posted on Jan, 8 2011 @ 02:02 AM
Hello everyone,
This is Charles Marcello again with more information that proves beyond any reasonable doubt the Pyramids of Giza were built to honor an extremely
rare planetary convergence. The creation story in the bible was created to tell that tale, and that, in part, is exactly what the Masons are
celebrating. (Though the Pyramids are a lot older then the books of the bible.) The bad news for the Masons is, the stories they use to enhance the
knowledge within each of its Masonic levels, has nothing to do with god or God, rather, it has everything to do with the science of our solar system,
and planetary interactions… or more correctly, the Sun, Moon and Earth, the Hiram Key be damned. The stories in the bible, the first five books,
has very little to do with God, more so then they have almost everything to do with extremely advanced ancient knowledge… that we can only recently
understand and prove, that was in fact passed forward for the benefit of all mankind. The story of Moses and who he was gives great clues on how to
re-read the first five books of the bible. The stories within the Mayan/Aztec cultures gives even more clues on how to understand the stories within
the bible. There is still a lot more information that I firmly believe we will be able to discover throughout the world, and within other religious
texts… that will either, support what I’m about to share with you, or perhaps… give more extremely ancient knowledge that the survivors (pay
attention to that word) desperately felt they needed to pass forward. I could spend an incredible amount of time walking you through each level of
this discovery. Yet I don’t want to ruin the journey for others. I could post a picture proving the Pyramids at Giza do in fact match the
planetary convergence that will take place one hour before sunrise on Dec 3, 2012. Instead I’m going to allow you, YES YOU, the opportunity to
learn these truths on your own. Learn what the Sphinx will be looking at on that day and until Dec 21, 2012. Learn which two planets will be dancing
in the Western Sky just before sunrise in 2012... I will hint you towards the month of August. Learn which chambers some believe align to what
stars/constellations from the Great Pyramid, and then discover where they will be on Dec 3, 2012 and then on Dec 21, 2012. Some of you will already
know the answers, and you’re welcome. For those of you who don’t… get up off your ass and find out. For those of you who claim nothing is
going to happen in 2012, you may in fact be right. The good news is, you have nothing to fear from simple people freaking out because of all the hype
of 2012. The bad news is… Extremely powerful people believe in the ignorant stories passed forward by our not so distant ancestors… They deeply
believe in the numbers. They deeply believe in the ancient sacrifices. They deeply believe they are in fact doing g/God’s(s) work.
Count 144,000 days after Sept 11, 2001. You now know the amount of time we have left before they believe they must finish their work.
Count 666 days before Dec 3, 2012 and then find out where your leaders were.
Count June 10, 2011 to Dec 3, 2012. Count June 10 2011 to Feb 4th 2012, compare those numbers to Dec 3, 2012.
Count how many days separate Feb 4th 2012 from June 10, 2012. Then start running the numbers and compare them to numerology, Paganist lore, and the
Bible. (Notice that is the first time I’ve capitalized the world bible.)
I have in fact solved the Pyramid Mystery. It cannot be denied any longer… However, I’ve also discovered why these Paganist must stop. Your
mythology is wrong. I truly wish it wasn’t but it is. If what I’ve discovered is true, you are going to suffer in ways you cannot even imagine…
You will not be loved for what you are planning, you will be despised and hated by the gods…
Compare our planet’s daily numbers to the distance of our Sun.
Compare those numbers to ancient mythology.
Compare the mathematical numbers to the days of the year you honor against those numbers and our solar system.
Compare 3, 7, 21, 42, 72, 111, etc… against our planetary daily numbers and the mathematical numbers we know are true regarding our solar system.
Compare them god damnit and open your eyes.
Dec 3 is exactly 18 days before Dec 21.
18days*24hrs*60min = 25,920. The Progression of the Equinox takes exactly 25,920 years. Now learn the cycle of Dec 3, 2012. It only happens once
every 2737 years… but only matches the Pyramids of Giza every 5th cycle. Yet… how many cycle does it take for that convergence to match not only
the Pyramids of Giza, and then compare that to the creation story in the bible and Mason mythology. You now know why there are 33 levels… however
you also learn there must be a 34th. it’s the only way they could possibly obtain balance in their order… just like you will learn the advanced
mathematical, solaristic, and scientific understanding our truly ancient ancestors had to of known in order to build the pyramids the way they did,
place them the way they did, and then hide all the information the way they did.
The story of Moses becomes even more incredible once you sit down and understand. All you need is your bible and the information I’ve mentioned
above and you will learn so much. I could spend all day explaining this to you, destroying any chance you have of discovering all of these truths on
your own. And I absolutely refuse to do so. Yet I know I cannot allow this information to go unknown for to much longer. It must be known before the
end of this year, for so many reasons, if you study, you will understand completely. Read Captain Morgan’s Book. Read Your Bible. Read Maurice
Cotterell’s book or watch his video’s on youtube. Watch or read Graham Hancock’s books or watch his youtube videos to understand the knowledge
he and his co-authors have discovered. Then do the math I’ve mentioned above. Then research the Dec 3, 2012 and how long its been since this the
last time this happened exactly 18 days before the progression of the Equinox. (if the progression of the equinox happens every 25,920 years, and that
planetary convergence matches the pyramids every fifth cycle or 13,685... But can only be seen on earth every second cycle how many cycle does it
take…) then Re-read the creation story. Compare the math… (1 day equals 24, 2 days equals 24 times 24, 3 days equals 24 times 24 times 24, etc
etc… and then compare the stories you are told to believe regarding our earth, by both science and religions.) Compare the math… compare the
stories. Compare the science… This is undeniable. UNDENIABLE!!! Later this year I’ll give you much more… Or for those who are extremely
lazy… read my posts… the answers from beginning to end are there if you are smart enough to see them… Yet For now, I pass the rest of this
journey onto you. I do this to make sure the truth cannot die with me. I do this so as not to ruin or create bias as to how you, YOU, rediscover
these truths on your own. The math is completely undeniable… The truth is so much more fantastic then you can imagine. And in time all the lies
will be exposed and the true solutions will finally save ourselves from ourselves. The choice is yours… If you decide to begin this journey…
All I will say is…
Enjoy the Ride…
--Charles Marcello