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Why is white pride a bad thing?

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:22 AM
good lord! ha this is funny.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by ZiggyMojo

You sir are correct. "Affirmative Action" (legalized reverse discrimination). The white male heterosexual God fearing American man has had a "target" on his back since the end of WWII. "Boxed", cornered, racked, packed and stacked. When 24 full German SS divisions (240 thousand troops with tanks, artillery etc) were defeated at the Battle of the Bulge, the whole world stood "aghast". Remember who "Fought" and stood there and what little they had to fight back with. From that moment on the NWO knew exactly who to target to ensure their plan for world domination and who their greatest enemy would be. Now the NWO uses our military for their purposes (oil, land, power, money etc). Every war is about the basic things which constitute wars, Land (Countries), Money, (power to control the currency) ethnic survival (Jew, Gentile, White, Arab, Asian what ever) and religion. The NWO are all "Satanists". (Bohemian Grove) They control the currencies in most all major countries. They care nothing about "Race", "Religion" or anything else except to "control the world" and "weed out" any one that opposes them. They (NWO) are a mix of just about every culture in the World. They start the wars that "WE THE PEOPLE" fight and die in and the NWO could care less. The Rothschild's at last count had an estimated worth of over 760 Trillion dollars. That's right, a "Trillion" dollars. Boggles the imagination doesn't it? The Rockefellers (Standard Oil Company) were estimated at about 550 trillion etc. The Warburg's, JP Morgan's, DuPont's etc all add up to a great fortune as well and they are all NWO. All major "intelligence communities" answer to the NWO including the Mossad, KGB CIA, MI-6 and US Naval Intelligence.

"White pride"???!!!! No.....just survival. 40 years of NWO "dumbing down" our children shows us that. They try to teach our children a "revised" history and accept homosexuality as a normal thing in life and that "GOD" does not exist. It shall not befall my kids. They (NWO) are now "Ordering" (Laws passed by Congress) us to accept other ethnic groups into our lives. This is a "mandate" to control our way of thinking and our "behavior"(sic). I "pick and choose" who I associate with and shall not be told who to "like" or "dislike". I am a white male American heterosexual (God Fearing) man and there are plenty of "white people" that I deem to be my "worst enemies" (some that are prior military who are traitors) and would I would not hesitate to fire upon them when the time is right. There are black men who I would give my life for because they are willing to do the same for me fighting for the same causes. Real men are real men, then, there are all the rest. White pride?! Just pride in knowing who you are and what you have done and shall do in the future should be enough. The NWO does not want any of us to have "nationalities", "religion", "personal pride" or "currency" (RFID chips to replace money) to trade and sell merchandise and to live "free and proud". IE "SLAVES"!!!!!!!!!

White pride?! Hardly .........just the right "type" (not false) of pride in knowing who you are and what you stand for is good enough. Its time to "sweep the slate clean". This is about those that stand for "Freedom" and those that do not. Any one that supports, endorses, collaborates or works in conjunction with the NWO is automatically my enemy ("+") whether they be black, white, brown, yellow or green with purple polka dots. That is referred to as "real pride". God gives life....the NWO kills. "Legalized"(sic) murder is abortion and the atrocities of war (SS death camps WWII). There are those that need to be killed, and they are ones who are out to kill the rest of us. There is a difference between "killing" and murder. They are called the NWO and shall never stop until they are successful. Let us "stand" together on the reality of what is about to happen. May God Bless us all. Let us take "pride" in knowing that.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:29 AM
You sound like a scary dude but I would like to correct you on one thing, they are the "Illuminati" and their plan is called the NWO. Everything you said is correct and I agree except one more little thing, murder and killing are both the same thing at the end of the day and does not make you better than the Illuminati.

Still pedophiles who murder children to drink their bloood and manifest power, who make mass offerings to evil Gods like WTC, burning pentagrams( the pentagon), and all other forms of their wickedness are crimes against humanity and deserve some form of punishment. Still the good are tolerant of evil because we lack the right to take life, whereas "they" do not.

