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Americans----> You're FAT!

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posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

Because it lends to the point I was making.

Even if women were somewhat active, they weren't active enough for it to affect fat loss.

Because simply burning calories doesn't work.
edit on 19-12-2010 by DevolutionEvolvd because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Only one study. Yes because the dumb assed academics ( who "pretended" to know everything about exercise ) , have been so slow to react what is happening on the ground, they are only getting their # together now.

It has been truly disturbing at how smart these people aren't. And that's coming from someone who completely failed at school.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

I honestly don't care about those machines.

Diet is the problem and the solution. Exercise isn't necessary.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:42 PM
Can you please define "active" so I know you understand there is more than one type of "activity" the body can perform.

Please list all the ways there are too exercise, and their separate benefits.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
Can you please define "active" so I know you understand there is more than one type of "activity" the body can perform.

Please list all the ways there are too exercise, and their separate benefits.

An active lifestyle, as defined by the USDA and the HHS, is one in which a person routinely engages in physical activity on a regular basis. They recommend this because the thought, as thrown around throughout this thread, is that physical activity on a regular basis can burn enough calories to maintain a healthy weight or even drop weight. It's based on calories in vs. calories out...and it doesn't work.

The point is proper exercise can aid in fat loss. However, it's not because of calories expended during a workout.

If A is causing a problem that is B, why would you do C to fix B when it's clear that fixing B must address the cause....which is A. Yeah, maybe C helps in fixing B...but it's not the most efficient way.

I'm telling you that I think exercise is irrelevant in terms of caloric balance. Why would I name different exercises and their benefits? I understand the differences between HIIT and steady state, and others for that matter.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:03 AM
Accidental exercise in mankind's history consisted of only a few things...

(a) Fight or Flight / Hunting with bare hands ( short high burst of energy )

(2) Some long distance walking ( not much ) .

(3) Heavy lifting / pulling / digging / swinging

We did not do cardio , just as other primates do not do cardio now. If we wanted to eat more we had to work harder at the above things, which means we needed higher quality muscle, which burns even more energy when activated. Creating an upward spiral.

No-one was running around in circles like an idiot.

Bit of anthropology goes a long way.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I'm referring to recent history when Americans were not fat. I certainly wasn't talking about paleolithic man.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:58 AM
Why would you discount millions of years of mankind's history, and only focus on the last 40.

You do understand the obesity epidemic is a chain reaction that started with the invention of tools. It is a combination of events and inventions.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I've always felt that it's pretty overwhelming that someone is going to just start judging people based on how they look. How about, if they are happy with who they are then who cares? If they are hurting themselves, then let them hurt themselves. I understand people wanting to help others, but no one is going to be able to understand that they are being hurt until they figure it out for themselves. Showing them pictures of a fat Spider-Man and a skinny Spider-Man and point to the fat one and saying that is them does no one any justice - except for someone's self interest ego. To be honest, I could probably lose a pound or two - but I am not overweight; as a matter of fact I am pretty healthy, and that is the way I am supposed to be because it is who I choose to be.

To be plain and simple, let people do what they want - they aren't harming you and the reason why you think it MAY harm you is because of stupid policies that WE have a hand in as far as criticizing select groups of people. Other than that, people will figure out what doesn't make them happy and will change when they feel it no longer suits them.
edit on 20-12-2010 by Black Ops because: added text.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:51 AM
"Your not big boned, your fat!" Great thread op!!
Everytime I have someone use the big boned excuse on me, I ask if they have ever seen a fat skeleton.
I usualy get the go jump off a cliff look after that but it's true.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:52 AM
i agree but you should be more respectful how you speak to people thats all

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

I'm not ignoring paleoanthropology. What I am doing, however, is analyzing tangible evidence. Prior to WWII, obesity was not an issue as it is today; therefore, it's reasonable to examine the lifestyles of pre-WWII Americans compared to modern day lifestyles. And I can do so with much more accuracy than examining anthroplogical data that, as readily admitted by scientists, is often unreliable.

You do understand the obesity epidemic is a chain reaction that started with the invention of tools. It is a combination of events and inventions.

So is war. What a vague statement.
edit on 20-12-2010 by DevolutionEvolvd because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:33 AM
Ok. Let's get something straight, here. Americans are not fat because they are lazy. You are going to be hard-pressed to find a society that works harder than America. America is fat because of one reason:

The Food Pyramid.

A little about myself: I am not what you would call a big dude. However, I'm in quite good shape and exercise is one of my biggest hobbies. I'm not amateur bodybuilder but I have an interest and read and consult a lot of bodybuilers, personal trainers, forums, etc. I am 5'7", Italian in ethnicity, I have a 39 inch chest, a 30 inch waist, I weigh 145 pounds and I can benchpress 230 pounds. Nothing impressive, but if you want me to drop what I'm doing right now and run 6 miles with you, I'd have no issue. I ran a 5K earlier in the year at 24:21. Now, onto what I've learned - and this is FIELD TESTED.

