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Shift of Earth's Magnetic North Pole Impacts Tampa Airport

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posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 01:59 PM
I see this issue is getting a lot of attention, but I still don't see a reason to feel that something unusual is happening with the poles. Here's a great explanation of how the north pole has moved since the 1600s, and while it's clearly moving, it doesn't seem too unusual given it's history:

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:00 PM
This isn't news. It's been known that the magnetic pole is slowly shifting towards Russia for like..FOREVER!

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Earth's Magnetic Fields May Be Causing Bird and Fish Die-Off
By Donna Pravel
Published Jan 5, 2011

Could the Earth's magnetic fields be causing the recent die-off of thousands of birds and fish? Scientists believe so, along with environmental imbalances.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

I watched a show about it and it shows that magnetic enormities are showing up all over the world as the magnetic field re-balances there will be holes of opposite magnetism in areas where they don't belong so there is and will be growing pockets of anomalous magnetic areas around the world, they showed a map and some large areas have switched already, and as we know they have told us there are holes because of this and planes are being directed around them as if they fly across them everyone would die of radiation.

btw this was a science program like Nova or one of those not a conspiracy thing so this is fact

edit on 6-1-2011 by Char-Lee because: add line

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Silverado292
I called my local International Airport Sea-Tac and they said they will not be doing it. From what she said Sea-Tac took this into account already and Tampa apparently has additional considerations due to their location.

The consideration is more about the starting point of the runway. Tampa is 3,750 miles from the north pole So a movement of the magnetic north pole of 40 miles means a change in declination of .58 degrees. And the runway started out at 184/004 degrees. So it only needed 1 more degree to be rounded up to the next 10. .58 rounds up to 1. SeaTac's long runway is 163degrees and 343 degrees, so it needs much more movement of the pole before a change is required.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by adjensen
Threads like this really make me despair for the sensibility of people.

The pole moves all the time. Literally. It is not "accelerating", as in "oh my God, it's out of control!" it's just moving faster than it did -- it's not continual acceleration. Why? Who knows. Is this unusual, or typical? Who knows, we haven't been accurately tracking magnetic North for but a few hundred years. But it has been moving for all recorded history, and it's been moving faster for over ten years, and what has been the impact of that?

Basic geography and history.

The government is making TPA re-designate their runways. Why them, and no one else? First off, "no one else" is a misnomer, it is not that unusual. Secondly, go get a globe (not a map, a globe) and look at the relationship of Tampa to the magnetic north pole. Draw a line on your globe showing how the pole is moving. See how the angle changes for someone in Tampa? Now go do the same thing for a place in Texas or Oregon. See anything different?

Basic geometry.

Blackbirds are dying in Arkansas, it must be related! How many blackbirds are there in the world, or even in that general region? (Hint: millions) What possible support is there for a global, unavoidable change, like the pole moving, causing this and only killing 4000 birds in backwater, Arkansas? Heck, throw in all the fish and birds, let's say 100,000 out of, what, a few billion? Why just in the past week? Claiming it's a secret government project or alien death rays makes more sense than claiming it to be due to the constant movement of magnetic North.

Basic biology and common sense.

Seriously, stop the fear mongering, take ten minutes to study the basic concepts involved and use your frickin' brain. God gave you one for a reason, use it.

If it surprises the experts it should at least give you pause!
Giant Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field Discovered

"To the lay person, this may sound like a quibble, but to a space physicist, it is almost seismic," says Sibeck. "When I tell my colleagues, most react with skepticism, as if I'm trying to convince them that the sun rises in the west."

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by yadda333

Knowledge never changes whereas, intelligence constantly changes.
I don't think I've been taught one thing that hasn't been written in pencil w/eraser.

So------ what I instinctually know, has always been. Will always be. And what I've intellectually been taught is only temporary until further notice

Well, I think you've made up your own definition for the word knowledge and are trying to pass off pseudo philosophical bull crap.

I don't think many people would agree that knowledge is stagnant.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by 4nsicphd

That was very informative thank you for posting that up.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien But if you are going to give us a false sense of security like the 'officials' are then, you're a total disservice to me, this thread and your fellow man!

You know what the WORST thing is on ATS and people in threads in general?


We went through all this Bird stuff a few years back... same thing OMG World is Ending!!!!

Then everyone forgot about it and now we have birds falling again OMG World is Ending!!!!

Lemme list some headlines...

