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What did the Catholic Church ever do to You?

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posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
reply to post by Evil3unnie

I do not understand why you are even talking about the bible. This is about Catholics. Some of the first things I learned from the bible were that you do not pray to anyone but god and you do not create graven images or else they might become idols of worship. Some of the first things I was told to do in Catholic school were pray to various statues of saints as well as Mary.

That is one of the first things I realized when I was old enough to know and understand what I was hearing, that God told us that we shall not worship any but God, yet I was praying to Jesus and Mary. To me that felt wrong. I pray to God, and God only.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:49 PM
What did the Catholic Church do to me?

They massacred the people and cultural heritage of my ancestors (Irish Celts).

Between that and their "evangelicals" that persist until this day, that's enough for me to automatically not like them.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

On a serious note this is all isolated individual instances. Not the church as a whole.

Hey, that whole Holocaust business? It was just isolated instances, not the Nazis as a whole.

See why that argument doesn't hold up?

Should be obvious that the OP was flamebait right from the get-go....borderline trolling. Surprised it's gone on this long.

Gazork You my friend are mixing apples with oranges. You are putting Hitler in the same category as the Pope. (how sick is that?)As far as trolling goes, my original question is valid. If you cant answer this question, dont reply. That simple.

edit on 28-12-2010 by oliveoil because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

You need to study history. Jesus Christ did not start the Catholic Church. The Roman Emperor Constantine “legalized” Christianity at the Edict of Milan in A.D. 313. Later, in A.D. 325, Constantine called together the Council of Nicea, in an attempt to unify Christianity. This is when dozens of gospels that still existed were searched out and destroyed and the four (Mathew, Mark, Luke & John) gospels of the Catholic Church were kept. Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire, which at that time was beginning to fragment and divide. So you see, Christianity was "cherry picked" and the result was called "Catholic" (or universal) specifically for political reasons. The next Roman Emporer, Julian tried to change back to polytheism but he was assassinated by members of the Catholic Church. Why do many recovering and recovered Catholics dump on the church? Persecution of pagans, the Inquisition, pedophile priests, etc.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:52 PM
I suppose everything has been said that needs to be said. Our OP doesn't quite get it, though. He mistakes the ideals of what the church would like to do with the reality of what the church does do. He'd like us to think that every 'mistake' that the church has made was an isolated one thet does not detract from the mission of the church. (Let's leave that alone for a moment. I know that has its own problems.) But at some point I think you have to admit that what the church does is what it has become.

Just as one example, the witch hunts of the middle ages. This wasn't an isolated incident. Millions of women were burned at the stake for performing such dastardly deeds as midwifery. This was an organized campaign by the church to root out any vestiges of nature worship, which women represented. It was a power struggle that tthe church won, at least for awhile.

The pedophile issue is another one. It's not that a few priests out of hundreds of thousands strayed from the tenants of the church. It was the organized attempt to hush the situation up, committed by the church heirarchy, Though I can condemn the priest who did it, it is more reprehensible that the church hushed it up. They could have stopped it and actually made these transgressions isolated incidents, but as an organization, they did not.

When you visit a small peasant town in Central merica, for example, you will always find a Catholic church there. It is often the focal point of town life, next to the marketplace. These small towns are impoverished. Peasants ride donkeys, which pull carts of vegetables and fire wood. People live in mud and thatch houses several to a room. Ever been there? That's what it is like. But you walk into the church and that's where you see th ebeautiful gold inlays, the stained glass, the silver. It doesn't take long to realize the wealth of that small town is all in the church. Symolically, that's the church, an organization that sucks the wealth out of the poorest among us.

It's not that the church has never done good deeds. They have and I've witnessed some. It's just that when the church is in power, it behaves very badly. I would say the same of the Anglicans or the Muslims, but the fact that religions tend to act this way does not absolve the church of doing so.

Have you ever been at the vatican and walked into the dome of St. Peter's? It is stunning and amazing. Compare that to teh teachings of Jesus, a man who, from all accounts, was not wealthy and tried to teach men to live a better life in helping his fellow man, particulary non-Jews, i.e.: People not a part of the establishment.The contrast between the message of Jesus and the power and wealth of the church is also stunning.

