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Egypt, Mayan's, Mason's, 2012 and YOU

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posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by littlebunny
Hello everyone,

Count 144,000 days after Sept 11, 2001. You now know the amount of time we have left before they believe they must finish their work.
… All I will say is…

Enjoy the Ride…

--Charles Marcello

Sorry it took so long, but that was a lot of counting.
All jokes aside, 144,000 days from 9/11/2001 puts us right around December 2395, give or take a month.
That`s almost 400 years from now.
A lot of your math is not adding up and although I like numbers and can see how they can be read in more ways then one, it is also possible to manipulate them to tell whatever story you would like them to tell.

No offense but your op sounds more like delusional ramblings then anything else. There is no logic in this at all as your equations fail to equate.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by stereologist

The question of the biological clock is not the same as discussing time. That is a separate issue. It is well known that the length of dark is important in some plants. That is why certain plants do not do well in areas lit up at night.

First; I'd like to thank you for spending your time acknowledging my questions. You seem to be very knowledgeable on this topic. I hope you don't mistake my questions for ignorance. I'm just trying to have a better understanding myself and I find not only does research help, but it also helps from others that can explain it in their own words. I'm a visual person when it comes to understanding things better.

I think there is a resemblance in the biological clock and time.. or at least the length of days.. concerning the length of days in which time is used to measure.

All of the issues about life expectancy are independent of the issue of time in the sense that living longer or shorter does not change time itself.

You misunderstood my question I think. I'm not saying living longer or shorter changes time at all. My question was the opposite in fact. This is hard for me to explain.

This suggests a bit of confusion on your part. The length of the day is due to the rotation of the planet. The length of the year is due to the orbit of the planet. These are independent.

I know that, I was not disputing that. Despite it being independent, does not mean it doesn't relate or not cause an effect. As I mentioned; for this experiment/example.. all the variables stay the same for the exception of the length of day. A planet can rotate slower making the days longer while orbiting at the same speed as earth. The amount of days in a year I guess would be less than earth years but the length of the year would be the same. I was just curious if you knew if that had an effect on the 'biological' clock? Would the earth rotating slower/faster change the length of seconds I guess we'd normally live in an average life expectancy we currently have?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by disfugured

I apologize for any misunderstandings I have had with your questions. I think that your questions are well thought out and rather interesting. I really have no idea other than a few things I have read about studies in which people have been isolated from the surface by living underground.

There was a Frenchman who lived underground in 1962. He was allowed to set his own times by choosing when to wake and when to be asleep. He ended up with a 24 1/2 hour day during his 2 months of isolation underground. More recently there was a woman who was underground for 14 weeks. She too established a 'day' slightly longer than 24 hours.
[url=]Circadian and circaseptan (about-7-day) free-running physiologic rhythms of a woman in social isolation

People in space do not experience a day-night cycle, but are in touch with people on the ground that do experience that cycle. There is a Mars team living in a test module in Russia that are being used in a study to see how people will react in confinement for the trip to and from Mars. They too might shed light on some of your questions.

I also located this power point, which states
[]UMB edu ppt

Experiments by Aschoff and Weber in Germany:
subjects lived underground for one month
no external cues
free running cycle of 25 hours
Now known to be controlled by certain cluster of cells in the hypothalamus – the suprachiasmatic nucleus

Newer studies under conditions of minimal lighting on an extended 28 hour light/dark cycle – rhythm of 24.18 hours shown.

These might help you get started on finding the answers to your questions. Let us know what you find. This is certainly an interesting area of research.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Thank you very much for your reply to my question, however , i have my own opinions and theory regarding gravity and time and unfortunately this is not the thread to talk of such matters.

If you will, allow me to catch up with you at some other time.

Kind Regards,


posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:50 AM
Hey guys,

I will be here later this afternoon and I wanted to give you a heads up. I will be revealing more truths about the bible and the pyramids... I would suggest you read this link to understand how I'm reading the bible and the clues that opened my eyes.

Regarding the 144,000 days I would hope you people dont think I would waste your time on an event "they" expect will take another 300 years to complete. Rather I'm attempting to help each of you understand the sequence of the mathematics, while at the same time teaching you how to reread the bible. The math I've shown you thus far is to prepare you for what's coming later today.

