Maybe this piece of text is also quit interesting.
It is quotet from a book called Souls of destortion, you can read it for free in pdf just search on google it is very informative.
Here is the quote:
The mathematical constants
The pyramid encodes the mathematical constants for Pi and Phi and the natural
logarithm e! These three constants play a very significant role in mathematics and
physics. For centuries the origin of these constants has puzzled mathematicians
and scientists, and it still remains a mystery, but the fact is that these mystical
constants show up everywhere in nature. All of the three constants, Pi, Phi and e,
have been incorporated into one and the same structure, the Great Pyramid! This
in itself is a very remarkable fact and proves the amazing ingenuity of the builders
of the Great Pyramid.
By no means is it possible that these constants would show up accidentally by
piling up some well-hewn rocks. Pi and Phi were found first; however it wasn’t until
2003 that Rick D. Howard discovered the natural logarithm constant. He developed
a theory called the Triple-Triangular-Theory (TTT) that mathematically underpins
the presence of all three constants in the Great Pyramid.
In the picture below are the dimensions of the Great Pyramid in royal cubits. The
royal cubit is an ancient length measure used by the Egyptians.
Dimensions of the Great Pyramid in royal cubits.
The mathematic value of Pi defines the ratio of the circumference to the diameter
of a circle and is found in the pyramid.
Souls of Distortion Awakening
• Pi can be found taking twice the base length of the pyramid divided by its
height: Pi = 2 * 440/280 = 880/280 = 22/7 approximating Pi = 3.14159.
The Golden Ratio or Phi is found in the pyramid in the following way:
• Phi is found when the length of the sloping side of the pyramid is divided by
half the base length of the pyramid, Phi = 356/220 = 1.618 (220 is the half of the
base of the pyramid).
I’ve left out the proof for the base of the natural logarithm e since the Triple-
Triangular Theory is rather complex.
The fact that the pyramid encodes Pi and Phi and e, the most profound constants in
nature, indicates that the builders of the pyramid had to have had a mathematical
understanding of the importance of these constants. (₄)
Now the Great Pyramid is not the only structure in ancient Egypt that contains
these remarkable constants. Schwaller de Lubicz, who studied the Temple at Luxor
from 1837 to 1952, has amassed much evidence that the Egyptians had used the
Golden Mean ratio (Phi) ingeniously in many ways in the architecture of the temple.
Before de Lubicz’s research, the discovery of the Golden Mean was credited to the
Greeks. His findings were irrefutable proof that the Egyptians had a mathematical
understanding of at least a thousand years before Pythagoras.
Location of the Great Pyramid
The location where the Great Pyramid has been built is very remarkable, to say the
least; it could be related to the speed of light! The speed of light is exactly
299,792,458 meter/second or 29,979.2458 x 10 million meters per second.
Originally, the meter was defined as 10 millionth of the distance from the North
Pole to the equator in the SI system (1791). If we divide the speed of light by the
distance from the equator to the North Pole, we get the number: 29,979.2458. This
is the latitude of a line at half the distance between Khufu and Khafre of exactly
29.9792458 degrees North.
It could be an indication that the location of the Giza Plateau was deliberately
chosen to represent the speed of light.
Another indication that the builders of the Great Pyramid were aware of the speed
of light is found in the number of casing stones that were used in the construction.
From the discoveries made by Bruce Cathie, the one who discovered the
octahedron and the cube in the Earth grid, we know that there is a fascinating
coincidence between the speed of light, the Gematria value for light and the
number of casing stones of the Great Pyramid. What Bruce Cathie did is he
expressed the regular value of the speed of light in another measurement. He
called it the grid speed of light; the time light takes to travel along the Earth grid
lines. Cathie proposed a different unit of time. He introduced the grid second as a
replacement for the current second as a unit of time. Instead of there being 3 * 8
hours in a day, he proposed a 3 * 9 = 27 grid hours in a day. He also used a
different measure for distance; he used a radial displacement, the radial arc bow on
a circle of 360 degrees. Next he recalculated the speed of light as the number of
Souls of Distortion Awakening
arc minutes (1/60th of a degree) light travels along the 360 degree circle (the
Earth) per grid second (supposing there are 27 grid hours in day). Much to his
surprise he found the grid speed of light to be the very harmonious value of
144,000 grid arcs per grid second.
So the harmonic value 144,000 for the speed of light matches with the number of
casing stones that were used to cover the Great Pyramid. If we add in the fact that
the Gnostic Kabbalah equates the Gematria value for light to the number 144, we
can safely assume that these numbers are not random coincidences, and that the
builders of the Giza Plateau very likely knew the speed of light!
