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Mormons Have World's Largest Database on Human Race: Why?

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posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

methinks you missed the point of the post...rather than explain what the morms are up perhaps may have looked to WHY they are keeping these records...

The only obvious answer to keeping such records is for aftertime use, because the only reason that makes any sense whatsoever is WHY the bunker in granite...ans: to withstand earth quakes and have a survival site. following this reasoning, the only reason to keep such records is to KNOW who is who when everyone wants into the bunker when TSHTF

the mormons are part and parcel of the elite, the middle manager rulers of the people.

The only reason for keeping archilves is for survival...but the problem is their bunkers all stocked with food and bibles or LDS dogma but can only hold some 100,000 or so, although they claim 1,000, order to weed out the undesirables the morms need a database of dna and as not to corrupt their geneology.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by 777isall

Annee: Woman , Even though they are treated as being closer to god in higher consciousness.

Wow once again were full circle sounds a lot like the Craft... quack quack!

Get Real! Once again you are presenting your twisted view and making drama where there isn't any.

The person I addressed that do - - knows exactly what I mean - - as does everyone else for that matter.

Women tend to be more nuturing and intuitive then men. The church recognizes that. Its that simple.

Women tend to have vaginas, and accompanying parts. Men tend to have outie parts.

After that, everything you associate to innies and outies is nothing but bias.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by 777isall

youve exhausted your knowledge of hebrew, im guessing.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

Women tend to have vaginas, and accompanying parts. Men tend to have outie parts.

After that, everything you associate to innies and outies is nothing but bias.

Yes - I realize you think you are intelligent - - connected - - and experienced in life.

Women's brains and men's brains are wired differently. Do some more research.
edit on 14-12-2010 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by ianmoone1

solomon was the son of david, not the other way around.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ianmoone1

The Mothers nucleic DNA is 46 chromosomes from HER parents egg and sperm, and THIS DNA makes up the childs Mitochindrial DNA.

All the cells wallsin the entire body have the Mothers nuceic DNA in it as the new entitys mitochndrial DNA!.

So from the childs mitochondrial DNA, you have an exact copy of the mothers nuceic DNA (which is made up of the 2 matriarchal lineages grandparents nuceic DNA)!

This part is entirely not right.

Here is a nice tutorial.
edit on 2010/12/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Aeons

Women tend to be more nuturing and intuitive then men. The church recognizes that. Its that simple.

Women tend to have vaginas, and accompanying parts. Men tend to have outie parts.

After that, everything you associate to innies and outies is nothing but bias.

Yes - I realize you think you are intelligent - - connected - - and experienced in life.

Women's brains and men's brains are wired differently. Do some more research.

Brains are plastic. And I don't mean the hydrocarbon type.
edit on 2010/12/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

edit on 2010/12/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Alethea

I believe a lot of strange genealogical experiments took place during the Hitler regime and continued afterward.

Could please enlighten me as to what a genealogical experiment might be? The Nazis performed many medical experiments on people, but as far as I am aware the words medical and genealogical are not synonymous.

I believe that certain genealogical information could be used for future genocide.

Perhaps you could further enlighten me on this point seeing as the LDS records are not for the greater part modern day records, and actually going forward in genealogy can be very difficult. Obviously you are not a researcher in this area. I have yet to come across genocide committed on dead people so I am not quite sure how "they" would use this information.

I believe that in the past, many families destroyed their records simply because of those dangers. This is true of those descendants of American Indians.

Many families just did not bother to keep the records so I believe that your belief is incorrect. That is not the same as destroying them. There might be a perceived need to destroy your family records if you had something to hide, but I think that until relatively modern time most people had no interest especially since there was no way to research without a great deal of time, effort and expense.

I don't believe these records have been laboriously put together just for our reminiscence. I think this may hold answers as to why "they" want our DNA and biometric confirmations. And I am apprehensive that this may be used to sinister purposes.

First you should stop misusing the word biometric.

Biometrics comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.


Secondly DNA records have only very recently been introduced into genealogy and it is a fascinating insight into your ancestry. Believe me if "they" want your DNA they will get it, and it will have nothing to do with genealogical records and family history!

Frankly your apprehension is not only unfounded but borders on paranoia. Remove the tin-foil hat. You need the soothing brain waves. They will make you feel better. Trust me.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

You haven't read the thread very well. The LDS church has free internet access to the geneology files:
LDS Geneology Site--FREE to use by anyone

Go there and learn what we have, what we collect, and why all this talk of conspiracies and ulterior motives is just stupid.

