don't doubt). And to be fair, if it does, what makes you think that, out of billions of planets out there, at least two will have intelligent life at the same time? No, I refuse to think that we're that special!

Next, I am sick of all these UFO documentaries. Last night I watched the whole 10 episode of a Stan Romanek's lecture that was posted here, so I know the kind of stories that are out there. One thing that I really, really don't understand is that how do these aliens looked almost exactly like humans? Look at our closest relatives here on Earth, gorillas and chimps. Even they look extremely different from us. Yet most of these alien stories out there depict aliens that walk on two legs, about as tall as us, have two eyes, two nostrils, a mouth conveniently placed where ours is, etc.; too much like us, don't you think? To me, this is nothing but a scam to make people feel emotionally attached to these fictional beings.

Take a look at Earth again. Look at the vast variety of species we have here. From a human being to a [snip] tape worm to a sperm whale. What makes you think aliens won't look just as different from us? For all we know, aliens could be giants compared to us, or even microscopic! Why not?

And let me just throw this out there. I bet that if TPTB decided to make the long waited alien disclosure, people all over the place would say it's all a conspiracy and that aliens don't exist. It doesn't end.

Sorry folks, we are alone. Stop hoping.
edit on 9-1-2011 by PoorFool because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2011 by PoorFool because: spelling

edit on 10/1/11 by masqua because: Removed profanity

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by freedish

You're looking at space travel through a human perspective. Physicists are just beginning to realize that traveling long distances in space can be accomplished by bending space and time. Our current understanding of the physical aspects of our universe is barely scratching the surface. With all the physical theories being explored in the past decade like worm holes, parallel dimensions, string theory, gravity waves, transportation, black holes and others. how can you begin to think we have all the answers that space travel is impossible. We're limited to space travel due to our current understanding of earth bound physics.

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