Make sure you aim mofo lol Killuminati !!!

Originally posted by scoutsniper
reply to post by ZiggyMojo

You sir are correct. "Affirmative Action" (legalized reverse discrimination). The white male heterosexual God fearing American man has had a "target" on his back since the end of WWII. "Boxed", cornered, racked, packed and stacked. When 24 full German SS divisions (240 thousand troops with tanks, artillery etc) were defeated at the Battle of the Bulge, the whole world stood "aghast". Remember who "Fought" and stood there and what little they had to fight back with. From that moment on the NWO knew exactly who to target to ensure their plan for world domination and who their greatest enemy would be. Now the NWO uses our military for their purposes (oil, land, power, money etc). Every war is about the basic things which constitute wars, Land (Countries), Money, (power to control the currency) ethnic survival (Jew, Gentile, White, Arab, Asian what ever) and religion. The NWO are all "Satanists". (Bohemian Grove) They control the currencies in most all major countries. They care nothing about "Race", "Religion" or anything else except to "control the world" and "weed out" any one that opposes them. They (NWO) are a mix of just about every culture in the World. They start the wars that "WE THE PEOPLE" fight and die in and the NWO could care less. The Rothschild's at last count had an estimated worth of over 760 Trillion dollars. That's right, a "Trillion" dollars. Boggles the imagination doesn't it? The Rockefellers (Standard Oil Company) were estimated at about 550 trillion etc. The Warburg's, JP Morgan's, DuPont's etc all add up to a great fortune as well and they are all NWO. All major "intelligence communities" answer to the NWO including the Mossad, KGB CIA, MI-6 and US Naval Intelligence.

"White pride"???!!!! No.....just survival. 40 years of NWO "dumbing down" our children shows us that. They try to teach our children a "revised" history and accept homosexuality as a normal thing in life and that "GOD" does not exist. It shall not befall my kids. They (NWO) are now "Ordering" (Laws passed by Congress) us to accept other ethnic groups into our lives. This is a "mandate" to control our way of thinking and our "behavior"(sic). I "pick and choose" who I associate with and shall not be told who to "like" or "dislike". I am a white male American heterosexual (God Fearing) man and there are plenty of "white people" that I deem to be my "worst enemies" (some that are prior military who are traitors) and would I would not hesitate to fire upon them when the time is right. There are black men who I would give my life for because they are willing to do the same for me fighting for the same causes. Real men are real men, then, there are all the rest. White pride?! Just pride in knowing who you are and what you have done and shall do in the future should be enough. The NWO does not want any of us to have "nationalities", "religion", "personal pride" or "currency" (RFID chips to replace money) to trade and sell merchandise and to live "free and proud". IE "SLAVES"!!!!!!!!!

White pride?! Hardly .........just the right "type" (not false) of pride in knowing who you are and what you stand for is good enough. Its time to "sweep the slate clean". This is about those that stand for "Freedom" and those that do not. Any one that supports, endorses, collaborates or works in conjunction with the NWO is automatically my enemy ("+") whether they be black, white, brown, yellow or green with purple polka dots. That is referred to as "real pride". God gives life....the NWO kills. "Legalized"(sic) murder is abortion and the atrocities of war (SS death camps WWII). There are those that need to be killed, and they are ones who are out to kill the rest of us. There is a difference between "killing" and murder. They are called the NWO and shall never stop until they are successful. Let us "stand" together on the reality of what is about to happen. May God Bless us all. Let us take "pride" in knowing that.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by mayabong
I've been thinking about this alot lately. Why can every other culture celebrate their culture in the US. but if whites want to celebrate their culture or if they are proud of their heritage, they are automatically a racist?

How do you define 'white culture'?

Does that include Italians and the Irish?

Eastern Europe?

