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What do you think aliens want to achieve with us?

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posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar

Are they anatomically similar to us? I.e. They eat using theyre mouth, they have lungs, stomach, intestines etc.

Basically yes, however they do not process or eliminate food the same way we do. They eat exactly what their bodies use from what is native to their own worlds. I do not know where their anatomical similarities border ours, but elimination is a planetary phenomena normal to Earthlings. In other words, it happened here in our evolution.

How do they procrete? do they have eggs that they lay? A-sexual? Sexually?

All known races of people in the Universes procreate and bear young in the same basic way.

why have they been abducting people? Is it similar to the idea of when we take an animal from the wild, tag it, and track it?

Think of all the ways alien contact might happen that could cause the human to automatically assume it is "abduction." Think of different individuals you know of different ages and backgrounds and personalities and take a guess what each of them would think and how they would act if they woke up to find themselves on an alien craft.

Otherwise, the alien races visit us because we are neighbors in space. We share the same space. Everything we do here already affects them there and now we are now beginning to travel. We are approaching advancement and developing the capacity to understand advanced concepts. These things mark the time when it is practical and necessary for other races to make themselves known to us. We humans on Earth also happen to be in dire need of assistance with the predicament we have gotten ourselves and our planet into. Although the visiting races cannot interfere with our process of development, they can offer assistance. Not every single person on Earth has to accept it before it can happen either. If and when it is appropriate, the alien races help us one way or another. They have been helping us through individuals forever and increasingly so more recently. This assistance will soon progress to more open, world wide levels.

Many individual humans on Earth are spiritually related to individuals of other races. This contact is natural between our races, although not well understood by humans. The general contact is also diplomatic world to world. All of our visiting races know each other and work together now. No contact is made without the knowledge and concession of the leading races of the organization. No harm or abuse can be condoned within this jurisdiction.

Our visiting races are having a hell of a time getting through to us because of many reasons, but especially because of the roadblocks set up at every turn by govt and special interest groups. Without open true public sharing of accurate information, disinformation will only continue to take precedence in people's thoughts about alien life.

We are naturally afraid and dogmatize everything we do not understand. Our instincts and emotions are powerful and difficult for the aliens to get past. We have mostly horror stories floating around about alien life that keep common people afraid to trust the aliens, even their own known contacts. A few of these were partly true at one time, but most of them are fabricated or greatly exaggerated. Yet they rule and stand in our minds as the reputation of all other life. Even when an alien person can open contact with an individual human, the human often refuses to cooperate, or to trust anything the alien person says. Instead the human would rather not have the contact. The risks of ridicule and the upset to normal life are often just too much for people to accept even if they want to.

The individuals that travel here are the professionals of their races. There is a leading representative of each visiting race and his crew of his own kind. Not just any people of a race travel to other worlds. It is always a profession, although since they do not get paid, you can call it a mission or volunteer position. The individuals set up here to work and only travel home once or twice per year to visit their own homes and families.

All advanced races of people visit their neighboring worlds. All newer races of life, like us, come to discover other life in their own unique ways at their equivalent point to ours. Not all new races have as much difficulty as we are having with it, though. No race of people is perfect, and each new life to introduce themselves to is vastly different. There is a great deal to learn on all parts every time.

Every world of life has an organization of visiting races. Ours was only recently completed. Our visiting races' organization is part of a larger organization through the union of five galaxies.

None of the alien races visiting Earth are tracking humans the way we think of that at all. Our contact is much more involved and advanced throughout life. The alien races of course can find out where their individual human contacts are at any time by many methods of natural ability and/or technology.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:13 PM
I don't know what all of them want but I know that the Greys find human and bovine tissue liquafied and mixed with hydrogen peroxide to be acceptable nurishment it is applied to their skin and they absorb it. They excrete wast through their skin too I told they smell of sulfur and chemicals because of it . I'm sure we are quite tasty to them but their main objective is Earths resources and some intrest in human fertility and soul matrix and a number of genetic qualities are being bargained for in exchange for technology, in the underground facilities they are sequestered in. They are permitted to abduct some humans for tests Three or four hundred thousand a year some estamates higher some lower. ,some unfortunates for food, some for genetic manipulations to create hybrids. our governments are being played for all they are worth they seem to be devious and manupulatory and some the hybrids have the ability to alter their appearance so as to resemble humans they have infiltrated every strata of government and are a major influences in society as we know it today. They almost run the show the invasion has already occured and humanity was found wanting. It won't be long befor they make their big entrance with more lies and promises, by then it won't matter anyway. (sorry spelling is'nt my strong suite

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 04:23 AM
Wow a really did not think my question would spark such a good conversation, bravo for me
. There is though EARTHSISTER things that scare me. How do you know what they tell you is true? They say they are kind and are here for exploration but they could be tricking every one in to it, just as the nazis tricked the italians to fight for them as they killed italian soldiers behind there back. Just becouse they are more advanced than us does not meen they are kinder, nicer, or more logical than us? Look at the advances from the medival age when things where very brutal and there where many killings till world war 2 when 6 million jews where killed at the bidding of one man. Even in our commmon streets fear and rage has taken over.

