reply to post by truthseeker1984
Hi Truthseeker1984
Very interesting dream - I would guess that this relates to the impending false flag that has been alluded to in certain conspiracy circles, and
apparently has been in planning by the shadowy elites for many decades, where the aliens will be presented as a threat. I know that sounds a bit
out-of-sync, with the apparent message being one of a
genuine threat, but here's why I think what I think:
The TV set in the corner is a familiar terrestrial device within a seemingly off-world scenario (of hi-tech holographic maps etc), and it was from
there, from a source which
couldn't be seen that the warning came. Using lateral logic, an unseen guide from the (as we are all aware that it
elite-controlled telly-box, would suggest a false plant of negative information from our unseen (and definitely-not-friendly) shadow
leaders. The fact that this dream seemed to be a warning, yet showed aspects which could be identified as representing terrestrial leadership issuing
the warning, suggests to me that the dream was a 'reverse warning'. i.e.
Not to trust the message that will be made manifest to the general
public, via the media, by the shadow government elites, probably very soon.
They are likely to tell us (going off the data in your dream, and general conspiracy thoughts) that there is a threat from alien invasion, and that
one world government is the answer. They are likely to state that an 'invasion fleet is approaching from the Orion constellation', knowing as they
do that many conspiracy theorists have come across theories of negative aliens originating in that area of space. The irony is that the same
theorists who have consistently mistrusted the government might become willing - even grateful - helpers, in the new conditioning of the masses.
The announcement will be carefully padded out with lots of rhetoric about the challenges of a 'New Frontier', the need to take leaps of faith into
the unknown, under the care of Big Brother etc etc. Bits of info about 'suspected ET activity' would be rolled out, explained as 'necessarily kept
secret to prevent panic'. Such moves will quickly ready the masses to take the false flag seriously.
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Curious - were there any astronomical alignments that suggest a date, or specific ordering of zodiacal houses? It might be a stretch that this info
would be in there (though it's possible that the dream has multiple layers of meaning). I wonder whether there's any hint as to which 'deities'
are involved.
I had a similar dream of impending disaster the other night; in fact it was on New Year's Day night, the first dream of the New Year! It was
optimistic in the end, simply because there was a mass-exodus from the risk being highlighted, but basically there was an apparent 'invasion threat'
within the sphere of Humanity. The 'bad guys', who purported to be acting for the good of mankind (thus to my mind agents of the shadow
government), were cutting people to see whether their blood was red or blue... (yuck). I was cut twice in the dream; once on the arm, second time on
the leg. My blood ran a mixture of red and blue.
The blue-blooded (and others who may have been allied with the blue-blooded) were perceived as a threat (despite being peaceable and on the side of
'right'). The aggressors decided a mass-cull would be a good solution, and after some hesitation I was the first one they went for. They were
using blades for this purpose (shades of the stockpiled guillotines allegedly discovered in the US, the Book of Revelations prophecy of beheading?)
Fortunately, there was a transcendent assistance for those 'in the firing line' - a literal immunity to the attacks of the aggressors, matrix-esque
in nature, in terms of bullets bouncing off people etc. The whole episode was frightening, but on realising that somehow I was protected I started to
help coordinate an evacuation of some sort; taking all those at risk away from the aggressors.
Now I'm a regular here on ATS, and my dream life, while not openly posted most of the time, often relays information which I find extremely useful in
life. The dreams can seemingly solve anything - from relationship issues, to how to fix a certain problem on my car (and how much to spend before
'writing it off'). The dreams I love the most are those that relate to spiritual notions of destiny and purpose, as well as actual predictions that
have come true (though these are normally mundane and of seemingly low import in the dreams, hence I don't shout my predictions from the
I'd be interested to start a dream-sharing thread, relating all dreams which we feel are of value in the larger-scale picture of what's happening on
Earth. Like you said, sometimes a dream has a certain gravitas, a sense that it bears a message from 'the great beyond' (whether that's the
collective unconscious, or the gods, God Almighty, or angelic beings, or aliens - or a combination of the above). I could probably add about five
dreams that I think are of significance for anyone to whom the meaning unfolds, and for which I can recall sufficient detail to make it a readable OP.
I'd like to invite you (Truthseeker1984) and anyone who has a similar penchant for the messages of dreams, to share in it. There would be no need
to add all new dreams; only the ones which really weigh upon us, after a bit of reflection, and cause us to think that maybe something of note should
be shared.
Let me know your thoughts!
For info - I'm a married man aged almost thirty, I live in the UK and have two sons. I'm interested in all kinds of philosophic/ metaphysical
theories and subjects, but would 'label' myself a Gnostic Christian (believing in the charismatic action of the Holy Spirit, but also believing that
there are ways and means by which God reveals His plans that are often labelled 'occultic' or 'heretical' by a typical fundamentalist. I don't
believe that meditation techniques or astral travel are necessarily 'tools of Satan' for instance.