The American diet that we are raised to believe is a low fat, low protein, high carbohydrate diet. Over much study and tweaking, I have found that the best diet to follow is high protein, medium to high fat, low carbohydrate.

For example, if you are a 150 pound male, you should be eating 150 grams of protein, 100 grams of fat and 100 grams of carbs in a day. That will give you 1900 calories a day. Every third day, eat 200 grams of carbs and reduce your fat intake to 60 grams. Since carbs will drive your metabolism the most, if you eat constantly low carbs, your metabolism effectively drops as your body thinks you're on a diet and it protects your fat stores. Eating 200 carbs every third day will trick your body into thinking it's not eating low carb by giving it a regular insulin boost. Your carbs should be from beans, leafy vegetables, yams, a piece of fruit once a day and that's about it. NO FLOUR. NO CORN. NO WHITE RICE. NO WHITE POTATOES. Not even whole wheat. Whole wheat spikes your blood sugar just as much as white flour. The only difference is whole wheat actually has fiber and vitamins in it so it's not totally empty. You should limit your whole wheat intake to one meal on the high carb days only. Never eat white flour. Never eat white sugar. Never drink fruit juices. Drink only water.

That, in my research, is the ideal human diet. Remember, body fat is 80% diet and 20% exercise. All the exercise in the world won't save you if you're eating nothing but pasta, bread and bagels. You'll be doing nothing but breaking down precious muscle thanks to the catabolic (muscle digesting) effects of cardiovascular exercise to compensate for your terrible diet.

Here is the root problem of the American diet:

The high carbohydrate diet, especially the refined carbs that we eat (white flour, white rice, white sugar, white potatoes, corn starch, corn syrup, etc.) wreaks havok on our hormones. Insulin is the most prevalent hormone in our body. When you eat anything with carbohydrates in it, insulin is released that shuttles the sugars in our blood into the cells in our body. We then store those sugars as glycogen in our muscles and liver to use as energy. However, when you eat more carbs than your body burns, that additional sugar is stored in our body as fat.

We are all born with genetic predispositions to insulin sensitivity. People that are very sensitive to insulin store these sugars in our blood as energy very efficiently. However, since Americans overeat carbs by about 3 times more than they should, your pancreas becomes worn out over years and your body becomes resistant to insulin. When your body becomes resistant to insulin, it can't efficiently store sugars as energy. They all get stored as fat instead of having the energy properly transported to your cells.

So what does that mean?

That means you eat carbs and you NEVER GET FULL! Fat people are fat because no amount of food they eat can ever satisfy their body cells! THE FATTER YOU ARE, THE MORE YOUR BODY IS STARVING!

Wrap your mind around that. You are constantly hungry and constantly eating because your cells are constantly starving. You have wrecked your body's ability to properly store sugars as energy thanks to your years of following the American diet of sugar, sugar, sugar.

How can you fix this?


That's right Americans, the cure to your obesity is none other than that dirty three letter word: FAT.

Fats are not stored as glycogen in your body. No matter how much butter you eat, your body will not invoke an insulin response. That means your blood sugar remains stable and your body is kept out of constant fat storage mode. But what fats do we eat?

That's simple. Stay away from ALL VEGETABLE OILS. There is a myth in the American diet that saturated fats are bad. However, it's exactly the opposite. The polyunsaturated fats found in vegetable oils are bad. Your cell membranes are made out of saturated fats. They are the shortest-chain, most stable fats in nature. They are the safest to cook with because they don't denature into trans fats when heated like polys so. They are the most easily converted into energy because they are the shortest chain. I have a rule in my kitchen:

When you cook, use butter. When you don't add heat, use olive oil. Olive oil for salads, butter for cooking. It's that simple. Following that rule has made me look and feel so much better. My house is free of canola, vegetable, safflower, cottonseed, soybean and other poisonous vegetable oils. Poly's are gone from my kitchen.

Weight loss really is that simple. Just stop eating white bread, white sugar and any drinks with sugar in them. Eat more fat. Embrace animal fats, creams and butters. Throw away vegetable fats. Look at it this way: your body is made to ingest animal fat because it's so plentiful. When you eat beef, you're eating 15% fat. Do you have any idea how much broccoli you'd have to eat to get the 14 grams of fat found in a tablespoon of vegetable oil? POUNDS! Your body isn't designed to digest broccoli fat because it's so rare, you have to superrefine the product to get it.

So, yea, long story short, it's not the work ethic of Americans. We're the hardest working people on Earth. It's that damned government-sponsored diet killing us.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

LOL lay off the DeadTruth the guy is being hated on cause he tells it like it is. The dead truth!

Of course nutrition is 80% of the game like said above. But along with proper nutrition exercise plays a important role in fitness, health and weight loss.

