posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 02:56 PM
Xcathdra, while I'm in full agreement with most everything you write in ATS, it saddens me you fall for propaganda like we hear so often here. It
surprises me, since you are more knowledgeable about the region than most people who only parrot propaganda.
Jerusalem has never been the capital city of anyone but Israel. The only reason Muslims decided to build two large and fancy mosques on the temple
mount of all places, was for political reasons. That's right. Even hundreds of years ago, politics played a role. The mosques were not built where
the Jewish Temple was placed – the most holy place for the Jewish people - accidentally. Please do some research on that.
When Muslims east of that said mosques prayer, they face their behinds to it, because they face Mecca and not Jerusalem. While you can claim they
still consider it as a holly place of warship, Israel has never denied Muslims access to the temple mount, that is until the Intifadas (Two of them)
started. They are free to warship what ever they want, just like Christians and other religions in Israel.
Further more, Jerusalem was never, I repeat, NEVER a capital city of Palestinians. Nowhere will you find any historical document or reference that
ties Palestinians to Jerusalem. There was never a Palestinian entity of any kind, not political, no kingdom, no state, nothing. The creation of a
people called Palestinians only begun in the 1960's. My very first thread in ATS, addressed that very mind boggling deception. You are welcome to
look it up. Suffice to say that both Palestinian leaders and other Arab leaders said there is and never was a people called Palestinians.
Another thing, Israel did not occupy the west bank from “Palestinians”, but from Jordan, from the attacker. Why does it not surprise anyone that
when Jordan was in charge of that land, there was no mention of “Palestinians”, or that “Palestinians” did not claim independence? The
repeated lie that Israel stole the land, is exactly that – a lie. Do we need to go back to the partition plan and who rejected it by starting a war
against the newly born Israel?
The Arab obsession with Jerusalem is just a phase in their 'stage doctrine' to destroy Israel. They said it numerous times in the past, now they say
it more subtly or even hide it, but it's still their plan. Why do you think Mahmud Abbas told Arab leaders in the last Arab league that they will
join a war against Israel, but they will not go to war alone? This is the kind of news the media prefers to sweep under the rug. It doesn't mean Arab
nations changed their plans.
Of all things, you do realize that Jerusalem is in the very heart of Israel. The very center of it. What country in their right mind will all of the
sudden agree to divide its own capital city. Can you imagine London 50 years from now with a Muslim population of lets say 30% being divided? New
york ? Stockholm ? Oslo? A religious freedom is one thing. This is completely different, and no country in the world will ever agree to that.
One last thing. Do you know how many times the word Jerusalem is written in the Koran?
The answer is super easy, trust me.