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Americans----> You're FAT!

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Hmmm...You say American's are fat and you make it sound like a disgrace, yet you say it's what's inside that counts.

Nobody ever complains about Americans binge drinking alcohol, or smoking their lungs away. That's just as bad as being overweight, but it's okay because they can still look pretty destroying their lungs and livers.

I'm sure, the fact that a woman may be smoking a pack a day, have cigar breath, and have a liver that looks like crap would not stop a guy from sleeping with her if she were outwardly attractive. It wouldn't stop me.

So yes, looks DO matter. Let's just be honest and not give mixed messages.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 12:07 AM
I live in the usa, and can tell all you non-americans that you cannot drive 5 miles in incorporated united states without finding a mcdonalds or burger king. The united stated is more of a conglomerate than a nation, to be honest.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by windwaker

I realize some will take offense to the topic.
The thrust of this thread was over the related health issues with being over weight. Not meant as a jab at their looks.

edit on 19-12-2010 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 01:31 AM
They started charging fat people more for insurance where I work and people were all like I don't know why I have to pay more and Im like I do your fat and they would argue like they weren't fat. Then they would say not everyone can be lucky enough to be born with a build like mine and I tell them I work out every day.

Then they claim they don't have time. I get home at 6:15 shower and out by 6:30 get up at noon play with my kid. Work out cause he works out with me. My entire weight set cost 50 bucks. Ride my bike he has a seat on back then I go to work. I have the drive to work as down time to my day, he and I live outside that is why my 3 year old is healthy and we can eat fast food if we want.

These people however do not cause they claim their job is so hard they are tired well I am the floater so I have done every job and take less than 3 days off a workout every month. I run on weekends when my wife has our son.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:15 AM
USA is only 3rd.

(1) American Samoa, 93.5% (of the population that is overweight)
It’s a staggering number. Many Pacific Island nations have had trouble with weight in modern times mostly because they have abandoned their traditional foods for cheap, easily attained processed foods from the West. Perhaps no other Pacific Island has had such access to these habits as American Samoa.

(2) Kiribati, 81.5%
Like American Samoa, Kiribati has been flooded with processed foods like Spam and mutton flaps (fatty sheep scraps), often sold at lower prices than native food.

(3) U.S.A., 66.7%
Well, the U.S.A. doesn’t top the list, but it’s close, and it falls behind only a small islands nation and one of its own unincorporated territories. The United States of Processed food, high fructose corn syrup and fast food has been high on this list over the last half century.

(4) Germany, 66.5%
The fattest country in Europe no doubt owes their portly woes to lots of beer, fatty foods and inactivity.

(5) Egypt, 66%
Obesity among Egyptian women is particularly high, often attributed to cultural taboos on women exercising or playing sports.

(6) Bosnia-Herzegovina, 62.9%
Once considered a problem only in high-income countries, obesity is dramatically on the rise in low- and middle-income countries like Bosnia-Herzegovina, where smoking, drinking and eating unhealthy foods spiked during the war that ravaged the country from 1992 to 1995.

(7) New Zealand, 62.7%
Obesity is a growing concern for New Zealand. While its native Maori have struggled with weight due to loss of traditional culture like other Pacific Islanders– they are mostly just a scapegoat. New Zealand’s entire population is getting fatter at a rapidly increased rate.

(8) Israel, 61.9%
In the past 30 years, the number of obese Israelis has tripled, evidence the country is truly part of the Western world.

(9) Croatia, 61.4%
Croatia, where cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, is also a victim of the globalization of the food market, which tends to suppress traditional diets as cheaper processed foods from the U.S. and Europe flood store shelves.

(10) United Kingdom, 61%
A recent survey ranked Brits among the bottom third of European nations in physical exercise, leading Health Secretary Andy Burnham to comment, “We’re really in danger of being known as the best in the world for watching sport, but one of the worst for getting out there and doing it for ourselves.”

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:47 AM
Hey, fat chicks need love, too.

They've just gotta pay. Giggity.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:19 AM
I'd just like to point out that people make such a big deal about being overweight and obese. They make fun of fat people and look down on them and accuse them of being irresponsible. What bothers me is that being underweight can be every bit as unhealthy, but people like that are coddled and much is made about eating disorders and the pressure to be as thin as runway models.

People say that those who are fat don't have an "eating disorder". They just need to stop eating. Yet these same people would be appalled if I walked up to a bulimic or anorexic and said, "Quit being an idiot. Eating is for survival, so start eating."

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yeah, that really didn't come through so well in your OP, what with comments like, "You Are a disgusting FAT-BODY America!" or "with your Jimmy Dean pork linked sausage looking fingered hand". We're all adults here (well, mostly), so why don't you address us as such? I think the startling statistics regarding this subject speak much louder to those suffering from obesity than the childish jabs you made.
edit on 19-12-2010 by Torgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 05:34 AM
Great thread!
Whilst I am not obese, my weight over the last few years had been creeping up on the scales. So earlier this year, I thought enough is enough and someone recommended a diet to me called the Dukan Diet. It really works! I have so far lost 9kgs. I'm taking a break during the holiday period, just maintaining my new weight at the moment, but as soon as new years is over, I'll be back onto it to lose a further 5kgs.

I feel fantastic for having lost the weight I have so far. It's basically a low fat, high protein, low carb diet and I found it very easy to follow. Google it and you can read all about it.

edit on 19-12-2010 by DaMouse because: spelling and grammar

edit on 19-12-2010 by DaMouse because:

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 05:35 AM
no you

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Chai_An

Originally posted by wavemaker
The cause of obesity in America is very easy to pinpoint. As a non-American who has been to the US a number of times, I can say that the food serving in the US is simply enormous! One serving there is equivalent to my three meals! That is just too much calories taken to the body in one eating. If Americans can only eat less than usual, then obesity will surely go down dramatically. Of course, try to eat real foods during meal times and not just fast foods all the time.