We also think the goverment covers up due to getting technology from them. Or maybe the aliens dont want to show us who they are so they can watch from the side lines, or maybe they are afraid of this beast called man they have bread, an animal with a mind that can creat weapons and minipulate millions, they might be here to reap what they have sowen.

I might be a little parinoid, but i hate things i can not control like being taken out of my bedroom at night (i did have one experince but it just looked at me and i started screaming and running to my pearents room, and no it was not a dream.) Sometimes even people with the most open mind fear what they do not know, becouse at the end of the day its kind of hard to think we are mearly pawns on the galaxys board of chess. A world not even close to a standard across the univers that can be spared or tossed at any time.

Now that i have that out of my system i woudl appreciate a link to your site, i would definatly like to talk to you more in depth about this i may only be 15 but i always strive and hunger for knowlege even if i dont like what i may find out.

[edit on 11-7-2004 by zi2525]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 05:47 AM
hi earthsister , after reading your post and having a brief browse thru your site , i have a few questions if you could spare the time ?

what do the aliens get out of visiting you ? i assume your not an expert in any field of science/knowledge , so what exactly are they upto with you ?

there are many people who claim to KNOW the truth on aliens , see kangaxx story in the predictions section about a person who totally believes he is being visited and getting informed info of our future - yet your story goes against his story - the 2 of you cannot be correct ? im confused why aliens tell differrent people different stories

you say the aliens visit you in your home , would you be prepared to have microbiologists and forensics into your home to study any dust left from these beings ? if yes , can we start the ball rolling on getting the word around to some ?

can you ask your visiting friends to visit me also ? i assume they spend all day making home visits to people so one more wont hurt


posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by zi2525
How do you know what they tell you is true? They say they are kind and are here for exploration but they could be tricking every one in to it, just as the nazis tricked the italians to fight for them as they killed italian soldiers behind there back. Just becouse they are more advanced than us does not meen they are kinder, nicer, or more logical than us? Look at the advances from the medival age when things where very brutal and there where many killings till world war 2 when 6 million jews where killed at the bidding of one man. Even in our commmon streets fear and rage has taken over.

Every example you site is in human nature and human minds. Look around, the aliens have us right where they want us. If they ever wanted to hurt us, they would, and it would be immediately openly apparent. Humans live in such fear on Earth that all the aliens have to so is show themselves, and then everybody would believe whatever earth powers wanted them to believe about it.

Being advanced means having progressed through evolution to advanced intelligence, natural ability and technology. Surviving to an advanced state means working together with other advanced races. Without peace as the crucial goal of all, they would all be doing to each other what we humans are doing to ourselves on Earth. Nobody would be safe or progress. Young and violent races like us are not even allowed out into space for obvious reasons. We are not even counted as participants in the union of intelligent races. We do not need to keep ourselves safe from them- they need to keep themselves safe from us, and to avoid situations of confrontation so we do not get hurt.

It is not that there are never disagreements or difficulties between neighboring advanced races, but they do not try to solve them with primitive methods. Their experience and the combined knowledge and efforts of many many races ensures the application of the best possible peaceful resolutions. Nobody could even try to scam another without everybody knowing it. There is no financial or power greed so common to humans on Earth because they all take care of their own and each other.

I believe my own contacts because of the progression of getting to know them over time through my life. They are the most advanced that visit Earth and run the organization of visiting races. I trust what they tell me about the other races. The most advanced race that visits Earth is over 6 billion years evolved, and many are millions of years evolved. All are much further advanced and evolved than we are.

Whenever I have misunderstood something important that they have told or shown me, they correct me. I feel confident that what they tell me is accurate and safe for me to repeat to others, and I understand the reasons when I can't have specific information I ask for.

Since the first day they have only ever proven themselves to be professional and goal oriented in their work with me and my family. It is always our individual choice to work with them or not, and I want to with all my heart and soul. I do it to the best of my ability. Nothing they have ever told me has come out to be false. I have never had any reason to mistrust them. They are not perfect, but they are highly intelligent and professional. I have never seen or imagined such trustworthiness in organized human powers.

The most advanced races have assisted all the visiting races to raise standards of contact with their humans, to get everybody on the same page, and educate each visiting race about humans. What was careless in contact before is now refined and is expanding and progressing rapidly.

We also think the goverment covers up due to getting technology from them.

The leading govts pressure the rest of the govts to keep quiet. The leading govts are trying desperately to hold on to the way they are running our world and to have the most money and forces and be the world power. This is at the direct expense of human people and it is wrong. The leading govts are milking every last second they can out of human ignorance of the visiting races, to gain as much power and dominance of the world as possible before they actually have to share and do things right here.

As long as you are stupid about the aliens and scared of the aliens, you are at the mercy of the govt. As long as you are stupid and scared, the govts can keep the aliens away from you. The govts can keep running our world for their own personal benefit.

I might be a little parinoid, but i hate things i can not control like being taken out of my bedroom at night (i did have one experince but it just looked at me and i started screaming and running to my pearents room, and no it was not a dream.)

That is understandable, but that is the nature of initial contact between different races when one is highly advanced and the other is so primitive.

Sometimes even people with the most open mind fear what they do not know, becouse at the end of the day its kind of hard to think we are mearly pawns on the galaxys board of chess. A world not even close to a standard across the univers that can be spared or tossed at any time.

The fears you have are natural and founded, but they are not from the aliens. They are from things you know of your own race.

