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Egypt, Mayan's, Mason's, 2012 and YOU

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:19 AM
Very interesting thread, I have no idea what you are on about, but it was interesting all the same :-)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

Your response to being shown as having fabricated nonsense numbers is to misrepresent Galileo and to make other nonsense claims - that's typical.

The fact is that you have posted numbers that attempts to related time and distance. You made a false attempt to claim that time is velocity.

The start of all of this was a coincidence you found. It's just a coincidence no matter how poorly you juggle other unrelated numbers.
edit on 17-1-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:40 PM
Time is not an abstract unit. It is fundamentally related with motion / movement. From our perspective here on earth, this movement is defined primarly from the cycles of the sun and the earth. The abstract time that our clocks count is just a convention representing this movement. For example, if a being was on a different solar system, and let's say it's planet performed a full rotation around it's parrent star in 2 earthly years, then time would pass two times slower in the planet's environment. All living organisms would have developed their organic systems in order to match the flow of time/energy of that environment. Cycles of time represent the schism between the subject and the object. What we percieve as time is the breaking of the unity between the subject that reveals objects in a certain hierarchy (stars - planets etch.) and the beings (observers) which are the living objects that observe (and are part) of this particular division of the higher unity. After the breaking of the higher symmetry, energy from the subject flows through the objects in defined cycles, perceived as time. In each cycle (movement), there are higher and lower energy points. These points resemble the unity between the timeless subject and the objects. In the cycle of the rotation of the earth around it's axis (24 hours), the moment of higher energy (no schism between the subject and the object) occurs just before the rising of the sun, right before dawn. In the cycle of the rotation of the earth around the sun, this moment occurs during the winter and the summer solstice, where the brief pause of the movement of the sun (from earth's perspective) resembles the lowest and highest peaks of energy of that particular system (sun - earth). I believe precession is not the cause of the gravity of the sun and the moon affecting the earth (the lunisolar theory), but a movement of a much grander scale that affects the entire solar system. This movement represents another division of the unity and takes approx. 25920 years to complete. The moment of no-space between the subject and the objects therefore occurs again each 25920 years, in a much grander scale. The last sentence reveals the nature of space, which is primarly the distance that the objects have to travel in order to meet the zero point of no division, and it's produced by the specific division of the higher unity (which again also produces time).

As far as the living beings of a planet are concerned, they age accordingly to these cycles. This rate is defined for each being by it's primarly way of exchanging energy with it's environment, which of course means their breathing rate. This breathing rate is again defined by the way that energy/time flows through the particular system . Therefore, it's no wonder that the breathing patterns of humans again show rates related with precessional numbers:
The average person takes about 15 breaths a minute. So, 15 x 60 (minutes in an hour)= 900 x 24 (hours in a day) = 21,600. Depending on the circumstances, the average person in- and exhales 12 times per minute 0.5 litres of air. 12 times 0.5 makes 6 litres of air per minute. Thus 60 times (1 hour) 24 times (1 day) 6 litres results in 8640 litres of air in 1 day. This is done in 17280 breaths per day. The numbers in bold are directly precessional. We can imagine that the breathing rates of the beings of the planet mentioned above, would adjust to the time cycles of that particular system.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Very interesting thread, to me the Bible always seemed to describe astronomical events, perhaps that is why the Freemasons are so fascinated with astronomy.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Karmakosmik

Time is not an abstract unit. It is fundamentally related with motion / movement.

Are you mixing time with measurements of time?

All living organisms would have developed their organic systems in order to match the flow of time/energy of that environment.

What about organisms that live at the bottoms of oceans? Why would the diurnal cycle affect these creatures?

Frankly I find most of your commentary on time and energy flows, and energy moments rather fanciful.

I believe precession is not the cause of the gravity of the sun and the moon affecting the earth (the lunisolar theory), but a movement of a much grander scale that affects the entire solar system.

Precession is not caused by the gravitational influence of nearby masses. That leads to tidal effects, which are quite different.

The last sentence reveals the nature of space, which is primarily the distance that the objects have to travel in order to meet the zero point of no division, and it's produced by the specific division of the higher unity (which again also produces time).

Again I find this rather fanciful as a measure of distance.

As far as the living beings of a planet are concerned, they age accordingly to these cycles.