May 28, 2009

Hundreds of dead birds discovered in Franklin Township |
Jan 25, 2009

Mysterious bird deaths were not due to bird flu
April 03, 2006

Several thousand birds mysteriously drop dead in Australia
9th January, 2007

Downtown Austin Closed After Bird Deaths
Jan. 8, 2007

Bird deaths puzzle Unalaska
September 1, 2006

Mysterious Bird Deaths
May-Jun 1988

The mysterious phenomenon dates back to 1905. It peaks in September and October, as the monsoon season wanes, with as many as 500 birds, from some 36 species, dying each night. The birds alight at the same spot each year -- a one-kilometer stretch in the town. No one can account for the selection of this precise spot or for the dazed condition of the birds. (Jayaraman, K.S.; "Mystery of Bird Deaths in Assam," Nature, 331:556, 1988.)

Mysterious bird deaths

Stories like this really concern me; especially when they start appearing in mainstream media more often. ABC Australia reports that up to 4,000 birds in a small area of Western Australia have been found dead in the past five weeks and 200 dead swallows were recently found in another West Australian town. Cause of death - unknown.

So perhaps you need to get out of ATS from being your ONLY information source once in a while

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by RMFX1
This isn't news. It's been known that the magnetic pole is slowly shifting towards Russia for like..FOREVER!

Simple arrogance.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Human_Alien But if you are going to give us a false sense of security like the 'officials' are then, you're a total disservice to me, this thread and your fellow man!

You know what the WORST thing is on ATS and people in threads in general?


We went through all this Bird stuff a few years back... same thing OMG World is Ending!!!!

Then everyone forgot about it and now we have birds falling again OMG World is Ending!!!!

Lemme list some headlines...

May 28, 2009

Hundreds of dead birds discovered in Franklin Township |
Jan 25, 2009

Mysterious bird deaths were not due to bird flu
April 03, 2006

Several thousand birds mysteriously drop dead in Australia
9th January, 2007

Downtown Austin Closed After Bird Deaths
Jan. 8, 2007

Bird deaths puzzle Unalaska
September 1, 2006

Mysterious Bird Deaths
May-Jun 1988

I'd say the big difference is so many instances of deaths in birds and fish have all occured in a very short time.
Your examples seem rather spread out...
Could be extreme weather, coincedence or something else..

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
I'd say the big difference is so many instances of deaths in birds and fish have all occured in a very short time.
Your examples seem rather spread out...
Could be extreme weather, coincedence or something else..

I just posted a few quick samples... a simple google search or an ATS search will show there have been several times where these deaths occur within days of each other just like now... but then few ever look
Its more fun to say

OMG The World is Ending!!! HAARP made them run into a cloaked Mothership!!:

edit on 6-1-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by yadda333

I don't think many people would agree that knowledge is stagnant.

Knowledge is Universal and constant. Like electricity. The Electric Universe. That doesn't mean it's stagnant. So not sure why you came up with that word.

Also, I didn't flame your definition of 'what is'....not sure why you did mine.

Maybe you should consider: People evolve at different times, at different intervals, with different levels of understandings while...coexisting at the same time on one planet.

If this is too esoteric for you then, just use it as food for thought

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

This sort of thing happens all the time around the world. The magnetic poles are always moving, and there position is updated every year, runway designations are changed to reflect there move on a regular basis.

You can see here by this map how it has moved over the last 100 years.

Link here.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by zorgon

What does the magnetic shift have to do with bird deaths? Maybe nothing, and maybe everything. Remember that movie The Core? Here is the IMDB link for that:

In the movie, if you remember, one of the first clues of a magnetic pole shift was that birds got "lost" and died. Hopefully there won't also be human heart pacemaker stoppage, as also happened in the movie.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by zorgon

OMG The World is Ending!!! HAARP made them run into a cloaked Mothership!!:

Oh but I haven't even started to dig a bunker yet..

No, I'm just curious when multiple things happen at once.

ie: animal deaths and shifting poles..
Considering no one seems to know why or how the poles move it's pretty interesting.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:29 PM
There is a current geomagnet ic storm affecting our planet, and right now the magnetic field and ioosphere are under extreme pressure. Here is a link to the site containing real time magnetic field update and data for your

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Speaking of chemtrail cocktail...They hit Austin Tx all day today

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
You know what the WORST thing is on ATS and people in threads in general?

We went through all this Bird stuff a few years back... same thing OMG World is Ending!!!!

There are also those who like to generalize a lot.

I don't believe the debate is whether it happened before or not, its how much of the occurrences that have been listed were caused by nature as opposed to the result of unintentional or deliberate man-made technology "accidents".

edit on 6-1-2011 by angelonholiday because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2011 by angelonholiday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I would like to get back on track of the topic thread for a moment.

I don't profess to know anymore of what may or may not be coming down the pike. But it's my innate feeling that we're in for some major changes.

Now...what's 'major'?

I suppose that's subjective at best. After all, some people cut their hair off and see that as a 'major' change while others have had an appendage cut off and felt it didn't change them a bit.

But I think this is going to be a year, like never before. A lot of 'extremes'.
Time itself will be the only 'provable' factor. So, we'll see (or not)

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