Don't know what we are or what we teach? Go here:
LDS Church site, also free
edit on 14-12-2010 by stars15k because: Adding another site.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:10 PM
I suppose it could come in handy to determine how closely related your prospective 3rd wife is to you? Bigamy and inbreeding make for strange bedfellows...lololol

edit: this is purely in jest.
edit on 14-12-2010 by primus2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by primus2012

Originally, this probably was exactly why they were doing it. The FLDS as a modern descendent of this practice is doing it in the same vein of though as tracking good cattle breeding, and for about the same reason.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:20 PM
Could it be that The Mormons are trying Do The Same Trying to make something like

The Akashic Records

The Table Contents for the Beings in The Solar System Of this Star Our (SUN) For the Record of the Cosmos ?

I wouldn't be surprised if the Mormans Has Our DNA! Either ! On File ! With out your Consent ! & Knowledge

Akashic 'Hall of records'.,

akashic records part 1

AKASHIC Records (Wiki)

The Akashic Records: What Are They?

I Know this is way out there but to me its the only Reason I can think of !

Heres Something
Evidence of Why The Mormons are Important of The Geology of records
Just one Man

Family History... More than just names and dates.

another Just by word of Mouth alone down History is Alex Hailey ROOTS
Kunta Kinte

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by ianmoone1

The question then arises, how did tejews of 2000+ years ago, KNOW, That the MATRIARCHIAL LINEAGE, carried THE MITOCONDRIAL DNA - OF THE MOTHER! did they KNOW that ones Jewish DNA was carriedby the matriarchal lineage NOT the fathers lineage. Again - what is the whole point of Joseph the carpenters family lineage in the gospels - all the way back to King David, in suport of Jesus right to the crown of Jerusalem as "King of the Jews" if Joseph the carpenter wasn't Jesus blood (nucleic DNA) father? Surely from Jewish law & Mitochondrial DNA (Matriarchal tree) perspective, the lineage of Mary, Jesus MOTHER, is FAr and away more important in Jesus claims to be a titular king of the Jews, and thier Jachin Pillar in the temple as their high priest?

Shalom to you too ianmoone1.

I can see you have quite the interest in these matters!

Years ago, a Jewish friend of mine introduced me to some of these ideas, which probably could be called "Jesus from the Jewish perspective". One thing he loved saying about the celibate Jesus, "A Jewish male 2,000 years ago, not married?? Are you kidding?? NOT POSSIBLE!" And yet, the average Christian probably wouldn't really get it. We live within our culture, and era, and few would ever even find something like this "strange", unless it was pointed out to them. Of course, this friend of mine had to be careful not to say too many things like this to certain Christians, because he would immediately be dismissed as saying these things, simply because he's a Jew, and "had an axe to grind." But it made sense to me.

One small thing to add (you had a long post), the "priestly pillar" you mention, Jachin, also is spelled "Joachim", and tradition holds that he was the Virgin Mary's Father, Jesus' grandfather. Not being a religionist myself, I do see the probability for major concoction (or corruption at the very minimum) when it comes to these matters. Religionists do have explanations for these things, and certainly while Mary's lineage is seemingly minimized, she is presented still as of the House of David. So, Jesus is covered either way, conveniently enough.

Back to genetics, since it has more to do with this thread, I have seen some of the things you mention about mitochondrial DNA and "Jewishness" thrown around by Jews. It is something they obsess about, and even more so when evidence became better known in the 1970's that most of the Ashkenazim were more likely descended from Khazars. Ever since, it seems that they have "fought back", trying perhaps too hard to reclaim that ancient link.

Obviously, this is a controversial issue, and I'm sure we should just wait and see what new things are revealed, but I have noticed that Jews seem to be biased here, perhaps jumping to conclusions with some of the science that really isn't able (yet) to penetrate the ancient past, unless a lot of assumptions are made. And when you really, really want to make that Israelite connection, well, things can get stretched. Certainly the groups that today's Jews have shown disdain for, the Ethiopian Jews, and Cochin Jews (from India), have not fared too well. The mtDNA haplotyping craze has been used to virtually "demote" these dark groups to goyim, and they are understandably not happy about it.

For those who may not see any connection to the topic at hand, perhaps it is a side issue, but it could be related, because "Jewishness" is something that even other groups are looking to establish as well, including Mormons!

Mormons have been frustrated in the past by science going against them when it came to Native American genetics, but they still have other interests, and one that we seldom hear about today is British Israelism, which many Mormons are sympathetic to.

Could this enormous database one day be used as the basis (excuse perhaps) to show some insane "pedigree"? Could be a stretch, I would grant that, but after seeing what the Jews have been doing with "science", abusing data, reinterpreting things to fit their preconceived desires, etc., who knows what is possible. In the past, I have sometimes written the Jewish "dishonesty" in these matters off to things like strong cultural bias, and even middle east politics, but it's a crazy world out there.

