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What do you think aliens want to achieve with us?

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posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 02:38 AM
What do you think aliens want to achieve by abducting and watching us?
I have a couple thoughts of this on my own, i could see aliens coming to earth not to harvest the entire planet but for certain useful assests we have that other planets (like theirs) lack. For some reason i think a major intrest of theirs is our deposits and use of uranium, a nuke is no doubt a deadly and feared weapon, even if you have anti radiation the pure force of the weapons explosion will wipe you off the map.

Another thought i have that has to do with "cross" breeding with humans (i.e taking and making baby's with humans) is due to if aliens truly look like the clechet(sp?) 4-5 ft humanoid they could be looking to improve there physical presence. You may say there brain makes up for the lack of there physical strength but there maybe be problems on there planet that they can not deal with, such as rapid climate change, where body hair (facial,cheast,head) may help them hold in heat during cold times. Or they may have hot climates where our bodys can retain water better than there own. They may even need physical strength due to the labour that at a cheap cost, maybe breeding a slave version of them selves to be able to be a cheap alternative to machines for common hard work.

They may also like our brain, these aliens are smart no doubt, but how do we know what emotional intelligence the posses? Maybe our way of "making-love" and companion ship intrgues them due to the fact that they live in a society where everything they do does not revolve around individual needs, but only the improvment and excelleration of there own species. They may also want to see the flip side and view why we can posses such hate and anger, looking at us a beasts and savage, trying to study to keep this from happening with in them selves.

Those are just some of my thoughts of why they come here. What do you think about them? and what thoughts of your own do you have about there goals?

[edit on 4-7-2004 by zi2525]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by zi2525
What do you think aliens want to achieve by abducting and watching us?

Our neighboring races have always visited Earth. There used to be some actual abductions-- "unwelcome and unauthorized use" by a few races, but not anymore because those programs were ended by the leading members of the organization of our 218 visiting races.

Due to natural assumptions, old habits, bad press and simply unknowing, any contact between the vast amount of alien life visiting Earth and their related humans might be assumed "abduction" by humans. However, the contact is natural, progressive and inevitable to our race and our world.

Now and from now on, all of our visiting races are working together toward the same goal, which is to build a diplomatic relationship with our world. No races who are not contributing participants of this organization can visit Earth without being invited and escorted.

This is happening now because it is now our time. All of the advanced races accomplished it and so will we.

[edit on 5-7-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 09:07 AM
There are various sources that all point to the aliens that visit us to be self-serving and covertly imperialistic (as well as stemming from the Zeta 2 Reticuli System), and that they generally treat many of us as laboratory animals, slaves, etc.

From deciphering ancient Sumerian and Akkadian tablets, Zecharia Sitchin has concluded that hundreds of thousands of years ago, a group of aliens (who were probably Reptilian -- the Greys came about later) mixed their DNA with the hominids here in order to come up with a slave race of Homo sapiens to work the mines. The Sumerians called the aliens, Anunnaki, which means "those who from heaven to earth came."

This is corroborated by award-winning producer and journalist, Linda Moulton Howe, in her testimony of having been invited to a US Air Force Base in New Mexico and shown a top secret document called: Briefing Paper For The President Of The United States Of America On Identified Aerial Vehicles. In that document it talks about a thorough UFO investigation by the Air Force which included the retrieval of multiple alien bodies and crashed spacecraft. It also talks about an alien that survived one of those crashes and who told the Air Force that his race started Homo sapien life on this planet.

Ever since the Anunnaki arrived, they have been using us as slaves and laboratory animals for their various experiments. That has never changed. It is their wish to continue to covertly subjugate us, just as they have been for many thousands of years.

According to (Ret.) Sgt. Clifford Stone, the Zetans have various underground and underwater bases around the world.

Do they wish to initiate a traditional invasion?

The point is moot since they never truly left in the first place!

Here is some current research which confirms that the aliens in question (who are typically reported to be Zetan-Greys) are self-serving:

Straight Talk About UFO Abductions

Interview With Budd Hopkins

New Abductee Trend

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 09:13 AM

Now and from now on, all of our visiting races are working together toward the same goal, which is to build a diplomatic relationship with our world. No races who are not contributing participants of this organization can visit Earth without being invited and escorted.

Most diplomats don't sneak into your territory, abduct your citizens, and then ram a probe up their asses....

That's very UNDIPLOMATIC behaviour, hehe.....

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Most diplomats don't sneak into your territory, abduct your citizens, and then ram a probe up their asses....

True, Gazrok.

But is your popular perception based on your vast experience with the aliens or with the humans?

[edit on 5-7-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 11:53 AM
Or maybe Intelligent life is not so common in the univere that we think. They might be struggling to seed planets so Intelligent life doesnt die out.,so the development process goes forward and not have to start over and over again. that might explain the dissaperance of our previous not related race, they replaced it with a better one(us). And they might died out anyways.