Because I don't think there is anything called 'white culture', because 'white' is not a culture or a race.
edit on 2-12-2010 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

Well I've Irish bloodline and why shouldn't white culture include the Irish! They preserved the knowledge and lore of Europe when the dark ages plunged Europe into chaos!
Hell let's start Irish Pride and English Pride!

I've never understood why someone who say's White Pride is thought of as a supremacist?
It's like you can call yourself dumb-whitey, or shameful whitey but don't you dare use that's empowering like White Pride.

Maybe there needs to be an alternate name that can counter the negative vibes that are embedded in the publics psyche.
edit on 3-12-2010 by WatchRider because: Removal of spell error

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:38 AM
Whoa whoa you know I respect most of what you said but this bunching Malcolm X with Barrack Obama in comparison to MLK is whoa hold on to me. Obama is not white or black completely enough to be on either side of this debate.

Malcolm X was at first for pro-blackness and he was a GREAT MAN!!! Like MLK but Malcolm X spoke for black empowerment not peaceful resolution. Malcolm X was a minor threat until he went to Mecca. When Malcolm X returned from Mecca he was a champion of humanity for he realized while praying with white people and eating with white people who were as Muslim as he was, that color wasnt the problem it was humanity. Then Malcolm X became a sever threat and they killed him. Malcolm X right before his death was quoting Jesus.

Malcolm X deserves his place in history, like a holiday. They wont give Malcolm X a holiday because they are hoping his memory fades from ours. MLK was a GREAT man as well, not to take away from his contribution to progress. Obama is the result of the sacrifice MX and MLK made, not an example of it.


Originally posted by open_eyeballs
Lets talk about racism...

If I dumbed myself down a few notches I could easily be racist. I have experienced more racism in the last few years of my life than I ever did as a boy which has opened my eyes up to such stark realities.

I grew up with friends of all most kids in southern california do. Learned how to play ball on the streets with the wannabe blood no foul.

Have some awesome sports memories with asian dudes, mexican dudes and white dudes. Was lucky enough to be flatbacked by a black kid that went pro.

Had best friend indian kids whos parents didn't know a lick of english.

I was chased by skin heads and have been in fights with biker gangs. Ive seen bikers straight bloody the face of some poor drunk mexican kid because he said the wrong thing.

Also been in fights with mexican only gangs.

Its safe to say I hate gangs and their mentality. Dont read to much into that. I had an easy childhood compared to most people. Just wanted to clear that. Just giving some context.

I was a white kid being raised by a dad who didn't have much of a problem with throwing the "N" word around when someone of another color pissed him off, but dont worry he was just as harsh on the white trash folks.

My childhood heroe because of his skill and determination was Jackie Robinson. The first book I can remember reading was on him. Great picture book where the baseball talked to him and helped him through his adversities.

I used to have almost a kind of guilt from all the things we learned about in the civil war; all the horrific things that happened to so many innocent people.

Today, I #ing hate it when someone calls me a white boy.

You want to see racism today? Go on a basketball court with all black dudes and compete. See how much they like you as a white boy. Theres been a number of occasions where I basically just sat there and took # because I like to play hard. And if you are better and they know it they are going to give you #. Not always of course. Some are more than willing to give props. The worse ones are the black guys that think they are so good just because they are black, but in reality they suck!..haha..those guys always are good for a laugh...And to be fair I have only ran into younger cats that act like this. Ive never had any problem with an older black dude on the court. That should be mentioned. It seems many young black guys walk around with a chip on the shoulder. At least that has been my experience. But the mentality of I should be better than you because of some stupid sterotype is disgusting.

But getting on with it... those same guys that think they are so good because of the color of their skin wear t-shirts with Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X and Barack Obama on the front with some kind of quote like "the dream has been realized" or something or other...signifying the three men are equal (Ive seen this shirt twice on dudes in a gym and both time those same dudes tried starting #). But, WTF? Barack Obama is equal to Martin Luther King Jr.? WTF? Are you kidding me? The man who almost single handidly ushered in equal social rights for all people (not just blacks) in the United States ...a truly great man is being compared to Barack Obama and Malcolm X? WTF!? This to me is a slap in the face to Martin Luther King Jr.