See you this afternoon.

--Charles Marcello
edit on 12-2-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Hello Charles,

My boyfriend has been following your thread. He's really into following the clues and information. One thing that struck me was the 666 countback from Dec 3, 2012 that landed on Feb 7th 2011 (which I verified using a ' day count between two dates' website that is available to us all); a day you suggested that the location of the leaders be taken into consideration. I could not find any mention of the large meeting of ambassadors that did occur in Washington DC on Feb 7th prior to your posting (Jan 8th)....but my intuition suggests that info regarding the meeting probably was transmitted through some wires somewhere. There was mention prior to your posting of a gathering of big biz 'leaders' (to go with your lingo, which I don't really like for personal reasons stemming from a defiant stance I take on the word) at the US Chamber of Commerce where Obama gave a speech. All in all, the countback and the large gathering of 'leaders' in DC that day did make me wonder exactly what lead you to this perspective. Are you essentially saying that the Bible is a day-timer of sorts that people follow in order to congregate and/or prepare for the worship and or best possible reaction to the phenomena that will occur when certain planets/'stars' align in specific fashion (alignment info known and passed along by way of the pyramids by the Egyptian culture)?

My boyfriend had me watch some of the Maurice Cotterell lecture on YouTube that you referenced. At first I was mesmerized, and I was particularly taken with his argument that "ancient peoples" knew the extent to which the sun dictates humanity.... it does seem that without all the distractions (TV, books, work that is disconnected from nature, etc) that abound in the world today humans would have a keen sense as to patterns and correlations of the type Mr. Cotterell questions and investigates.
There is a point in the 3/19 YouTube Lecture series at 2:00 where he speaks of a study done by NASA in which they placed a women underground and kept her up for 35hours and watched her weight drop and her menstruation cycle halt. He references this study before he declares that women cannot have babies underground. I remember when my boyfriend first watched the lecture, at dinner that night he proclaimed that he had learned that all other animals (too which I said, even Tigers?) can reproduce underground, but that woman are reliant upon the sun and cannot. I thought that was very curious for one BIG REASON, but it was not until I watched the lecture, specifically the aforementioned part of the lecture, myself that I actually got upset about the claim.

I will try to explain why I actually got upset, without showing my intense anger about this obvious oversight.

IF Cotterell is as clever as he seems to be/proposes (and he intrigues you so much ["read two of his books"] and IF you are as clever as you seem to be/propose)....the question that I keep asking myself and now I am asking you and others is::


I know we all make mistakes, how we respond to lapses in judgment and observation is a big part of credibility building.

Personal Note: my boyfriend had trouble accepting the following as fact, this outraged and made me question his inner moral compass. This case is WELL documented.

The Fritzl Case. A women was kept underground, for 24 years... the only source of light was one electrical light (and the TV screen), both of which were regularly kept off for periods of time for "purposes of punishment". She bore seven of her captor's, her father's, children. To be clear, in the Fritzl Case a women was kept underground for 24 years by her father, who raped her and forced her to have 7 children.

Does this or does this not debunk all this talk about women and their menstrual cycle and their ability to give birth underground 'talk'? ? When I heard this case, I am sure I am not alone in saying that I never thought ANY good could come from it. Pure Evil. I am wanting to scream and shout on her behalf, wanting to say, "don't you dare overlook what this woman went through!" It is hard to call something of this sorts "good evidence", but it does seem to be undeniable evidence even though it was obtained in the worst of ways- forced sex with her father for 24 years, forced living underground for 24 years, forced birthing of 7 children half belonging to her father.

Any corrections to my thought processes will be welcomed. I find the information that comes from both you (Charles) and Mr. Contrello very intriguing and at this point I just want to clarify what it is you and he think about a woman's reproductive capacity while underground/away from sun light.

Thank-You very much for your time. Hope to hear from you !


edit on 12-2-2011 by K8sarvesbarkooh because: grammatical

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:21 PM

My intuition tells me you are right about many things. My intuition tells me there is an explanation for why I am confused.

