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I spent 3 hours in the ER on the 15th. I just got my $11,000.00 bill in the mail.

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by angelwrangler

My thanks to you and the other well wishers. I hope that my payments will be enough for them not to take the other thirty dollars out of my bank account and close it down. If I get approved for public health care, my ER visits will only cost me $30.00, but that does not help me now.

By law, even if you only paid a dollar a month, there is nothing they can do to you. I wish you and your Father well. I am so sorry you have to be burdened with this. Healthcare cost is insane. And for anyone without an ounce of compassion, this could easily happen to you!

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by endtimer

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
reply to post by endtimer

I guess your one of the folks who dont really give a rats ass about anyone but yourself? If you dont see the total scheme going on all around you, you must be. Health care should be free PERIOD.


Oh, so I don't care about anyone and don't give a rats ass? I don't care about whining and sniveling
people that seem to want everything handed to them on a golden platter, that's what I don't give a
rats ass about. Health care ISN'T free. Only to welfare folks and those wanting more and more and
more entitlements that are paid for by the working stiffs that go to work everyday in this country,
and to illegal creeps that sneak into our country and demand everything free. I am not saying the
OP is any of the above, and don't try to tell me that is what I am saying. Until health care is truly
FREE, as you would demand, then pay your freaking bills and quit bitchin' to everyone else.

Are you human? Beep Bop Boop Boop? Hkfnoiw Ind Indinw Oodne? Вы человек?

Because it seems that you aren't. You should never ever ever ever not help the sick. ESPECIALLY when the government is not helping most of the people with sicknesses they created. Heck, You know what the easiest sham was? Coming up with a name or preset "symptoms" of EVERY emotion and thought, event that you have in your life, call it a disorder, then help that person, making them pay somewhere over $4,000. Clearly, if you hadn't notice that sham, you AREN'T human.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by endtimer


for them to charge 11,000 bucks for 3 hours, thats insane

what a joke ...

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by mr10k

Originally posted by endtimer

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
reply to post by endtimer

I guess your one of the folks who dont really give a rats ass about anyone but yourself? If you dont see the total scheme going on all around you, you must be. Health care should be free PERIOD.


Oh, so I don't care about anyone and don't give a rats ass? I don't care about whining and sniveling
people that seem to want everything handed to them on a golden platter, that's what I don't give a
rats ass about. Health care ISN'T free. Only to welfare folks and those wanting more and more and
more entitlements that are paid for by the working stiffs that go to work everyday in this country,
and to illegal creeps that sneak into our country and demand everything free. I am not saying the
OP is any of the above, and don't try to tell me that is what I am saying. Until health care is truly
FREE, as you would demand, then pay your freaking bills and quit bitchin' to everyone else.

Are you human? Beep Bop Boop Boop? Hkfnoiw Ind Indinw Oodne? Вы человек?

Because it seems that you aren't. You should never ever ever ever not help the sick. ESPECIALLY when the government is not helping most of the people with sicknesses they created. Heck, You know what the easiest sham was? Coming up with a name or preset "symptoms" of EVERY emotion and thought, event that you have in your life, call it a disorder, then help that person, making them pay somewhere over $4,000. Clearly, if you hadn't notice that sham, you AREN'T human.

Only to welfare folks and those wanting more and more and
more entitlements that are paid for by the working stiffs that go to work everyday in this country,
and to illegal creeps that sneak into our country and demand everything free.

Can't believe I missed that. What? Do you think Every cent of that 0.07 cents of tax is spent benefiting the sick? It's spent stripping you freedoms away one by one...Spent on useless things, eventually increasing our debt, and making healthcare cost MORE!

+5 more 
posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by endtimer

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
reply to post by endtimer

I guess your one of the folks who dont really give a rats ass about anyone but yourself? If you dont see the total scheme going on all around you, you must be. Health care should be free PERIOD.