But, who am I to say anything? One, I don't care enough and two its a free country...they can wear whatever damn shirt they want. But it is this mentality and ignorance that breaks down ones civility and starts to create generalizations of an entire race. Its a slippery slope and its easy to get caught making generalizations based on experience. To be completely honest I have not actually met a lot of really intelligent succesful black men. Personally it seems to me there are a much higher number of more intelligent and productive black females than many of the men. The ones I have seen and hold in high regard I mostly see on tv or the news. Its a sad case that the younger generation black kids are so overwhelmed in this stupid rap game cool wannabe tough guy act that alot forget what their parents and older generations worked so hard for.

Luckily, I realize generalizations are just as ignorant as some of the acts I have witnessed so I don't let myself fall into those "stupid traps" if you know what Im sayin... At any rate there is one thing I have come to realize in this world. There are stupid people. And there are good people who do stupid things. I myself have been known to do a stupid thing or two. I can recognize that stupidity all to well. I know those people come in all shapes, colors and sizes. So when Im stupid, I apologize. And when someone else is stupid I try to forgive.

edit on 3-12-2010 by open_eyeballs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:39 AM
Well its all about minorities... if you're a minority you can have "pride" in it. People will associate that with some nobility in standing for yourself, in having a strong opinion, etc etc, "pride" in minorities is all about making a statement... like being gay. Its like the difference between being alone and beating up 5 guys... and being with 5 guys and beating up one.

Majorities cant have "pride". We live in a world that society almost forces you to be part of some minority so you can detach yourself from others and be noted by being part of that specific minority.

Now if I'm proud to be white? Not exactly... I mean, it beats every other option, so I'm happy about it. I dont feel the need to go around and make idiot parades, use stupid flags or stupid slogans. But to each his own I guess... I'm not part of any minority nor I think that being part of one makes you "one step ahead".

Point is... I dont care if you're black or gay until you mention it as if you're making a point, or if thats even important... if you do, than I'm a proud white hetero male, descendant of the most enlightened and powerful civilizations of the history of world and at least I can assure the survival of my species and pass my knowledge onto my legacy.

Basically... if you dont attack me with your race issues, I wont attack you. If you're not proud of being black or gay, then I wont be proud either... but dont give me sh*t or I will respond in a most superior fashion just to put you back to the "human level".

But yes... well the advantage of being white is that we can travel in time without fear
guess thats a point for whites.
(dont take your stupid ipod with you tho, or you will be hanged, burned, tortured or something... just an advice for all you time travelers out there :lol

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:47 AM
Pride in ones race/creed/color/sex/preference/etc.. is a wonderful thing, but should be relegated to that particular person's private life.
As human beings, we need to stop celebrating everything that makes us different and start celebrating what makes us all the same.

Humanity as a whole has had to overcome a tremendous amount of adversity.
That adversity was and is not limited to any one particular group but extends to ever individual on this earth.
There are no doubt a myriad of struggles each and every one of us has had to overcome and will have to face in the future.

The point is, the more we look for what makes us different, the faster we forget that we are all human.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by fonenyc
Why so defensive? I laid out the mentality for you to logically pick apart. Not for you to get all emotional about it. RACE IS BS to me but I know that "divide and conquer" is the rule. This thread is designed to cause division on ATS before we become a community of like minded ppl.

Sorry if what I said offended or brought any kind of negative emotion out of anyone, but it had to be said. Otherwise we risk ppl forgetting what it is to be a minority growing up in poverty and say things to the effect of " well you can always change schools" and " if you dont like it then leave". LOL

Those insensitive remarks, that display the lack of empathy for the have nots from the well to do's, is what causes that mentality. Minorities do not want charity and will break their backs to provide for their families. All that is needed to kill this disease of racism, racial bias in general, is a little compassion for one another.

