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Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Pole Impacts Tampa Airport

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posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

So from what she said she had a dream where Angels came and that is where she found her information that started her new outlook on the universe. I guess I can expect to win the lottery,because I had a dream that I did win it.

I guess we should all follow what we see in our dreams since that seems to be where most of the info on the up coming changes for the human race and Earth. I cannot wait to go to sleep and see what my future will be. Thanks for the heads up.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by firepilot

thanks for the info.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

By the way, I'd listen to Colleen ....


Really? You'd put all of your "two cents" into HER???

"Colleen" the 'blinkie orbs' Queen of youTube fame??? As her OTHER alter-ego (and YouTube) screenname "SeeingUFOsPA"???

Where she films AIRPLANES, and calls them "UFOs"???

You wish to throw in with HER???

You should READ this.

AND.....HERE also.

THEN judge her competence and mental....well, SANITY. AND, motives..... Oh, and there are PLENTY more examples of her (either) mental incompetence or OUTRIGHT and intentional-of-forethought HOAX behavior....on other topics.

She DOES "get around"......

edit on 15 January 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I don't know why you're doing this? Boredom? That is NOT Colleen. And trust me, I don't post anything with you in mind. But why do you constantly have to attack/counter-attack?

Let people glean from it whatever they do. Why try to taint them? To me that's a very selfish and egotistical behavior trait.

This woman for ME and many others, puts all these unusual events together and tries to instill LOVE. Whether she's right or not her message is one of goodness.
And what YOU do is, suggest everyone is crazy who dares question anything and that to me, is hateful.

My truth isn't your truth.

Yes. Truths come in many different forms and on many different levels. We are not all evolving at the same time.

Why don't you start a thread that might be helpful to people rather than berating everyone for having a difference of opinion?

You are NOT the savior or even the voice of reason in many cases..... as much as you want to think you are.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:55 PM
Is it still shifting??? Or is the pole heading back to its original position? Anyone know?

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by xanaoded

its continuous,it will allways shift.
and why the hell would it return to its "original" position,if that never happened on the last billion years?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Human_Alien

Mental Illness On Display.

Is that yet another video made by COLLEEN????


If by Colleen, you mean Colleen Thomas, I don't think that's her. Doesn't look like her, doesn't sound like her and her claims are a bit off from what Colleen jabbers about. Similar schtick, just as nutty, but I don't think that they're the same person.

Colleen thinks everything described is due to microwaves or chemtrails or something, but nothing about the frequencies generated by people... or something.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by xanaoded
Is it still shifting??? Or is the pole heading back to its original position? Anyone know?

Yeah..the pole shift is over.

Wasn't that fun? Sorta like standing in line for hours to board the Super Duper Loop Dee Looper and in an's over!

(PS. We ain't seen nothin' yet for we're only18 days into the first year "before the shift'. Hope we're wrong because I was just getting fond of this ride called: Life!)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by adjensen

It's not Colleen. I would never 'quote' or 'post' stuff from her. Although she says some interesting things, she's a little nutty, even for me.

Weed just likes following me around trying to debunk most things I post. I think he's trying to debunk my existence too but I'm here to tell ya, I'm real (as are chemtrails, UFOs, a possible geophysical pole shift, 9-11 was an inside job, extraterrestrials and chemtrails. Oh, I said chemtrails twice, didn't I? My bad)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Human_Alien

By the way, I'd listen to Colleen ....

Really? You'd put all of your "two cents" into HER???
"Colleen" the 'blinkie orbs' Queen of youTube fame??? As her OTHER alter-ego (and YouTube) screenname "SeeingUFOsPA"??
Where she films AIRPLANES, and calls them "UFOs"???
You wish to throw in with HER???

You just proved his point Herr Wacker...

What he SAID was ...

Originally posted by Human_Alien
By the way, I'd listen to Colleen (who this is NOT) way before I'd listen to an automatic thread-debunker.

What that MEANS is that he considers HER credibility higher than YOURS... not that he believes or follows her.

Those of us who can actually READ got it. Nice try though. He got ya good this time...

edit on 18-1-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Human_Alien
By the way, I'd listen to Colleen (who this is NOT) way before I'd listen to an automatic thread-debunker.