Remember also the fact that the location of the Great Pyramid is the exact location
of the North Pole of the Earth grid and that it is also the unique location on Earth
where the maximum ratio of land mass to water is found!
The Giza Plateau, therefore, is a very unique location on Earth and is therefore hard
to believe that this fact would have gone unrecognised by its designers! (₅)
The Giza plateau and the inner planets
The dimensions of the Great Pyramid are the first strong indications that the
builders hinted at representing the dimensions of the Earth. The Earth is not a
perfect sphere; the radius from the poles to the center is smaller than the radius of
the equator to the center. Therefore, the Earth is flattened like a football that is
squashed when someone sits on it. This is attributed to centrifugal forces, a result
of the Earth spinning on its polar axis. These imperfect spherical dimensions of the
Earth are perfectly reflected in the Great Pyramid. The perimeter of the pyramid
represents the equatorial radius of the Earth. The perimeter of the pyramid is equal
to half a minute of Earth’s equatorial longitude. In other words, if we take the
perimeter of the Great Pyramid and multiply it by 2 * 60 * 360 = 43,200 we get
the circumference of the Earth along the equator in kilometres. This proves to be
correct from satellite measurements with a 99,5 % degree of accuracy. The height
of the Great Pyramid represents the polar radius of the Earth. If we take the height
of the pyramid and multiply it by the same value of 43,200 to maintain ratio we get
the polar radius of the Earth with an accuracy of 99.3 %. So it seems more than
reasonable to assume that the Great Pyramid was indeed intentionally designed to
represent the Earth. These facts cannot, in good faith, be readily dismissed as
being purely coincidental. (₆)
The height of the Great Pyramid also appears to be a reference to the distance
between the Sun and the Earth! The height of the pyramid is 280 royal cubits. The
distance between the Earth and the Sun measured in kilometres is 147 x 10⁶ Km
and equals 280 x 10⁹ royal cubits! So the distance between the Earth and the Sun
is exactly one billion times the height of the pyramid. In the chapter about sacred
geometry we also demonstrated that the Great Pyramid expresses the ratio in size
between the Earth and the moon by ‘squaring the circle’.
From these examples, we may get the impression that the Great Pyramid is indirect
proof of the existence of harmonic geometrical relations between the Earth, the
Moon and the Sun. John Martineau in ‘A little book of coincidence’ has indeed
proven that such harmonic relations exist between all the celestial bodies of our
Souls of Distortion Awakening
Solar System. With the aid of sacred geometry he explained all the orbits of the
planets of our Solar System and showed that they are based on intrinsic harmonic
principles. Johannes Kepler, the great astronomer, had always believed that the
orbits of the planets could be geometrically explained; in fact, he believed that the
Platonic solids were the key to the mysteries of their orbits.
In 1994 Robert Bauval in ‘The Orion Mystery’ proposed a now popular theory that
assumes that the three pyramids on the Giza plateau are aligned to the three stars
of the Orion constellation. The Nile, according to Bauval, corresponds to the Milky
Way. The pyramids on the ground represent the positions of the three stars of the
Orion constellation in 10,500 BC (As above so below) according to Bauval. The date
of 10,500 BC corresponds perfectly with the date 10,490 BC for the construction of
the Great Pyramid given by Edgar Cayce.
While the popular Orion alignment of the Giza plateau is still being debated, there
is also a less popular cosmic relation that can be proven relatively easily. This
cosmic relation, a discovery made by Clive Ross, again shows that the Great
Pyramid was built to represent the Earth.
Clive Ross discovered that the three pyramids on the Giza plateau cleverly
correspond with the four inner planets of the Solar System, Mercury, Venus, Earth
and Mars, with the emphasis on Venus. But how can three pyramids correspond
with four planets?
The correlation between the pyramids and the planets is as follows:
• P1 : The Great Pyramid of Khufu represents Earth
• P2 : The pyramid of Khafre represents Venus
• P3 : The pyramid of Menkaure represents both Mars and Mercury
Aerial photo of the Giza plateau, on the right depicting the planets
The correspondence of the middle pyramid with Venus, in my opinion, may very
well be a clue for the identity of the builders of the Giza Plateau. We will reveal that
Souls of Distortion Awakening
Now the three pyramids relate in ratio with the four inner planets of the Solar
System in three different ways:
• The base of each pyramid corresponds with the diameter of their
corresponding planet.
• The angle between P1-P2 and P2-P3 relates to the solar orbital time
differences between Earth and Mars.