I've studied international affairs and economics and geography and many corporations trying to understand the mission of powerful people. I call them the A, B, C armed forces bureaucracy corporations.
They play revolving doors, I mean chairs and have built and seem to building a large feudalistic system.
Nevertheless, I always have trouble figuring why. What binds this people and when I study them or meet them they have such interesting lives and families and beliefs and ways and views -- and they aren't "American" or 'Russian" or "Jewish" or "Catholic" -- they are POWERFUL. They want a hegemonic world where they control the internet, the resources, the water, the sky, the food, the way of trade. I do not like the malitent body scanner systems, the lasers in space, the chemtrails in the skies, the poison (beginning with fluoride..) in my water and food. I am in complete awe of the IMF and the World Bank, and companies like Reckitt and Benkiser or JP Morgan. I am worried about the history of the Rockefellers, big bankers, the CIA and the ISI, and USAID.
I studied wars. And listened to opinion after opinion about Why We Fight. My all time favorite book might be "King Leopold's Ghost". Yet through it all---- all I could offer in my lame theses was basically STOP THESE PEOPLE THEY ARE TRYING TO CONTROL THE WORLD AND THEY ARE RUINING THE WORLD, THEY SEEK HEGEMONIC CONTROL.
Honestly, what you say here:

The bad news is… Extremely powerful people believe in the ignorant stories passed forward by our not so distant ancestors… They deeply believe in the numbers. They deeply believe in the ancient sacrifices. They deeply believe they are in fact doing g/God’s(s) work. The bad news is… Extremely powerful people believe in the ignorant stories passed forward by our not so distant ancestors… They deeply believe in the numbers. They deeply believe in the ancient sacrifices. They deeply believe they are in fact doing g/God’s(s) work.

Would certainly fill what I feel to be a void in my theses.
I want so badly to understand WHY they are doing this.

I feel that they might include, for starters, IM Pei, Madeline Albright...

Your scenario of the survivors past and present and your point that the Ancient Egyptians wrote about the peeing and have sex but not about the purpose of the pyramids was...telling.

You believe 2 things
1. ) that powerful people do not understand what the alignment means and are prepared to do us harm because of their beliefs
2. ) that the stars WILL align, that we should be ready for suvivor-ship, on Dec 3, 2012 or 144,000 from then.

I had two dreams recently. I never dream about numbers. My dreams have been much more emotional throughout my life.

In the first dream I was in a bar and had to ignore many people and walk to a door, the door was glass and it was inbetween to other doors. It was possible to walk around the whole thing, but I went through and noticed that the hinge was off....when I knelt down to fix it, I saw the entire door was propped on coins. I took out 3 pennies think I could fix it.

The second dream was at a gas station, getting a lotto ticket. Which I have done only a few times in my life and very randomly, nothing I think of enough to dream about. I had to argue for a card where I could pick my own numbers. Then I wondered what to pick and a clock flashed 1:40, twice, which upset me. But then it changed to 1:39 and all was well because 309 is my number.

309 is my number because it is my and my brother's birthday set in a certain way that makes us opposites.

Anyway, what I am trying to say Charles is that I hear you. You write well, and your arguments are compelling.
But it is so frustrating that they are incomplete and that I must do what my boyfriend did- which is wade through the Bible looking for numbers.....didn't people already right books on this?....

I just want to know what you know and then I will work backwards into the info to understand.

BUT, I will begin looking into all this because my intuition says to.

Thanks for listenin'

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Any corrections to my thought processes will be welcomed. I find the information that comes from both you (Charles) and Mr. Contrello very intriguing and at this point I just want to clarify what it is you and he think about a woman's reproductive capacity while underground/away from sun light.

That's a good catch. The claim that a woman's reproductive systems is tied to the sun sounds rather bizarre. That's no different than the silly claims that there is a connection to the moon and tides. Women have been on spelunking teams that have spent extended time underground. I can't find of any reports of adverse effects on anyone being underground for extended times.

Here is an article about one of the researchers in an experiment.
Italian 'cave dweller' Montalbini dead at 56
Same article different link

Nothing turned up anything about amenorrhea. I think this is a fabrication, which you caught. Congratulations.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:14 PM
Wait wait wait. (

Mr./Ms Wackometer,
I believe my cycle is connected to some sort of energy and that the moon and the sun are very very important to me. I also am very open-minded and do not throw away all his/these arguments because of this apparent contradiction. I am definitely not ready to do that. The Sun could still dictate energy (as I have always presumed it does in fact) and that energy could pulsate enough, if you will, for females not "too" far underground to reproduce. There still could be a mathematical way to the world and a solar based/spurred phenomenon that I am not aware of but others are.