In general, organisms do not have ages tied into astronomical phenomena. Your claim of relating breath number, which is a unitless value, to precession, which has units of time, makes no sense.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:33 PM
Nothing gets past Stereologist. He is dedicated.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by stereologist

so what do you consider time? time is nothing, time is not constant and time cannot truly be measured by anything. in it's purest form time is movement through moments.

the great Einstein figured this out. time in itself has no unit of measurement that can universally measure how fast it is passing by because time itself is in fact based on the velocity at which one is moving. if im standing still time moves slower than say if i was traveling at the speed of light. the property of time is thus directly in relation to velocity. (debunking your statement that time is not velocity, or at least not proportionally related to velocity)

your argument holds no ground.

sir if you are going to try to make people sound stupid, then please make sure it is not on a subject that a great mind already conquered.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 12:58 PM
I would be cautious believing on the constructs Great men have used, to exploit the energies of the 4th dimension. It seems very God-like from the perspectives of 3rd dimensional conscience but BEWARE the witchcraft hidden within!

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by stuncrazy

the great Einstein figured this out. time in itself has no unit of measurement that can universally measure how fast it is passing by because time itself is in fact based on the velocity at which one is moving. if im standing still time moves slower than say if i was traveling at the speed of light. the property of time is thus directly in relation to velocity. (debunking your statement that time is not velocity, or at least not proportionally related to velocity)

You've got the relativity stuff all confused. If you are standing still or in motion at relativistic speeds you cannot determine if time is going faster or slower. That is what Einstein said. You as an observer cannot know that anything is happening in your own frame of reference. The interesting issues happen when there are observers on different frames of reference. If you are watching a person go by on a rocket ship you will see that time on the rocket ship seems to be slower than your time. Oddly enough the person in the rocket ship looks down at you and sees that your time is moving slower than on the rocket ship.

Each observer makes the same observation: time is slower in the other frame of reference.

This simply tells us that there is no absolute time. Time is relative to each frame of reference.

No. You did no debunking.

sir if you are going to try to make people sound stupid, then please make sure it is not on a subject that a great mind already conquered.

I'm not trying to make anyone stupid. I am not ridiculing you for a misunderstanding of relativity. That happens.
edit on 21-1-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by stereologist

if that is so then why would a person traveling at light speed age slower than a person standing still?

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by stuncrazy

An excellent question.

The problem with aging is that the person in the rocket ship has to be compared to someone on Earth. If they do not comeback to Earth, then let's look at the issue in part 2.

If twins are separated and one takes off in a rocket they zoom off and then zoom back and the person on Earth is older. The person in the spaceship experiences high gravitational fields during acceleration and deceleration. It is during these times that the 2 people experience different effects. That is why the space traveler ages slower since time slows down as gravity increases.

The issue is called the Twins Paradox and is explained better at the given link.

I'm no expert or even rank beginner in these issues. It's been quite some time since I took a course covering this subject matter. The important thing to remember is that there is no preferred frame of reference. If you find that there appears to be a preference such as time moves quicker in one than the other allowing you to prefer the faster or slower time frame, then rethink the problem. That's always helped me to recognize I had messed up the thinking on a problem.
edit on 21-1-2011 by stereologist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 08:09 PM
Wow, stereologist truly has no idea what he's talking about…

Here it what NASA says

Time can be measured in a number of ways. For instance, we can measure the passage of time via the orbital motion of Earth and other planets in the solar system (Dynamical Time). Or we can measure time based on the rotation of Earth on its axis with respect to the stars (Universal Time). Finally, we can measure time through the oscillations of atoms (International Atomic Time).

So then it becomes, what is Universal Time?

Universal Time (UT) is counted from 0 hours at midnight, with unit of duration the mean solar day, defined to be as uniform as possible despite variations in the rotation of the Earth.

Now I could’ve posted easier to read websites, yet I wanted to post sites that come from government sources… that aside… they’re all wrong and whoever created those pyramids and passed that information forward knew it!

