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Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why?

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posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:14 AM


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:23 AM

If you read and understand those two links above – you will start to understand the power of the combination of two databases one for DNA and one of Genealogy Family Trees.

Add in the Police (and other agencies) databases of drivers licenses and addresses etc…

Guess what. it doesn’t matter if your DNA’s on a database or not or whether the police have your fingerprints etc, the COMBINATION of this data – along with the human genome project, effectively means that:-

By combining various databases like this it is possible to create your genetic DNA profile from family members DNA already on the database, and your family tree from the CLDS Genealogy database.

Big deal I hear you thinking If I’ve done nothing wrong I have nothing to fear.

Maybe so and maybe not.

Where it will be of even MORE value than to just police is to agencies like the CIA who want to ID spy’s operating anywhere in the world – doesn’t matter how deep their cover provided by their agency even facial reconstruction surgery, removal of fingerprints isn’t going to matter, because their families DNA and the genealogical family tree will allow such agencies to create a DNA profile from extrapolation of known family DNA data.

Again that shouldn’t worry you as Joe Citizen… Unless:-

Unless some One World Government wants to introduce RFID chips for the worlds population!

Using these vast databases TPTB will be able to have your chip pre programmed with all of your data including DNA and even finger prints, eye retina, ear shape and so on, even if you’ve never been in trouble with the law – it will be possible to generate your complete profile from known data on family members, is enough to start piecing the whole jigsaw puzzle together.

The old "Beast of Revelations" is rearing his ugly head, with this 666 mark of the beast project.

CLDS will get paid $millions (they already are) for using their religious zealot volunteers for compiling this vast & important enslavement tool for mankind genealogy database!.

Those unwitting zealots don’t even know that they are being used as part of this monstrous plan against humankind with their religious fervor and desire to do volunteer work ‘on behalf of God”.

If they REALLY knew who it is they are working for they would throw themselves prostrate on the ground and beg forgiveness. Sit in sack cloth with ashes on their heads!

This is a diabolical new world order plot and it will be the basis for genetically engineered plague viruses designed to eliminate large numbers of mankind while NOT being effective “against the chosen ones”.

Avoiding 'the mark of the beast' will soon become basically impossible, for anyone in society with a tax file number, social security number, drivers license, job etc

Short of successfully faking your own death (and their are ways) and dropping off the electronic radar, with CASH and a hideaway cave in the mountains somewhere – your just about screwed in essence.

Now does anyone see the import of this genealogical data and why it has to be computerized?

The combination of databases & power of computing, will be the ordinary citizens undoing!

People give theirs and their families data to these genealogical web sites as a “hobby” (often without obtaining permission from the family members) or out of a misguided sense of religious fervor!

Did anyone notice “face book” the social networking site has just added a new feature identifying your relatives online?

The data is being methodically gathered and many are being paid big $ to gather it – the BIG CON is in getting people to provide that data for free as a hobby or for fun!

Once it is being used against you and you find yourself implanted against your will with RFID chips…… will be too late, to enter the Kingdom of God in Heaven.

We’ve been warned about this but people seemingly can’t wait for the powerful elites to do their evil.


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by ianmoone1

Wow! Thank you for posting. That is a lot of shocking information to absorb all at one time. It looks like you have really put the puzzle pieces together. This is a nightmare scenario! What are the chances that people can be made aware of this in time to keep it from happening?

I have comments on some other issues you brought up, but right now I just have to catch my breath after reading your post!

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Alethea

Your more than welcome Alethea.

I suggest that you copy and save it - the Mods here that work for TPTB are systematically going thru and deleting my threads a LOT of the info I have posted with down load links of proof, because far from the tripe that the kids on here post and read - what I have been posting re bone fide "states secrets" and DHS (Dept Homeland Security) are onto the site owner, to have my posts systematically expunged because "I know too much" and am letting the proverbial cat outta the bag.

Because I'm not a citizen of the USA (and Aussie like Assange purports to be) they can't stop me in my home country, so they have to stop my posts at forums that are hosted by US companys.

Sadly ATS is anything BUT above top secret - they arentallowed to post anything here even approaching secret status.

Pretty much this is a forum for pretenders and wannabes spy's - any REAL spy would know enough to run rings around most of the kids from the short attention span theater, who post here.

The Mods are proving that each and every day as they now trawl thru trying to findout which of my posts have spilled states secrets.

Save copies is my advice....because this will disappear within hours most likely.

There are some things they would prefer the population didn't join the obvious dots and that us damn foreigners who can still think for ourselves didn't keep pointing out to their citizens.


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Alethea
How did this organization come to have unrestricted access to all of the census records?

Maybe that's why they ride their bicycles to everybody's house. Perhaps the government has given them some sort of technology to detect how many people are in the house looking through the peep hole trying to be super quiet so they just go away...

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:37 AM
The simple answer is,and my sister/aunt/mother are Mormons unfortunately

# the data bases are so they can baptist everyone as Mormons, so as they can be saved whether you like it or not you may have already been baptized as a Mormon

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Alethea

It's already readily available, start collecting news papers. The reason why its tucked away, is to preserve it. Mormons value history and historical records, thus they place a substantial emphasis upon such records as family history all the way down to local news papers. History can tell you who you are and where you are going. If you don't know where you have been and the mistakes that where made, then you are doomed to repeat those mistakes. Also, think about the scued sense of history our children have now. Isn't it worth having historical documents preserved in such a manor?