Oh, so I don't care about anyone and don't give a rats ass? I don't care about whining and sniveling
people that seem to want everything handed to them on a golden platter, that's what I don't give a
rats ass about. Health care ISN'T free. Only to welfare folks and those wanting more and more and
more entitlements that are paid for by the working stiffs that go to work everyday in this country,
and to illegal creeps that sneak into our country and demand everything free. I am not saying the
OP is any of the above, and don't try to tell me that is what I am saying. Until health care is truly
FREE, as you would demand, then pay your freaking bills and quit bitchin' to everyone else.

ATS is a community of people who usually have compassion for their fellow man. This man has every right to complain and has every right to expect some compassion from his fellow ATS members. How do you know that this man hasn't worked his butt off all his life until he became unemployed? He has found himself in a situation where he barely has an income and is caring for his elderly Father. He deserves our attention and compassion. If you were in the same situation I am sure you would be upset yourself. Your lack of compassion speaks volumes.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Oh the great american health care system! The one and only best system in the world which works well and for the people!

[end sarcasm]

Helps prove my point once again that the american health system is killing its people and a major contributor to the downfall of the USA... Healthy people = productive people...


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Miraj

When my dad was in the hospital, they charged fifty dollars a night for his bed. That was itemized on the bill. Now let's assume the bed was ten thousand dollars. I am pretty sure it was much cheaper, but let's say it was ten thousand dollars. At fifty dollars a night that bed is paid off in 200 nights. Less than one year. The same goes for all the other equipment. At some point it is paid off. Sure hospitals are a business, so they amortize the cost of equipment on their taxes. That means that the cost of the equipment is pro rated as a tax deduction over the supposed life of the unit. So in the end the equipment is being paid for multiples of times.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:54 PM
" To be fair I must say that Banner Baywood discounted my bill by $8,000.00"

when i heare things like this im still in shock and awe how we have such a healthcare system in one of the most developed nations . Congress spends trillions out the ying yang and its the tax payers money , amazing the tax payers who pay into the system don't even get healthcare covered . Send such invoices to citizens of your own country espically for just healthcare. Even the druggies the gang bangers the silly the dare devils etc deserve it . One thing i can say is im happy for the healthcare in canada and its one of the few things i actually have no problem paying taxes for . Even if i don't ever use the healthcare and others do , atleast for there sake . All the bull# life hands us on a dialy basis (of course alot of beauty) , you would think the very miniumum basic healthcare not even covered .
Im in shock and awe how american citizens actually favor the healthcare broken like this. Hell if america had a bank account set up for donations to help i wouldn't mind chipping in .

I would NOT even want my worst enemys to have the healthcare the united states has. Its such a spit in the face to the citizens who bust there as s off everyday . Paying taxes in food , gas , bills , services etc day in day out .

Is the madness here ? or congress lol .

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:59 PM
I see many of you do not understand how the U.S health insurance / Medical Service scam works in realtion to cash paying and insured customers.

If the OP had insurance, the insurance company would pay around $800-$1000 of that $11,000 bill. The hospital would consider that payment in full as is required by the contract with the insurance company.

That explains why they were able to easily knock off $8000.00 because with insurance they would probably receive much less than that.

Do you really think the insurance company actually pays $300.00 for a Tylenol PM?..Of course not, but if you were a cash paying customer they do expect it.

Another example from personal experience. I have a condition that requires me to have a blood test every six months.
Cash Price: $142.50
Insurance price: $12.00

Check your EOB's from your insurance companies closely sometime, you will see the same thing. What the Hospital charges Vs. what the insurance actually pays and the Hospital considers paid in full.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by endtimer
reply to post by groingrinder

I'm not sure what the point is. You had all of these procedures done,
knowing you only have $50.00 a month, you knew this going to the
Medical Center. Now what? Are you mad at society or the Hospital
in general because they didn't wipe out the entire debt? You stated
that they took off $8,000 and have $3,000 left to pay off. I would say
that is a pretty darn good arrangement. What are you complaining
about? Suck it up and get a part time job. Do something besides
complaining to ATS.