What that MEANS is that he considers HER credibility higher than YOURS... not that he believes or follows her.

I would question the seriousness of anyone who claimed that her credibility is higher than anyone else's -- whether they be debunker, skeptic, all around meanie or not. She's flat out certifiable or, if not that, holds a disturbingly low opinion of anyone who believes any of the things that she goes on about. Either way, she does far more damage than a thread-debunker.

"Chemtrails? How can there be any truth to that, listen to what this nutter has to say about it, along with reptilians, FEMA camps, microwave weapons and angels!"

Entertaining? Absolutely. Credible? Absolutely not.
edit on 18-1-2011 by adjensen because: Pluralification

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Where did H_A use the word "crediblity"??

I didn't know your arms could stretch that far, z.....

When I read it, it was clear.....he'd RATHER listen to some crackpot, only because SOME of her nutty claims are in the general line with SOME of his.

No, he'd RATHER listen to the fringe, than to take time to actually study and learn some science, and use the rational mind that is evidently residing in his skull.

Unfortunately, this is a trend becoming more and more commonplace, in the ATS membership....and the very, very few persons of rationality, who used to find some intellectual discourse, and could bring their knowledge and experience, and have it recognized, in order to educate....I have noted that many of them are saying "Pfffft!" and switching off....either not bothering, anymore, to post against the increasing inanity, or leaving altogether, possibly to post amongst intellectual equals again. As the demographics slowly, but inevitably, are changing to EMBRACE ignorance, and to DENY understanding and science.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
As the demographics slowly, but inevitably, are changing to EMBRACE ignorance, and to DENY understanding and science.

Do you even READ what you post? or do ya just toss out what you think sounds good?

“Deny Ignorance” is the motto at, the nation's largest internet forum dedicated to conspiracy theories and other alternative topics. ATS is home to almost 202,000 members who have generated almost 10 million posts covering 595,277 topics. Co-Owner Mark Allin was the first-hour guest on Sunday night's Coast to Coast radio program.

Conspiracy Theories And Professional Discussion The Norm At

So despite your Herculian (errrr... well...) efforts to debunk everything but sliced bread, seems ATS is on a role here and getting main stream media attention like never before...

Trust me... the popularity of ATS is based on the conspiracy topics, not the 'ability' of certain debunkers to make everyone want to think according to their limited viewpoint

edit on 18-1-2011 by zorgon because: ArMaP didn't do it this time

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

or leaving altogether, possibly to post amongst intellectual equals

And yet you are still here.

If you don't appreciate the standard of current threads then start a few threads yourself..
I note you don't write many threads yet have an opinion on everything...

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Nothwithstanding that TIA is changing their runway ID's, (explained perhaps since theirs was in close proximity to next rounded unit) does this mean that at some point going forward, EACH AND EVERY airport IN THE WORLD will need to do same?

Also, ( I'm a boater Jim, not a pilot) Just wondering when/if every buoy and marker designatd by same will need to be updated on nautical charts as well?

Thanks and sorry to interrupt your ping-pong insult tournament.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Not to get off topic too badly but please allow me to say this (about all the Colleens out there).

I personally and wholeheartedly believe there's a VERY fine line between insanity and genius. That said, because I don't typically give too much credence to Colleen (I just don't have to patience to break down her psyche) I still rather listen to her ramblings (that to ME....makes SOME twisted sense) than to a person, who shall remain nameless but rhymes with Feed Smacker, who is a member of a conspiracy forum YET.....debunks every SINGLE conspiracy!!!

Now I ask that a person one would feel comfortable with to just ask for an opinion?

At least I bet can ask Colleen whether she believes in alien life. And I would wager a bet that she (along with 99% of other people) would say either "Yes" or "I really don't know"
But not Smacker! All his answer are "Don't be ridiculous. Prove it".

And there ya have it......................

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
Now I ask that a person one would feel comfortable with to just ask for an opinion?

Well, look at it this way. Let's say that there are 100 theories out there, and that one of them is true, and the other 99 are false. No one knows which one theory is correct.

Person A (Colleen) believes them all, argues passionately for their validity, and ignores facts which refute the 99. She makes no strong case for the one that is correct, because they are all the same to her.