Exercise doesn't help? You kidding right? Building your heart up strong and healthy and lowering your resting heart rate isn't good for anyone? Lowering cholesterol not good for you? Decreasing risk of heart disease not good for you? A confidence boost and feeling more energetic not good for you? Increased sexual performance not good for you?

Fat or skinny doesn't matter both fat and skinny people who don't exercise and lay around all the time are UNFIT and cant run a mile. You probably fall into this category.

And nothing wrong with the guy posting his picture. (The proof is in the pudding) I'm pretty tired of people always giving their advice on how to lose weight and be fit when they look like crap themselves. This goes for a forum member or a trainer doesn't matter.

Furthermore he does not hate fat people he gets tired of them making excuses. I see it all the time. Relatives, friends, etc stuffing their faces with pizza and processed garbage sitting on the couch all night and crying about not being able to lose weight.

edit on 20-12-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:42 PM
I don;t think it is just americans, im a travler all over the world and isee it i every country some more then others but it is a world wide pandemic

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Black Ops

I've always felt that it's pretty overwhelming that someone is going to just start judging people based on how they look. How about, if they are happy with who they are then who cares?

I said that now a few times throughout the thread and in the opening piece.
Must have over looked it or not read the whole thread and made an assumption?

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by GirlGenius
I'm pretty slim, but that is no thanks to the mainstream. I feel really bad for Americans because they have been so abused by the system and turned into fat pigs by medications and fast foods. Not only that, the American Heart Association and other bogus groups promote an unhealthy high carb diet. Even if you try to eat "right", it's probably wrong. Not to mention fluoride and aspartame... In addition, the FDA has made any truly effective weight loss methods illegal or off-label.

Obesity was cured in the 1950s by Dr. Simeons, who used small amounts of hCG to achieve startling and sustainable weight loss in adults. His protocol, "Pounds and Inches", can be found for free on the web. Drs. who help patients follow this diet risk ostracism and have lost their license. Fortunately, hCG is easy to get from India (for now). Thousands of people have successfully lost weight and kept it off. It works for virtually everyone. Once you get your weight down, adequate rest, light exercise and a lowish carb lifestyle is all you need to stay slim.

Wake up, peeps! There is a conspiracy to MAKE you fat and KEEP you fat! It's criminal ...

Anyhow, the good news is that you don't have to be

edit on 17-12-2010 by GirlGenius because: (no reason given)

AND not from an american!
See Slayer, it's not an excuse. Its a tactic. They knew they'd never get our guns so they are just trying to make it harder for us to reach them!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by ker2010
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Of course nutrition is 80% of the game like said above. But along with proper nutrition exercise plays a important role in fitness, health and weight loss.

Exercise doesn't help? You kidding right? Building your heart up strong and healthy and lowering your resting heart rate isn't good for anyone? Lowering cholesterol not good for you? Decreasing risk of heart disease not good for you? A confidence boost and feeling more energetic not good for you? Increased sexual performance not good for you?

Thank you for taking a post out of context.
I was specifically referring to fat loss.

Fat or skinny doesn't matter both fat and skinny people who don't exercise and lay around all the time are UNFIT and cant run a mile.

Possibly. But, still, this doesn't address the issue...

You probably fall into this category.

Nice. You probably have no idea what you're talking about.

And nothing wrong with the guy posting his picture.

Never said there was. But couple that with his commentary and it's clear he has an ego the size of Texas.

Furthermore he does not hate fat people he gets tired of them making excuses.

I never said he hates fat people. In fact, I believe he genuinely enjoys helping people resolve their weight problems.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Concentrating on pre WW2 is simply wrong. Have you ever studied some of Dr Kelloggs work around 1910. He was already talking about the upcoming obesity epidemic. It is like reading something out of the paper today. Our lifestyles were already going downhill fast.

Technology / less labor intensive jobs, and cheaper food was becoming the norm. To completely disregard the fact we used to have active lifestyles, just because you don't like that fact, is ignorant.

What only delayed the obesity epidemic was WW1 , The depression and then WW2 . All 3 of them making excess income impossible and introduced food supply shortages. It wasn't until the 50s the world recovered and carried on its way stopping food rationing.

Work physically harder + eat less = No obesity.

You have to think of exercise as a prescribed amount you need every day. Some people still get that from their jobs. But the rest of us who have jobs where we are just standing or sitting down, have to work out to get our prescribed amount.

I do a lot of lifting at the mortuary, but I would never fool myself that covers my "prescribed amount of exercise".

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Did you have a falling out w/the big ex? Is that why we are getting this?
Are you trying to farm a harum again?
When will u ever learn?
Oh and BTW, no fat means no boobs.
So I guess all men that like skinny women gotta slap some plastic on them huh?
Very healthy.
Oh well, let me go butter my biscuits. My man likes an All Plump American!

edit on 20-12-2010 by DaWhiz because: OOPs to slay not Devo. sorry. got new nails

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