edit on 28-12-2010 by endtimer because: (no reason given)

And what would you have in his/her place? Lay down and die, because you could not afford treatment? You make it sound like getting a part time job or any decent job for that matter is simple and easy to do in the current economic situation. Where you see just a whining complaint, I see someone who shared a personal story with the rest of us. You know it's easy to say "Do something besides complaining to ATS", without knowing the personal circumstances of the OP. You know, not everybody who is poor is just to lazy to get a job; in most cases it's because there just aren't any jobs to be had.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
Years ago hospitals advertised their was either Baptist Hospital, St. Somebody Hospital....Religions under corporate umbrellas still own the hospitals. Take a look at the cheap toothpaste and handcream. Read the find print. I bet it says "Cardinal Industries" or something like that. What does that tell you?

Ever wonder what you signed in all those admission papers? Maybe they were able to write off the 8 grand because you signed something that let med students observe or practice on you to train. Also, there are some "presumed" clauses now. I think you are "presumed" to be an organ donor unless you specifically state that you are not.

Next time you have to go to hospital, maybe now that they know your financial situation they will have you sign papers allowing them to conduct some experimental stuff on you.

Oh, and by the way some of us are worth a lot more dead than alive. Are you aware that some of your former employers may have taken out life insurance on you? I wonder if upper level financial whizzes make any decisions based on kickbacks from that? You might want to look into dead peasants insurance.

'Dead peasants' insurance pays your employer a secret, tax-free windfall when you die. Insurers have sold millions of policies to companies such as Dow Chemical.

Right now, your company could have a life insurance policy on you that you know nothing about. When you die -- perhaps years after you leave your employer -- the tax-free proceeds from this policy wouldnt go to your family. The money would go to the company.

Whats more, the company might use this policy to pay for retirement benefits and other perks not for you or your fellow workers, but for your companys top executives.

I do hope you are feeling better. Be glad you got out without any atrocious medical mistakes or hospital acquired diseases.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

It still costs money.. I don't agree with how much they charge however..

People that want health care to be "free" should realize that either: A) It's going to be paid for by someone. or B) Your health care will be the local medicine man who will sing some chants for you and grind up some herbal remedies. Who will probably still want at least a piece of chicken and some bread for his time.

Hospitals charge an insane amount on purpose. I got a bill once for 1.5k.. After my insurance company got to it, it was only about 300 dollars.. Since I have insurance it only cost me 15 dollars.

Here's what I had done: Sticthes in my hand.. So basically all that cost them was the room and the nurses time, since I never even saw a doctor.

I'd prefer the NHS system to be honest. But that's 'communism' /sarcasm.

People that slam the health care system for charging for health care need to realize that money makes the world go round, and the only reason we have the technology, medication, and procedures along with research developed is because there was money put into the system that allowed it to be possible.. That was the point of my post. It doesn't just magically appear just to save you from your illness. Hope you get better, and I hope that you find a way that you can pay them without a large burden to your finances.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Its true..

They automatically can use your information, and samples for research unless you speicifically fill out a form and request they not..

Check the papers next time you have to go to the hospital, it's all there.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:09 PM
This is more evidence that the US is neither a good or great country. Fat cat bastards on wall street are rewarded with millions in bonuses for their greed and corruption, while the poor and most vulnerable are left to fend for themselves.

I was born with a disability and have had over 30 surgeries in my 27 years of life and neither my family or me have had to pay a cent directly. Sure we pay for it with taxes, but up here in Canada we value taking care of each other.
edit on 28-12-2010 by kimar because: fix bad wording

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:16 PM
So don't pay it if you can't. Fix your income situation and pay it off when you can. What's the worst they can do, send you to collections, or screw with your credit? I'm sure only $50 a month is a bigger problem than either of those 2.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by Alethea

Its true..

