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Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Pole Impacts Tampa Airport

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posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Nothwithstanding that TIA is changing their runway ID's, (explained perhaps since theirs was in close proximity to next rounded unit) does this mean that at some point going forward, EACH AND EVERY airport IN THE WORLD will need to do same?

Also, ( I'm a boater Jim, not a pilot) Just wondering when/if every buoy and marker designatd by same will need to be updated on nautical charts as well?

Thanks and sorry to interrupt your ping-pong insult tournament.

So far we've heard: "airports have allowed for such a change (as if they're on some type of Jetson-like conveyor belt yet Tampa ....didn't allow for it) to "it's no big deal, it happens all the time". Then when the debate shifts, instead of getting "airports adjust all the time" we hear "Earth is CONSTANTLY shifting. This is no big deal"

So pick which ever one floats your boat. The majority (I think) feels, this is a HUGE red herring done purposefully (to frighten us) and/or Earth is indeed, changing (as many ancient cultures have predicted will happen at this time on Earth)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by adjensen

But that's like announcing the McDonald in Lake Titicaca is paving their parking lot next week.
Who cares???

What does anyone care whether Tampa closed their runway? No one had to modify their flight itinerary!

If this 'innocent' announcement didn't fall on the heels of 8000 birds mysteriously dying followed by 100,000 fish mysteriously perishing (plus a couple of thousand other animals) which were being blamed on a possible a pole shift underway then wouldn't have been a very big deal.

The timing was very telling...wouldn't you admit?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:18 PM
The pole will continue to shift, seems we will be riding with it for some time yet and the outcome there of.

Wondering if anyone has heard of any other airports that have had to make adjustments? Doesn't seem logical that Tampa would be the only one?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by adjensen

But that's like announcing the McDonald in Lake Titicaca is paving their parking lot next week.
Who cares???

What does anyone care whether Tampa closed their runway? No one had to modify their flight itinerary!

People probably don't care whether they closed it, but the airport would put out a press release because a) from their perspective, it IS news, and people would gripe if there were suddenly a lot more planes flying over their house (press release #2) and the airport was "covering it up" and b) the airport almost certainly has a person whose job it is to create press releases, so that's what they do.

Again, without the journalist sensationalizing it, you never would have heard of it, so what's the rationale for it being some sort of disclosure?

The timing was very telling...wouldn't you admit?

No, for the simple reason that the two cannot be connected. One (magnetic polar movement) is something that has been happening for as long as we know, and has a global impact, while the other (birds dying) is a singular, localized event. If there was a connection, birds would have been dying, en masse, for years, decades, centuries. They'd be falling out of the sky, right this moment, in your backyard. But they are not, are they?

As I said before, you'd make more headway jumping on the Colleen bandwagon (now that's an image none of us needed, sorry
) and claiming the birds are being killed by microwaves or telepathy or alien death rays or whatever. Localized events of short duration.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by adjensen

We will simply disagree. That's cool. Polarity at its finest! No pun intended.

CrazyDaisy, I've tried to search it out and I've found no others (probably because it was never news-worthy before).

I have realized this modification is to be expected from time to time so I have to semi-conclude, this was a fear-mongering tactic brought to you by the media. Owned by the government! Paid for by you!

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by adjensen

One (magnetic polar movement) is something that has been happening for as long as we know, and has a global impact, while the other (birds dying) is a singular, localized event. If there was a connection, birds would have been dying, en masse, for years, decades, centuries. They'd be falling out of the sky, right this moment, in your backyard. But they are not, are they?

The magnetic poles are moving faster now than ever before in RECORDED history..
We know by other means that they have moved fast before but we have no idea what effect that had on earth or it's wildlife..
No one knows what the effects may be, if any..It's uncharted waters...

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by adjensen

One (magnetic polar movement) is something that has been happening for as long as we know, and has a global impact, while the other (birds dying) is a singular, localized event. If there was a connection, birds would have been dying, en masse, for years, decades, centuries. They'd be falling out of the sky, right this moment, in your backyard. But they are not, are they?