But we are programmed to fear each other.

No, the problem is people are confused and scared to address what racism actually means.
Racism is being derogatory to another race.
White Pride never was about being derogatory to another race. It was never called white pride though as it was nation states of white people working hard that made Europe get through the dark ages into the renaissance and beyond.

Being racially aware never was, never is and never shall be racist. It's only the public mindset that's been steered way off course to suspect that, because it sails too close to the left-wing one-race world agenda that it cannot be mentioned.
How is it that such a subject has been made to be virtually taboo?

I can walk amongst asians with my head held high as a white man and they walk with their heads held high also.
I have my pride, they have theirs and everyone's happy.
Causing conflict and hatred between the races? I don't think so, at least not in my experience. Maybe people who haven't lived among other races think it will but then they know no better I guess.

The ptb want the white man to cower and be slave-minded drone.
Now I won't bang the drum and issue a call to arms in hatred of other races, but I won't cower and remain silent either.
edit on 3-12-2010 by WatchRider because: Addition

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

As I stated, Hispanic is more an ethnic term than a racial term. However, even as an ethnic term the "diversity" regime does not recognize the vast differences between the South and Central American nations of origin the term includes. The puropose of creating a "Hispanic" race tribe social and political doctrine in the US is strictly political to serve the divide and conquer agenda of the elitists. We should all reject it.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by fonenyc

Didn't you state before that "White People" are the benefactors of the slave trade? And were you not using that statement to justify the negative opinions directed at White People living today?

Defensive? No, just not Submissive. I am tried of having the fact that people with white skin have done bad things to people with non-white skin shoved in my face all the time. I'm tired of being told I am unfairly advantaged over other people because I was born with pale skin. It's enough. Thank heavens more White people are beginning to WAKE UP and see they are being discriminated against based on the colour of their skin!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:21 AM
We all bear the sins of our forefathers, simple as that.

Just as Germans must always shoulder the burden of the Holocaust, so must we Whites shoulder the burden of Slavery.

Now, that does NOT mean that I feel responsible for something long dead ancestors did. No, I do not accept that, as I had no input or involvement with events previous to my birth. However, I do RECOGNIZE that such things will impact how others view me, regardless of right or wrong.

Personally, I'm more for HUMAN pride...but until we quit thinking in terms of race at all, there will still be divisions. How many of us are TRULY one particular race anymore? I know there are everything from Hispanic, Black, Asian, and American Indian races in my family tree, and I doubt most are much different. Eventually, it will become a non-issue, as this blending continues...but until then, no matter what race we are perceived to be, we will have to deal with the views and prejudices of being that race.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
We all bear the sins of our forefathers, simple as that.

Just as Germans must always shoulder the burden of the Holocaust, so must we Whites shoulder the burden of Slavery.

This I disagree with, not in whole, but in the sense that slavery is a white guilt. The fact is that one would be hard pressed to find any culture, race, or creed that does not have slavery somewhere in its past - and in some cases, even in its present.

In the west, specifically in America, we tend to be overly selective in our understanding of slavery and it's history.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:25 AM
Bah... finger spasm double post.
edit on 12/3/10 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:28 AM
I laugh at those who claim most of modern day racism and oppression has come from whites.
China, North korea, Vietnam, egypt, most if not all of africa, iraq, mexico, iran, saudi arabia, among other countries.
And I hate when people pul the nazi card by claiming "yea well it was the whites who were nazis". Guess what more whites fought against nazism then for it. Hell, more whites fought against nazism then any other race on the planet.
Or they pull the slavery card. But again guess what, it was the black natives who sold us slaves. We didn't go looking for them. Or how about egypt who has used more slaves over its history then every other country, race, nd cuture combines. But you don't here people screaming about that.

