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Chosen one ?Your Ears are buzzing or you have constant high frequency noise in your head lately

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posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 07:11 PM
I get this too...

But that's because i'm constantly around loud amplifiers, as a musician and a fan of music.

Not to mention, i've perforated one of my ear drums in the past.

also, the feeling of something big coming up.... HOW ABOUT CHRISTMAS!?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 08:29 PM
I wonder what happened to that guy in that thread who had sore feet that meant that he was ascending, or something like that? I don't know if he ever really explained why the sore feet meant that he was becoming an ascendant master, but no one seemed to think he didn't know what he was talking about. Maybe sore feet and squealing ears and stuff like that really does mean that a person is chosen? Whatever chosen means. Maybe I have no idea what's real and what's stupid?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by smokingman2006
Dear readers & Posters

Over the last few month ten of millions are experiencing a very physical awaking the symptoms are a buzzing in your ears that is constant during your waking hours also a sense of knowing something big is very close to happening. the most effected ones are having a hard time on focusing.
please do not be concern with any of these effects.
your brain is been realigned to receive an life changing event
You have been chosen for a very special task and soon the buzzing or high frequency in your ears or head will stop and a very clear messages will start coming to you.
till the peace & hope

haha what garbage...i have a constant high pitched noise in my ears and so do my friends...why?? well i went to see MUSE and they are damn loud.

most people think something big is coming...why?? simple tension is building within many different areas of the world and media is telling everyone..people can see it coming...its obvious.

and most other people find it hard to focus....why?? because we hate tedeous jobs we have to do...from stacking shelves and flipping burgers to writing programs and websites or doing someones accounts. most jobs are boring...a lucky few get to do something they love in life...most dont

so the one thing i agree with you on is...dont get worried about these things...everyone has them...its obvious why...but it isnt going away...nothing spiritual is going to happen


posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:16 PM
I'm not trying to be mean or anything...but. Have you considered this might be something else. It kind of sounds like tinnitus. I really wouldn't assume it's something mystical at all. Usually first assumptions aren't the best assumptions in some cases.

Just some advice.

edit on 4-12-2010 by Ronnie K. because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Ronnie K.

Well Id like to say first up, this is not my thing, but theres just too much synchronicity happening for me to not put some thought into it.

As for it being anything medical in my case, no its not, Ive had my GP check me at least 5 times, including head & neck x-rays. He has no idea whats wrong & has rules OUT tinitus.

Neither do I & as the OP hasnt said anything else, we dont have any idea why he says all this, but Id like to know OP !!

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:47 PM
I've had the ringing for years, and like many of the others posters, I attribute it to being a result of playing in various bands and working as a live sound engineer.

There is also a disease called Meniere's Disease which not only includes the effects of tinnitus, but also includes vertigo to the point where you can lose your balance. I have a relative with this and life is hell for him. You need to go to an ear, nose, and throat doc to see what you have.

The herb Ginko Biloba is an ancient remedy for ear ringing and makes for woody tasting tea (its also great for memory).

Physical ailments aside, I feel for you bro. Ringing is a real distraction. I am lucky because it is not constant, but I get it several times a day and it is brain cleaving loud.

I am not sure if you have read the works of James Gilliland (of ECETI), but he is a strongly enlightened being. Hear is a different perspective on ear ringing that he wrote while channeling. It is in a chapter about healing and meditation for expansion from his book "Becoming Gods" (1998, page 135):

"Many of you are experiencing an opening of the inner ear, along with ringing in your ears. This is your brethren trying to contact you. It is opening you to higher frequency communication or higher vibrational thought. Ideas and feelings that accompany the ringing are gifts from on high. Vibrational liftings can space you out or cause your body to heat up, rock, shake, or experience chills and goose bumps. Many will experience pressure, or a sensation in the crown of the head, as it opens to the new consciousness and energy. You are all unique, and the way you react to these energies will also be unique."

I love this perspective on the inner ear ringing.

Be well.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:51 PM
I have crickets in my head , not so much in the ears , as in the head . Have had them for as long as I can remember . Diagnosis is futile .

Tens of thousands of crickets and other night-critters , is the only way to describe it .

Does this mean I am to be Lord of the Crickets ? Or something ?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:41 PM
lol look at all the doctors..mind set much?

Yep it's tinnitus.

It has to be.It can't possibly be anything else.There is NOTHING else it could be..why would it be anything else...okay maybe I overdid the sarcasm but you get the point.

