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I just left my wife because she is a climate change denier (I'm not kidding)

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posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by The_Liberator

I have no idea...I'm the youngest and I kinda remember thinking to myself at an early age...holy moly, what's wrong with them?...I am a bit messed up though, but not like narcissists. Always kept my distance and at age 18 got the hell out.

Good for you man! I'm truly glad to hear that you didn't get the disorder. Once you have it, it never leaves you. The worst thing about NPD is the lack of empathy. I can't count the times that I have lectured my wife on being more caring when her f'ed up daughter is ill or in pain.

You must be tough to have survived that crap. Kudos!

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by randomname
you screwed up, you should have kept her busy washing dishes, doing laundry and vacuuming. you should have also kept her continuously pregnant.

second you should have had a normal girlfriend for friday nights. preferably eastern eurpean. they know their place.

n.american women are mentally unstable because somehow the media has distorted their minds with shows like desperate housewives and sex in the city.
edit on 19-12-2010 by randomname because: (no reason given)

Not to mention "The Real Housewives of New York" which she watches! lol

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:08 PM
Even the Greek Gods had problems with their wives.

Suck it up and make your marriage work.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by The_Liberator

In my last thread, “Global warming is not only NOT a hoax...”, here is what I heard:

That was YOUR thread? No wonder she left; you have lost all contact with reality!
Even if everyone accepted your premise that AGW was real; for you to assert that it is "10,000 times worst," leaves you in an unsupportable position.

You are certainly on your own there; and now elsewhere, as well.

You reap what you sow; I feel no sympathy for someone who puts others, and their own, happiness at risk for fantasy.

I assert that because it is fact. I say this because of one simple fact...positive feedbacks are kicking in with a vengeance.

In the past global temps have risen several degrees in the span of several YEARS. BUT, this is the first time in the earths history that such an event is being precipitated by an increase of 30% of CO2. (in the past it was driven by slight increases in solar output).

That means that we could be looking at temperature increases at a faster rate than at any time in recorded history (Google East Siberian Arctic Shelf methane).

So yes, it is about 10,000 times worse than your worst nightmare (and yes I misspelled worse in my original thread, lol)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by The_Liberator

Yeah...they just don't care.
edit on 19-12-2010 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by The_Liberator

nice of you to ignore the basic fact that pre-industrial measurements Include massive greenery coverage throughout the world, which filter CO2 and other toxins; which are produced naturally in wider variety and amounts than man has collectively produced in all his existence.
Yes, man contributes to the toxification of the planet with every fart, every breadth, every discharge and most consumption ... however, man created and performed deforestation ... put it back ... man pollutes continuously, unchecked, unpunished and undeterred ... fix it ... man kills, man corrupts, man coerces ... shouldn't we concentrate on fixing what we can, first ?? Leave nature to the Mother, she knows best.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by The_Liberator

1. Your title is misleading.
2. You're reaching.
3. What makes you think your not the reason why your wife is unhappy? Maybe fail to satisfy her.
4. From the sound of things, you did her a favor by leaving.
5. Climate has been changing since ever! It's nothing new.
6. If your concerned about the environment then stop buying Apple products.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
you clearly did not left your wife because of the "climate discussion"

so, why post this here ...

you clearly did not like her anymore and that was the reason ...

I am not kidding

Because the arguments I had with my wife were no different than the arguments that I have with climate deniers and I'm fed up with it.

It is relevant because my wife taught me that some people are simply incapable of discussing FACTS. My wife will go to her grave thinking that she was "right", as will climate deniers.

I felt it needed to be pointed out. The discussions on this forum just hit close to home and the truth is just so painfully obvious.....

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
OP -- climate change, sure ... we used to call it 'seasons'. Some more extreme than others but never failing to change, annually.
Now, on to the wife thingy ... good for her. IF you are concerned for the 'global climate' condition, why are you buying Apple ???? as for you, keep studying ... only, try a variety of sources/opinions and therapists ... you haven't found a good one of either, yet.

With all due respect, do some research and get back to me.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Ghost374
I learned about NPD in my abnormal psych class. They describe it in a "scientific" way, which didn't make it sound that bad. Obviously it's much worse than I learned. That's what happens when you take out all emotion from learning. It's really sad how they're practically brainwashing all of my colleagues to feel no emotion about issues that should either make you angry or sad.