Sure, you can call it a conspiracy to preserve history.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by clanger

Thats not really true. That is too simplistic of an answer.
You need to delve into Mormon doctrine to understand it. Go get the book and read it.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by ianmoone1

I hope people take you seriously ianmoone1. I've seen some of your posts 'round about, and you usually have good info to share.

I've been waiting for someone to post something like this because I find that too often when I post things that are too controversial, people just don't get it, and I get little response. Like they're just too far off the trail to even consider the possibility.

SO, let me add to the weight of what you're sharing here. The most important recent "experiment" that puts all the pieces together is still ongoing, and it is the DNA database project in Iceland approved by Iceland's parliament in 1998. At the time, it was news, and there was controversy, but today, we seldom hear of anything.

Iceland is an interesting genetic case study, quite similar to the Mormons, because Icelanders are in effect one big extended family. Of course, their relative isolation, and thousand years of history made them this way, not plural marriage. Mormons were able to skip quite a few centuries to accomplish the same levels of consanguinity, so there are parallels here.

There are other interesting things about why Iceland was chosen, including their traditional love for keeping track of their ancestors. Hmmm.

Today we see that the Iceland DNA Project does indeed merge genealogy, medical history, and DNA info that was mostly "voluntarily" contributed by a population that was fooled into thinking it was a "good" thing.

Interestingly, how it ended up, wasn't exactly how it was "sold" to Icelanders in the beginning. An outfit called deCODE had actually been working on it before the project was officially approved, and over the next several years was able to make the changes they needed, to merge all the info into one database. The result was called, "The Book of Icelanders". No doubt, they knew exactly what they were doing from the get-go.

Some findings have to do with arthritis, and MS in the population, and the goal was to perhaps allow this info to lead to new drugs, and treatments. But things are usually wrapped up nicely, even when more sinister things are beneath the surface.

Make no mistake ATS, what ianmoone1 has shared is exactly what's going on, and while it's obvious the average Mormon has no clue about the part they play, people need to get past the emotional nonsense. Yes, Mormons you may know are probably "nice", but don't let that stop you from getting to the bottom of these issues.


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by dontreally

Actually, the Church is a restoration of the Original Ancient Church of Jesus Christ. It has been around since the beginning. Not 150 years.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by ianmoone1

I suggest that you copy and save it - the Mods here that work for TPTB are systematically going thru and deleting my threads a LOT of the info I have posted with down load links of proof, because far from the tripe that the kids on here post and read - what I have been posting re bone fide "states secrets" and DHS (Dept Homeland Security) are onto the site owner, to have my posts systematically expunged because "I know too much" and am letting the proverbial cat outta the bag.

The Mods are proving that each and every day as they now trawl thru trying to findout which of my posts have spilled states secrets.

Save copies is my advice....because this will disappear within hours most likely.

There are some things they would prefer the population didn't join the obvious dots and that us damn foreigners who can still think for ourselves didn't keep pointing out to their citizens.

Well, it looks like you have made the ATS "MOST WANTED" list. lol. Maybe they could just move this into R.A.T.S.??

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by clanger
The simple answer is,and my sister/aunt/mother are Mormons unfortunately

# the data bases are so they can baptist everyone as Mormons, so as they can be saved whether you like it or not you may have already been baptized as a Mormon

That's just the cover story to please the zealot slaves to convince them that "they are doing god's work".
Amazing that people can be convinced that baptising the dead is an order from god. Never heard of any other religion with such an outrageous tale. And it's certainly not in bible scripture.
edit on 14-12-2010 by Alethea because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks

Originally posted by Annee
As it was explained to me - - the Mormons (like every religion - believe they are right) - - so they offer their doctrine through baptism to those who haven't been or may not have had the opportunity to "accept the true gospel". It is not automatic. It has to be accepted by the person it is being offered to. So you really aren't forcing baptism. You are offering the option.

...heya, annee... stayin warm?...

...i mustve misunderstood the whole enchilada... i thought folks were saying theres a mormon custom of baptising non-mormon folks AFTER they're dead via using the deceased's name in a baptism ritual...

...o'well, i've been wrong before...

You are right - - - sort of.

As far as I know (I was only Mormon for 5 years - but my husband was born into it). The genealogy is for "keeping the tribes together" so to speak. It is genealogy for the sake of genealogy. However - it provides a list of names that can be used for baptism of the dead. Death records and other lists are also used.

Yes Mormons (in good standing) go through actual baptisms for the dead. But it has to be accepted by the Living Spirit in the Spirit World. Mormons do not believe in forcing their belief. The baptism can be rejected by the Living Spirit in the Spirit World.

My husband officially resigned from the church because of Prop 8. All his life he admired his religion - even when he wasn't following it - - because of their belief of living their belief - - but not forcing it on others. (Just to cover Proselytizing so there is no confusion. Spreading the gospel is offering teachings. It is not suposed to be forced. If you say NO - - that is supposed to be accepted. However - in human nature some missionaries can be more forceful then others).