[Charles, I would much prefer a response from you. I hope I wasn't too emotional, ranty-ish, personal...if I could change the post now, I would take out of the extraneous info about my boyfriend...I just wanted to let you know that I haven't reeeally been following your thread(s), he has. Lastly..... which Spinx are you referencing?]

edit on 12-2-2011 by K8sarvesbarkooh because: grammatical

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:21 PM
FORGET all about 2012,2012 IS MISDIRECTION.During 3/11 thur 3/12 2011 ALL the bible/world religions AND their stories will be in the sky as planet/star/moon formations, i cant thread yet newbie here,this is universe breaking news, Neo you are awake news that's found in other threads.This is the time of the restarting of All calenders based on religion.The Bible/Koran/Aztec codas/Chinese/Olmec/Inca/ etc.characters are celestial objects in formations during these times.Thank Stellarium for the illumination to thaw out .look up our redemption draws near to show you THE mystery of mysteries.Dim the son/sun and atmosphere to witness any religious story in the sky during this time.You just have to use the four cardinal points to see all the stories of the gods,goddesses,saviors,villains,titans,etc.of any religion.the people never existed in the bible/koran/etc. they are all celestial objects in star/planets/moon/comets formations that are seen now.the earth is the only planet on this side of this galazy,leaving all the other planets on the other side of the galaxy so they can play out their stories again after thousands of years.this is what all the chemtrails are trying to hide.Right about yesterday the pope and other "religious" figures are shaking about the sky news reaching the sheeple.There's nothing new under the sun/son,it was here in another time,made by men who WILL be remembered and on report.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by admiralvenderfry

the earth is the only planet on this side of this galazy,leaving all the other planets on the other side of the galaxy

That doesn't make sense like the bulk of your post doesn't make sense. The distribution of planets is by the stars they rotate, not by the galaxy.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Are you serious? You don't believe the moon creates tides? .....

Everyone has in their heads a thinker and a prover. If youre thinking it, your prover is going to prove it... so there's no stopping you. But I'm infinitely interested in what your prover has to provide

The moon has a cycle on the menstruation system. It would be no different to the sun being tied to capabilities of birth, after all most life on our planet requires the life giving energies of the sun. The ones that allow you capability to breathe even rely highly on the sun. Since we are born of Earth, would we not too be tied into Earth, even if our technologically inclined minds couldn't perceive much past the computer monitor in front of our faces? And if we were tied into Earth, then so are we to the sun. As everything in our solar system revolves around the solar, Sol, our sun.

It's an interesting thing that you bring up k8, but at the same time I am appalled at how such a discovery was made. I'd really rather not look into the legitimacy of the study because of its graphic nature. But it makes sense that the reproductive system relies on the sun. Maybe its a reason the druids relied so heavily on sun-aligned rituals such as the ones at Stone Henge for fertility.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by DakmindAK

There are always unfounded claims such as

The moon has a cycle on the menstruation system.

The average mestrual cycle in women is
The Length and Variability of the Human Menstrual Cycle

The Center for Population Research collected 30,655 recorded menstrual cycles from 2,316 women. Ninety-five percent of all cycles were between 15 and 45 days long. The mean and standard deviations for the total number of cycles were 29.1 and 7.46, respectively. Cycle lengths between 15 and 45 days averaged 28.1 days with a standard deviation of 3.95 days. Variability of menstrual-cycle lengths is highest for women under 25 years of age and declines steadily to reach a minimum for ages 35 to 39. It is then followed by a slight increase for women aged 40 to 44. The pattern of variability by age is demonstrated equally well by the percent of cycles between 25 and 31 days in length as by the standard deviation.

Cynomolgus monkeys were studied, because their menstrual cycles are very similar to those of humans in length (approximately 28 days)

orbital period = 27.3 days
synodic period 29.5 days

Tides are about 12 hours and 25 minutes apart. The time between neap tides or between spring tides is tied to the synodic period.