Dude, it's a nightmare.

Can't apologize (as in EVER)

Asks for favors CONSTANTLY, and on the rare occassion that I say no....LOOK OUT!!! But if I ask her for a favor, she almost always says "no". Once I asked her if she would mind getting me a towel after a shower and she said "yes massa"

Feels no guilt whatsoever.

Used to hit her daughter constantly until I forbid it in our house.

I could go on and on and on.

It's a nightmare. People with NPD are kind of evil in a way. They ruin their kids and their husbands, and they don't give a rats ass because they lack empathy.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:23 PM
You need help

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by The_Liberator

I think its the sun.....but I also think your wife sounds crazy and I support your decision and wish you happiness + custody.

Thanks brother! Although, for the record, it's not the sun
(see link provided)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Voiceoftreason
OP, I would like to offer your ex-wife my sincerest congratulations.
edit on 19/12/2010 by Voiceoftreason because: (no reason given)

For what exactly? For ruining her daughters mental health (which she has)? Or maybe for destroying our marriage even though we have an 8 month old baby?

Congratulations for what again?

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by The_Liberator

There are studies from MIT Nasa and a few other world renowned agencies/organisations that have said that other planets are heating up because of the SUN!! If you go look in other areas of this website especially to do with Nibiru the planet that doesn't exist they are trying to show evidence that it's a planet causing it but alas all the info they deliver shows it's the sun. I suggest you look on here a bit more volcanoes spew out more emissions than the human race does in a decade or a century read the info ages ago but to think it is human caused is just rediculous it is a money making scheme that the U.N has devised.

Go look at how this whole this was started up go see who is pulling the strings to make this happen look where the money will go as alot of people say follow the money obviously you want to pay more for everything and have less in your pocket your a fool.

But on the wife part know exactly what thats like ever thought it might have been the tone you used but yeah sometimes you can't do anything right been there.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by The_Liberator

Haha! wouldn't wish your wife on your worst enemy...oh man. Feel you bro. Narcissists are as twisted as you can get in regular society...You can't even describe what they do right?...I think people who have lived with them could share stories for days
...anyway...good you left her.
edit on 19-12-2010 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

Yes I could. In fact, my post was a speck on the tip of an iceberg.

Glad I left too. Better to be lonely than abused!

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by The_Liberator

wait just a minute little boy ... YOU picked up and left and she's the demon ??? yeah sure.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
Even the Greek Gods had problems with their wives.

Suck it up and make your marriage work.

You obviously haven't met my wife.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by The_Liberator

nice of you to ignore the basic fact that pre-industrial measurements Include massive greenery coverage throughout the world, which filter CO2 and other toxins; which are produced naturally in wider variety and amounts than man has collectively produced in all his existence.
Yes, man contributes to the toxification of the planet with every fart, every breadth, every discharge and most consumption ... however, man created and performed deforestation ... put it back ... man pollutes continuously, unchecked, unpunished and undeterred ... fix it ... man kills, man corrupts, man coerces ... shouldn't we concentrate on fixing what we can, first ?? Leave nature to the Mother, she knows best.

We aren't fixing it and we aren't going to.

You think the solution is to simply put the forests "back". As in what? Plant a bunch of seeds and stop cutting down the existing forests? Then in 50 years hope that our seeds have grown into trees? Are you being serious?

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by endlessknowledge
reply to post by The_Liberator

1. Your title is misleading.
2. You're reaching.
3. What makes you think your not the reason why your wife is unhappy? Maybe fail to satisfy her.
4. From the sound of things, you did her a favor by leaving.
5. Climate has been changing since ever! It's nothing new.
6. If your concerned about the environment then stop buying Apple products.

My title is not misleading. She is no different from climate deniers such as yourself.

What makes me think that I am not the reason that she is unhappy? Hmmm.....maybe because she has a mental illness and I don't?

As for the climate changing, do some research and then get back to me. You can start by reading the links in my original post.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Liberator, it's easy to see that you refuse to attempt to debate facts so i'll go with the obvious. You stated (yes we have a son, together) ... my question for you, little man is this: just what 'personality type' commits to a NSD sufferer, creates another life and then walks away with some sense of misplaced indignation ?? in my country, they are called, cowards.

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