If Jesus were to come again, I think he would be absolutely appalled at what he found had been done in his name.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

You need to study history. Jesus Christ did not start the Catholic Church. The Roman Emperor Constantine “legalized” Christianity at the Edict of Milan in A.D. 313. Later, in A.D. 325, Constantine called together the Council of Nicea, in an attempt to unify Christianity. This is when dozens of gospels that still existed were searched out and destroyed and the four (Mathew, Mark, Luke & John) gospels of the Catholic Church were kept. Constantine envisioned Christianity as a religion that could unite the Roman Empire, which at that time was beginning to fragment and divide. So you see, Christianity was "cherry picked" and the result was called "Catholic" (or universal) specifically for political reasons. The next Roman Emporer, Julian tried to change back to polytheism but he was assassinated by members of the Catholic Church. Why do many recovering and recovered Catholics dump on the church? Persecution of pagans, the Inquisition, pedophile priests, etc.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by PapiBobbert

Okay now please explain to me eastern orthodox? Open mouth and please insert foot.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Wow... I've heard of "Deny Ignorance" but I maybe we should start "Denying the Ignorant".

Oliveoil, clearly, your catholic church is denying admittance of statement from multiple victims of the past.
Oliveoil, clearly, you realise that when even the MSM is against your church, you've done something wrong.
Oliveoil, clearly, you created this thread to ask for something you already can find all over the web.
Oliveoil, I deny you... and I deny the Catholic Church because I deny ignorance.

Everyone has a right to believe in what they want, and how they want, and although, this is not vividly stated in your thread, it is clearly implied. It is implied that your church is the holiest of the holy. That they have never commited or protected acts of molestation, of self-interest, of teaching ignorance to science... all this from a religion that asks to accept the differences in humanity but casts the so-called wicked out of sight as if it were some malignant disease. Hypocritical to say the least, and you don't have to be part of the church to see it.

No one here HATES your beloved church. They just see it for what it really is, and only you would call it "hate" because once again, you cast out any view against your own. Did they teach you that? or were you born believing that?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

You are completely wrong in describing the Catholic Church as the church Jesus Christ established.
Christ preached some principles different to the prevailing Judaism af the times, a Judaism that was tolerated by the occupying Romans.
The Catholic Church came into being long after Christ's death.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

Ask not what your Church can do for you - ask what you can do for your Church

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

I actually warn people to be afraid of any church/religiion where the men wear dressese - catholic priests, american TV evengelists, muslim clerics etc etc.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
Seriously, 99 % of all you posters out there seem to have beef with the catholic church ....

You saw this train wreck coming didn't you?
I wish you all the best.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
Gazork You my friend are mixing apples with oranges. You are putting Hitler in the same category as the Pope. (how sick is that?)

Not at all, it's really appropriate.

Millions of people loved Hitler too, until they knew the truth about what the Nazis were doing, and many of them still loved Hitler and were convinced the Holocaust was nothing but Allied propaganda!!

You don't have to know much about reading body language to see that this guy is seriously evil-looking.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

I don't like the catholic church because they are intolerent for one.Second the believe is based on complete lies.Like this they believe in god right?Well there is no evidence that god even existed.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:28 PM
Here it is in a nut shell. This person is obviously catholic and is NEVER going to admit there is anything wrong with the church. We could sit, typing all day about the lies, persecution, molestation of children and he/she is going to say, Yeah, but where's your proof. There are people who WANT to be fooled into thinking if they give money and pray to an invisible friend they can go to some place really nice when they die. My favorite author, Robert A. Heinlein, said it best : Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by oliveoil
Seriously, 99 % of all you posters out there seem to have beef with the catholic church. The Church Jesus Christ himself established. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ? The Church has always been there though out the ages always giving and supporting people in need.You cant always turn toward your family but you can always count on the Catholic church. (hypocrites)

Mods, please post this where you seem fit. Thanks OO
edit on 27-12-2010 by oliveoil because: (no reason given)

"the church jesus christ himself established"? HAHAHAHAHAHA do your research before you post stuff like that. One, every Christian Sect thinks of themselves as 'the church jesus christ himself established". Two, the Catholics dont give two stinks about jesus. Its all about Mary for them.

Besides, out of all the Christian sects, the catholic church has the most genocide, murders, and crimes linked to them than any other sect. The Crusades, for example. They were catholic, to go down and just murder any muslim near their "holy land" . Ever read a book from the Alexandrian library? no? because it was burned down, reportedly, by extremists.

And why do they worship and have "idols" of mary when its in direct violation of the ten commandments?

Truly, i just have a problem with extremists that represent the religion, that caused those crimes to be linked to the church. The ignorant people that make the rest look stupid.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 05:33 PM
What did the Catholic Church ever do to You?

how about supporting the killing of Native Americans, raping of women, killing of children and the stealing of gold in all central and south america during the conquest back in the 1490's?

