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Female Soldiers from around the World...

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posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Tharsis
Not one of those women could pull me out of a foxhole.


So lose some G*d da** weight!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Right and in so much as men and some women try to keep women in their place with outdated ideas and notions, these women are at the peak of their physical perfection and that really should not be reduced to a sexual or weaker than men thing.

Think about it, they are perfect as perfect as they will ever be in this life and that should be commended and not disrespected, but it is. They are not sex symbols, they are warriors.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:54 PM
I have in my youth fought and won 5 brutish men at one time, I have done my fair share of walking away, and of standing my ground without so much as a scratch from my opponents, I was considered a sex object, and yet when the smoke cleared I was an equal and not the weaker sex.

I think one thing personally on this subject and that will not count for all women and their nature but for me, I had the ability to use empathy and judgment without testosterone calling my shots. I could stop at the point before causing undue harm, perhaps it is a maternal thing?

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 02:57 PM
And one more point, women have the natural ability to withstand more pain than the average man, it is because nature allowed us to process pain for childbirth. I am not saying that it cannot be taught, that men cannot train their minds, but it is coded within our very physiology, for us it goes beyond mental state and dives straight to the very core of our amazing abilities.

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Tharsis
Personally, I'd prefer my fellow soldier be able to pull me out of a foxhole if I'm injured or in need of assistance.

Not one of those women could pull me out of a foxhole.

edit on 12/26/10 by Tharsis because: (no reason given)

Combat is more than foxholes my friend. Again sterotypes caused by watching too many movies or comparing old wars to new ones may leave some confused. There isn't always time to dig foxholes - combat is sometimes on the move . . .

The old "can't drag the body" logic does have it's merit in certain circumstances, but this isn't gender specific either friend - there are MEN that can't drag a body too, maybe you are unaware of this. By the way, as I said - I started Navy (Finished Air Force) at one point during Navy boot camp I got sent over to the Gym for Intensive Training - we called it IT - it took place at 3am. I held a leadership position in my company and those of us in these position managed to "get in trouble" and got to get the ultimate cycling - meaning bust your a$$ with physical drills. It was more about the rest of the company not thinking we got special treatment. SO I get my 0203 wake up to go stand at attention on the painted footprints before marching over for my Intensive "Butt Kicking" Training - and let me tell you I wish YOU could have seen the nerdy nukes (males) with their birth control glasses on crying and moaning and carrying on. Really, men who could not do push ups - and not just ONE male - either, a big old hanger sized space full of em. So much crying and moaning you would have thought you were on a labor floor and birth was taking place.

It really comes down to the individual, be they gay, female, purple, mormon, whatever ~ and let me restate, you NEVER know how an individual is going to react. I've seen a few Professional Football player sized guys pass out in the vaccine line. I'm not a big fan of those Alien movies but most people know the scene where the macho guy starts crying "game over man, game over man" . . . . well (and I am not talking special forces here - who are carefully selected and trained. For some jobs you have to pass a psychological battery - submariners as an example.) I am talking about here: The BULK of the service, that scene pretty much sums up what can happen and there is NO predicting before hand who is going to freak out.

I don't know what happened to me when the sh*t hit the fan, training took over and I operated in a sort of robotic out of body way - only when I "came to" and rejoined the reality of the situation did I take stock of the reactions of those around me. I will never forget watching 2 guys help a third guy smoke a cigarette! It took two guys to hold the guys arm steady enough to light up and then they had to hold his arm so he could bring his head down and take a drag he was shaking so badly. I can also remember the absolute dazed reaction from a couple of others at my reaction and how I went from shooting the sh*t joking around one moment to full on battle mode reaction in mere seconds while the individual next to me just froze. I don't think the majority of human beings enjoy war - and being in one is vastly different then thinking about one or watching one on the big screen.

To be honest my participation in War - while not bringing me out of the closet as a full blown peace activist, has certainly put the brakes on any kind of glorification of it . . . because War is Hell. I really do want them all home now, because I understand on a deep and profound level the true cost of it all. I also know first hand how badly handled the ill and injured are treated and taken care of ~ and how as a society we do not take care of in a proper way - so many that have paid a price most do not. War if you are in one doesn't end over there, you bring it back with you. An unhealed Veteran affects everyone they come in contact with too, most tragically their children.