The link to my site is

[edit on 11-7-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:21 AM
Maybe they found a new and advanced civilizations, and living things on the planet that they want to reasearch. If we had an alien we would study it.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by acidhead

what do the aliens get out of visiting you ? i assume your not an expert in any field of science/knowledge , so what exactly are they upto with you ?

Our contact is a mutual effort between our worlds. Every human who has personal contact is a part of a larger picture of contact and everyone's roles are different. It is mine and my husband's role to be teachers. We learn specific kinds of things from the alien races through experience with them, and we then help other people get to know them also. We learn about some of their natural abilities and technologies, why things happen the way they do during contact, why they come here, how they get here, etc. We learn about them as people, take descriptions and professions of different races and their personalities, etc. We also help introduce other humans who have contact to their own alien contacts.

What our contacts get from us? They gain some knowledge of how best to work with humans, for one thing, from experiences with our family and many other families as well-- not just ours. Because my husband and I are able and so willing to communicate with them, we add an element of personal understanding of how contact affects humans, which helps them a great deal in opening communications with other humans. This is one thing they get from us, but it is only a byproduct of our contact, not the purpose of our contact.

there are many people who claim to KNOW the truth on aliens , see kangaxx story in the predictions section about a person who totally believes he is being visited and getting informed info of our future - yet your story goes against his story - the 2 of you cannot be correct ? im confused why aliens tell differrent people different stories

I am unaware of kangaxx's claims. But not all people are alike. Not all alien experiencers are alike. Not all alien experiencers are motivated alike or given the same information or amount of information by alien life. Some people are mistaken and/or assumptious but invested. Not all people who claim things are honest or stable at all. Some people who make claims are professionally motivated- it is their job. Some people who have contact lose their way and their contact stops but they keep on making claims anyway. Some popular public figures in the field get bought and/or pressured by govt and so they change their claims. Some people do not write everything down and they read so much other ufo material that they soon lose facts and perception of their own experiences, yet keep making claims every time their minds change. If a human who had alien contact cannot or does not recognize the importance of getting, and/or delivering, an important message with reasonable integrity, there is not much point to the aliens spending all that time and effort holding that human aware or responsible for his alien experiences. Most humans who have contact do not progress past a few initial encounters that they are aware of, although contact always continues in higher states of consciousness through life.

you say the aliens visit you in your home , would you be prepared to have microbiologists and forensics into your home to study any dust left from these beings ? if yes , can we start the ball rolling on getting the word around to some ?

I would not open my home to professionals in that manner. It would not prove anything I claim of my personal contact or promote private or professional respect for the alien races or for my knowledge about them. Instead, proof is still, for now, for alien experiencers to discover in their own way in their own time. That's the way the aliens want it and I agree that it is best. I already get my word around freely, without constraints of evidence and debate over what the evidence means or proves. The entire UFO field is already made of all that and look at how far they get. I just want to help others understand without any burden of belief in evidence. Trying to prove my contact would be futile and would make me and my family a target for anybody who wants to shut me up personally or professionally. If the aliens wanted me to be in a position with them in the evidence department, they would hand me anything I needed for it. Instead, when people have contact, they learn on their own which is the best way.

If somebody like me had personal physical evidence, then everybody else who makes claims would have to have their own evidence too. Than anybody who had evidence could fool anybody else with it. Authorities could produce the evidence of all evidence, declare it so, and then prove that all other evidence was false. lol. I would rather just do what I do and talk with people and help explain concepts in ways that others can understand and think about for themselves.

can you ask your visiting friends to visit me also ? i assume they spend all day making home visits to people so one more wont hurt

My alien contacts have an ongoing system of contact with all of their related humans, as do all races of visiting life. If you have alien contact, and you may without knowing it, then you would be visited by your own contacts, which may or may not be the same as mine. Contact is never random. I have no authority to send them to your house. I can only suggest to you to watch to see if you have any clues to your own involvement and then try to become more aware of it.

More and more humans have been working in more increasingly creative ways with alien life and there is more to come. Many more people have contact than the number of people who know they do. How well you can work with them and what kind and level of contact you have depends on many different things. Everybody is different.

40 to 42% of the population of Earth is "some kind" of alien experiencer. This number has nothing to do with awareness, activity or productivity. 10% of alien experiencers are teachers like my husband and I. Most people who work with alien life are not public speakers and may not share what they do with others outside of immediate family and friends at all. We all learn the things we need to be able to be productive in our own roles.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 11:22 AM
ok - so you dont want to be under the scrutiny for letting alien evidence out of the bag - i do

send them to me with some evidence - i dont care about people investigating - tell them

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 11:45 AM
You could start on the crop circles. Just take some photos and node samples and go on the road. I will support you.

You don't mean you thought this was all about me, do you? Did you think if you have the magic definitive evidence on your person that it would be all about you instead? Of course you didn't, I know that.

The evidence of alien life is all over our planet. It's for everybody. It's all about the aliens.

Any way you can help is greatly appreciated.