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
The Roman Catholic Church has been deceiving people for thousands of years. It is based off of paganism and not Jesus's teachings, although they make their followers believe it to be so. The position of the pope is the antichrist, and although it seems very unbelievable, all the proof can be found at the following link

Pope is Antichrist

This explains in detail 25 prophecies of the antichrist and how the pope fulfills them all perfectly. The chances of these all randomly occurring are zero. Also, it is the position of the pope that is the antichrist, not one specific pope. I know it is a lot of reading, but if you do it, you will see the truth. For a quick overview of some of the best prophecies fulfilled, watch the full length version of the video below, which I provide a link to below the following shorter video:

This is just the shorter youtube video, but for the whole thing, which you need to watch, go to this link which takes you to the website where the video originates from FULL LENGTH VIDEO

Try and argue anything said. If after watching this and reading the information in the first link you still don't believe, then you are doomed.


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by oliveoil

With the fervant support of the domican and fransiscan orders.

Dont pretend the church had no interest in the inquisition in Iberia. please. they were the ones who profitted from forced conversions.

And it doesnt make a difference whether one is Greek orthodox, Roman catholic, or protestant. You all tie into the same cult and so ideologically are bound to the same powers. Just like how sunnis and Shiites war with each other yet both see a common enemy in the Jews/America and both pretty much support the concept of Jihad.

Read up on Islam; On Hizbollah "party of Allah" in arabic; on the huge support western powers give to proxy states like Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Saudia Arabia and Iraq, amongst others. Read up on how Lebanon is essentially a vassal of Iran, whose supreme ayotollah is regarded as the spiritual leader of hizbollah.

Amidst all this chaos, the Vatican has their fingers in damascus and now they want control over all of judaisms holy sites in Israel- yet another reason to despise the evil influence of the Vatican greco-roman pagan invention.

Its apt that the obelisk standing in st. peters square is a 4500 egyptian obelisk originally erected during the 5th dynasty, which caligula eventually brought to Rome (after augustus had it brought to alexandria) which oversaw thousands of gladitorial fights in nero colliseum. In the 16th century it was brought to its current place at st. peters. What a rich history this disgusting phallic symbol has lived through.

The roman church is the enemy of all mankind - along with the EU-Anglo-american establishment along with Radical Islam. As ironic as it is, all these different groups compliment each other in their dream for a NWO (Ahmadinejad for instance often calls for a world governing body)
edit on 28-12-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 06:24 PM
I've been wondering how to address this and where to share this for some time, guess this thread is ok for that. Basically, the entire Bible/Scripture Churches are run by wolves in sheeps clothing, and they are bloodlines themselves in their own way. Though Yeshua is still the most pure and perfect example of unconditional Love and the way back home. Buddah represents a human and how to perfectly seek. Christ Jesus represents The Family Of Light with us/Immanuel, having already found, and showing us directly the way home.

Yet, in my entire life, the only group in the interior of BC, South Okanagan, Pentiction, etc, that surpasses the Salvation Army, that goes the extra mile, that helps with Love, kindness, adopts families and assists, drops of clothes, presents, food beyond the 2 month restriction and often FARM TO YOU, large amounts, is the Catholics. They are most kind hearted decent Loving, modeling themselves after Jesus, truly from the people, for the people, group I know. Having attended many Churches after I left, the Catholic, though far patriarchal and pyramid like, perhaps with hidden codes and things we have to renounce, or NOT, for niavete and the intentions of our hearts prevail, hoewever, they and the United Church which is the modern, equal for social justice one, and I really appreciate their social justice stance, but these two Church's out of all the ones, I've ever seen, CARE THE MOST FOR THE POOR.

The alliance Church taught my neice that poor were sinners being cursed and that the rich were all that really. We had quite a few discusssions concernign these matters. All the mainstream are not fudnamentalists, ie. fundamentalists take the bible literal and think the earth is around 6 000 years old. Catholics are very abstract thinkers, and much of the bible can be accepted as metaphor, but you do have to keep to yourself all the credos you don't agree with, or they might excommunicate you.

Wonderful down to earth, people who give the shirt off their back for others. I remember a xmass with my children with several hampers, and presents that filled the tree 2/3rds of the way up, I said, I feel guiity, oh no, please accept this one too, and then afterwards more clothes, decoarations, you name it.

I was so reluctant to leave to come to the coast, and felt so much love from that community.

Wonderful people.
edit on 28-12-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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