posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by zorgon
Yes, Chinese citizens do get that close to Chengdu airfield. When the J-10 images from Chengdu first appeared on the web around 10 years ago many
cried foul and called them fake. Many images came streaming out from the perimeter of Chengdu and still no official release by the Chinese
authorities. It took until 2006 for the Chinese to officially release the J-10 on their government controlled news agency.
There isn't two images of different aircraft. The only aircraft properly imaged has been the one carrying the serial 2001.
People are allowed to view around Chengdu, but photography is quite restrictive. They have no photography and video signs up, but people still take
images on camera phones. To turn up with a camera with a large photo lens would likely get it confiscated?
See following image of J-20 and note the building with the Chinese characters?
Location of Building with Chinese characters on.
Copy and paste into Google Earth
30 41 35.44N 103 56 52.00E
Copy and paste into Google Earth for one of the Chengdu viewing location on the perimeter. Also notice around the airfield other photo click links
showing images of fighter aircraft at Chengdu.
30 41 25.62N 103 56 24.00E
At that location you will find a clickable taking you to an image from 'deyidanran2009'.
The photo has been deleted from 'deyidanran2009's' account, but the small holding image is still visible on Google Earth. Notice the woman in front
of the 'no photography' sign? The white coloured part of the building that you can see through the poles of the sign is the one with the Chinese
characters on.
Go onto the following link and click on the Google Earth (KML) file and see the photo locations.
In the past few days a lot of the images from photographer 'deyidanran2009' at Chengdu airfield have been removed.
Close up of the landing gear and landing gear doors at the following.