The magnetic poles are moving faster now than ever before in RECORDED history..

That is completely irrelevant. The pole is moving faster, to be sure, but it has not radically accelerated in the past, say, six months, and we have no way of knowing how fast it has moved in the time prior to when we first started paying attention to it. A thousand years or so of statistics is nothing in comparison to the billions of years that the planet has been around for. Statistically, the likelihood that it is currently moving faster than it ever has approaches zero.

Lay off the doom and gloom stuff. If the facts bear it out, that's one thing, but, in this case, it is fantasy and conjecture that is making the relationship between two unconnected events. Not matter how much you want it to be so, birds dying in a small area, one particular species of fish dying in one river, these are LOCALIZED events, and global causes cannot be blamed. Period.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by adjensen

I haven't once mentioned doom and gloom..
I just say no one knows..
But then poster like you, and there are many, seem to be saying you do know.
Which is impossible..

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by adjensen

One (magnetic polar movement) is something that has been happening for as long as we know, and has a global impact, while the other (birds dying) is a singular, localized event. If there was a connection, birds would have been dying, en masse, for years, decades, centuries. They'd be falling out of the sky, right this moment, in your backyard. But they are not, are they?

The magnetic poles are moving faster now than ever before in RECORDED history..
We know by other means that they have moved fast before but we have no idea what effect that had on earth or it's wildlife..
No one knows what the effects may be, if any..It's uncharted waters...

What BIB is saying isn't doom and gloom. It's you interpreting it that way adjensen.

The north magnetic pole historically has moved at a rate of about ten kilometers per year, but has lately accelerated, heading toward Russia at four times that rate.

While the poles are moving faster than we've ever seen, it's a natural phenomenon for the poles to move around and nothing specific about the movement points to a reversal.

Take from that what you will and try not to put words (or insinuations) into other people's posts!

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
While the poles are moving faster than we've ever seen, it's a natural phenomenon for the poles to move around and nothing specific about the movement points to a reversal.

I'm guessing that you didn't even read this, since it agrees with me?

I can't believe that you're still arguing about this, when there is plenty of evidence that the poles have long been moving, and they have been "moving faster than we've ever seen" for at least ten years, while there is zero evidence that this global phenomenon has had any impact on local events like bird or fish death.

Again, the Colleen interpretation:

Evidence that shows birds die from polar shift: zero.
Evidence that shows bird deaths have nothing to do with polar shift: plenty.

Colleen, of course, determines that bird deaths are due to polar shift, because that's more interesting.

Clinging to obviously wrong beliefs, simple because they are interesting, or you have a personal vested interest, does damage to one's credibility -- that's why no one would side with Colleen in our scenario.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by adjensen

Not sure why you're arguing with me and especially not sure why you're dragging Colleen into the matter.

The poles moving faster in the past 10 years still means they're (north pole..... is) moving faster than we've witnessed it moving. Why are you squabbling about 'when'?

Does it matter if it's moving faster in the past 10 years, 3 years or 100 years seeing this planet is billion of years old? It's still moving faster than previous (recent) times.

If you're comfortable with this, which seems to be the case, then that's wonderful. But please don't begrudge or belittle those who aren't. Try showing more empathy and encouragement. Don't undermine or correct their perception of 'moving faster'. It IS moving faster than it has in the past 500 years so....does it matter?

This is going to be one of those 'wait and see' scenarios but in the meantime, a modicum of compassion would be a nice gesture for those caught up in the hype!

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by endtimer
That's really funny. My compass is pointing straight north as usual.
Nothing amiss here. What a laugh.

I'm afraid to say it, but it is scientific fact that the magnetic poles have been and are shifting. This has been reported and discussed several times in the UK media.

It's not a myth, but many scientists believe it is part of a natural cycle.

