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Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why?

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posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
The information is very basic: name, birth date, birth location, spouse name, children, death date, and burial information. There is no collection of health data, no collection of medical data, nothing even close to that information.

I did not say that the LDS records contained health data, biometrics, etc.
My point is that the information being collected now with full body scans, iris scans, digital fingerprints, DNA, etc. will eventually be merged with current records. DNA can be verified posthumously as well.

I think this is more than an entertaining pastime of curiosity about ancestry. As I mentioned earlier I suspect there were many genetic experiments that came out of the Third Reich and are still being conducted today.

In the past, this kind of information has been used to determine genocide.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Hajooj and majooj was locked up in a cave with their armies.

In the end of times, they will be released from the cave and will try to take over the world.

Did it say 25000 volunteers, or 25000 armed soldiers?

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Alethea

I am Mormon - I have not been to church since I was twelve. I loved that life but when my parents divorced, it was game over for our church life. Marriage is still honored in the church and giving in to the anger issues and differences they did after 15 years of marriage and let go of our family, destroyed our church life.

Never once in those years of church did I ever hear of polygamy. It isn't something that is discussed or acknowledged anymore. It is a basic teaching of Jesus Christ our Savior - the Heavenly Father - and the Holy Spirit.

The added Book of Mormon is the only difference - by Joseph Smith. Again, no plural marriage is discussed in today teaching.

The data base is from current and lost members. I have to tell you - I have been married for 20 years and I have moved at least 14 times in that time. Every time I move they find me and try to reconnect. I have often thought about returning. They come with a soft humble approach to my door, asking how I am doing and if they can come and do home teaching.

My guess is that data base consists of lost members, current members and members who have been lost from situations like my family - divorce and other issues.

I still love the church, however returning at this point is an unsure issue. There is nothing strange going on - they just take care of their own and keep track because - for Mormon's - after all, it is all about family and staying in the grace of God and keeping ones self pure.

I never drank tea, coke, or had any other caffeinated or impure store sold items for the first 10 years of my life so it isn't a bad thing! I have more than made up for it now - but that first decade of life - the body was a temple. I was baptized in the Mesa Temple, and I can't think of a more fonder/pure memory than that day of marble white and total spiritual cleansing.

Again, the data base is just keeping track - for what we all fear. Utah is still Zion to the Mormon's and the stockpiles of grain/food/water are for its faithful.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 09:56 PM
Because they pray. There is a sub-sect of Mormons that believe souls can be saved after they have been judged and consigned to hell. Oh I know you giggle at the thought of heaven and hell, you are far too intelligent and educated and sophisticated to believe in such superstitious nonsense. But they pray for your soul none the less. They spend their most precious commodity, time, on behalf of people they never knew, many of whom would insult them. Have you ever done anything so selfless?

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by arizonascott

I have to tell you - I have been married for 20 years and I have moved at least 14 times in that time. Every time I move they find me and try to reconnect... They come with a soft humble approach to my door, asking how I am doing and if they can come and do home teaching.

This is stalking behavior.
Someone is going to a lot of trouble to find you.
I hear that Jehovah Witnesses and Scientologists track down their members who try to disassociate and some who try to escape*.

Reminds me of this: "information technology--in the form of IBM's Hollerith punch-card machines--provided the Nazis with a unique and critical tool in their task of cataloguing and dispatching their millions of victims."

Read more:

Those who join the Sea Org dedicate their lives to Scientology and sign a 1-billion-year contract, to symbolize their commitment to serve in this life and the next ones. Many of those who leave undergo a "security check'' to see if they have ill intentions for the church, and many are cut off from contact with family still in Scientology.

Read what happens when the Org tries to enforce those billion-year contracts:

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Alethea

I find it just the opposite. Loving people come to my door, offer me their time and only want to help my life and walking closer with my "higher power".

What would be strange is if you went to a small town church formed by who knows who, give ten percent of your earnings as tithes for years - and you don't show up for a month,year and no one cares.

I find it heart lifting to know the church still cares, they bring my family homemade brownies or pie at Christmas, they go to my 72 yr old mothers house and pray with her and guide her. They never ask anything of us - and yes - they haven't given up on our family in all this time.

People can label anything - they see what they want to see - perhaps a reflection of animosity towards those who have experiences in something they have shunned, don't understand or avoided all their life.

However - I call it the strength of God and a human will to save and help as many as possible. Because isn't that what Christ was all about - spreading the message of love - peace, and brotherhood to man? Does everyone have to fear what they don't understand? Isn't that what kills people more than anything else?

I see the hatred around me - for no reason! People get mad for the simplest things, guy standing at a store counter to long, car driving to slow and someone goes off on them, cops at the neighbors house for domestic incident. It is too easy to shun each other/neighbors at every turn. It is almost like they want to destroy compassion for the near/close to us all. It is like they want to destroy families, no jobs - weathering the financial storm. There is a reason all this is happening. Why is it so hard to go to a neighbors house, shake hands, get to know them and know/learn who you are living next too. It might be the best thing you have ever done! I have found peace in opening up to those around me.