Person B (Weedwhacker) disputes them all, argues that it's all nonsense, and ignores facts which support the one that is actually true. He does not identify the one case that is actually correct, because it's buried with the dross, and he dismisses it all as junk.

Now, which person has more credibility, such that you would take their opinion as being more representative of reality? If one theory was picked at random from the 100 and you needed to side with A or B, without knowing the facts of the matter, who would you agree with? (Assume that you will be killed if you say that a bad theory is true, or good theory is false, if that helps

The danger of Person B, of course, is that, depending on how important that one theory happens to be, something critical may be missed, which is why everything that is said should be passed through some sort of scrutiny. Blanket statements of "this isn't true" without any basis are not helpful, I agree, but when evidence is presented to that demonstrates that it cannot, indeed, be true, but such evidence is ignored, that's even less helpful.

Life is more interesting if you side with Person A -- as I said, she's entertaining. But life is more accurate if you side with Person B.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by adjensen

I think what it really comes down to for me is....once I had an 'experience' I realized, everything we were taught (trained....conditioned....brainwashed into) is not even close to truth. I can't put it in any simpler terms than that. Which made me realize, there's an awful LOT being covered-up.

Yes, being skeptical is a good but saying "I simply don't know' is healthier.

To 'know' to the extent Feed does well, it not only saddens and irritates me (as a fellow Human Being) but, troubles me too.

Which brings us back to this thread. Do we know...I mean 100% KNOW what's happening? No. Absolutely not. Adjusting one's runway, having mass animal kill offs coupled with strange dangerous and erratic weather is NOT common.
We can hold on to other people's coat-tails (who try to explain it all) but that doesn't mean it's factual. It just provides comfort for the moment.

For me, I naturally piece everything together and my findings are: everything that's happening, has happened and will happen, are inner-connected. Everything. And again, there's a major cover-up at hand.

Keeping an open mind is the BEST way to go through life because I am here to tell you......nothing is what you think it is.

That's all I can say about the situation without derailing my own thread.

Peace up my friend

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by zorgon

Unfortunately, this is a trend becoming more and more commonplace, in the ATS membership....and the very, very few persons of rationality, who used to find some intellectual discourse, and could bring their knowledge and experience, and have it recognized, in order to educate...

My expertise is alien abduction. Fire away. What questions do you have Weed? For I'm here to bring my knowledge and experience to ATS in a gesture of sharing.

Sorry this forum isn't about Popular Mechanics, Aviation and E=Mc2 anymore.

There's a whole new demographic coming of 'age' and things are changing.

So perhaps ATS isn't that 3D/5- sense place it once used to be. I think some of the issue here Weed're getting squeezed out of your comfort zone and because you don't understand it, you attack it. Understandable.
You answers/solutions and rationale are too 'warm and fuzzy' and that's not the world we're living in anymore.

To not perfectly okay. Most of us here, don't.

You DO know though, you ARE my most favorite person that I love to hate, right?

Pole Shift (before I get removed) My main problem with this Tampa thread is....why announce it to the world? No one would've been the wiser except a few airport employees and pilots. So why tell us?

(Raising hand)
Because the PTB is keen on pumping out fear from now until 12-21-2012. They want the frequency of Earth to be continuously chaotic. Because ---what you give is what you get--- and they want us, 'not okay' in the world. If for nothing else, it's a great marketing gimmick for Big Pharma!

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
Pole Shift (before I get removed) My main problem with this Tampa thread is....why announce it to the world? No one would've been the wiser except a few airport employees and pilots. So why tell us?

As I said, well... probably 30 pages ago
I highly doubt that they DID announce it to the world. Rather, they announced that they'd be closing a runway, it was a slow news day, some reporter rang them up and asked "why" and the answer seemed weird enough to merit a news story. I would wager that the vast majority of people, both in this thread and in the real world, had (have) no idea that the poles move, so it just sounds weird.

If you go to the airport's web site, I would wager that you will not find a press release titled "Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Pole Impacts Tampa Airport" -- if there is anything, it would be titled something innocuous.

Heck, I'll do your homework for you...

TPA Runway Designation Change


Community Noise Alert - South Tampa

(actual source)

So, there you go. Run of the mill press releases. Sensationalism added by journalist, amplified by general lack of understanding of the facts of the matter.

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