• The distances between the pyramids relates to the relative distances
between the planets.
Without troubling you with the exact numbers I will simply state that: the smallest
pyramid P3 corresponds to the average diameter of both Mercury and Mars. The
builders of the pyramid most likely used two kinds of colours in the casing stones to
represent the dimensions of both Mars and Mercury in one pyramid. The central
pyramid P2 corresponds to Venus and, the Khufu pyramid (P1) corresponds to the
planet Earth.
One must keep in mind that the dimensions of the pyramids are related to the
diameters of the planets and that the ratios that were calculated are within a
degree of accuracy that requires the exact dimensions of the planets that science
has only been able to achieve by using satellites! And here we have a structure in
the middle of a sandpit that demonstrates the ratios between the dimensions of the
planets and base lengths of the pyramids with the same accuracy!
The three pyramids are not aligned in a straight line; they actually make an angle
of 191.6 degrees. (180 degrees would be a straight line). Remember that this is
the ‘angle’ between the pyramids representing Earth and Mars/Mercury.
Planet Earth orbits the 360 degrees around the Sun in 365.25 days. Planet Mars,
however, requires 686.98 days. Now let’s calculate how much of the 360 degrees of
a full circle Mars has covered when the Earth has completed its revolution around
the Sun:
The angle would be: 365.25 / 686.98 * 360 = 191.4 degrees!
This is also the exact angle between the pyramids representing Mars and Earth!
Coincidence? Not when we consider that the relative distance between the planets
was also taken into account when the pyramids were situated on the Giza Plateau.
Let’s have a look.
The distance in a straight line between P1 and P3 is 36857 inches.
The distance in a straight line between P1 and P2 is 19169 inches.
The exact ratio between the two distances is
P1-P3 / P1-P2 = 36857 / 19169 = 1.92
Now measuring the corresponding distances between the planets is not such a
simple fact. The distance between the planets is not constant, due to the elliptical
orbits of the planets around the Sun. Johannes Kepler discovered the elliptical orbit
of the planets four hundred years ago, but the ancients that built the Great Pyramid
must have known about it too.
Souls of Distortion Awakening
They cleverly used the distance between the Earth and Mercury when Mercury is
farthest away from the Sun. In this case the distance between Earth and Mercury is
79.76 x 10⁹ m. The distance between Earth and Venus is 41.39 x 10⁹ m.
Now the ratio in distance between Mercury and the Earth and Earth and Venus is
79.76/41.39 = 1.92
This is the exact same ratio in distance between the planets that has been used in
the distances between the pyramids. Again, the accuracy is just stunning!
There are other clues that indicate that the Great Pyramid corresponds with the
Earth. The length of the Earth’s solar year is perfectly reflected in the construction
of the Great Pyramid in two ways! The first reference to the solar year is reflected
in the length of the base of the Great Pyramid that is exactly 36,524.22 Primitive
Inches in length or 365.2422 sacred Egyptian cubits in length!
The second reference to the length of the Earth’s solar year is found inside the
pyramid where we find a small room in between the King’s chamber and the Great
Gallery called the Ante-chamber. When a circle is drawn inside this room touching
all the walls, the circumference of this circle is exactly: 365.25 inches, a perfect
reference to the number of days in a solar year! The total length of a solar year is
365 days, 5 hours and 49 minutes, hence 365.25 days!
Both the dimensions of the base of the pyramid and the Ante-chamber seem to
have been chosen to depict the number of days in an Earthly year. (₇)
The primary purpose of the Great Pyramid may very well be that of a very large
crystal harnessing and focusing the spiralling torsion waves of the Earth. It is
situated at the exact North Pole of the Earth grid where the most powerful torsion
waves arise from the Earth. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, the Great Pyramid
has been placed such that the apexes of the pyramids are exactly in the course of a
Phi spiral. In fact, all three pyramids are aligned to this Golden Mean Phi spiral.
It’s not unthinkable that the primary function of the pyramids was to stabilize the
Earth grid and protect the Earth from earthquakes, volcanic activity and possibly
even pole shifts.
If the Great Pyramid was used to harness the torsion waves of the Earth, we should
not forget that this torsion wave energy is also conscious energy. From sources
such as Edgar Cayce, David Wilcock and Drunvalo Melchizedek, the story goes that
the Egyptians also used the Great Pyramid as an instrument for spiritual initiation,
healing and awakening.