A lot of people have been experiencing this tone in the last happens to my left ear too.Like you're getting tested at the ear doctors is all I can think to describe it.

Maybe it is tinnitus I don't know..but neither does anyone here really they're just guessing.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:48 PM
Honestly, I listen to a lot of loud music, but I don't have tinnitus. Sometimes I'll hear a very high frequency enter (yes enter) my right or left ear (this has not happened in a while). It could also be electromagnetic radiation. I have experienced the pains behind my eye, brief ones.. they are somewhat of a curiousity to me; I am relieved that others have experienced this as well.

Keep your ears and eyes open, and keep searching for the truth, no matter what.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:48 PM
Tinnitus is a common affliction.

It is most commonly a result of prolonged exposure to mid/intermittently high noise levels.

Like the noise you hear while driving with you windows down at 60mph.

Or blasting your stereo at about 3/4 volume.

Or just being weak minded,and reading something into nothing...........

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:50 PM

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by smokingman2006
Dear readers & Posters

Over the last few month ten of millions are experiencing a very physical awaking the symptoms are a buzzing in your ears that is constant during your waking hours also a sense of knowing something big is very close to happening. the most effected ones are having a hard time on focusing.
please do not be concern with any of these effects.
your brain is been realigned to receive an life changing event
You have been chosen for a very special task and soon the buzzing or high frequency in your ears or head will stop and a very clear messages will start coming to you.
till the peace & hope

Couldn't the illuminati afford a messenger that could actually spell? At the very least, proof read?
-Second line-

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by smokingman2006

I have been super unable to focus lately and have thought about this several times in the past few months. I actual almost cut my thumb off in October and associate it to this inability to focus that I had begun experiencing right about that time. It has been quite maddening at times. Hope it truly does end soon.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Doesn't everybodies ears buzz?

I've been having that problem for a long long time. It get's better and worse randomly. I figured it was just something everybody dealt with.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:02 AM
How about the sound of crickets only higher pitch?
It runs constantly but i do get to ignore it when other stuff is happening...I can tune it in whenever i think about it though....its been steady for years now at o increase in volume, just a regular cricket sound (like a bejillion of em sos you just hear the overall hum, not individuals...)
And at a somewhat higher pitched tone, roughly a B major compared to my guitar.....
Is THAT what you are talking about?
edit on 5-12-2010 by stirling because: spelling errers sic

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:02 AM
Buzzing or excessive 'ringing' sensations you hear are linked to your own bodily functions taking place. I read that somewhere and you can easily Google it.

Excessive ringing sensation in your audible tracts can also (to some) be the indication of the susceptibility of one to engage into Astral Projection, if the subject's intent is a conscience effort to achieve such. It's a thing closely regarded as simple 'Sleep Paralysis" and blamed on sleep depravation as the root cause. I'm not a doctor or a space and time traveler.

If you have such 'ringing' in your senses, and are not afraid to focus, you may be able to unwind the conflicting stances about all of this for yourself.

Mind you this is in no way related to lucid dreaming.

This happens when you are wide awake, though medical reports want you to believe you are in a state of sleep. I just love this 'State of" antidote. It gives those who try to explain an 'out', for what goes against their educated beliefs.

True Story: William Shatner suffered from excessive ringing in his ears soon after the original Star Trek series came to an end and had to be hospitalized to suppress it for him. It was rumored that he went off his rocker in a delusionary superiority complex but it was simple excessive ringing in his ears that his absence in the cinema is attributed to.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:08 AM
I have tinnitus resulting from chronic ear infections as a child. It doesn't sound like a buzzing more like a continuous tone. So what happens if we aren't one of the chosen?

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:28 AM
smokingman2006 makes a post about everyday symptoms from living in the modern world and tells everyone they are the chosen ones which makes them feel good about themselves.
He Possibly will not be back to defend as his reasons are so out there that only the bravest of believers will go out on that limb with him.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Indian Yogi would call this buzzing sound Nada. Please read what the yogis have to say about Nada. It is a sign of an awakening consciousness process. Please do your research on Nada.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 03:07 AM
Well, I have tinnitus like so many others who have contributed to this thread. Mine was caused by my dogs barking close to me, I actually 'felt' it happen to both ears, a few years apart. I am not a ' chosen' one, I suffer a medical condition. Simply that.
And BTW, to someone who posted on page 1....tinea is Athletes Foot. A nasty fungus.

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