Many others believe it will bring on a series of weather changes, geological events and perhaps even a mantle shift.

Just because YOU haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Oh, and 40 miles out, from most locations on Earth, would be imperceptible to the layman using a compass. To see such a change you'd need some pretty sensitive and pretty advanced gadgets.
Your compass isn't sensitive enough to register such a small change, but I assure you this is happening.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by adjensen

Not sure why you're arguing with me and especially not sure why you're dragging Colleen into the matter.

The poles moving faster in the past 10 years still means they're (north pole..... is) moving faster than we've witnessed it moving. Why are you squabbling about 'when'?

Because the events of today, or last week, or whatever, are very unlikely to have been caused by something that has been happening for ten years. The leap in logic that you're making is that you noticed this article about the Tampa airport right about the time that the birds died in Arkansas, so the two must be related.

The danger, as I said, is not just that you get the wrong answer, but that you stop looking for the RIGHT answer. You are mired in the belief that the magnetic pole shift must be related, when the facts show that it cannot be related.

I'm not equating you with Colleen, of course. But I'm saying that, in this instance, you are making the same mistake that she is -- latching onto something, merely because it is interesting, in spite of the fact that it can't be correct.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 01:52 AM


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:30 PM
I'm not the most clued up person but isn't Tampa in the southeast of the USA?

I ask this because I just read a report the FAA released saying that GPS communications will be affected due to 'tests' that are happening.

Could this be anything to do with this topic?

Report -

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by lawler_09
I'm not the most clued up person but isn't Tampa in the southeast of the USA?

I ask this because I just read a report the FAA released saying that GPS communications will be affected due to 'tests' that are happening.

Could this be anything to do with this topic?

Report -

Tampa is not in the effected area, it even lists the area it will be in. And GPS has nothing to do with runway renumbering.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 11:41 AM
with the 'speeding up' of the magnetic poles movement, AND the recent story of the kilogram becoming less massive, I have to assume this has something to do with earths/the suns/ magnetic and/or gravitational field/s...

nuff said.
edit on 24-1-2011 by madscientistintraining because: I before E except after C

didn't realise the birds/fish/crabs/etc dying we're part of this topic, I would make it simple and say 'its haarp' but its not, its a haarp like device. scalar weapons. i'm sure half of you have some idea of what that entails by now.
edit on 24-1-2011 by madscientistintraining because: more infos.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by madscientistintraining


AND the recent story of the kilogram becoming less massive...

Oh, THAT I gotta see!!!

Brief search....perhaps, once again, some blog or media person misunderstood, and overreacted:

In 1989, the CIPM interpreted the 1901 definition of the kilogram to make it the mass of the International Prototype just after it has been washed using procedures newly developed by the BIPM.1 Without such cleaning, the Prototype gains almost 1 microgram per year.

And, this....more misinterpretation?:

Modern measurements of the mass of water have shown that a cubic decimeter of water has a mass that is about 28 parts per million less than a kilogram—but that doesn't matter, because the kilogram hasn’t been defined in terms of the mass of a cubic decimeter of water since 1799, when the Kilogramme des Archives was accepted as the unit’s prototype.

NOTHING has changed....except the technology to make ever more accurate measurements, to ever more increasing decimal places........

edit on 24 January 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 11:51 AM
google news link, 89 articles and counting

there you go bro. I apologise if I am posting too much in one place. thats all from me for now.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by madscientistintraining

didn't realise the birds/fish/crabs/etc dying we're part of this topic, I would make it simple and say 'its haarp' but its not, its a haarp like device. scalar weapons. i'm sure half of you have some idea of what that entails by now.
edit on 24-1-2011 by madscientistintraining because: more infos.

I concur and please if the spirit moves ya, please add your 2-cent (along with mine) on my other thread.

I woke up this morning with almost an epiphany-like realization about what you just mentioned.
So here, please add a post. Would love to see what others think.

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