For you see, the eye inside the pyramid doesn’t have one damn thing to do with God, as our not so distant ancestors mistakenly believed, and now powerful people around the world mistakenly believe. It was a physical representation of how to find the truth about our reality using three dimensional mathematics. I realize almost none of you will understand what that means, or even believe that its true… however if you sit down and do the math you will know for a fact, it must be true. For you see, the tip of a pyramid actually represents how to find dimensional awareness in our physical reality… If you break our solar system down into its true three dimensional volume, you can test to see if what I’m saying is true by taking that three dimensional cubic and then breaking it into 6 pyramids that meet in the middle of that cubic. Where the tip of those pyramids overlap each other ever so slightly. When you do that, those overlaps create a perfect shpere. Also, they understood our perception from earth is extremely limited. For you see, things have to exist whether we know they’re out there or not. I realize on this website especially, there are many who believe our reality is what we make it… and on some personal subjective level I’m sure that is true… yet from the outside looking it, that is simply geocentric thinking and nothing more. I could spend a great deal of time explaining how this is true, and later this year I will. However, for now… instead of asking you to believe me, I would ask you do a simple visual experiment.

Grab an empty box… its physical dimensions matters not… now use your mind to visualize you are a god looking down upon the whole of the universe. Now allow your mind to understand… that means, somewhere inside that universe you exist looking inside a box. How could you find yourself inside that universe? How would you begin to break the universe down using simple mathematics? Instead of having you stare into an empty box as you search for the answer… simply click on this visual link to give you an idea on how it is possible. And then there is this visual link as well. Each of those might in fact help you understand how this is not only most likely true, but how it is possible for each of you to do the math on your own. Those two links might in fact help open your eyes to see our reality for what it is, and not the lies we are told to believe by TPTB... Whether they're doing this on purpose or not is something we can discuss if you want to see the clues that might in fact give you that answer... The most important of those clues have already been mentioned... How December 3 2012 and Dec 21 2012 equals 888. That was done on purpose... Why did the Roman Catholic Church do such a thing? What do they know and how long have they known it? Well in order to begin to answer that question, you need to learn who created the Gregorian Calendar and how much money and human resources were used to make that 888 possible.

--Charles Marcello
edit on 21-1-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Hello Greensage,

After reading your post, it would appear you have a deep understanding of bibical eschatology. Its refreshing to read someone put the pieces together like that, yet not be so obvious... I really enjoyed your post.

I guess the question your asking is… Are prophesized gods predicted to return sometime in the future physical or spiritual? That is a tough question to answer. Each culture has stories of gods coming to Earth… some bringing great knowledge, others bringing great suffering and destruction. Yet to be completely honest… That is one of the three things I honestly don’t know the answer to yet. The second one is, who the good guys are… if you are willing to sacrifice your soul for the betterment of all of humanity… and not just your clique/country/belief system… then you are one of the good guys. Because you cannot be corrupted… you would rather suffer a horrible death then to purposely hurt another human being both physically and/or emotionally. And there in lies the true message of that Christ like figure who is talked about in culture after culture from all around the world… If you believe no one is above you or that your life is more special then anyone else’s…. then you are corruptible. However, the good guys also know… it is our absolute duty to protect ourselves and others from those who would seek to do them or us harm. And the third thing I’m not sure of is, what is going to happen. I've read what has been prophesied from all around the world, yet I wouldn't begin to claim that I know… I’ve had dreams of some really bad things happening, but until they happen I don’t know if they were just dreams or visions… in the end, it really doesn’t matter if its man, nature, or what we now refer to as aliens (instead of gods) who brings about what is prophesized to be coming. Each man, woman, and child will be forced to choose which side they’re going to be on. If prophecies from around the world are to be believed.

Those who choose they will not hurt anyone and only defend themselves and the weak within our societies… only defend themselves and others… prophecy demands they will in fact inherit the kingdom… all others… well, you can read the rest of that story in your own religious doctrine… they all talk about it!!! The bad news is, in our world, everyone is out for themselves, brother against brother, Mother against daughter, daughter against Father… “everyone owes us something whether we earned it or not,” the entire world screams… physical collectivism is the mantra being sung around the world where each seeks what is best for them. Who dare stand up against collectivism, it’s only fair, right? Who can defeat this beast? I mean each must be treated exactly the same, unless there government officials, even though government is simply a collection of people, well they deserve to be treated better then us lowly people because those people know best, right? Collectivism demands each according to their needs and each according to what he can take from others. Who has the power to stop this madness?

