reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy
Okay G.O.P.
I tell you what, I've thought about this for a while now, and I do owe you an apology.
I allowed myself to lose control and became too emotional when I first read your initial reply.
For that, and my behavior and posting, I do apologize.
I also have thought about your position on this issue for hours and hours, trying to understand where it is you are coming from.
The thing that I've come to understand about "positions", is that every one of them is the product of NEED,
the culmination of rooted needs, mostly interpersonal and constructed from the individuals core.
Your needs and others needs can have similarities but there will always be some needs that are unique to an individual, and also of varying
WE, and I'm speaking only on those that would be flying on airliners, not on anything else, only that topic,
we need to of course be safe,
there is already a 'built in' risk to flying, any type of malfunction can result in an accident ending in death,
we take that risk willingly when boarding and flying, should something happen at 36,000 ft with engines or pressure or whatever there's tragedy.
That 'built in' possible failure exists at any given moment on any given flight, no one can perform perfect maintainence and assure anyone that parts
wont fail,
that 'built in' issue is addressed as best it can be, on the ground, preflight, between flights, with safety checks, inspections, parts replacements,
etc by trained mechanics and technicans,
people just like anyone here, we trust that they perform their job well, we dont see them perform their job, but we trust that they do,
that, is the 'built in' safety issue.
WE, (still only speaking on flyers) want to also feel safe in our travels against terrorists, nut jobs, attackers, etc,
I dont want you or your loved ones, or myself or anyone for that matter to ever be put into that 'moment' that we can only imagine, a moment of panic
and fear and pending doom when some crazy trys to take over an airliner,
I sure want to feel safe and that the airline that I just bought my ticket from will provide me with the safest possible flight.
I need to feel safe, I also need to feel respected, I need to feel appreciated as a customer as well.
The airline needs to do business, they need to make a profit, they need to provide safe travel.
Looks like we've got at a minimum, 6 basic needs that should be met.
Lets see if we, (the airlines and the customers) can do, through a cooperative effort, our combined best at providing these 6 basic needs.
1-Security clearances and background checks on all employees.
2-Access restrictions to areas by employee groupings.
3-Baggage inspection, thorough xray and sniffer inspections of all baggage, all baggage checked, no carryons.
4-Highly Qualified mechanics and techs, recertification yearly, continual training.
5-Elevated level of parts upgrades and replacements.
6-Locked cockpits, absolutely no access by cabin staff available, no exit by flight crew by a minimum of 10 minutes before leaving boarding area.
7-Trained and Armed flight crew.
8-Air Marshall (or private security) on each flight.
9-Passenger passes through metal detector and sniffer.
10-Passengers seat belts to be secured before leaving boarding area, seat belts are to be thoroughly and individually inspected before leaving
boarding area, passenger seat belts are to remain locked through entire flight, passenger seat belts are only able to be released by staff at seat
belt unlocking station, passenger seat belts are individually controlled.
Has our need for mutual safety been met?
With the 'built in' issues there will of course always be a chance of electrical or mechanical failure, but with elevated maintainence schedules and
parts upgrades and replacements that occurance can be narrowed.
With 'built on' safety issues, we've eliminated items to access in the cabin, all bags are checked, we've employed state of the art metal detectors
and explosive sniffing devices, we've secured our passengers comfortably for the entire flight with individually electronic controlled seat belts,
(simply push the call button and an attendant will visit you, if you need access to the restroom, one passenger at a time can roam freely, OR one is
directed forward and one aft)
We also have an armed air marshall or security person on board, and finally we have a secure cockpit with no access allowed from tarmac to tarmac.
No one has been touched, no one has been discriminated against, no one has been disrespected,
no one has been xrayed, no one has been treated as anything other than a passenger, a customer.
If we need extremes, and in some cases we do, and we will never know in which case that is,
if we need extremes, are these posted here sufficient?
Would these be effective, tolerable, and acceptable by the standards that both parties needs demand.
I personally believe yes.
edit on 20-11-2010 by HappilyEverAfter because: typo