[edit on 11-7-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:12 PM
crop circles have evidence of something going on - but it doesnt instantly direct you to assume its alien

why would an alien mess around do silly paterns in fields ?

please tell me where this evidence is littered across our planet , if there was this evidence , aliens wouldnt be an unknown entity , they would be factual knowledge

in your eyes , you may see them as factual real things , i have not had anything come my way that has made me jump to that conclusion other than tv/internet and other peoples claims

You don't mean you thought this was all about me, do you? Did you think if you have the magic definitive evidence on your person that it would be all about you instead?

erm no i never , tho now you mention it , i do wonder how you jumped to that conclusion when nothing as far as i know was mentioned about it

[edit on 11-7-2004 by acidhead]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

I don't think you will believe what I say, but that is ok. I will share it just so you can see my position and where my explanation is coming from.

My information is not biased but it is diplomatic. My contacts are those who are in charge of the organization at Earth.

Sorry to break this to you sister, but "in charge" implies a hierarchy, and only Service to self beings exist in hierarchies (example: humans). This means that they are simply seeding you disinfo for their purposes (and look how easy this is, you believe them just because they say it's true!), because once again, those who came to serve OTHERS do not contact those who are not ready for this contact and did not ask, nor do they have hierarchies - which means they do not violate free will, they do not ABDUCT, they do not tell anyone ANYTHING and expect the person to BELIEVE them - this would be a clear indication of service to SELF disinformation. Until you learn to do your own research and stop believing everything you're told by these "really really cool aliens", you will forever be susceptible to lies, and will be nothing but a pawn that is used to spread these lies to others (as you are on this board). To ask a service to others being does not mean verbally, it means make a choice with your whole being AND do enough research to KNOW and understand many concepts in order for you to be READY to communicate with them, so that you do not have to BELIEVE a word they say - you can KNOW if they are lying or not based on your OWN research and understanding.

Some things I have learned from them are about the races who are in part responsible for the bad reputations that humans hold of all of the visiting races. The instances of abuse were rare, however, all contact can seem like "abduction" to humans. It's only natural for humans to think that way. There is a lot more to this but I am being brief and simple just to make a specific point.

Yes, silly humans, all that "abducting" (contacting actually) is for your OWN good! We contact you because we LOVE you! Forget your free will, where you CHOOSE to be contacted or CHOOSE to NOT be contacted - we don't CARE what you choose, we do what we want, we do what is in OUR BEST INTERESTS! But we rationalize it as for your own good so you aren't too upset with us. Don't worry, we come to help! How do you know? Because WE SAY SO, and since we're aliens, we cannot lie to you, only humans lie, duh!

I want to use mpeake's last post to point out something even more important for you.

Important is subjective, meaning it is different for each of us. But yet, you insist that you know what is important for someone else? I guess I know whom you take after, maybe the same aliens who tell YOU what is important, without allowing you to make up your own mind? Why? Because they serve SELF once again, and they will tell YOU what to think, what to do, and what to believe, and most importantly, what to tell everyone else about THEM. Hey our government does this to with the mainstream news media, they choose what is important to THEMSELVES, they tell the media what to tell everyone else, and what NOT to tell, (or they simply don't tell the media the parts that they don't want them to know).

Ah the similarities! So please, understand that our sense of what's important changes as we learn and grow, and NO ONE can ever tell YOU what is important to YOU, as it is SUBJECTIVE and therefore only YOU can decide this for yourself!

He admits, or brags, that he does not believe alien life is visiting Earth. He has no personal understanding of the aliens, or of people who have alien experiences. Yet he has this very strong, very popular, natural opinion that is backed up by many other similar people in similar positions. He goes around repeating his strong opinion along the human's alien/ufo field grapevine. How many people do you suppose, besides mpeake, are doing that? They do not recognize their own echo, or how their contribution to the whirlpool keeps it all going.

So you start your own whirlpool, based on what YOU were told by the "aliens themselves"? Come on now, honestly, they had far more experience than humans in control and deception, they are far more advanced and their consciousness is so beyond ours, it's like you vs your pet hamster. And you expect them to tell you the TRUTH just because they SAY SO? No alterior motive AT ALL? First of all, if you just for a second remove the veil of "wishful thinking" from in front of your eyes, maybe you'd see your alien pals for who they are, and their purpose would become semi-clear to you - if you bothered to look at the signs in front of your face. But knowledge, is what protects you, and knowing certain simple understandings would REALLY help in this case, though you do not wish to learn them because it is WAY better to pretend the aliens love you and only want what's best. Service to SELF is service to self, no matter how you spin it and how many disguises you put on it.

Now, do you think it makes very much difference when a person actually witnesses an alien craft or an alien being? Even if they wake up on a craft and have an inyourface encounter, what does that do to their opinion? It proves it. It proves their opinion and other people's most popular opinions.

No, it demonstrates the aliens' disregard for our FREE WILL. Which INSTANTLY tells you a huge amount of information about their nature, which is SERVICE TO SELF. Just like we experiment on lab animals for THEIR OWN GOOD, so do THEY experiment on us. Just because we then pet the little lab rat and say "ooh u're such a cute little baby woo" doesn't mean the next day we're not going to cut down a forest to make PAPER. One thing is what they SAY, another is what they DO which tells you who they ARE. But you'd rather BELIEVE and ASSUME otherwise, because it makes you feel so insecure and "violated" if you faced the truth, which is actually right in your face, screaming at you to see it.

