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I hate my life

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by mossme89

This is slightly off-topic, but still applies to the whole finding a passion thing...

Ok, i was holding out for the SHTF the past couple months and didn't want to start this only for the S to HTF, so this idea sort of faded into the background, but i have an idea for an iPhone app (game) that i think could really take off. Let me just say it's a port of a popular flash game that i see kids playing all the time at my school. Should i go for it?
edit on 3-12-2010 by mossme89 because: more info

Hey there, go for it man. It will totally take your mind off the whole SHTF. I can't speak for everyone, but I get in slumps. I've seen people turn to booze and drugs, but that only makes it worse. I have a strong passion for programming, and working on a project (not assigned by a teacher because they're usually boring) will totally redirect your focus.

Instead of going to bed at night thinking, "Oh I can't wait til this is over", you're gonna be running algorithms and debugging code in your head. If that's your thing, man you're gonna want to wake up early the next morning and test out your dreams. It sure beats not wanting to wake up.

I'm almost twice your age, and I'm not saying I have the answers. But going after that passion is going to make you a lot more fun to be around, trust me on that. Set a goal, and go for it.

Just by reading your post, I'm willing to bet your school doesn't challenge you enough. Take it on yourself.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Whine Flu

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by Whine Flu

I prefer wanker.

But I guess it takes one to know one huh?


Great response dude

Worthy of a moron.

The fact that you can't see beyond my diatribe just proves you are a cretin..

I suggest a trip to the mental health clinic where you can have methodology explained to you.

And if I have to post further then you really are a cretin

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by mossme89

I can relate, I think the way you're feeling is typical for this time of your life. I was once disillusioned with the whole process too, and regrettably didnt apply myself as much as I could have and should have. Now, ten years later, Im wishing I could go back and do it all over again. In hindsight, it wasnt so bad after all. Just try to make the best of it and get through it. There is so much more to life, and once you're finished, you can REALLY start your life.

But make no bones about it, life is always going to be difficult. I thought highschool was stressful.....compared to the real world, highschool is fun. Just try to enjoy it while it lasts.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:00 PM
I feel the exact same way you do. I'm a young girl, but I have the brain of an adult. The things they teach in school to me seem completely pointless. Why should I learn French when I wont even remember it by the time I'm an adult? I may just be in middle school, but I assure you, my friend, I am smarter than my whole entire family, even though I'm the youngest in it.. anyways, I read the comments on this. I'm a bit dissapointed. I thought ATS was a place to share things, without fear of being judged. I guess I was mistaken..
I think the same exact about 2012 too..
Well, we'll see what happens. Something probably will happen, like tons of people going crazy.. Thousands of suicides.. Churches filled with people that think they started believing too late, trying to be forgiven. I don't even know what to believe in about 2012..
I hope things change in the world. Or else, I don't know what I'll do..

-Ele Shiroux/Amber

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by TheBlueShiroux
I feel the exact same way you do. I'm a young girl, but I have the brain of an adult. The things they teach in school to me seem completely pointless. Why should I learn French when I wont even remember it by the time I'm an adult? I may just be in middle school, but I assure you, my friend, I am smarter than my whole entire family, even though I'm the youngest in it.. anyways, I read the comments on this. I'm a bit dissapointed. I thought ATS was a place to share things, without fear of being judged. I guess I was mistaken..
I think the same exact about 2012 too..
Well, we'll see what happens. Something probably will happen, like tons of people going crazy.. Thousands of suicides.. Churches filled with people that think they started believing too late, trying to be forgiven. I don't even know what to believe in about 2012..
I hope things change in the world. Or else, I don't know what I'll do..

-Ele Shiroux/Amber

What part of the country do you live in?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:09 PM
Hey guys! I have an opportunity to work as a camp counselor and go camping. I made another thread about it, as i'm not sure about it here. Hopefully you can give me some advice!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by mossme89

Wow...just wow.You're 17...Time to get moving.Get off ATS...there's a LOT of wack stuff on here...all these buzzwords and flaky theories...Waste of time for you. You want to get the good parts of life...(Travel,hanging out,fun) but you don't want to earn it? (School,jobs,responsibility)...Everyone hits that point...Looking for excuses or waiting for the end of the world...That's just lazy and childish....It's time to get on with it!
Get out there and change the world to suit you....You want money...Get a job and earn it...Or invent something...and sell it...Got a talent...Develop it...You make your destiny....Are there world girdling conspiracies
out there? Maybe...but not as many as some would like to think....Most of this stuff on here is rationalization of unorganized thinkers....People who KNOW they should be in charge....but it just hasn't happened....Why? Well there must be some evil power stopping the good things from coming to me!
Nah...they just haven't tried...It's way easier to sit back and blame others for the way your life is going,then to get off your butt and fix it.So...get on with it...Go tackle life.Peace.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by mossme89

Sounds to me like you are just going through the phase of life where you can't stand authority. The things you say you resent are the very things that give people the power to create the world you enjoy. Maybe you are not getting enough praise from your parents, or is it that you deserve an easy life with no tribulation? Trials in life build character, your just getting started, don't develope pessimism so soon.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:32 PM
I read the whole thing, And I was shocked!
You just wrote everything i feel like, I feel like both me and the rest of the world is stuck in a pit, unable to evolve..
That again makes me depressed, really depressed.
And reading about you felling bad about your bad thoughts, made me think "do I have OCD?"