Well… according to how I’m reading prophecy and religious texts… the only collective we’re supposed to choose is in the spiritual realm, where each person… with complete free will… begs God to be held responsible for everyone else’s sins… Once you decide the only way to save ourselves from ourselves… is to choose… of our own free will… to take responsibility for everyone else’s sins… then the world will stop the suffering and the truth about God can finally be relearned… What could you justify if you knew your loved ones are begging God to be held responsible for your sins… does the answer become… We can defeat that beast, by destroying it within ourselves first, and then rejecting it every time it raises its ugly head it both our private and public lives?

So whether its us, or the gods, the answer will be the same. The only good news is, regardless of the who… those pushing our world towards this end are going to get double unto their double… and that brings a big ass smile to my face. If prophecy is to be believed, and history hasn’t been distorted to make us believe prophecy is in fact correct.., then they are in fact going the wrong way. The sacrifices they believe must be performed are not supposed to be physical sacrifices, they’re supposed to be spiritual ones. How else does a world with so many cultures and belief systems come together before the gods return? By force? That has never worked, nor will it! Oh it might do for a spell, but in the end it never holds. Yet, once people open their eyes and finally learn the big picture… the answers to our problems will become easier to recognize.

Seriously think about this… other then our toys, our world is making the same mistakes our ancestors did seven thousand years ago. The definition to insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results. Our world is nothing but an insane asylum. How can we possibly blame the “gods” if they view us as sheep, ripe of the slaughter? We certainly haven’t grownup… The rich get to have all the money and the power? How the hell does that bring balance? There is but one Earth, yet many gods? The Universe doesn’t revolve around each individual person on this planet but time does? I could go on and on regarding how ignorant we still are, while claiming superiority towards others. Even if its man destroying man, on one level you can’t blame those evil bastards either… though there is no way in hell they’re innocent. We’re screwed regardless because of the lies they force us to carry and now we’re all about to move into this new world completely unprepared. Yet if you study the information I’ve provided within this thread, you can at least begin to open your eyes. And then perhaps you will begin to seek the truth within yourselves. Only time will tell.

--Charles Marcello

edit on 21-1-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

they’re all wrong and whoever created those pyramids and passed that information forward knew it!

Another laughable claim begun like all hoaxes by dismissing all relevant facts.

UT has nothing to do with an absolute time for all frames of reference.

Littlebunny's observation of a coincidence is really not that interesting.

Then it's off to claim a construction that is impossible - a perfect sphere created by the intersection of polytopes.

Then its off to numerology again. I see that the nonsensical claim that time is velocity has been dropped. The even more ridiculous claim that time and distance can be compared is also dropped. Thanks for that!

So what's this technique you show an image of? Is this a divide and conquer algorithm?

I looked over your M-whatevers and they are really basic ideas which are mathematically imprecise. For instance you refer to the set of possible directions as a sphere

I asked how many different directions could a person go if they were suspended in mid air. The answer was and will always remain a Sphere.

That's imprecise since the sphere does not define directions. A sphere is an isotropic structure with no orientation. It is possible to construct a mapping between all possible directions and the points on a sphere.

Then the imprecise nature goes off the deep end.

The sphere is the true mathematical scale we should be using at all times, when it comes to science and trying to put extremely large and extremely small measurements into a truthful equation, up to and including relativity. Because if you where suspended in mid-air and your options are then endless regarding which direction you could possibly go in, then logically so must the universe.

That makes no sense at all. This is claiming that orientations imply distances. Even if the wording is poor here and a locally isotropic structure exists, it does not mean that the universe is globally isotropic.

You do that by making sure the m-cubic within the m-sphere has all four corners touching the four sides of an m-sphere. Once again the m-cubic must be homogenous on each of its sides.

This doesn't make sense. Did you mean 8 corners or 4 corners? And what does homogenous[sic] mean here?

This seems more like a clumsy way to create units of measure than anything else.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 07:13 AM
For those who don't understand how important this information is, (and to pay homage to those who have helped me learn so much in such a short time), I would suggest you watch these two videos... many more can be found all over YouTube.

Even though these videos will explain why the information I'm asking you to study is so important, I also post these here with the hope some of you will look even deeper into how much we've been lied to over the years, and how it continues even today. Some very powerful people know what the truth is, and in time so will you.

