reply to post by an0maly33
Excellent work, thanks for looking that up!
Taurus is a zodiacal sign associated with the god Marduk, of Babylon - in Egypt, Marduk was known as Ra.. Marduk/ Ra was the son of the god 'Enki'.
There was apparently a big fuss over his 'destiny-determining time' for assuming lordship over his section of humanity, in Babylon, when he had to
wait extra time before taking up his throne (it was down to a controversy surrounding the rules of succession that the gods adhered to).
Could the dream indicate that a 'destiny-determining time' is approaching humanity? A time when we will individually and collectively face
experiences that lead one way or other to our respective destinies?
In the folklore I'm aware of, Marduk/Ra didn't particularly care for mankind. The fact that 'his' zodiacal symbol is associated with this dream
is interesting. I'm still of a mind that the dream refers to a false flag event, and I would guess that Marduk/ Ra's sign is a reference to either:
a) The source of the false flag (a 'god' acting in tandem with the shadow government);
b) The actual source of the dream - a 'god' whose father, Enki, favoured mankind and may now be acting to warn us of deception in our midst.
c) My interpretation is entirely wrong and it's a genuine warning that aliens who don't like us very much are on their way to destroy/ subjugate
NB - for the benefit of the 'comedy guys' who may show up, there's always option 'd' - that we're all nuts for thinking dreams have any
messages to impart. I don't subscribe to that option, due to my experience of receiving various beneficial messages in dreams over the course of my
Incidentally, the 'gods' of olden times, imho, represent an extraterrestrial race who were questing across the universe, seeding civilisations, and
in general just 'lording it up' (similar to the mythos of Stargate Universe et al - screenwriters often get their ideas from funny places...)
The possible existence of ET 'gods' (who may have been genetically similar to us) doesn't detract from the possible existence of an omnipotent
spiritual "God with a capital 'G'.." - I'm still technically refining my worldview, and haven't quite resolved all of the different aspects of:
a) - my subjective spiritual experiences;
b) - my scientific awareness, and
c) - my understanding of the possibilities of ET gods in Sumer (and all over the world) in ancient times.
Science, Religion and Mythology all share different patches of common ground, and elements of "Truth with a capital 'T'.." Dream-work is an
important tool in the quest for spiritual Wisdom, but also as a means by which to gain actual Knowledge and Understanding too (if we approach the
interpretation carefully, as a resource to support further research in key areas).