A person can meet an alien being, yet still prefer to get his education from that old grapevine. This is the basics of what the human's ufo field is made out of -- perceptions, popular opinions, and perceptions of popular opinions.

You think popular opinions are an absolute accident of society? Or do you think they can be SHAPED with a purpose, by someone who can influence popular opinion like say, the media, which is controlled by "the powers that be". And WHO do you think controls the "powers that be"? No one? They are on top of the universal hierarchy? Really? Why don't you ask your alien friends, maybe they'll be cynical enough to actually reveal this little bit of truth to you, though doubtful. Once again, I suggest you do some research and use your MIND to seek truth, not what "feels good to hear". But hey, I respect your free will, so I will neither abduct you into my house nor will I tell you what's IMPORTANT to you. I will not contact you personally and TEACH you things, no, that would be service to self of me. I'm trying to be service to others, which means give only when asked. And a lie pretty much always asks for the TRUTH. So I give it what it's asking.

The very core of everything I say is, do you BELIEVE/ASSUME what you're told, whether it be by your leaders, the ALIENS themselves, GOD, or holy mother MARY for all I care. OR, do you THINK for yourself, do your own investigation/research, connect the dots yourself, and gain enough knowledge to see the bigger picture, which rests outside the little box that is currently around the minds of the vast majority of humanity. If you don't QUESTION everything, you will be led astray.

The more alike the alien/ufo grapevine groupies are, the more they agree on thier perceptions and opinions about the aliens.

If you look at where all of the information is coming from, the least source is from the aliens themselves. This should be your major tip off that these people could not possibly "actually know" what they are talking about.

Oh yes, once again, they are ALIENS so they do not LIE! Why? Because they say so, and because we like to pretend it's true, it's more fun that way! Imagine if we realised they are lying to us, that they have been controlling us and our world for thousands of years? Imagine if we find out that our race is nothing but an experiment, we're a genetic experiment, and we're about to be annihilated and replaced with the NEXT human model? IMAGINE if we found out that this whole thing where the aliens start talking to people, is just the next stage of mind programming, one that will lead us to self-destruction, which will then be finished off with a final punch by our alien overlords.

No, wait, we will never know if any of this is true. Because the aliens wouldn't tell us this, they are self serving, which means they do not tell the truth when it doesn't serve THEM. In this case, telling us they are our puppet masters won't serve them, if that's true. So what do WE do? What oh WHAT do we DO!!!

We make the choice to FIND OUT and then just connect the dots by studying current events, history, and examining the nature of the "channeled material" from the aliens themselves, to determine their NATURE. We examine reports of their possible interaction with humans to see where it leads. Does the abductee think it was for his OWN good? That's the first sign of not just violation of FREE WILL, but mind programming that makes you deny it was a violation of your own free will. You're right, there's SO MUCH to this, yet you choose to simply trust the aliens, because of who they are? Wishful thinking

This is the major factor. The groupies are one-upping each other, the stories are second- and tenth- and one hundreth-hand, each telling more similar to the latest Hollywood thriller. The field attracts unstable people, and unstable people join groups and join in and add their own experiences, but they also lie. Their stories are as horrific as the most horrific they have heard.

On the other hand, people who get to know the aliens, get a much wider, more rounded view of how things happen and why.

Just a much wider lie! Everything is a possible LIE until you can verify if it is true. But you don't care about thinking for yourself, you let the aliens tell you what is true and what's not, because they would NOT deceive you, not in a million years!

Their view stretches in evolutional terms to include many races of people on many worlds. These humans have a great deal to offer both sides, if they want to seize that opportunity and can stand up to the opposition. That is not easy.

So far only a relative few humans have developed an advanced progressive personal relationship with their alien contacts. This is because most people who have the opportunity, naturally choose to stick to the safety of the group and human's popular opinion, and stay away from the aliens. I don't blame them because I know the fear and it's only natural to be so mistrusting, especially with our minds full of the world we live in. (Look at mpeake's avatar.)

Yes, so let's all just TRUST the aliens. They know best. Because the say so of course. Nevermind all the signs in their ACTIONS that they are here for something else entirely, no, just believe what they say and shut up! Hail our alien saviors!

Which criteria make a human credible to another human are as much what they believe as how they say it, how tall they are, how tough they are, how well they type, what kind of degree they hold, etc. Those are not the correct criteria to judge a person about alien life. You have to look at their personal experience with alien life and their motivation with other humans. Or else what you get is the ability for a few intelligent, well-dressed, well-spoken, crooked, stable people to lead a whole lot of willing believers astray on the entire subject. That is how easy propaganda works in this field.

You know what's even easier? Well dressed, intelligent, well-spoken, crooked, stable ALIENS who show up in person! Oh man, you cannot BUY publicity like this! Propaganda coming from the horses mouth itself is the most effective, and you are our prime example of it today

An unstable person is clearly unstable, no matter what he believes in or has experienced.

Do you mean spontaneously combustible person? Cuz that would be one example of instability. Or do you mean someone who has anger management issues? What do you mean by unstable?

For the majority of the jury to disbelieve in the visitation of alien life, or in the benign visitation of alien life, and then to vote that anybody who claims to experience it is unstable or lying, should only prove to disqualify the majority of the jury.

You are right. Not all of our visiting races always worked in our best interest, but none were ever here to kill us or enslave us or take over our planet.