The test of human love - understanding - peace and compassion.

I am far from being anything special in my Lords eyes - but I can see what this world, our direct environment and neighborhoods are turning into! Suspicious neighbors watching as you drive by - instead of waving - they lower a hand to shelter their eyes from the sun to get a better look at you just in case. It is getting crazy. Extend a hand - give someone needy a buck - donate used things instead of throwing it away.

I know - it sounds like preaching - and I am not. It is a common bond we all have and share to help each other out. It is what "USED" to make us strong. Reach out - help someone - the feeling you have and get will be something of a magnitude 10.0 quake inside you, and you might actually understand!

It is Christmas - not X-mas! It is time to help others - and it comes back to you 10 fold! Trust me - love is such a simple word - but it rules hate without even a glance!

Addition - I never wore white undershirts or underwear to protect me from this world. A friend of mine I worked with at one time did. I thought it strange. Just wanted to ad that.
edit on 13-12-2010 by arizonascott because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:28 PM
Ahh it's not that big of a deal. It's the same thing Jews do to identify "Real Jews".

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by arizonascott

I have to tell you - I have been married for 20 years and I have moved at least 14 times in that time. Every time I move they find me and try to reconnect... They come with a soft humble approach to my door, asking how I am doing and if they can come and do home teaching.

This is stalking behavior.
Someone is going to a lot of trouble to find you.

No it is not. If you are still a legitimate member of the church - - you are like family. Other members or family members will report your new location - - because they care.

You can stop it by officially resigning from the church.

Thank you to the Mormons who have responded to this thread. The lies and misconceptions about Mormons is insane.

I was Mormon for 5 years. I married a man who was raised Mormon and we gave it a try as a married couple. It didn't work out because it was just too fundamental Christian for me.

Honestly - - If I could find a group run like the Mormons run their organization - - minus the religion - - I'd sign up in a nano-second.

It is one of the most positive experiences of my life.

LOL - as for the underwear - - - I just couldn't do the cap sleeve. If it had been a tank top - I would have been fine with it.


I have been to the genealogy center at the Los Angeles Temple. It is quite amazing.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Well, to be on topic, I will state that I don't think this is anything nefarious at all and that you are, if serious, in need of moving past the histrionic schoolboy/schoolgirl phase. If this is an intellectual exercise to glean info, Kudos. Also, the Mormons I have met were nothing like hellfire evangelicals. They were very polite, and they did not incite fear.

I will also say that the supposed document in the post to which I am replying is intriguing, to say the least. The alien astronaut theorists on here could have a field day. But I will simply say that it does make sense from a developmental standpoint. Basically believe that you were in a higher state, imagine it, and then work towards it making good habits along the way.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:39 PM
If I wanted to get a record of all the folks on the planet here is how I'd do it.

I'd start a religion.

I'd make it a commandment of that religion to strictly adhere to family "values" and honor the family first - to get people to feel that knowing all about family is important.

I'd then make sure that folks know that all family, past and future, are important; including outcasts, the less fortunate etc. No one is insignificant.

I'd work to breed that into the language of the teachings and for a generation or two. Until it becomes the foundation, and is no longer thought about or questioned.

After I had at least on full generation of folks committed to the church, I'd ask them to see that this connection to family is so important, that they should think about new ways to connect to the past family. I'd tell them that god wants the past ones, sinners and good ones alike, to be brought to the kingdom. I might say god doesn't know who's who, but they smarter ones might figure this out. So I tell them that we god said we can baptize them in absentia, and he wants to do it for everyone, even the non believers - god's work. Doing god's work will get them points, better jobs in heaven, more earthly stuff.

Then I'd send them out to collect names, read docs, talk to people. I would not pay them for this, but tell them it is god's work. I'd ask them to seek out every rock and look under it to find the true lineage of everyone so that these folks to get to heaven.

I'd ask the church members to do this by donating time and money. I'd tell them the vault was to protect the information should something happen, like a comet hitting earth - I'd leave out the part that god should know all of this and paper records are silly. I'd sell the idea, a vague idea, as a monument to altruism, a gift to all, a blessing for the living and the dead.

After generation 3 or 4 I'd stop talking about the purpose and leave it about god. It will soon become a mindless job where folks don't think, so I will never bring up anything that might get them thinking. This will be what they do, collect, catalog and protect.

I'd use the church idea to do this as church's lasts - governments fall, people who work in public sector jobs get lazy. No one would volunteer. Church's will keep going, but in order to keep it going I'd make them go out to get new people. I can't have my plan to fail so I need a steady stream of folks to keep the system going, I'd demand the take time in the teen years to collect both data and people.

I'd do this so that when I came to earth to control the planet, I'd know which DNA group to keep and which to kill. DNA is the key, not IQ, money, location, because DNA stores things very vital and the records would make sorting things out more easy.

The vault, no one gets in while I'm in there looking through the information.