In the following link you can see how many claims about the effect of the moon on people is not substantiated. In fact, it is shown there is no correlation between the moon and many human activities.
full moon and lunar effects

If you have evidence to the contrary please let's see it. I for one see the large variability in humans with the mean not matching as a clear indication that these are just a coincidence, a rough coincidence.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:41 PM
Hey guys,

Sorry its taken so long for me to respond, my life has kept me extremely busy keeping me away from my personal interests. With that out of the way, I’m going to skip ahead so we can get into this next level of discovery.

Earlier I presented some daily math regarding the mathematics of the Pyramids of Giza, 3, 6, 9 and 18. There are some who want you to believe it all equals nothing… Well, hang on because its about to get damn interesting around here.

I was going to show you the math regarding the Great Pyramid of Giza and how it reflects physical space/matter of our solar system… yet, because of all the talk of time, I decided to show you the math of the little (third) pyramid instead…

The original height of the small pyramid is said to of been between 213 and 216 feet tall. While currently it is 214 and the Apex is said to be 204 feet. Lets take a look at the math and the measurement of C.

204 * 186,000 equals 37,944,000


216 * 186,000 equals 40,176,000

186,000 * 60 equals 11,160,000

11,160,000 divided into 37,944,000 equals 3.4

11,160,000 divided into 40,176,000 equals 3.6

3.6 plus 3.4 equals 7.

What about 213?

213 * 186,000 equals 39,618,000 divided by 11,160,000 equals 3.55

3.5 times 11,160,000 equals 39,060,000 minus 37,944,000 equals 1,116,000... (same is true 3.6 minus 3.5)

186,000 equals C (light) miles per second. 11,160,000 equals C miles per minute.

Why is this important?

If you watched or read any of Graham Hancock‘s videos/books as suggested before, you know he uses 432,000 against the dimensions of Great Pyramid, and then mathematically it equals the diameter of the Earth, . Well 432,000 miles just happens to equal the radius of the Sun… is the Great Pyramid trying to teach us they understood how the universe actually works? Did whoever build those pyramids understand three dimensional mathematics, and did they build those pyramids to prove they not only understood that truth… but that they also had to of flown in space? Is that true, did we know this information before we flew satellites in space? Did the builders of Giza have to of been in space in order for them to of known these mathematics? Does the little pyramid also prove they were able to Measure Light? Hmm, if so… does the second pyramid prove they could measure Time? I would explain the second pyramid but to do so will reveal to much information which would then make the world a heck of lot more dangerous then it currently is.

Six years ago I posted a thread on the Internet explaining what I’ve only recently learned the Great Pyramid is trying to teach… I refer to them as M-Cubic and M-Cubic Meters… Time I refer to as T-Cubic and T-Cubic Meters… and Light Cubic/Meters I refer to as a universal measuring sticks/cubes. Now people can deny what is posted above all they want… however if there is a computer programmer who wants to make a name for him/herself… you now have the tools to show the world just how advanced the Builders of the Pyramids of Egypt actually were… Let alone, if you understand the deeper implications of this information… then you also understand why our not so distant ancient ancestors venerated the Sun and planets… (more on that in second)… and all the physical sacrifices committed by our not so distant ancient ancestors all over the world and why they sacrificed living creatures… They did so because I believe they also misunderstood our true purpose. (whether it was done on purpose or ignorance is open for debate.) The phrase Out many one from one many… truly equals we are all supposed to sacrifice for each other… and that sacrifice if supposed to be in the spiritual realm only… and our not so distant ancient ancestors created a world that you and I still live in today… If you just open your eyes you will see these simple truths exist within every religious doctrine and within ancient texts from all over the world.

Like our solar system's planets and why they were venerated… vermonster asked about Mars… so this question I’m about to ask is partly his fault… If the Great Pyramid of Giza was considered the planet Mars... would the other two pyramids equal the two moons of Mars… If so… if someone were to mark all the Giant Pyramids of the world onto a world map… and then compare their locations to our solar system's planets… do all the pyramids across the world equal a date in history? Either past or future… perhaps both? That seems to be an honest question… Who among you wants to find out?