Cuz they said so? You already are a slave hun. Don't take my word for it, look around you. How many CHOICES do you have? What do you really KNOW about aliens who are here today, other than what you're TOLD? What do you know about the universe and how it works? What do you know about your own MIND? What do you know about YOURSELF? Know thyself, and you shall know all there is, for you're a reflection of your own reality - as above, so below.

That should be obvious, yet those scenarios prevail due to our own thought patterns.

They are not here to kill us, YET. Obviously if they were, we'd be dead. But control us? Enslave us? Kill us at a later time? Stay tuned...

Now that the most advanced races are in charge, nobody can or needs to take advantage of any humans. The truly abusive have been barred from visiting our planet at all.

Service to SELF. Once again, hierarchies. Once again, they are choosing to CONTROL others who on their free will wish to enter this area and maybe destroy us. Why would they protect US from harm, we mass murder animals on our planet every day, we mass murder EACH OTHER, nobody protects us THEN. So why would they defend us from other aliens? Simple, we are THEIR TOY, nobody is to play with us but THEM, because they serve THEMSELVES. You cannot serve another by violating his free will, and obviously they violate the free will of those who wish to kill us, and they violate OUR free will to experience what we CHOOSE, not what they WANT us to experience by guiding our evolution and by literally playing with our minds. What RIGHT do they have to defend this planet, is it THEIR planet? Did we ASK them? I didn't! Oh, it IS their planet.

Apparently Earth is such a sexy piece of REAL ESTATE in space, that our OWNERS must protect it from invasion and destruction and abuse by others, because our owners are as usual, SERVICE TO SELF - it is in THEIR best interests to do this. Death is not a punishment, nor is it BAD. Planets get destroyed, new ones are made, etc... it is a natural cycle of existance. But to prevent something like this from happening is to act in your OWN best interests, NOT in best interests of the ones you're protecting - DEATH can serve a VERY important purpose as well, in terms of our lessons.

So they are in CHARGE as you say. In charge means in CONTROL. CONTROL means service to self, no matter how many sprinkles and cherries you put on top. They control US, and they control each other, for their own purposes! Is it so difficult to see? Apparently..

The organization of visiting races is for everyone's benefit. But humanity stands the most to gain from it right now, in shared technology to make life on Earth better for all humans, and by the furthering our knowledge of the known Universe.

Better is subjective. We're here to LEARN, to experience a BALANCE of negative and positive. When someone interferes with this, they interfere with our lessons, they interfere with our OWN progress - why can't we choose to INVENT these new technologies when we gradually COME to them? Why does someone have to interfere with our progress? Why does someone have to involve themselves? Because it is in THEIR best interests, THEY have a plan and a purpose, and they aren't revealing it - yet.

For everyone's benefit you say? Once again, that's like saying "For your own good". FALSE. Benefit and GOOD are subjective, what benefits ONE does not benefit ANOTHER - it is upto YOU to decide for yourself what you CHOOSE to do and BE. When someone does something for YOUR OWN GOOD, they are violating YOUR free will, they do not let YOU choose, they act in THEIR OWN best interests, because they are serving THEMSELVES and not YOU. You cannot serve another by violating his free will to CHOOSE.

Existance is not about feeling as good as you can, which it IS for service to self beings. It is about EVERY kind of experience, because we LEARN from absolutely everything, so a full balance of everything is important. If they come to "uplift" us, they are violating that, and they do so ONLY for themselves, though rationalize it to US as "Is for your OWN GOOD humans".

Not every power on Earth wants this. Some have too much to lose by it happening and want to gain as much more control and power as possible before they cannot prevent it any longer. Their time is running out.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by EarthSister]

Yes, before THEIR power is taken away, and the aliens take their places in our hierarchies of control. Why would they? Because they have their OWN hierarchies of control! Think about it. You said they are "in charge". So if we came into contact with THEM, who do you think would be in charge, us or them? In fact, what kind of system of CONTROL would we then be JOINING? Who would be our new cosmic LEADERS? What are THEIR plans?

As you can see, it is a service to self RACE that has hierarchies, and through the veil of "love and light" they control and manipulate those below them in terms of knowledge and awareness, as we are. But don't take MY word for it, no, never do that. Figure it out yourself, you have a brain, and you have all the tools available to you to research and find out the truth. But is THAT what you want?

Imagine if you find out that those that you were communicating with ARE indeed deceiving you? That would be a shock for you, and your system is programmed to AVOID such shocks, which often means shoving under the rug things that otherwise could reveal them. This means ignoring the truth and pretending all is "fine and well" and they love you, and they are honest, etc... because to consider the other side is painful, and our egoes will FIGHT to avoid such a confrontation of realities. Which realities?

Your subjective wishful-thinking reality that you constructed for yourself with the aid of your alien pals, vs the truth - objective reality of what IS.

I hope you don't screen everything you read here through your ego, which will just argue for the sake of defending its "position". Think about what I said, if you are indeed seeking TRUTH. If not, don't think about it, don't think about ANYTHING for that matter, just believe what you're told by your alien friends, and continue to pretend that their word is golden.