Anyway, I think it's good to keep the awareness up on these matters, and at the very least, we should keep an eye on this database.


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:43 PM
Well, for your info that database has done of my family on it at all. So much for a complete record?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by EdWard54

If that were true it's no different to Hitler and the arian race.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:49 PM
When this thread became a bash-fest, with questions being answered correctly but not accepted because the right answers weren't what someone wanted to hear, I spoke my peace and stopped replying. It has become even worse than when I left way back on page 8 or so. This thread is not labeled as being about LDS theology, it was a question why we did geneology. Although our theology does play a part in geneology, what is being discussed right now does not.
To all those who continue to state LDS are not Christian, are some weird-ass Masonic wannabes, or whatever else has been passing as a post, please let me share something.
You will never go to an LDS church service or class and find them discussing the theology of other churches. Why? Because we have been on the other side of that line, and it's not the Christian thing to do. In fact, it's one of our Articles of Faith, which is a statement of our beliefs direct from Joseph Smith himself, so it's as "old" as the Church is. The particular AofF is the eleventh:

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

How dare anyone tell me what I do and do not believe about my personal relationship with my Saviour. It is not your place to do so. It is not Christian to do so. It is offensive to me for many reasons. You cannot know my personal relationship with Christ, you don't know how it has changed me and my life, and you sure as heck don't know me well enough to question what I have personally experienced over whatever rumor and mockery that keeps being spread around this thread.
The thread question is about geneology. We do it because we want to share the earthly ordinance of water baptism with those who did not or were not able to have it done for themselves. We collect information only, not DNA data bases or health records. Our records are available to everyone, free of charge. Our local Church buildings are set up with the equipment that might be need to access those records. All of this is done freely and openly. It is information anyone else can find if they would look, but put into one library to make that search easier for everyone. There is no conspiracy about anything. If you don't believe me and all the others who have said this same thing from the first page, go there and look yourself. Don't just wonder and imagine what goes on, do it yourself. It's easy to find, if you only look.
I find any intolerance offensive, and this thread has become an example of lies and intolerance if ever there was one.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by ianmoone1

Perhaps not wholly on topic but never the less a brilliant post and packed full of information, much of which will be very lost on many of the posters here.

I certainly would appeal to the mods NOT to remove it.

reply to post by stars15k

I am in full agreement with you on this except....

You will never go to an LDS church service or class and find them discussing the theology of other churches. Why? Because we have been on the other side of that line, and it's not the Christian thing to do.

In a way I think that is a pity. I believe it is good to discuss the theology of other religions as it promotes greater understanding. But it should be discussion and not diatribe!

My father was a Church Of England priest and he encouraged my to study other religions.

edit on 14/12/2010 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Alethea

You can access it, go to the Geneological libraries in Salt Lake, you can also order microfilms to be delivered to satellite libraries found in meeting houses across the U.S. and in other countries. You can also access some of the data online as well. True the original archives are kept in a granite mountain vault, if we're all gone, hopefully it will still be there.

edit on 14-12-2010 by bigrex because: more info

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Just out of curiosity, why does the Mormon faith put any more credence in Joseph Smith, than say, David Koresh?

They both claimed to have the inside track to heaven.

I'm not religious, but I wonder about this.

If the Mormons believe in Jesus Christ, I would think Jesus would have related all this information (the Book of Mormon) the first time he was here, instead of coming back and giving only Joseph Smith the lowdown as an afterthought.

I have no beef with Mormons (other than them knocking on my door too early in the morning), but I've often wondered about such things.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
Just out of curiosity, why does the Mormon faith put any more credence in Joseph Smith, than say, David Koresh?

They both claimed to have the inside track to heaven.

I'm not religious, but I wonder about this.

If the Mormons believe in Jesus Christ, I would think Jesus would have related all this information (the Book of Mormon) the first time he was here, instead of coming back and giving only Joseph Smith the lowdown as an afterthought.

I have no beef with Mormons (other than them knocking on my door too early in the morning), but I've often wondered about such things.

The Book of Mormon is considered to be another testament of Christ by the LDS faith. Mormons believe the resurrected Christ also visited the Americas after his death in Jerusalem. This visit is covered in the Book of Mormon. It is a scripture which details the fleeing of Jerusalem shortly before the Babylonian destruction around 597 BC. A portion also covers an older group of people that left the old world at the confounding of the tower of Babel. These records were not had in the old world. Mormons request people pray to God to know if it is true after reading it cover to cover, until that is done with an open mind, one should not prematurely judge the contents.

Mormons put more credence into Joseph Smith because of the teachings of the Church and the Book of Mormon.

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