--Charles Marcello
edit on 24-1-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by stereologist

sorry my friend but you in no way shape or form proved that time isn't completely dependent on velocity. it is FACT time is relative (is not a constant) and it is relative based on velocity. if you try to debunk this you are trying to debunk Einstein not me not anyone on this forum, but the scientific genius of EINSTEIN.

as for what little bunny is saying.

this is why i have put my whole heart mind soul and strength into "Christianity"(i hate how this label is used for hypocrisy, but alas i fall under what it denotes) the whole Christian dogma, or shall we say belief, is structured on character, honor, morality, and spirituality. i find it funny when people say they are spiritual but not "Christian" but i must stop myself before i run off rambling and lose sight of the topic at hand.

I truly believe the bible is in fact the word of God, simply for the fact that what it, the bible, teaches (yet is completely misunderstood by most) goes against what the world teaches. the world wants you to fend for yourself and the bible calls you to fend for others(which if all accepted and lived by this truth BOOM Utopia, but that's a different subject for a different time). now with that being said i truly believe we are living in the times of revelation and have been since christ rose from the cross, but now we are living in end of the end times.

now with that being said and my beliefs out there(and this is just my humble opinion and nothing more) we are living in a time like no time before in humanity, now i will not claim to know any answers cause i know nothing other than we will win(the good guys always do), and the fact that we have "progressed" to such a technologically advanced civilization to the point that if you showed our technology to someone even 50 yrs ago they would be astonished at the "miracles" we can do . we have made so much progress in such a short time it makes me wonder why. why now, if we've been around for so long why is it that NOW we have "evolved" at such a rapid pace? i truly believe this is enough fact that we are in a very special time. i time that will bring the end of all that the world holds dear. an end to corruption, hatred, selfishness, and all things evil. i feel very blessed to live in this time, for as things get worse one thing holds true "it is always darkest before the dawn" now the dawn of what? this i do not know, but it will be amazing and i cannot wait to find out what that is.
edit on 24-1-2011 by stuncrazy because: blah blah blah

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by stuncrazy

sorry my friend but you in no way shape or form proved that time isn't completely dependent on velocity. it is FACT time is relative (is not a constant) and it is relative based on velocity. if you try to debunk this you are trying to debunk Einstein not me not anyone on this forum, but the scientific genius of EINSTEIN.

Apparently you don't understand relativity. Time is not relative to the frame of reference. Differences are only noted between frames of reference, not within. So no. Time is not relative within a frame of reference.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 02:22 AM
It seems like the ancients were so advanced that they almost had a complete mathematical model of the universe, like an elegant geometry. Different to empirical measurements, and assumptions of random chance and unpredictablitity, it seems like the ancients had a more fundamental understanding of the universe, taking the creation of the universe as a given, they were trying to unlock its secrets, as if it was created by a highly advanced intelligence. Perhaps they tried to ascend to a higher existence, but ended up making a kind of mistake, some kind of random factor that they had not considered.
edit on 26-1-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by SystemResistor

The ancients had a very poor understanding of the universe. They did not know what they were observing in the heavens. They did not know what a planet actually was, nor stars, or that the Milky Way was a galaxy, or the organization of the solar system, and frankly people did not know what powered stars until after 1896.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by stereologist

The ancients had a very poor understanding of the universe. They did not know what they were observing in the heavens.

Look at that, know what that is? That is the Antikythera mechanism.

An Anglo-Greek team of scientists has revealed what they consider the true workings of the Antikythera mechanism, a 2,000 year-old analog computer recovered from a Mediterranean shipwreck over a century ago.

The new model, produced following exhaustive research into new fragments discovered in 2005 on the sea bed near Crete, will be described in the next issue of Nature magazine. The answer: it’s a “moon computer,” as the BBC put it, used to calculate the astronomical cycles of heavenly bodies.

How can you be so sure of your belief after reading that?

Common sense says the ancients knew way more than we have been lead to believe after studying this complex device.

I am a amazed how some people ignore physical proof and stick to leaps of faith. Preaching their nonsense, their foolish ego driven beliefs onto others while calling others (the ones who pay attention to hard evidence) the crazy ones.

Thanks for the thread littlebunny, I am enjoying it.

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