[edit on 11-7-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 01:16 PM

its just a wild stab in the dark guess lilblam . but are you suggesting that she doesnt trust her aliens ?

interesting read tho

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by acidhead

its just a wild stab in the dark guess lilblam . but are you suggesting that she doesnt trust her aliens ?

interesting read tho

I'm saying that she DOES trust them, because she wants to trust them. And she wants US to trust them as well! Forget about using your mind and thinking for yourself, forget about doing your own research and figuring out what the truth is. No, just take their word for it instead.

Already, the very first indication that they are here for their OWN benefit is, they contact humans and tell them things while expecting that the humans will BELIEVE them. No rational being with a few functioning brain cells, that wants to know the truth, believes ANYTHING. And the aliens know this. Belief vs KNOWLEDGE is what it comes down to. Do you BELIEVE something or do you KNOW it? Do you seek to believe what feels and sounds really nice, or do you seek to know the TRUTH, no matter how "painful" or "horrible" it may be?

Because our nature is also service to self, we tend to believe "feel-good" lies instead of facing the "painful" truth. The aliens know this, they understand us much better than we understand ourselves. They can push JUST the right buttons and get us to believe ANYTHING.

If our governments and media understand our psychology enough to be able to spread propaganda and easily influence opinions of people, to basically control what people THINK... do you think the aliens, who are SO MUCH smarter and more advanced than our governments, are unable to use even MORE powerful techniques, which are subtle but deadly, to program our minds, while appearing to be here for "our own good" the entire time? And then the question is, if they CAN do this, WOULD they? The answer doesn't come from an assumption, it comes from seeing them for who they really are, which doesn't mean believing what they claim. What does our BIBLE suggest?

"BY their FRUITS shall you know them". This applies to everyone and everything, especially Bush. One thing is what you're TOLD, another, is what the evidence/research points to - what they actually DO. Don't let a psychopathic hypocrit deceive you. However, those who are seeking truth can never be deceived. Those who are seeking to just feel good, and to believe something, will always be deceived, and very easily mind you

[edit on 11-7-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by lilblam

I'm saying that she DOES trust them, because she wants to trust them. And she wants US to trust them as well! Forget about using your mind and thinking for yourself, forget about doing your own research and figuring out what the truth is. No, just take their word for it instead.

Already, the very first indication that they are here for their OWN benefit is, they contact humans and tell them things while expecting that the humans will BELIEVE them. No rational being with a few functioning brain cells, that wants to know the truth, believes ANYTHING. And the aliens know this. Belief vs KNOWLEDGE is what it comes down to. Do you BELIEVE something or do you KNOW it? Do you seek to believe what feels and sounds really nice, or do you seek to know the TRUTH, no matter how "painful" or "horrible" it may be?

Because our nature is also service to self, we tend to believe "feel-good" lies instead of facing the "painful" truth. The aliens know this, they understand us much better than we understand ourselves. They can push JUST the right buttons and get us to believe ANYTHING.

"BY their FRUITS shall you know them". This applies to everyone and everything...However, those who are seeking truth can never be deceived. Those who are seeking to just feel good, and to believe something, will always be deceived, and very easily mind you

[edit on 11-7-2004 by lilblam]

Hi lilblam/Mike,


You are absolutely right.

The alien's actions (as well as their propaganda) do indicate beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are self-serving.

Congratulations on the excellent rebuttals and outstanding analysis of the situation.

I hope that you are taking coral calcium, magnesium and vitamin E daily because long-winded, heated posts like yours can definitely be stressful on the poster's heart.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Ah. I was just reading some of your other posts as well as these and I see clearly where you are coming from. You think the alien people are demons.

You have all your religions mixed up with your worst nightmares. You seem to think that the alien people think just like you think. You're on a permanent tangent, but did you ever consider that God could be greater than you ever even thought, and that creation, however you might define it, is Universal? Do you think God made all those stars just for us to look at? Aren't all people children of God?

I trust only God like you are assuming I trust alien life, but the aliens are only people like we are people, and not perfect or divine. You obviously believe that alien people are actually wicked evil spirits or devils, coming all the way here through space in their evil magical merkebas to try to play a biblical trick on humans, to make us think they are really holy beings so they can take advantage of us at any second, at some future time to be determined.

I am not confused, but you are, and that is understandable because of what you have been taught by religion. I don't think or claim to know everything about the aliens or about anything else, but I have a firm grip on reality, spiritual and physical.

Your concern is appreciated, if that is what this is, but don't worry for me, I know who to pray to. My alien friends are people, not gods. I have my personal reasons for thinking respectfully of them as people and as dedicated professionals. I make my own decisions for myself by my own experiences with them of which I have had hundreds throughout my life and will continue to.

I do not decide my opinions of any people by the dictation of any govt body or alien experiencer group or book or religion or fundamental bible thumper, and THANK GOD FOR THAT, aye? That would be prejudiced and the dogmatic strife and war of religions. I choose to be free of that, thank you. If I only listened to so many others like you, and like other kinds of nay-sayers and drag-me-downs and dooms-dayer-end-of-the-worlders I would never have learned as much as I have about alien life. I would not have learned to understand evolution of spirit or the natural relationship between all life and helped so many others too. It's about Earth's time to make open contact between us and other worlds. All the other races have done it, why shouldn't we?