They automatically can use your information, and samples for research unless you speicifically fill out a form and request they not..

Check the papers next time you have to go to the hospital, it's all there.

The problem is that you are at a real disadvantage to read the papers when you are having an emergency. But yet you have to sign all that stuff to get treatment. It would take a lawyer to understand all the legalese that's in fine print. The only thing I know to do is before you sign your name, just above the signature line would be to write something like "All Rights Reserved". Maybe others have some ideas. I don't see how you can really be held responsible if you were in a position of emergency and were coerced to sign in order to get help. Maybe you could sign the paper and put "tcd" after your signature. "Tcd" stands for "threat-coersion-duress". I think they would be hard pressed to hold you financially responsible under those circumstances. They have pulled the wool over on us for too long.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

This is why I don't have credit. Why I hate the whole damn system, it's mindless. If you do have good credit it's nothing but hypertension on a rollercoaster. They can hang it over your head in cases such as this or for any reason they want really . At anytime. Take the whole damn world and cram right up in Rockefellers arse. See what kinda rates are available at that point.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:21 PM
Reply to post by groingrinder

Part of the problem comes from urban communities. It is very common for people to never consider paying a bill. Also, people tend to give fake social security numbers, names and addresses when going to the ER. They legally have to treat you, regardless of what information you give. Due to this there are higher bills for everyone else because the health industry has to recoup the losses.

Also, when I say urban I do mean just that. More people, more instances. I know how people like to play the race card...

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:38 PM
Also, it is my understanding that in order for a contract to be valid there has to be a "meeting of the minds". Did you know you were signing a contact agreeing to pay 300 dollars for an aspirin? Did you know and agree to giving them carte blanc to do as they pleased with your body and to not hold them responsible for any mistakes they might make like cutting off a limb when you came in for a whiplash?

Usually when you ask what the papers are they merely tell you it is a "consent to treat" form. They don't give you a price sheet of what you will be agreeing to pay. So how could you have signed a contract with full knowledge of what you were doing?

And if you are in pain or incoherent and made to sign first...isn't that duress? If your life is on the line is it not an act of threat to be made to sign an agreement you have no knowledge of or else they will turn you onto the street to die by refusing you care?

I would look into and research some of these questions. A letter may be all you need to put them in their place. Even so, most people do feel they owe something to their doctors. I would at least try to pay the doctors something (even if it's just taking them fresh eggs from your chickens every week along with 3 dollars) and take issue with the hospital on their charges.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

I am sorry this has happened to you and hope that your health is ok as well! Maybe you ought to lay off the grinding for a week or two!
It is a start that 8 grand was knocked off, but still scary for you wondering how you are going to come up with the rest.

I just wanted to remind you how much people in the medical profession, excluding Nursing Assistants and Certified Nursing Assistants, get paid. For starters, RN's make 45,000 a year on up. LVN's make 25,000.00 a year on up. Physicians start at 119,000.00. Pysicians Assistants at 70,000.00. Radiologist 36,000.00. Medical Billing starting at 23,000.00. And then there's paying the janitors that clean the hospitals and then the electric and sewage and sanitation bills that need to be paid every month, then there's the supplies...I could go on, it just adds up and everyone has their hand out saying pay up NOW.

Most of the people in the medical profession live a comfortable middle class life style, especially if they have no kids or just maybe one or two. It is urged that U.S. citizens go to school and become medical professionals and so forth so they can live a comfortable life style. Your experience is an example of why they do live a comfortable life style. Medical professionals will one day realize their materialism will damage their fellow country men and woman's life style with the latter just trying to put food on the table, pay the car insurance and rent on a raggedy apartment they will never own. Medical professionals are nice to have and can save someone's life, or help them, but they also contribute to damaging people's lives as well by sucking them dry.

It's obvious this system was set up by a proctologist.

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