Prior to the final initiation in the Great Pyramid, initiates went through the secret
teachings of the right eye of Horus and learned about sacred geometry and maybe
even aether physics. The Egyptians believed that all of creation arose from the
primeval waters, the Nun (ether). Paragraph 1146 of the Pyramid Texts relates the
story of a primeval cosmic serpent Iru-To who emerged from the primeval waters
to create the physical world. These are Iru-To’s words from the Pyramid Texts:
Souls of Distortion Awakening
“I am the outflow of the Primeval Flood, he who emerged from the waters. I am the
‘Provider of Attributes’ serpent with its many coils. I am the Scribe of the Divine
Book which says what has been and affects what is yet to be.”
What I believe is being described here is the aether physics of Paul La Violette and
Daniel Winter. The torsion wave (Phi spiral serpent Iru-To) spontaneously emerges
from the aether (primeval waters) to create physical matter or form (‘the
attributes’) out of the formless aether. The torsion wave is the Scribe of the ancient
Akashic records, the equivalent of Ervin Laslo’s A-field, the torsion wave
information field that permeates all of space and is the memory of the universe.
(See chapter 6 ‘Aether Vibrations’)
Another interesting fact is that the serpent Iru-To is depicted with two heads. This
could symbolize the fact that the torsion wave can be created from two opposite
electromagnetic waves as has been suggested by Tom Bearden. Metaphorically, the
two-headed snake could also symbolize the duality that came into existence from
the Oneness when Iru-To emerged from the primeval waters. When the first forms
where created from the Oneness of the aether, the wholeness of creation was
separated. It could also be indicative of “male” and “female”, positive and negative.
In spell 321 of the Coffin Texts, the cosmic serpent Iru-To continues:
I extended everywhere, in accordance with what was to come into existence, I bent
right around myself. I was encircled in my coils; one who made a place for himself
in the midst of his coils. (8)
If this isn’t a perfect description of a static torsion field, the doughnut-shaped torus
explained by Daniel Winter, then what else is? The fact that the serpent made a
place for himself ”in the midst of his coils” could indicate that this form is also the
focal point of awareness, the place where consciousness fundamentally dwells.
The serpent also plays an important role in the ancient Egyptian caduceus symbol;
the winged staff with two serpents twined in seven turns around it. It was the
symbol carried by Toth or Hermes Trismegistus. According to Edgar Cayce and
other sources, Toth was the builder of the Great Pyramid. The caduceus is a
beautiful example of the spiralling-in of the torsion wave in a vortex shape.
The caduceus
So finally the Egyptians that had passed through the schools of the right eye and
left eye of Horus got their initiation into higher truths inside the Great Pyramid.
They were placed inside the sarcophagus, the big coffer inside the King’s chamber.
The coffer was placed in the focal point of the pyramid (pyr amid = fire in the
Souls of Distortion Awakening
middle!) such that the strong torsion wave energy changed the conscious state of
the initiate undergoing the initiation process. The previously mentioned sources
reveal that the Egyptians could create self-induced out-of-body experiences in this
way. An out-of-body experience is an experience whereby the individual’s
consciousness is no longer bound by the physical body, but is free to travel any
place it likes, even inter-dimensionally. Many people have experienced a near death
experience (NDE), a temporary form of out-of-body experience (OBE), while on the
operating table. Although many patients have reported such experiences, the whole
subject is still pretty much a taboo in our Western society. However, in 2001 the
Dutch cardiologist Pim van Lommel was the first scientist to publish a serious
scientific report in the medical magazine, ‘the Lancet’, about the reality of near
death experiences that had happened to so many of his patients.
If the initiation in the Great Pyramid was successful, the graduate was awakened
and returned with supernatural abilities to heal and perform miracles and wonders.
According to the Edgar Cayce’s readings, Jesus is the reincarnation of one of the
builders of the Great Pyramid, Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice Greatest, also
known as Toth the Atlantean. Toth received help from an Egyptian priest by the
name of Ra-Ta who later reincarnated as Edgar Cayce himself! Hermes, the Thrice
Greatest, alias Toth, meticulously designed the pyramid for his future awakening as
the historical Jesus of Nazareth who, by his initiation in the Great Pyramid,
awakened to the Christ consciousness, according to the Cayce readings. There are
many biblical historians who claim that Jesus indeed spent a long time in Egypt.
Most people think that Jesus and the Christ are just synonyms. However, the Christ
is the perfect awakened man, he who has attained universal consciousness. Jesus
of Nazareth is just one of many prophets like the Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster,
Krishna and many others in history who have attained this state of enlightened
consciousness. I believe that the essence of Jesus’ teaching is that he was trying to
teach us that Christ consciousness is wholly inherent in each and every one of us.