A star and flag to you my friend, You deserve it.

- Psychiatrium

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by mossme89
Thanks, guess i'm not alone in feeling the universe is taking a massive dump on my face.
edit on 2-12-2010 by mossme89 because: (no reason given)

No, you are not the only one, I feel stuck, I feel that the whole civillization is stuck.
It is bad, sometimes I altso wish for 2012, but just like you said: the rational side of me knows that is is highly unlikely

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Psychiatrium

Can you tell me what you would like to happen, or where you would like to be? I hear / read a lot about people feeling ruttish, for me to better understand I would like to hear what / where you would like to be.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by mossme89

mossme89, you are so totally right about school, and society as a whole. Never mind what the "believers" out there will tell about how it's important to still put your trust in this system, as it's simply totally broken. This society is run by a bunch of hypocrite mobsters who pretend to be there for the common good, while everybody's in it really for it's own butt. There is no such thing as a community. if there ever was.

But 2012 won't change a thing. The world will keep going down the hellhole and there's no stopping it, unless, yes, unless, YOU break out in revolt and assert yourself against society

If you hate this world then wage war against it, because you've got the right rationale for it. Rebel, uprise against the greyness of ordinary life. Do something, burn or break things that make people function in this world, conspire against their plans, expose them for their stupidity and their lies. Just keep uprising, with all the powers, resources and friends you've got.

You will also find that freely associating with other, like-minded people can only make you stronger, and create possibilities for a world that better serves you.

Even if that makes you fail, at least when you die, you'll feel that you lived as a free human being, worthy to be remembered, and not as an sheep who begged for the mercy of his masters.

A free-thinking person like you might be interested in anarchy. Read Mikhail Bakunin, that'll help you out of your misery.

The only way out is to chaaaarge!

edit on 3/12/10 by Echtelion because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Echtelion

Can you tell me what you would like to happen, or where you would like to be? I hear / read a lot about people feeling unhappy about their current situation, for me to better understand I would like to hear what / where you would like to be. How do you see the world should be?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:24 PM
I don't know you and I don't know your situation, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are not just a whiny teenager with authority issues.

Learn everything you can. Everything. Even their propaganda. If you learn a lie and know HOW and WHY it's a lie, you will grow wiser from it and you'll start to see other lies more clearly.

Learn as many languages as you can. Just because "they" want you to learn Spanish doesn't mean it's bad. Some day that knowledge might save your life.

You must learn before you can unlearn.

The second you think you "know" something, you stop learning. Question everything. Even your own questioning.

Be honest with yourself. If you lie to yourself, your entire universe is false.

And stop thinking everyone else is the enemy. The only enemy is yourself. If you overcome yourself, then the whole world is yours.

Good luck and God speed,


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Yissachar1

Originally posted by Whine Flu

Originally posted by Yissachar1
reply to post by Whine Flu

I prefer wanker.

But I guess it takes one to know one huh?


Great response dude

Worthy of a moron.

The fact that you can't see beyond my diatribe just proves you are a cretin..

I suggest a trip to the mental health clinic where you can have methodology explained to you.

And if I have to post further then you really are a cretin

Worthy of a moron indeed. Also, who the hell uses the word 'cretin', nowadays? Have you got Down's Syndrome or something?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by mossme89

Both of my sons suffered a big case of senioritis. Man, we were all sick and tired of the public school sytem by the time they got released. The whole education system is way out of line with what people need to be educated and socialized adults. Both of my sons could have graduated by the tenth grade and started college. They were basically in a holding pattern in middle school and then high school was too much like a prison sentence under the guard of lunatics. Dorm life in college institution is not a whole lot better. They quickly figured out how to go to college and live in shared housing with friends.

High school can seem like you are serving time for being an innocent person. Just hang in there. When it is over, you will be very relieved! Try to conjure work that will bring you happiness and as much freedom as possible. Do what training or college you need to do to get it. Think in trerms of creating a skill that will one day lead to self employment if nothing else is inspiring you. Pay attention to developing hobbies because the social scene of high school where you are surounded by a herd of peers is not natural and will go away. You will always have yourself beside you so make sure you follow your interests and take care of yourself.