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:29 AM
Wow. I just read every post in this thread.

The amount of ignorance here about mormons is staggering. Truly staggering.

I've been Mormon "cult" member for 35 years. Somewhat inactive though. I'm a very independent thinker. I do not blindly follow. There are things church leaders have said or done that I have openly disagreed with, and still do.

I have read every "negative" piece of information on mormons out there. For those of you that say mormons don't know their true history or don't know what "really goes on" higher up, you can't say that about me.

There is likely NOTHING you can show me or try to prove to me about Mormons that I don't already know. I have heard it all.

I am also one of those 25,000 volunteers that helps sorting out genealogy records (although I'm pretty lazy at it).

That being said, I would be happy to answer any questions from anyone here that has legitimate questions or concerns they want to clear up about something they heard. I have no dog in this race and I will give you the straight answer whether it be positive or negative towards the LDS church.

Here are a few off the top of my head: is NOT owned by the LDS church
Mormons are NOT required to memorize to some level of their family history.
That video posted is NOT a mormon baptism for the dead.
There is not "genital touching" in the church, at least sanctioned by the church, in any ceremony anywhere.
Mormons are encouraged to think critically and not blindly obey any mortal person. They are encouraged to find answers on their knees, not listen to leaders to tell them what to do.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Ask away.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:30 AM
The relationship between Freemasonry and the Latter-day Saint movement began early in the history of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, Jr. and several of the church founders were Freemasons, and were founding members of a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois in March 1842.[1] There are some similarities between Mormon temple worship and symbolism and the stories and symbols of Freemasonry.[2] In modern times,

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:32 AM
In the bible. They start with a long list of names families.
It seems important to them to trace back to adam and eve (lilith).
Maybe they are going to Wright a new bible?
That can trace back to eve and adam?

just an idea.
And if you are not on that list?
They send you to hell!

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by 777isall
The relationship between Freemasonry and the Latter-day Saint movement began early in the history of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, Jr. and several of the church founders were Freemasons, and were founding members of a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois in March 1842.[1] There are some similarities between Mormon temple worship and symbolism and the stories and symbols of Freemasonry.[2] In modern times, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) holds no position for or against the compatibility of Masonry with LDS Church doctrine.[citation needed]

you can fill in the blanks here folks, Its not to baptize thier elders its to pass along the curse...

The LDS church has no ties with any Masonic organization.
Joseph Smith was a Mason on the side (he studied many things, as should everyone), he said many of the ordinances that Masonry had, contained some historical truth to them - namely some of their ceremonies. He took some, altered them to be more "correct" and put them in the temple. That's the extent of Mormon masonry.

If you are convinced that Masonry and/or all of it's boring ceremonies are somehow "evil" - Well then I don't know what to tell you, sounds like a personal choice to believe so.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by buddha
In the bible. They start with a long list of names families.
It seems important to them to trace back to adam and eve (lilith).
Maybe they are going to Wright a new bible?
That can trace back to eve and adam?

just an idea.
And if you are not on that list?
They send you to hell!

They simply believe that the ordinance of Baptism MUST be performed on this Earth in this world, for physical reasons we don't understand. So because Baptism must be done in the mortal flesh, Mormons believe there are potentially millions of people that have passed on that are waiting for someone to perform that ordinance for them.

That's it. That's why they do genealogy.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by thrustbucket

Originally posted by 777isall
The relationship between Freemasonry and the Latter-day Saint movement began early in the history of Mormonism. Joseph Smith, Jr. and several of the church founders were Freemasons, and were founding members of a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois in March 1842.[1] There are some similarities between Mormon temple worship and symbolism and the stories and symbols of Freemasonry.[2] In modern times, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) holds no position for or against the compatibility of Masonry with LDS Church doctrine.[citation needed]

you can fill in the blanks here folks, Its not to baptize thier elders its to pass along the curse...

The LDS church has no ties with any Masonic organization.
Joseph Smith was a Mason on the side (he studied many things, as should everyone), he said many of the ordinances that Masonry had, contained some historical truth to them - namely some of their ceremonies. He took some, altered them to be more "correct" and put them in the temple. That's the extent of Mormon masonry.

If you are convinced that Masonry and/or all of it's boring ceremonies are somehow "evil" - Well then I don't know what to tell you, sounds like a personal choice to believe so.

If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck its a duck! Freemason are not Christian... Yeshua loves you
edit on 14-12-2010 by 777isall because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by 777isall
If it walks like a duck, Talks like a duck its a duck! Freemason are not Christian...
edit on 14-12-2010 by 777isall because: (no reason given)

Of course not. But they do require you believe in a "diety". So? What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

The belief is that much of Masonic ceremonies were passed down throughout the ages from the Temple of Solomon. They could have easily lost their meanings, purpose, or source over thousands of years.

If someone borrows some of those ceremonies and "fixes them", how does that invalidate everything else? How does that make a church that openly worships Christ and puts Christ at the center of everything suddenly not Christian?

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