They are joust some beeings trying to do the right thing

Joust like us.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 12:44 PM
Wouldnt the aliens want to observe other planets and species as well as us? (we're a bit self-important, us Earthlings)

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by kevvosa
Wouldnt the aliens want to observe other planets and species as well as us? (we're a bit self-important, us Earthlings)

Yep agreed we are some self-important.
Imagine this there is many other planets joust like earth with earthlings thinking joust like us, and wondering about the same things, Some day we/others are ready to be "touched" with the hand of a greater developed civilization. They wont interfere with us now because they know our state, how earth is going on, therefore they send out some "close" observers to keep a much closer eye on our development. We might be much more closer to the ETs than what we think. (Invisible things)

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:10 PM

True, Gazrok.

But is your popular perception based on your vast experience with the aliens or with the humans?

But I think you get my point, hehe....

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
... but not anymore because those programs were ended by the leading members of the organization of our 218 visiting races.
[edit on 5-7-2004 by EarthSister]

I'm sorry am I the only one who missed this email?

I'm on the cnn and msnbc news alerts, did this slip by me or did you get this info through channeling?

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:32 PM

I don't "channel" but I do learn about alien life from the aliens.

None of the visiting races write press releases.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 12:54 PM
At least you're getting your info from an unbiased source....

/sarcasm off....

Seriously, there are WAY too many accounts of very negative abduction experiences (and by credible witnesses, not just the fruit loops), to convince me that their visits are not benign... They may not even necessarily be "evil", but they certainly aren't in OUR best interests....

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:22 PM
First off, IMO, aliens don't exist...With that said, if they do exist and they have made contact with earth, I would only imagine it would be for one of 2 reasons.
First reason would be for study and furthering thier knoweledge of the universe (the same way we are trying to do now). If they have the technology to travel here, and perform secret obversation and abductions, then they must be pretty highly evolved. Which means they would view us as pretty insignificant creatures. Now, how do we deal with our lab rats and other test animals that we study? Pretty cold and without care for thier well being. I would imaging they would treat us the same.
Second would be for a planet takeover due to problems with thier own. In either situation, we could and should expect non freindly events.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:20 PM

I don't think you will believe what I say, but that is ok. I will share it just so you can see my position and where my explanation is coming from.

My information is not biased but it is diplomatic. My contacts are those who are in charge of the organization at Earth. Some things I have learned from them are about the races who are in part responsible for the bad reputations that humans hold of all of the visiting races. The instances of abuse were rare, however, all contact can seem like "abduction" to humans. It's only natural for humans to think that way. There is a lot more to this but I am being brief and simple just to make a specific point.

I want to use mpeake's last post to point out something even more important for you.

He admits, or brags, that he does not believe alien life is visiting Earth. He has no personal understanding of the aliens, or of people who have alien experiences. Yet he has this very strong, very popular, natural opinion that is backed up by many other similar people in similar positions. He goes around repeating his strong opinion along the human's alien/ufo field grapevine. How many people do you suppose, besides mpeake, are doing that? They do not recognize their own echo, or how their contribution to the whirlpool keeps it all going.

Now, do you think it makes very much difference when a person actually witnesses an alien craft or an alien being? Even if they wake up on a craft and have an inyourface encounter, what does that do to their opinion? It proves it. It proves their opinion and other people's most popular opinions. A person can meet an alien being, yet still prefer to get his education from that old grapevine. This is the basics of what the human's ufo field is made out of -- perceptions, popular opinions, and perceptions of popular opinions. The more alike the alien/ufo grapevine groupies are, the more they agree on thier perceptions and opinions about the aliens.

If you look at where all of the information is coming from, the least source is from the aliens themselves. This should be your major tip off that these people could not possibly "actually know" what they are talking about. This is the major factor. The groupies are one-upping each other, the stories are second- and tenth- and one hundreth-hand, each telling more similar to the latest Hollywood thriller. The field attracts unstable people, and unstable people join groups and join in and add their own experiences, but they also lie. Their stories are as horrific as the most horrific they have heard.

On the other hand, people who get to know the aliens, get a much wider, more rounded view of how things happen and why. Their view stretches in evolutional terms to include many races of people on many worlds. These humans have a great deal to offer both sides, if they want to seize that opportunity and can stand up to the opposition. That is not easy.

So far only a relative few humans have developed an advanced progressive personal relationship with their alien contacts. This is because most people who have the opportunity, naturally choose to stick to the safety of the group and human's popular opinion, and stay away from the aliens. I don't blame them because I know the fear and it's only natural to be so mistrusting, especially with our minds full of the world we live in. (Look at mpeake's avatar.)

Which criteria make a human credible to another human are as much what they believe as how they say it, how tall they are, how tough they are, how well they type, what kind of degree they hold, etc. Those are not the correct criteria to judge a person about alien life. You have to look at their personal experience with alien life and their motivation with other humans. Or else what you get is the ability for a few intelligent, well-dressed, well-spoken, crooked, stable people to lead a whole lot of willing believers astray on the entire subject. That is how easy propaganda works in this field.