I love every race. They are so beautiful, elegent, yet strong and determined. But now I have to drop my european culture because it is racist and in an attempt to create a multi cultural country train wreck.
I share the same ideas that the greeks had. Anyone of any race was equal and could become a greek so long as they adopted the greek culture and language.

edit on 3-12-2010 by 1FutureMarine1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:30 AM
I think society looking down upon white pride is what created rednecks, or at least what is keeping them alive.

I remember speaking to a guy from Idaho telling me how Nascar is the last white sport left

This was a few years ago though

But yes I would agree with the OP

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:34 AM
.White pride is only a bad thing because it always asserts an equality in to a military or political focus. Now that companies are usually owned and managed and used to promote war in any community doesn't help our pride either. A example of this would be Africa, but there are many more. White pride is a term that has fallen in the focus of the industrial revolution and has never been redeemed sense. I suggest a world vote based on how white interest have treated their countries and you will have your answer

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by mayabong

You have touched a very sensitive topic.
Whites have no (zero) reason to feel guilty regarding the slave trade or the media occurrences of "racism" today.

The horrible treatment of black's occurred over 150 YEARS ago.
For myself, I refuse to allow myself to be trapped into feeling bad for events that happened beyond my control that occurred over a century before my birth.

As cold as this may sound, her is my message to black Americans.....Get Over It...
No one currently alive today contributed to the events surrounding the slavery that your culture was forced to endure. Not one of us should have to consider "repaying" you for those sins of yesterday.

Would you mind by the way if we started a "NWPA" (National White People of America"? Not a big deal really. We will simply ask for donations and run media nationally asking for contributions for only white people. You've done it for years so by now I assume that you wouldn't mind.

While we are on the subject, do you mind of we start an "WCC"? (White Congressional Caucus" so that the white people in Congress may get together and plan out our next white moves?

I am sick of the treatment that occurs from the idea that white people owe a black person anything. This is 2010 people. Get over what occurred over a century ago, embrace your white co-brothers on the planet and let's work together to ensure that within 5 years not a single white or black person would even consider blaming the other race for it's misfortunes.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by WatchRider

Thats the spirit!

2nd line

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:54 AM
I did state that and yes it is true, but it does not mean I resent it. What happened happened and couldnt have happened any other way. There are people who have wealth which was passed down to them stemming from the slave trade, these people happen to be white people. Those white people usually hire and associate with white people only or mainly. That creates an image of bias in the mind of poverty, of unfair practices.

IDGAF if youre white or black but if you got green we can kick it. The purpose of my post was to show the mentality but in now way did I advocate it. I merely showed the logic and reasons behind the mentality that is a generalized way of thinking in minority ppl. White ppl clan up because they can relate to one another, so do minorities.

Race is not an issue to me and is basically a form of ignorance, which is an issue. Education dissolves that mode of biased thought and is the only way that ppl can be united against a common enemy, not each other. White people are people and its ok to have a bad history, as long as you dont repeat it or use it as an excuse.

What is it to be white nowdays anyway? What is the white identity? What is the minority identity? All those questions I just asked can be answered by watching the TV. We are being programmed to be divided and argue over such petty things as race. Cmon dude understand what I am saying, Im all about building not destroying.

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
reply to post by fonenyc

Didn't you state before that "White People" are the benefactors of the slave trade? And were you not using that statement to justify the negative opinions directed at White People living today?

Defensive? No, just not Submissive. I am tried of having the fact that people with white skin have done bad things to people with non-white skin shoved in my face all the time. I'm tired of being told I am unfairly advantaged over other people because I was born with pale skin. It's enough. Thank heavens more White people are beginning to WAKE UP and see they are being discriminated against based on the colour of their skin!

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by fonenyc

Thank you for clarifying your position. I misunderstood the message you were sending, my apologies. I think your views are valid, and you have provided a positive contribution to the topic at hand.
edit on 3/12/2010 by Dark Ghost because: typo

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