If you feel you have your reasons not to trust any other people in the Universe, fine. Go right ahead and stick by your own beliefs. It makes no difference to me. I have no following and it's not my loss. I work independently to share what I know from my own experience. I don't know what you do in life but you sound like a fine fundamentalist preacher. Maybe you even have your own church going. You are free to do that so go do it and leave me out of it. I don�t know why you feel you have to drag all the other life in the Universe into your beliefs too but I guess maybe that makes your church bigger.

I do not know what your personal experience with alien may be either but I suspect none. But you are free of me and of anybody to believe whatever you want, for any reason. I will go by my own experiences in life and keep sharing them as best as I can.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by acidhead

why would an alien mess around do silly paterns in fields ?

They tell a history in a code that no humans can copy to claim as their own. They create them with technology that no humans can copy also. Everyone on Earth can see them equally regardless of language or location. There are researchers who study them and are trying to decipher the codes, but the govts are stifling and buying the people. The formations are cataloged and will tell the story when they are truly researched, hopefully soon.

The alien races create them to tell us about themselves and their intentions regardless of govt and special interest group control of information. They do it this way because they have to. It is a way to show everyone they are here and that they are far advanced, how long they have been here, and to suggest that if they wanted to hurt us, they could have long ago. This is valuable information for humans to have, even without the codes yet. Do you agree?

You don't recognize the evidence very well only because no authority has given the ok for people to accept it. Instead the authorities pretend to study it very hard, then make up a result that it is a hoax. If they are pushed into a corner, they call it "unexplained" so that is the way you (people in general) will leave it.

You don't mean you thought this was all about me, do you? Did you think if you have the magic definitive evidence on your person that it would be all about you instead?

erm no i never , tho now you mention it , i do wonder how you jumped to that conclusion when nothing as far as i know was mentioned about it

I was just making a point that if one person has evidence, that evidence becomes all about that person and his own character and credibility. Nobody, no one person could handle such a monumental task as to represent the truth of the aliens up against the tide of opposition. The aliens know what they are doing with evidence of themselves and they are very careful with it. They don't leave it around to be used to frame them with, or to be used against the credibility of individuals with.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 03:20 PM
Maby the Aliens EarthSister has supposingly "encountered/contacted" are different to the ones that our governments have supposingy "encounted/contacted"

The universe is a big place and they could be from different areas

Just a thought

Not every life form/race is gonna know about eachother or even interact with eachother

we dont know much about our sea and all its races (could say the same about universe with diff races) due to it been a big place (if you get what im comming at)

China was thought to be a myth around 500 years ago and America no one had ever heard of it due to losing contact ages ago (Aztec, mayens were from vikings i heard)

We thought we knew the whole world even tho we didnt, just because they are different races dosnt mean they will all know about eachothers existance/interact with eachother

[edit on 11-7-2004 by Crash]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 03:57 PM

They tell a history in a code that no humans can copy to claim as their own. They create them with technology that no humans can copy also.

if im not mistaken , and i am looking thru a book on crop circles as i type - all these formations are from earth , there is no complex unknown alien math going on creating the paterns - they are are complex symbols that can be created with anyone with a fractal program / spirograph+ruler

i agree some of the bending of stalks and bits you hear about are strange and unknown but as for aliens sending out signals that humans cant copy ?

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
if im not mistaken , and i am looking thru a book on crop circles as i type - all these formations are from earth , there is no complex unknown alien math going on creating the paterns - they are are complex symbols that can be created with anyone with a fractal program / spirograph+ruler

Such is the nature of disinformation and why consequently the PTB aren't really afraid of the internet being used to find the truths they don't want revealed. Every truth that is uncovered by the ardent researcher is easily hidden by thousands of untruths planted to specifically debunk the real truth. Even half-truths serve their purpose, because half-truths have just enough credibility to make connecting the dots possible, while leading the truthseeker down the wrong path.



posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Crash
Maby the Aliens EarthSister has supposingly "encountered/contacted" are different to the ones that our governments have supposingy "encounted/contacted"

Good thinking Crash, and in your other ideas in this post too.

In 1990 there were 170 races visiting Earth. 30 of them were working together to organize the rest, set standards and help each other get what they need and work well with humans. All of the rest of the visiting races were independent or working 1 to 4 races together. Two of the sole races were desperately creating hybrids with the use of particular humans. These races were forced into trade agreements by the US govt. The agreement was basically the promise of technologies for the promise of access to particular humans. These two races needed physical access to humans on a schedule and were tracked by govt through their human contacts. These two races are who humans call The Grays. I do not mean to imply that know the fine details of all of this going on.

The two races creating hybrids were told by the organized races that they had to refine techniques immediately and completely stop their programs by a time limit. At the same time, they advanced races offered them assistance to get what they needed without the substandard use of humans or involvement with corrupt govt agencies.

In the mean time, all of our other visiting races joined the organization. Some other nearby races began to visit, now that we had the organized effort they were waiting for, and some other races were asked to leave our planet for shoddy ethics and/or having no official business here.

One of the "Gray" races conformed to the standards set by the organization and now works as well with humans and with the organization as any other race. The other "Gray" race did or could not conform and has been dismissed permanently from visiting our world. As of April 2000, all of our 218 visiting races are working together under one organization here. No hybrid programs or any substandard, random or careless contact can or needs to occur between our races any longer.

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