Good luck in your life and be gentle on yourself. You will be out of high school before you know it! And about conspiracies...please don't focus too much of your mind and spirit on this. Most of it is nonsense drama.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by TheBlueShiroux

The teen brain is not fully developed until they reach the age of twenty-five, more or less

What scientists have found is that teenagers experience a wealth of growth in synapses during adolescence. But if you've ever hooked up an entertainment center, you know that more wires means more problems. You tend to keep the components you use the most, while getting rid of something superfluous, like an out-of-date laserdisc player. The brain works the same way, because it starts pruning away the synapses that it doesn't need in order to make the remaining ones much more efficient in communicating. In teenagers, it seems that this process starts in the back of the brain and moves forward, so that the prefrontal cortex, that vital center of control, is the last to be trimmed. As the connections are trimmed down, an insulating substance called myelin coats the synapses to protect them.

As such, the prefrontal cortex is a little immature in teenagers as compared to adults; it may not fully develop until your mid-20s [source: Kotulak]. And if you don't have a remote control to call the shots in the brain, using the other brain structures can become more difficult. Imaging studies have shown that most of the mental energy that teenagers use in making decisions is located in the back of the brain, whereas adults do most of their processing in the frontal lobe [source: Wallis]. When teenagers do use the frontal lobe, it seems they overdo it, calling upon much more of the brain to get the job done than adults would [source: Powell]. And because adults have already refined those communicating synapses, they can make decisions more quickly.

Adult brains are also better wired to notice errors in decision-making. While adults performed tasks that required the quick response of pushing buttons, their brains sent out a signal when a hasty mistake was made. Before 80 milliseconds had passed, adult brains had noticed the blunder, but teenage brains didn't notice any slip-up [source: Monastersky].

An area of the teenager's brain that is fairly well-developed early on, though, is the nucleus accumbens, or the area of the brain that seeks pleasure and reward. In imaging studies that compared brain activity when the subject received a small, medium or large reward, teenagers exhibited exaggerated responses to medium and large rewards compared to children and adults [source: Powell]. When presented with a small reward, the teenagers' brains hardly fired at all in comparison to adults and children.

So what does it mean to have an undeveloped prefrontal cortex in conjunction with a strong desire for reward? As it happens, this combination could explain a lot of stereotypical teenage behavior.

edit on 033131p://bFriday2010 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:52 PM
I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes, I actually wish that I could would have learned about the evils of the new world order and their scams such as the Federal Reserve system, Chemtrails, GMO food, Fluoride in the water and everything else these monsters are doing to us, but on the other not knowing these things is a blessing sometimes also.

There's a reason you were shown this at a young age though because the time is right for thing to change. We can change the planet IF all of us doing everything we can to educate as many as we can about the new world order. Get 5000 friends on facebook, start a website, whatever you can do.

We will defeat the new world order! And when we do, we will get access to the Tesla zero point energy and technology such as what these guys have done by running this vehicle on 100% water. This has done many times before but the people have been killed or bought out. Spread the word about the evil and also about what IS possible such as this! Go crazy out there and let's go to Mars in the future!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:54 PM
From my own personal experience, I'd look into your diet with the OCD thing. I have that same problem, but ONLY when I've eaten foods that I'm sensitive to, i.e. sugar, chocolate, wheat, pasteurized milk products, and caffeine. When I stay away from these things, I'm a COMPLETELY different person. No OCD, no intrusive thoughts, and my outlook on things and energy level is so much better.

Regardless of how bleak our future looks, you still have the ability to expand, enlighten, and better yourself, and do things that are an expression of who you are, and how you would like this world to be. If the world turns upside down, at least your soul is better off than had you done nothing. If we let apathy take over, we've already let the bad guys win.

You're very bright for your age, and I know how hard it is when those around you don't mesh with and reflect back to you your expansive way of thinking. I gather you want connection with other people, but find the only person who really "gets" what you're thinking and feeling is you and therefore enjoy your solitude and just being with your thoughts and feelings.

Let go of the idea that you need "such and such" for a successful happy life. Yes, take what you can from H.S. that YOU feel is truly important, but after H.S. you should be seeking to learn the things that will help to successfully develop who you really are, not what you think you need to be in order to make a buck. That may include college, but I know quite a few people who have great jobs with very little extra schooling or zero college, based primarily on who they are, not just what they know. Most people walk around like zombies and just go through the motions, thinking that it's all about just making money so they can have their "things" that bring them fleeting enjoyment. Make up your mind to start feeding yourself what you need rather than letting the status quo be your nourishment. They want you to be a robot, it's up to you to save your soul.

Sounds like the camp counselor job would be a good thing. Unplug from the machine!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Whine Flu

Im a mental health nurse.

We use the word "cretin" all the time..

Better than using thick idiot.

Because it takes an idiot to respond the way you did with no actual knowledge..

Just a response worthy of an uneducated, chav, moron..

If the cap fits however?

Leave it to the pro's dude..

The idiot who wrote this op is too good for our race anyway..
edit on 3-12-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

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