Also… I think I might have solved how Coral Castle was built… If so, then by proxy I guess that means I might have solved how the Pyramids of Giza were built… My hypothesis… an AM transmitter on one end of 1 (or two) copper line(s) and an FM transmitter on the other end of same (or different) copper line(s)… or perhaps the AM has two copper lines (pos/neg) intertwined and FM has two copper lines (pos/neg) intertwined, and then all four lines are intertwined and then placed onto a wet rock… the hard part will be finding the correct frequencies. However I believe the old testament might have given us that answer.
Last summer I told a friend I was going to see if my hypothesis was correct or not… but I got so caught up with all the math of pyramids I never got around to it. I plan on finding out this summer… However, this is a chance for a third person to take this information and see if its true or not.

This information is just waiting for one (three) of you to see if its true or not.

Build a three dimensional computer program to the specs of the three Pyramids of Giza… what does it prove if you take all the M-Cubic/Meters against the measurement of space/time/light and the number of base blocks per pyramid???

On a world map, place all the giant pyramids of the world and see if all of those massive pyramids equals a solar planetary day in history, both past and future… while at the same time… do the smaller pyramid that surround those massive pyramids equal those potential planets moons?

And finally… if AM/FM transmitters are correct… can the correct frequencies be found that allow rocks to defy gravity?

This is for the world to discover on its own, or if I can find the time I’ll do it… The only thing people need is the skills to see if this information is true or not. Simply open your eyes and see. Many will demand this information is false… but it only takes one person to prove if this information is true or not…. Please don’t believe me, or just dismiss this information as false either… simply open your eyes and seek the truth on your own. You can deny or praise what I’ve wrote all day long, it impresses/bothers me not… just please use your own mind and find out for yourself.

Enjoy The Ride…

--Charles Marcello

P.S.... Please don't think that last paragraph was intended as an insult to those who understand the importance of all this information!!!

edit on 13-2-2011 by littlebunny because: to add P.S.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by K8sarvesbarkooh

Hi K8sarvesbarkooh,

Regarding Maurice Cotterell's video's/books. I'm not sure how to respond to all of his statements/science. I believe the depth a person is beneath the surface determines the effects... but I don't know. The reason I suggested people read/listen to what Maurice has to say... is how he links culture after culture together to paint a much larger picture then what we are told we should believe. I've played with his mathematics and wow, just wow! Regarding the rest, the moon and Sun cycles... those are aspects of his research I haven't even begun to look into yet. However, regarding the Sun and its 4/4 parts... I have thought about it, and then reread parts of the bible, and then compared his statements against current beliefs in a rapture style event. If a rapture does happen, will the Sun be the cause, instead of a compassionate god who doesn't want his followers to suffer his wrath? I don't subscribe to a rapture event, yet if one does happen, I guess I will have to weigh my personal beliefs regarding scripture and even deeper knowledge hidden within.

One of the main reasons I've asked people to reread the first five books of the Bible/Torah... is God really a wrathful SOB who forces people to behave a certain way (Exodus 1 thru 15), just so he can impress those he wishes to follow/believe in him? Or, if a person were to take away the wrath aspects of god, and instead, looked for hidden knowledge behind all the fluff... is there a deeper story to be found? Like in Exodus 17... Did Moses’ father in law explain how to run a Mega Corporation/Massive Army with a simple suggestion on how Moses should delegate authority? Or perhaps… Are there three different messages hidden within the Bible... One of basic word teaching. One for those who have knowledge of certain aspects of science/history... and then another level for those who have Wisdom? Could that be true? And if so, how hard would it be for someone to test that concept? Well, if people do the research I've suggested and listen to or read the Books written by the authors I've suggested... I would then suggest you read all of my posts again.

BTW... I wanted to thank you and your boyfriend personally for taking the time to read and study the information. I'm am very excited that others are trying to find out for themselves. So Thank You!!!

--Charles Marcello

edit on 13-2-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:36 PM
Oh crap I almost forgot.