I'm just curious if the reason to obesity in the US is the large food portions because yes they are large compared to other countries, what's the reason for the obesity in Europe, UK, Australia and yes even Japan?
edit on 18-12-2010 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

There are obese people everywhere and it means that these obese people eat a lot. But obesity in other countries is not as widespread as in the US.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
That's another thing i have noticed, society has become so fat that people who are a normal weight for their height are referred to as skinny, by others and themselves....which i thought would describe people who are underweight..strange.
edit on 18-12-2010 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

Yeah I am accused of being anorexic and bulimic just because I am petite. I can assure you I am neither. I don't know why people think it's ok to say that to me yet it's considering insulting to call someone fat. It's just AS insulting to call someone anorexic or bulimic when they aren't. I have been petite my whole life and I can put some food down if i want to.

Also with the vast majority of American's being "heavy" it makes it hard to shop for clothes in my size because believe it or not they only get one or two things in my size and a ton of the L and XL sizes. It pisses me off!

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Erekose

Actually statistics shows that Americans are living longer, but our quality of life has declined, meaning that big pharma even with been the 4th leading cause of death in this nation from wrong prescribe drugs still are able to keep people living longer but the state of the health of the individuals still declines.

In simple words, you live longer but feeling like crap and addicted to prescribtion drugs and its side effects.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by daggyz

Well we can all agree it's becoming a global issue.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 11:20 AM
I am a fat-ish guy, not morbidly obese, but recently up to 204 lbs. on a 5' 8" frame. I am strong with broad shoulders and large muscles, so realistically for my best healthy weight I think I should be about 175, or call it 174 for an even 30 lbs. to lose.

Here is some solid information and advice:

The only thing that can make you fat is to eat more calories than you expend. Some things like glandular problems can account for small differences, but have no doubt, if you are fat, YOU EAT TOO MUCH. All of the fad diets in the world will not help you if you do not change your eating habits for good, and, think about it, how long do you think you can eat no carbohydrates or whatever your diet demands? Will you not put the weight back on shortly after the diet ends?

I found this amazing free resource. It is called It is really free and I am not affiliated with it in any way, but I can tell you it has changed my life. They have an iPhone app, which is how I found them, and it puts in your hand a massive database on calories and food and allows you to keep a diary of your caloric intake, the balance of your diet, your exercise, etc., and it allows you to record and track your weight as you progress. It is almost like a game, it is so fun to track your progress and meet your goals.

I have lost half the weight I need to lose in four weeks by watching what I eat, and I intend to be lean and mean by the time it gets warm outside. You can do it, too, it just takes a little discipline.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 01:06 PM
Some of the excuses that have been put up here are pathetic. I am sorry fatties but the truth is, the ONLY way you got fat was by eating too much for your own personal metabolism.

It is disgusting you can lie to yourself, lay blame on others for selling you junk food, and basically not take responsibility for something everybody knows you are in perfect control of. Even worse when you make up some fake medical condition to account for you getting fat. 1 in 10,000 have a medical / gland condition that causes weight gain, so chances are you are not one of them ( if you really are you are excused ).

Making excuses means you will never try to help yourself so it is not a good sign.

Deny ignorance......

What do you think that means ? Or are you on here only paying lip service to that motto as well.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 01:52 PM


posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by thedeadtruth
Some of the excuses that have been put up here are pathetic. I am sorry fatties but the truth is, the ONLY way you got fat was by eating too much for your own personal metabolism.

It is disgusting you can lie to yourself, lay blame on others for selling you junk food, and basically not take responsibility for something everybody knows you are in perfect control of. Even worse when you make up some fake medical condition to account for you getting fat. 1 in 10,000 have a medical / gland condition that causes weight gain, so chances are you are not one of them ( if you really are you are excused ).

Making excuses means you will never try to help yourself so it is not a good sign.

Deny ignorance......

What do you think that means ? Or are you on here only paying lip service to that motto as well.

So how does being a complete jackwagon to people want to make them do anything? Eh? You obviously have no understanding (just like every other scientist in the world) of what really is behind the obesity epidemic. It is a relatively new thing. You assume far too much, just like many other posters do in here. How are you so positive that obese people stuff their faces with nothing but junk food day after day? Is it because that's what your state run media tells you? You must have some serious insecurities with yourself if you keep targeting people with extra weight. You'd think being a mortician that you would look forward to making an extra commission off of the XXL coffins for the "fatties." Hell, you stay in business when people die. So what's your problem? Get real and stop spreading your hate. If you want to be helpful, give advice, give examples of what to do, and stop being so damn obtuse. You want people to listen to you? Drop the attitude.

Deny ignorance indeed.

Peace be with you.


posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

I have a breathing problem that started when I accidentally
inhaled plastic dust at a factory I worked in.
This problem has started a chain reaction I wouldn't wish
on my worst enemy.
Perfumes,scented candles and spray deodorants cause
serious infections in my lungs if I smell them.
Each time that I get sick from smelling something,it takes
stronger and stronger medications to clear the infections.
The last time this happened to me,I gained 12 lbs in three
days.I have not been able to get that weight off since.

Please be a little more understanding.Some people really
do have medical conditions that effect their way of life.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yp all the Americ....sorry, fatties out there???

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels

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