An unstable person is clearly unstable, no matter what he believes in or has experienced. For the majority of the jury to disbelieve in the visitation of alien life, or in the benign visitation of alien life, and then to vote that anybody who claims to experience it is unstable or lying, should only prove to disqualify the majority of the jury.

You are right. Not all of our visiting races always worked in our best interest, but none were ever here to kill us or enslave us or take over our planet. That should be obvious, yet those scenarios prevail due to our own thought patterns. Now that the most advanced races are in charge, nobody can or needs to take advantage of any humans. The truly abusive have been barred from visiting our planet at all.

The organization of visiting races is for everyone's benefit. But humanity stands the most to gain from it right now, in shared technology to make life on Earth better for all humans, and by the furthering our knowledge of the known Universe.

Not every power on Earth wants this. Some have too much to lose by it happening and want to gain as much more control and power as possible before they cannot prevent it any longer. Their time is running out.

[edit on 7-7-2004 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:30 PM
Aliens want to start a chain store featuring t-shirts, underwear and action figures all in their likeness. Thank goodness they had the foresight to have EarthSister copyright their likenesses.

Bandit: No more ridicule.

[edit on 8-7-2004 by TheBandit795]

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:31 PM
I wish I could believe all of that...

First off, let me state some things...

1. I am not throwing out your statements out of hand, I like to keep an open mind, but I will poke a little fun now and then...

2. I am FIRMLY convinced of alien visitation, and I've seen proof enough for me. (a sighting of more than a few ships near a military installation, that I've documented elsewhere in this forum in the past).


You are right. Not all of our visiting races always worked in our best interest, but none were ever here to kill us or enslave us or take over our planet. That should be obvious, yet those scenarios prevail due to our own thought patterns.

I have to disagree here... There is abundant evidence of EBE trickery, deceipt, breaking agreements, etc. There is also evidence of them interfering with military installations, almost causing missile launches, etc. Most of the things I've researched seems to point to a currently existing stalemate. While invasion may not be the goal, I just can't get past the motive not being a good one.

Just remember, if you really ARE in contact with them...don't be blind to just THEIR side of things....hmm? Look at deeds, not words...

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 03:54 PM

Earthsister wrote:
He admits, or brags, that he does not believe alien life is visiting Earth. He has no personal understanding of the aliens, or of people who have alien experiences. Yet he has this very strong, very popular, natural opinion that is backed up by many other similar people in similar positions. He goes around repeating his strong opinion along the human's alien/ufo field grapevine. How many people do you suppose, besides mpeake, are doing that? They do not recognize their own echo, or how their contribution to the whirlpool keeps it all going.

Well, what can I obviously have no idea how to interpert peoples posts. I am in no way bragging that I don't beleive in aliens. If you ever go back and look at past posts of mine you will see that while I state that I don't beleive in aliens, I in no way dismiss them or those that offer credible opinions to thier existense. In fact, I have said that I would love it if there were real just so that this world would be shaken up a bit. And as you can see from my recent posts, it begins with IMO (In my own opinion) so that people like you won't jump down my throat, but obviously I failed in getting that obvious intention out there. Sorry you feel so strongly and or negativly to my opinion. I thought, in spight of my lack of beleif I made a pretty educated guess as to thier intentions toward us. Oh well, I guess you can't make everyone happy.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 04:04 PM
Please, EarthSister adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. She simply parrots the same crap other new agers in the UFO community do.

"They are kind and gentle and want the best for us"

"Yeah? Tell them to come visit me so I can ask them questions."

"Sorry, they only visit my husband and I."

Mpeake, I have to's refreshing to see somebody speak their mind in the face of such fashionable new age mumbo jumbo. Keep speaking your mind.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

If you ever go back and look at past posts of mine you will see that while I state that I don't beleive in aliens, I in no way dismiss them or those that offer credible opinions to thier existense. In fact, I have said that I would love it if there were real just so that this world would be shaken up a bit.


I only meant to use your post as an example to make a clear point about a generally wide problem that I see happening throughout the field, and I think I did that well.

I have read some of your other posts and agree that your opinions are more thoughtful, fair and open-minded than many others' who do not have personal knowledge of alien life. There is more to learn for all of us, no matter what we know already, so I appreciate your honesty and forthcoming.

I also apologize if I offended you in any way. It was not intentional.

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Sinobyte

"They are kind and gentle and want the best for us"

"Yeah? Tell them to come visit me so I can ask them questions."

"Sorry, they only visit my husband and I."

I have never said either of these things, and would never say them.

Do you ever write a nice, intelligent, thoughtful, informative, honest post about anything? Why are you so nasty all of the time? Or did you name yourself that name and make yourself that avatar just for me? I think that is what you really look like.

Seriously, why are you like that?

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