I will also say despite my gender - you would want me on your team - because I was capable under fire. Percisely WHY I was were I was at, and called to do what I did - my Base Commander knew this. Maybe at first you'd look at me and grumble and not like it, I had nothing to prove to anyone either - I just did my job - but somehow I managed to win over any cynics and pretty soon they counted on me. The ones that had a problem with me, were not chosen, or were relieved of duty and not because of me, because THEY couldn't cut it. I will also add, that only the Air Force - in these particular circumstances allowed me into this position that was WAY above my paygrade because my commander could think outside the box. The Army E9 that had to come to me for briefing could not comprehend that this female E6 was doing the job, and I kid you not we had to bring in an E8 (Air Force type that did not do the job.) to interpretate between us though we all spoke English, the Army guy wouldn't even look at me, he would ask the E8, and I would answer but the E8 had to paraphrase me - now THAT was an Out of Body Experience! God Bless the Army and everyone beneath this guy because that kind of thinking costs lives. It hurt me to see how those guys and gals were treated too. So I say that respectfully.

Enough with my War stories, but I thank any of you who stuck with this long enough to reach this point. If you agree with females in uniform or not . . . I served IN COMBAT ~ for YOU, under the orders of my Government as I promised to do right there beside red blooded males. (Not the only female either by the way!)

edit on 26-12-2010 by TheBirdisDone because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-12-2010 by TheBirdisDone because: spelling

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:24 PM
It's called Female Engagement Teams.
Google it.
Watch them on You Tube.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 10:22 PM
Female soldiers would be totally capable. Only problem if they teamed em with guys most wouldnt be able to pull a wounded guy out of an area of engagement. Other than that totally cool with female soldiers. Besides they make the uniforms look better.
edit on 10-04-08 by Beach Bum because: poor spelling

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 05:23 AM
I bet alot of male soldiers have a hard time killing a female of the oppossite force,if they possitively identify them before engaging.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Yea,your right. On the battlefield,who cares how sexy the person next to you is.
But,another way to think is, it may be the last person you look at.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by whipsandchainsamerica
I bet alot of male soldiers have a hard time killing a female of the oppossite force,if they possitively identify them before engaging.

With all due respect, you'd be surprised at how easy and instinctive it is to kill someone who is about to point a weapon at you and take your life. Whether they are "male" or "female" doesn't play into it. It is an impulsive and instinctive survival reaction.

As for the individual who claimed female soldiers "can't pull a wounded male soldier to safety," we've already covered that a few pages back. Perhaps you should re-read? Generalizations made on gender alone are dangerous underestimations to make.

edit on 1-1-2011 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

I think one of the questions I have is whether or not women would have more empathy for say children in a combat situation than a male? I do not doubt that women are fierce warriors in combat, but to kill in cold blood innocents I just wonder if women would have better judgment?

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by antar

Also if war was to come to America, on my soil, would I have a better chance with male or female soldiers from around the world sent here to do battle? When they see that I am a Mother, and have children, would they even let us go and turn their heads to allow us escape or shoot to kill if they caught us trying to escape the danger zones?

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by antar

Also if war was to come to America, on my soil, would I have a better chance with male or female soldiers from around the world sent here to do battle? When they see that I am a Mother, and have children, would they even let us go and turn their heads to allow us escape or shoot to kill if they caught us trying to escape the danger zones?

I would think that would depend on if there is a "Scorched Earth" policy or not.
But I understand what you are saying....

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

May if it were that situation we would be death walking anyway... Yikes, not the answer I was hoping for...

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:16 PM
Half those women aren't real soldiers - more likely just models dressed in uniforms at big weapons sales conventions or for calendars. Sure, some of them are really "soldiers", but then again, the fact that this video was put together to make woman soldiers appear as sex objects certainly isn't doing anything to help reduce that stereotype and thus provides unnecessary further motivation to their male comrades into raping them. The creator of this video is obviously either unaware or insensitive to that major current issue.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by antar
I have in my youth fought and won 5 brutish men at one time, I have done my fair share of walking away, and of standing my ground without so much as a scratch from my opponents

Oh crap, I wanted to roleplay as Xena too, but I see someone beat me on time there... fair enough... is Spider-Man still available? Actually, scratch that, I'll be Deadpool!