Regarding the 666 days before 12/3/12. That was nothing more then an hypothesis, while at the same time looking to our past in an attempt to watch the future. Remember there is still 12/12 and 12/21 and 666 days before those days come and go. Not to mention the other days I’ve already talked about. Is our world being directed? IF you believe the answer is yes… then by whom? Is it a person or group of people, or is it a hidden source, a God or natural cycle? And if so, to what end are we being directed? Many on ATS believe our world is being directed to its end... ie the Georgia Guidestones and its 500 million population balance… in a world with over 6.5 billion that's pretty damn scary to even consider. Let alone all the talk here on ATS about FEMA and undersea/water body bags, MRE’s (meals ready to eat) with a shelf life of only 3 years. My Dreams…, plus all the prophecies written throughout history and found within all religious texts. Do all of these aspects equal one group of people, or one time line of direction? That is a tough question to answer, and even though I think about it often, I can honestly say I don’t know. One thought I’ve been thinking about lately is… are we simply living a greater much larger natural cycle, not unlike fish and birds?

There are stories of pigeons being flown hundreds of miles away from their homes… to only fly back. There is a recent story of a hammer head shark who was blind folded, taken by boat many miles from his natural spawning area… placed in the water in the wrong direction, yet the researchers watched that shark turn around and head in the right direction as if by magic. Are we simply living a larger natural cycle? Man that sucks if that is true… Hiroshima/Nagasaki do they equal Sodom and Gomorra? Not to mention other cultures and the two cities they believe were lost to the gods.

In truth my Dec 3 2012 and 666 days before the event was a shot in the dark… hence… speaking of it in the past tense, when the day hadn’t even happened yet. Can we look to history to find even more symbolic days/years/months??? Well if the past is any indication then we should be able to look to the future for answers.

Well that's all the time I have for now... I will attempt to come back on tomorrow or sometime during the week

--Charles Marcello

edit on 13-2-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

204 * 186,000 equals 37,944,000


216 * 186,000 equals 40,176,000

186,000 * 60 equals 11,160,000

11,160,000 divided into 37,944,000 equals 3.4

11,160,000 divided into 40,176,000 equals 3.6

3.6 plus 3.4 equals 7.

What about 213?

213 * 186,000 equals 39,618,000 divided by 11,160,000 equals 3.55

3.5 times 11,160,000 equals 39,060,000 minus 37,944,000 equals 1,116,000... (same is true 3.6 minus 3.5)

186,000 equals C (light) miles per second. 11,160,000 equals C miles per minute.

Why is this important?

There is a much simpler way to do the math.

Let c = 186,000

then 204c/60c + 216c/60c = (204+216)/60 = 420/60 = 7

213c/60c = 21.3/6 = 7.1/2 = 3.55

60c = 60 secs * 186,000 miles/sec = 11,160,000 miles not miles per minute

So what does any of this mean? The answer is nothing. No explanation is ever given for any of these computations. There is no justification. What we do notice is that when units are written the units are wrong.

Did whoever build those pyramids understand three dimensional mathematics

They could survey. That's 3d.

and did they build those pyramids to prove they not only understood that truth… but that they also had to of flown in space?

No. If someone wantd to do that wouldn't it be simpler to just make the drawings instead of building a pyramid.

Did the builders of Giza have to of been in space in order for them to of known these mathematics?

No. Three-d problems were solved for thousands of years before people went to space.

Does the little pyramid also prove they were able to Measure Light?

Where is there any math where c does not cancel out?

Hmm, if so… does the second pyramid prove they could measure Time?

Of course they could measure time. They had a calendar didn't they?

If any of this intended to show anything, then the material appears to be completely missing. Nothing here ties in anything whatsoever to anything.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:34 PM


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:24 PM

In truth my Dec 3 2012 and 666 days before the event was a shot in the dark… hence… speaking of it in the past tense, when the day hadn’t even happened yet. Can we look to history to find even more symbolic days/years/months??? Well if the past is any indication then we should be able to look to the future for answers.

It was a shot in the dark. That was clear. So why would we look for more of these shots in the dark unless there was rhyme and reason? Are other shots in the dark going to be as meaningless as this one was?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:46 PM

If you have evidence to the contrary please let's see it. I for one see the large variability in humans with the mean not matching as a clear indication that these are just a coincidence, a rough coincidence.

Does anyone have any evidence contrary to this position that the moon is not related to menstrual cycles?

It is well established that the moon does not affect human actions although it is a well spread myth that there is a connection.

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