This will all be done for me and not a bit of my time spent.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:40 PM
The Mormons are dangerous and completely delusional human beings. They should be avoided and ignored at all costs

Give these scumbags no attention.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

The fact you say that is alarming (Mormons Dangerous). What purpose would you have to say that - what do you have to back that up? As fast as the world is decaying from a spiritual and family oriented stand point, with strength in family becoming a divorce joke, what is the reason?

I don't get attacking something pure - in this day and age of impure habits - impure eating and impure thoughts!

That to me - is the joke!
edit on 13-12-2010 by arizonascott because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:55 PM
link of my uncles is mormon and he's a really old fart - 80 or so... he said - way back when this got started, common folk didnt know what to do with old family bibles when there was no longer any family to take care of it... so, the mormons set up a donation type of thing... it took off like hotcakes - made folks feel better because no one wanted to throw away a bible, especially one that had family tree records in it, and local libraries werent interested in collecting thousands upon thousands of bibles...

...theres no conspiracy here, imo... i'm an atheist, never been anything else, but i could go up to slc and research my family if i had the need (which, luckily, i dont)... theres no gestapo there... no one asks you if you're mormon... no one cares... the records library is open to the public and it has rules to protect the archives but you're gonna find that in any records library... i think the lds provides a wonderful service...

...and about the non-consentual after-death baptism thingy... when you're dead, you wont care one way or the other - but - in case i'm wrong and you dont like it, you can always come back and haunt the crap out em, if thats what floats your boat... its silly stuff, imo...

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Mormons put a huge emphasis on geneology, to the point of obsession. If a nuclear war or huge cataclysm happens, they want to still run. That's my official answer.

Now, here are some fun conspiracies to throw around!:
1. They are gathering information on the human race for their ET masters
2. They are looking for viable bloodline from which the Anti-Christ can be born
3. They want to be able to find anyone's door at any time

Fun fact: I once allowed Mormon missionaries in to discuss their religion (hey, I like learning about religions and I got the Book of Mormon for free out of it. Too bad Muslims don't go door to door, I would really like a free Koran) since then, almost every website I go to has a ad.

edit on 13-12-2010 by kallisti36 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:02 PM
My brother is a high priest in the morman church and I have studied it for twenty plus years. Most mormans don't really understand their official doctrine, they say they do because of "classes" they took, but are clueless to the real church doctrine because most only know what they are taught,with levels of information they are taught.Further more Very few study their religion on their own, only waiting to be "taught" .
Yes it is a cult based on the five foundations of the "Christian" doctrine they don't believe Jesus is God.The other four are,virgin birth,Trinity,resurrection ,forgiveness by the shedding of blood.
They think Holiness is earned.
I played basketball with them in a league. The bishop wouldn't have been qualified to hand out cupcakes at Sunday school at the Christian church I went to, based on the manifestation of anger and pride through out their team.It was shameful. I couldn't believe these " leaders " were leading anything.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Xzorter
My brother is a high priest in the morman church and I have studied it for twenty plus years. Most mormans don't really understand their official doctrine, they say they do because of "classes" they took, but are clueless to the real church doctrine because most only know what they are taught,with levels of information they are taught.Further more Very few study their religion on their own, only waiting to be "taught" .
Yes it is a cult based on the five foundations of the "Christian" doctrine they don't believe Jesus is God.The other four are,virgin birth,Trinity,resurrection ,forgiveness by the shedding of blood.
They think Holiness is earned.
I played basketball with them in a league. The bishop wouldn't have been qualified to hand out cupcakes at Sunday school at the Christian church I went to, based on the manifestation of anger and pride through out their team.It was shameful. I couldn't believe these " leaders " were leading anything.
I'm more concerned by their masonic and occult connections, it's what sets them apart from other psuedo-Christian groups like JW's and Christadelphians. They have masonic and occult symbols everywhere in their temples (inverted stars and such) and have masonic talismans on their underwear (compass, phalic square, and a meter across the waist). Despite occult connections, I don't believe Mormons are evil, atleast not the laymen. Infact I've never met any Mormon who wasn't nice.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by kallisti36

Hit the nail on the head - thanks



But you got the Genealogy thing pretty spot on
edit on 13-12-2010 by arizonascott because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Xzorter

High Priest - It is call the Priesthood - A Bishop and the Priesthood. And it is more like an in church holy President and his selected Counsel

It is a joke to even think of it any other way.
edit on 13-12-2010 by arizonascott because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks

...and about the non-consentual after-death baptism thingy... when you're dead, you wont care one way or the other - but - in case i'm wrong and you dont like it, you can always come back and haunt the crap out em, if thats what floats your boat... its silly stuff, imo...

As it was explained to me - - the Mormons (like every religion - believe they are right) - - so they offer their doctrine through baptism to those who haven't been or may not have had the opportunity to "accept the true gospel". It is not automatic. It has to be accepted by the person it is being offered to. So you really aren't forcing baptism. You are offering the option.

posted on Dec, 13 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Short answer, because Mormons believe in the Bible, the end times, which won't be pretty, many will die, many things will be destroyed, the vaults need to be apocalypse-proof, short answer. They actually believe that genealogy, families, are the most important thing on earth.

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