Originally posted by antar
And one more point, women have the natural ability to withstand more pain than the average man, it is because nature allowed us to process pain for childbirth. I am not saying that it cannot be taught, that men cannot train their minds, but it is coded within our very physiology, for us it goes beyond mental state and dives straight to the very core of our amazing abilities.

Actually men bear pain better than women. So much for that amazing ability, I guess...

Males are better at tolerating pain than females because of a key difference in how the sexes transmit pain messages, researchers have found.

A protein called GIRK2 plays a major role in pain sensation and drug sensitivity in males, but is not as important in females. Removing GIRK2 means the sexes become equal in their ability to withstand pain, experiments on mice showed. Taking account of this difference could in the future lead to far more effective painkillers for women.

Previous studies show that men have higher pain thresholds than women. This is despite conventional wisdom suggesting the opposite, since women endure intense pain during childbirth.

Why males bear pain better

Originally posted by xiphias
Women are not objects or property to be located, arranged, or protected.
Man and Woman exist together as a union. Women need to be free and equal.

The feminine needs to be defended.
The masculine is capable of defending the feminine, but the feminine is just as capable.
Theoretically, without technology and science, the masculine is less capable than the feminine.
In some sense, this would make the masculine a potential liability for the feminine.

The power of life is in the hands of the feminine.
This makes the feminine the single most important ideal for every species.
Even more important than the masculine and his false sense of superiority.

A single woman's presence can stop an entire army in its tracks, and change the outcome of any war. This is why the masculine has a subconscious fear of the feminine: she actually wields the power, despite the masculine's own delusions. The masculine will always be subservient to the feminine, despite his best efforts to tip the scale or flip the script.

The fool is the man who proclaimed himself King.
Long live the Queen!

Is... is this one of those infamous trolls I've heard so much about lately? First you say that men and women need to be equal, then you describe men as powerless? You say the feminine needs to be defended, but it's also just as capable of defending itself? What on earth...? Very entertaining post anyway.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by chiponbothshoulders

I do not agree with you. I am a female soldier, and when I turned 18, that is all I wanted to be. There are plenty of jobs available to us, and we serve our fellow troops proudly.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Beach Bum

Actually, we do learn how to do that. We have different ways to carry people, and the chance of a female being in that position is very slim. I've been deployed twice, and never came close to being in that situation.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 04:43 PM
I have absolutely no problem with women serving in the military. I have served alongside several. Many were outstanding soldiers. Some, just like men, weren't. There are some men and women who are overweight, and not too bright that join the military looking for a free ride. They are few and far between but they do exist.

I don't know how they do things in the Army, but in the Navy and Marine Corps, we teach our women to shoot. And to shoot well. We depend on eachother to stand security watches, to man the Browning M2 or Mk.19, to take part in boarding parties, etc., etc., etc. There are several female pilots in both branches as well.

My only complaint was that, in the Navy at least, every time we got a batch of recruits out to the fleet, about 60% of them, more than half, would end up pregnant and transferred to shore duty within 3-6 months. It was pretty ridiculous. Some of these women brought a whole new meaning to the term "Navaho". We used to take bets on which ones would end up transferred first. No respect intended. It's just what I saw.

While I was working with NMCB-40 and TAD with the 31st Marines in Iraq, there were quite a few women there. And they did a fantastic job. Several of them earned Combat Action Ribbons just like I did. I would trust them with my life any day of the week.

They obviously have more balls than many of the posters in this thread. These women are willing to sacrifice themselves for your freedoms. And in return, they get treated like garbage by a bunch of spineless geeks who have never served a day in their lives. Way to go.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by peacenpizza

Exactly! I'd prefer it if people who haven't and aren't planning on serving to keep their comments private. But, then again, sometimes it exposes them for their ignorance... which is nice. Keeps you from carrying on a conversation with a fool.
edit on 9-1-2011 by peacenpizza because: typos

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